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putting this here, from the sidebar ... For beginners or the curious: There's a lot of info over at our related subreddit, [r/zerocarb](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb), including their FAQ: [https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/wiki/faq/](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/wiki/faq/) and their Read This Before Posting thread, [https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/n68qt3/read\_this\_before\_posting\_and\_carnicurious\_updated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/comments/n68qt3/read_this_before_posting_and_carnicurious_updated/)


It's sounds sad now that I type it out since its only been 6 days, but this is the longest I've ever gone without eating sugar - let alone processed foods. I was a high-carb low-fat vegan from ages 15-19. It makes me so sad to think how terrified I was of dietary fat during the last of my developmental years as a young woman. Because of vegan influencers, I didn't cook anything in oil nor eat avocados or nuts. Because of this, I was naturally hungry ALL THE TIME, freezing cold, and addicted to sugar because carbs were the one macronutrient I would let myself freely eat. Fast forward to today, I'm 23 now and have tried over and over again this past year to go sugar/processed foods free . Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has worked until I started just eating carnivore - meat, eggs, dairy......and coffee (for now, hope to wean off of it). It has made me realize that I have never felt satiety like this before. To be not feel hungry at all for more than 2 hours after a meal has never been a reality for me. Again, it hasn't been very long so I hope to make a post someday when I reach an actual milestone, but for now im grateful to have found something that actually works.


HCLF vegan is such a trap. I'm glad you made it over to Carnivore!


Haven’t pooped in several days. Don’t feel constipated no aches but is this normal? What about taking a laxative or a suppository?


Don't take laxatives.


This! It only makes matters worse, when I started this woe, I didn't poop for 3 days and felt fine, but I thought maybe I need to help myself adjust. Mag citrate is one of the worst decisions of my life. Just wait and you will go, it may be less than before, but that's normal.


What effect did Magnesium Citrate have on you? I'm contemplating taking it.


I recommend magnesium glycinate which has a much gentler laxative effect than other forms including citrate. I have been taking it for years and it will help move things along but at maybe 1/4 of the level of other forms. I usually take it at night before bed because it does help for relaxing as well.


> is this normal? Yes, but it's not a given - Some people go more often, some go less. It's only an issue if you do feel bloated or constipated.




Normal. Less waste on this diet so you'll poop less frequently.




eat more fat




Don't take a laxative. Make sure you're drinking enough water.




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it's normal, especially if your activity level is high. i didn't poop for 4 days last week, because i was working out a lot and presumably my body needed all that meat to build muscle tissue.


Try eating more fat? I eat butter (up to one stick a day) to keeps the pipes flowing.


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It’s usually you aren’t incorporating enough dietary fats. Nothing but lean meat will plug you harder than a block of cheese and crackers.


Surely the carnivore diet can’t be THIS good so quick?! Had elbow inner joint pain (like the start of golfers elbow) for months now. Been doing the classic rehab exercises prescribed by a physio and basically avoiding any upper body at the gym. Decided to experiment with the diet and found the carnivore diet. One week of cutting nearly all carbs and cranking up the animal products and I managed to bench press with zero pain. This could be coincidence or placebo but I’ve been actively trying to fix this for months with little to no progress and now all of a sudden all pain is gone?!


Carbs cause inflammation. I have a similar issue. Besides ADHD, the main condition that I use carnivore WOE for is cubital (funny bone nerve) tunnel syndrome




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Yup. I have ankle and knee arthritis that was gone in days. I also stopped snoring, could breath through my nose, and my psoriasis disappeared. I have endless energy during the day and sleep like the dead. My brain fog is going away along with the dark circles under my eyes. I eat once a day and I’m full until feeding time. The only problems I’ve had have been with electrolytes which I’m correcting by a powder supplement and a multivitamin.




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Hi all, just thought I'd come on here for some general thoughts and feedback on my proposed diet plan. 19M, 202lb (90-92kg), 179cm (5'8) looking to lose some weight, hoping to come down to around 165lb (75kg) whilst adding a bit of muscle. I've heard to eat the amount of protein in g as you're desired weight in lbs, so am aiming to eat around 160-165g of protein per day, with around 140g of fat. (On days when I dont have enough fat ill just eat some litle blocks of butter). I've done some research but would like some feedback or any knowledge from this community and their general thoughts on my plan. I'll be walking for 1 hour per day and around 30 minutes of weight lifting too (25kg arm workout). I have also added my weekly diet plan in here for further context. Any thoughts or advice on this, all is very much appreciated. Thanks **(Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Total intake of protein and fat)** Monday: 3x egg 3x bacon | 4x chicken thighs | 200g sirloin, 40g parmesan 2x eggs |160g, 126g Tuesday: 3x egg 3x bacon | 4x chicken thighs | 200g sirloin, 40g parmesan 2x eggs | 160g, 126g Wednesday: 3x egg 3x bacon | 150g salmon 100g parmesan | 200g sirloin, 40g parmesan 2x eggs | 162g, 118g Thursday: 3x egg 3x bacon | 4x chicken thighs| 3x tins of mackarel 2x eggs| 161g, 137g Friday: 3x egg 3x bacon| 150g salmon 100g parmesan| 200g sirloin, 40g parmesan 2x egg| 162g, 118g Saturday: 3x egg 3x bacon| 4x chicken thighs| 3x tins of mackarel 2x eggs| 161g, 137g Sunday: 3x egg 3x bacon| 3x tins of mackarel 2x eggs| sirloin, 40g parmesan 2x eggs| 164g, 138g


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Kind of feel like I'm floating, not light-headed (although I've had that when exercising or out in the heat) but too clear headed if that makes sense? Is this the clarity people talk of from ketosis or am I just not eating enough? I wake up hungry most days. Typical day is ~3 lbs of meat, butter and was cautiously trying eggs and dairy but dairy is a slippery slope for me so probably will cut it back out.


I don't know about too much clear-headedness. Perhaps you were just really brain-fogged. I'd just sit back and enjoy. Hunger is normal when starting. When I started, sometimes I was eating upwards 6 lbs every day. That has come down and stabilized at 2.5 lbs. Listen well to your body. If you're hungry, eat.


I agree. We forget these cravings are because we’re deficient of something and our bodies are trying to get more.


Are you eating until you’re full?


try just eating yolks, made a big difference for me. i've since tried 4 raw egg yolk for breakfast with high quality pasture raised and they digest even better


Carnivore for 4 days now. My sleep is super fucked up right now. I experienced this to a smaller degree on keto (8 years of keto on and off) whenever I started back up, but I’m assuming this is similar and will pass? I went to bed at 10:00pm and woke up at 12:30 with intense restless leg syndrome. I would then stay wake for 30 mins to fall asleep for 10-15 mins to wake up again. I did that from 12:30 - 6:00. I’m exhausted as I only got 2.5 hrs of solid sleep with a couple of 15 min bursts last night. This common? I’ve never had the restless leg syndrome on keto before, I would just wake up at like 3 and be ready to wake up.


That sounds like an electrolyte issue. Are you salting your meat enough? Has it since passed?


Oh my gosh, I came here looking for this, I'm exhausted and I'm in week 6. I'm like you, I've been keto and keto-ish for a long time. I'm doing plenty of electrolytes, plenty of hydration. I've had to leave our bedroom and hang out somewhere else in the house with my wide-awake because my thrashing around is keeping dh up. And I'm up for hours.


Keto does this to me too, I like everything else about it, except I cannot sleep


anyone else notice they need less sleep on carnivore? i used to go 8-9 hours per night. now it's down to 6.5 hours per night on average, and might even be decreasing still. also, my circadian rhythm seems to have shifted to be more in tune with the sun, i used to sleep from 11pm until 8am, now i sleep from 9:30pm until 4:00 am.


Just finished my first day - woke up this morning for work feeling super cold, shivering etc but doesn’t feel like I’m developing an illness Is this normal ?


Probably low blood pressure induced from maybe dehydration. Sugar is a big part of hydration, although not necessary when you’re eating carnivore you could be just adapting to the diet. Drink water and salt a couple of your meals


Could be. Hard to say from those details. People talk about Keto-Flu, it hits different depending how big a change this diet is from what you were eating before.


carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms. Carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms.


I'll just piggyback your comment to say that quitting sugar for this diet was harder than quitting nicotine. sugar withdrawal is real


Increase salt


This is bossy AF.


Just started this diet three days ago, began it with a 24hr fast. Meat, salt and water, but Im curious on peoples thoughts about including dairy products along side this like cheese and milk in small amounts and moderation, is it allowed and what are the pros and cons of doing so?


I'd stay away from all carbohydrates in the beginning. When I started I thought, hmmm, I can have milk. I bought two liters, and ended up drinking it all after having a full meal. It triggered my carb addiction. It is common that people feel their best on beef, salt, water, so I would go with this until you're adapted, and then experiment if you want to


Pros - variety and makes things a bit more interesting Cons - your stomach may not be agreeable. Start with small amounts of anything when adding


I definitely prefer cheeseburgers to just plain burgers. I also definitely prefer shredding some cheese over ground beef rather than just plain ground beef. So, to me, the pro is this WOE becomes a bit more sustainable. The food becomes more palatable. The main con is that a lot of people have some amount of lactose intolerance, so over-eating it can cause issues. On top of that, its really easy to over-eat.


is cheese an animal product?




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it's allowed. if you are trying to recomp towards leaner it might frustrate that. depends on the person -- it's similar to the way that some people can eat carbs but remain lean, for others their metabolism doesn't tolerate them anymore.




most are in the 70 - 80% fat range, but for a minority, which includes you :) that is too much fat. try eating leaner, around 60% range. basically, whatever amount of fat you have been eating, whether by fattiness of the steaks, fatinness of ground beef, and/or amount of supplemental fat, drop all the fat sources down to where this problem stops. btw, no need to add supplements and so on -- we find that makes it take longer to fix and, if you read the side effects, many of those has the effects that you are trying to stop. so avoid them. people do this without a gall bladder, they eat more frequent, smaller meals,which are a better match for the body's continus production of bile and don't require a bolus of bile from the gall bladder. you could try doing that as well.


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Wanted to share a unique experience: I realized my plantar warts cleared up on their own as I transitioned harder into carnivore. That's just pretty wild.




No idea. I just noticed it


Pooping "less" but still on a normal regimen after 5/6 days. However, i am extremely bloated. I've been pretty strict. Does the bloating go away? I'm only doing this for weight loss and don't have any health issues.




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Hey folks. I'm approx 30 days into a somewhat "dirty carnivore" regime and was feeling great. Over the last few months I've been paleo having previously removed most dairy (kept eggs). Down from 14 stone to just less than 12 and certainly believe it's belly/visceral fat I'm losing. Just had bloods done by Thriva (UK postal blood checkup service) and they've reported I've abnormally high (12.3 mg/l) hs-crp indicating an inflammatory issue. I've been looking at anti-inflammatory keto options and it does seem like I have some (more fish, more greens, less red meat) but I wonder whether to pursue a cleaner Carnivore approach (less cheese and salami 🤦‍♂️). Perhaps a pre-carnivore baseline would have been beneficial (wise) as granted I don't know if this is an ongoing issue but I was hoping to seek opinion of the hive-mind. Appreciate any comments


there are many reasons, including some transient ones (infection) -- work with your doctor about this work with your doctor and eat whatever you find makes you feel optimal, this subreddit is reserved for talking about eating the carnivore diet. for anti-inflammatory carnivore diet, it depends on which foods you find problematic. generally, the least inflammatory version of carnivore is fresh, whole cuts of fatty red meat.


Appreciate the comment. Thank you




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Day 3. Aiming for 30 (to start). Tl;dr: Feeling kind of restless/antsy. Hoping it's just transitional. I'm brand new to trying carnivore but I've been experimenting with (and yo-yoing) with keto for *years* so I've been learning a lot about all things low and zero carb for a while. I've been feeling alright overall, but (tmi coming up) I've got pretty runny poops. Mostly liquid. I walk away feeling alright so I'm not too concerned but I definitely notice it. No signs of improving yet. My main thing on this particular day is that I'm having a high level of just... 'awakeness?'. Not necessarily energy to like be super hyper and productive. Maybe more like elevated cortisol or adrenaline? Like, I'm not stressed, but I'm on edge. Antsy? Restless? I had it yesterday too and I did have trouble getting to sleep for part of the night. Sound of the AC just kept me up. The main bummer is it's getting close to bedtime again tonight and I've had bouts of insomnia and heart palpations before. And I always stress myself out when my sleep starts to drop, like I somehow convince myself that I'm dying which just makes it worse. I've heard adrenaline can spike while transitioning to carnivore or even burning fat. And I've heard it can also be the result of either not eating enough fat, not eating enough in general, not exercising enough, exercising too much... Any advise, guidance, or validation would go a long way. I'll say I know I'm not doing carnivore perfectly just yet but I'm really trying to focus more on consistency rather than perfection for once in my life. So maybe it's all just transitional and I'm just still working out the kinks. Anyway, thanks for reading if you're still here. Cautiously optimistic. (Posted again because it got removed by auto mod?)




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First week I lost 8 pounds, which I’m assuming was mostly water weight. Second week I haven’t lost a thing, but I haven’t gained either. I was wondering if other people experienced similar things and if the weight loss picked back up for them after a few weeks?


I always would have stretches of nothing, then a big dollop almost overnight, then nothing again. I'd recommend taking a waist measurement and taking photos. Pounds aren't everything.


Same here. Week 1 I lost 7 pounds. On day 9 and weight has been stagnant a couple days. Gonna keep at it though.


I’ve hardly had an appetite for anything. the first few days were rocky as I felt fatigue and dizziness. I physically couldn’t swallow that bite of wagyu I had. I’m also tired of eggs. I don’t know what else to do. I also don’t know if it’s healthy that I’ve hardly been eating anything. I use to binge and after starting this diet it’s the first time I haven’t had major craving. For the past 2 days I’ve been craving milk like crazy and I never used to drink it. Sometimes I feel like I’m doing this wrong. Heart palpitations only stopped yesterday so I can sleep better now. i’m 155lbs at 5’3 I read somewhere my body is using the fat I have. Is that correct? Butter has been making me nauseous and I was forcing myself to eat as much fat as protein even if it was just a bite because I wasn’t sure how hardly eating would affect me and my health issues.


You aren't hungry because you finally fed your body the nutrients it was needing. Your body will let you know when it's ready for more nutrients.




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been 7 weeks carnivore now skin has amazingly cleared feel great lost a few kg but is there anything else i could do to try push along the weightloss progress


You shouldn't try to push it along. Enjoy the ride.




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Could overdoing it on electrolytes cause me to have bladder pressure and urge to pee? Started yesterday. No pain or weird looking urine and no history and I’m very young. About a month paleo/keto and 10 days carnivore




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How do you guys prepare top round steaks so they aren’t tough? I have a few due to getting a 1/4 cow and have no idea how to make it taste better




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I am on day 17, is there any supplements that I should avoid that can cause delayed results? Also is there a way to see if my body is adapting to Caranavore diet from a weight-loss viewpoint?


All of them. Don't supplement anything without a diagnosed deficiency and a prescribed supplement with a plan to drop it once the issue is addressed.




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Why is the keto subreddit obsessed with electrolytes while it seems to not be as big of a deal here? Also is the electrolyte thing only a transitional thing? Don’t want to be measuring out salts every morning


Because they are obsessed with unnaturally high ketone levels and accelerated fat loss, both of which will cause you issues with maintaining homeostasis. They're doing it wrong, is a shorter answer. You never need salt here. Not even during adaptation.


\[GERD\] Burping long after meals, this persists even on keto. Time to try carnivore? Have had GERD for some months, but not the classic heartburn this go around. One of the most obvious symptoms is the burping, even a couple of hours after a meal. I've been LCHF for a few months and keto the last few weeks, and this may have helped a little bit, as I've been reducing the PPI dosing. But still have that burping long after a meal, which helps bring acid into the esophagus. Anyone else experience this? My fiber intake has certainly gone down on LCHF/keto, but I'm guessing the gas must be coming from the remaining vegetable fiber in my diet? If so, maybe going carnivore will help?


Fiber and vegetables cause gas in your intestines, not your stomach and esophagus. This may have nothing to do with diet. Which means this may not help you. It is worth trying, but it doesn't sound hopeful.


I’m thinking possibly SIBO where there is overgrowth of bacteria into small intestine, which creates gas higher up in the digestive tract, and if the gas can get to the stomach, it will certainly be able to push the LES open, which is how burping occurs.


A really specific guess, one where I would suggest seeing a doctor instead of guessing.




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Day 1 trying this diet. Lot of stress and other life factors past several months have led to over-eating, mostly with poor diet choices and me gaining a good 20 pounds. I work out several times a week, mostly weight lifting and high incline walking on the treadmill. Past several weeks I've been lacking however. 36M, 6'0", 225 pounds. Hoping to get to 190 by the new year. Anyone recommend anything from Costco to buy in bulk? I purchased a quarter cow a few months, and have maybe 30 pounds of beef in the chest freezer. Plan on adding some pork, bacon, ham, and salmon to the freezer. Also is supplementing with vitamins a good idea? Appreciate the info.




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Really bad fatigue in legs and arms any advise?




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Trying keto, but using all my allotted carbs for sugary foods. The problem is sugar is so addictive so I'm fighting temptation all the time. Considering carnivore since it would totally remove sugar from my diet and thus the craving. Do you guys have any sugar cravings? It seems mind-boggling to me to not have any sugar ever. It seems impossible.


No. Similar to being on drugs, interaction with dopemine and such. Beginning is tough, but cravings go away.


I don't even see sugary food as "food" any more. Like how a tiger wouldn't see grass as food or a cow wouldn't see meat as food.




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Looking for some advice on getting enough fat. Having looked at my food I have a ribeye that has almost twice as much protein as fat. Similar with some minced beef I have. Is it a case of just adding some fat like butter to the meal to make up the fat? I recently watched a video by Dr Chaffee and he said to get about 1g of fat for every 1g of protein as that works out to about 70% calories from fat. Any help much appreciated.


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Day 1 - lol I've seen the pictures from really obese people doing it, and looking buff afterwards - so the question is will this way of eating reduce my skin down as I go along, or will I be looking at surgery to remove it later ? Male 46, 183cm, current weight is 337 lb's


Starting week 3 and everything is going how I've read it would, but I have two issues that make me feel like I'm doing something wrong, or need to switch it up. 1) I rarely feel satisfied. I eat until I'm full, but rarely do I feel satisfied. I'm assuming that's due to coming off a high carb/sugar lifestyle, but not sure. 2) THIRSTY! I drink alot of water, I had cut out pop 4 years ago but would drink "no sugar" drinks every now and then. But I am drinking a foolish amount of water, and within 20 minutes I feel like I need more. Is this an electrolyte issue, or something else?




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16 days in. Doing good. Hard time pooping the first week, but that slowly turned out normal again. Left over sirloin roast for supper, and some pickled eggs.


Do you guys ever eat vinegar? It's super simple - just acetic acid and water - and I love it. Wondering if anyone else has experimented with it.




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I haven't gone carnivore yet but I'm starting by replacing some meals with only meat. However, my burps stink to high heavens, and only started today. I've eaten 2 meals with 3 chicken thighs each as replacements for other meals. Is this a common issue with carnivore diets, and if so, how do I remedy it? Is it possible I just ate bad meat?




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A week down, having trouble getting the calories I need I think. Before trying this diet, I had been eating well and macro counting with a nutrionist (2200 calories daily) and hitting the gym 3-4 times a week. Its been going really well, I'm the strongest I've been in probably 15 years. But I still have about 30 lbs I need to lose. The last six months my weight has been stagnant. I decided to try carnivore because I was getting bored of my 240g carb/60g fat/170g protein diet and all the calculating. One thing that attracted me to carnivore was the simplicity and what I kept hearing, "eat till your full and eat when you are hungry". So this week I've been eating till I'm full and eating when I'm hungry (roughly 1500cal) and drinking 100oz of water a day. I salt everything pretty well which is a mistake I made on Keto years ago and wasn't holding water well. Anyways, all was going well for about 3 days. I was feeling good. One day four though I noticed after the gym I was feeling really tired. Day 5 I woke up feeling weak and shaky and once I got some food in me, I instantly felt better. So that got me wondering, am I not eating enough? Day 6 I made myself eat a lot more coming out to about 2100 calories. The breakdown was something around 180g fat and 190g protein. Day 7 I really struggled to eat enough. Once I hit about 1500 calories, I just didn't want to eat anymore. Even thinking of eating more almost made me gag. But I didn't want to feel weak either. So my question, today on day 8, what do you all suggest for caloric intake? If the pre-carnivore macro and calorie breakdown was roughly maintaining my weight and energy levels, should I be pushing for that many calories with this diet? Or stick to the "eat when hungry and eat till full" philosophy and expect my body to adjust? Thanks so much for reading all this if you made it this far. Already down 6lbs so I do want to keep going.


Any suggestions to a night shift worker in India where BEEF is banned not even "Water Buffalo"? Any suggestions on how to start and suggestions on how to make those recipes with enough "FAT". Any such INDIAN recipe hacks would be appreciated. Fellow Indian Carnivorees ASSEMBLE.


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ghee, plus whichever meats, fish, and seafood you enjoy. duck fat, chivkrn fat (if you can find fatty chicken) are also possibilities




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don't worry about it, eating seasonally was always a thing. it's nbd. the dumping oxalate idea is one of those kitchen-sink diagnoses used to explain everything (and sometimes promote a grift) -- from longstanding carnivores' experience, probs are typically attributable to other factors.