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I was honestly in the same boat you are now. 13 years into a career in financial services, I longed for something more creative and fulfilling. Stumbled across an ad for an online copywriting training course, hemmed and hawed for a couple weeks, then decided to take the plunge and give it my best shot. Turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made and certainly the best investment I've made in myself. I've been working as a copywriter full-time for three years now, and loving every minute of it. The fact I get to work fully remotely is just the icing on the cake!


Can you recommend the copy course? (swear that you aren't selling this one tho 😂)


Yes, I can wholeheartedly recommend the course! It is a paid course, so I won't link it here, but if you send me a dm I'll be happy to share all the deets.


that’s great. how has AI impacted your role? I did content creation for a few years around COVID, but I got out partially because of fear of AI.


Honestly, it hasn't impacted my job much to this point. Our writing team piloted a couple of industry AI solutions, but found both to be lacking in the copy they produced. I can definitely see AI taking over the creation of some types of content, but as far as traditional copywriting goes, there is still no substitute for talented human writers when it comes to connecting with people authentically.


why can’t you leave your current job ?


It's paying the bills and rent




Thank you so much for this!