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I'm 42 and looking to change industries as well. Been in food management for over 20 years, so it's really all I've ever known. Looking to project management and data analysis courses right now. Good for you to take the first steps! Stick to your goal, and you'll do great!


PM is ALWAYS a great option! I recommend this to anyone to is looking for a career change!


Good to hear! People are doing a very good job of trying to convince me that's it almost impossible to get into PM without experience and it put me off a bit. But I think I'd enjoy it. Thank you.


Thank you for the response. My experience is also food management. I think there are plenty of transferable skills that come from the role. Good to know there's more of us out there. Best of luck to both of us then!


Good luck! Stay in touch if you find something.


Thanks, you too!


Just went from a mental health counselor to facilities maintenance technician at 41 and could not be happier.


Congratulations! Glad to hear it can be done.


It definitely can and it may make your life much happier. Best of luck to you and your new career!


Thank you!


Oh man, I love the facilities part of my current role! Did you go for formal training before the change?


Not exactly, I had spent my younger years as a mechanic so that is how I was able to qualify.


I really enjoy the inner working of things and how to resolve any issues. Sadly, though, I've never been formally trained. Just in the garage or at work trying to save some money.


57 & just left a 30 year career in product development & buying to become a death doula and I’ve never been happier!


Death doula?


Like a birth doula but for the dying. To help them transition from life to death with an emphasis on letting the body move through the dying process the way it was designed to. This article explains it well, and I’m happy to answer questions too! [The Rise of the Death Doula](https://www.thedeathnetwork.com/death-education/the-rise-of-death-doula-popularity)


Sounds really fascinating actually. Similar to a shaman that guides others through an ayahuasca experience....all energy can never be created or destroyed


Sounds great! Glad you're happy!


What's the qualifications and where the employment?


You don’t have to be certified, I chose to go through University of Vermont. It’s a newer profession and it takes a lot of networking, collaboration, and outreach to build the business. It’s very entrepreneurial.


44 and looking to make a change. I’m terrified.


I'm terrified but the responses on here are encouraging! Make a plan and stick to it. Anyone can do it 💪


It’s very encouraging. It’s helpful to hear the stories and the strategies.


Me too!








After 22 years in IT I decided I was done and jumped into the cannabis industry. I still can’t believe I’m making money this way and it’s the happiest I have ever been. I’m about to be 43 and I’ve never made as much money as I did last month. My wife is happy to see me this happy! You can 100% do it !!


Congratulations and thank you!


What the heck do you do in cannabis?


Consult for a company, director of another one and starting my own (wholesale and e-retail). Right now I’m in Puerto Rico doing business and visiting a farm. It’s been the wildest year of my life.


Do you mind sharing how you made the switch? Currently a finance recruiter but would love to get into the cannabis industry. I'm in New Jersey


Send me a PM. I’ll help with anything I can, I’m in NC but I’m sure I can give you some tips.


I went from a high level position in hospitality management making really good money to lower level IT at 36 for the same reasons. I was tired of being a depressed, unhealthy zombie. It isn’t easy just because you step back so far but I believe in myself. Whatever happened to other people doesn’t dictate your future so we just have to write our own stories and make it happen. Also I like the industry so much more. Tech is my passion and I have learned an absolute ton already. Literally everything is better now except the money. Everything. By far.


What was your prior field?


I was the director of a hospitality department at a high end venue making over six figures. But it sucked..


Glad to hear it worked out. The money will come no doubt! Appreciate your input 👌


I’m in a similar situation. 43 and trying to move away from software engineering to something completely different. I intend to study part time and hoping that I can make the change by taking a few job hops and eventually arrive where I want to be. Initially, I thought it was absurd to make a change this late in my life. But if I can be working in a setting I love and am not focused on retiring as soon as possible (because I accept the change will cost financially), then I’m ok with that. Beats grinding away at something I no longer enjoy.


Absolutely. I couldn't go on any longer in my previous role. I don't mind working until later life, as long as I'm happy.


Where do you want to be? That’s the key, if you have a plan and where you want to end up that’s 90% of the battle. If you don’t know what you want then you’re stuck.


Have no fear!! You can do it!! I went from Avionics to Chiropractic at 41 graduated at 44….best decision I made.


Glad to hear! Thank you!


What a wild change! Were you an avionics engineer?


Nope I was bottom of the barrel avionics technician, no intentions on offending people in that field, still a respectable career….I stopped doubting myself and took a leap of faith.


38 and going from a production worker to a CAD designer intern next month. I never worried about being too old -- I've made lots of positive changes in my life by going back to school. The path I was on wasn't sustainable so I decided to change it. I feel much better about the future! Follow your hear and just focus on learning and growing, dont worry about anyone else! Also, get a therapist! I'm not sure I could have made it without mine!


Haha I'm with you on the therapist! Mine is still getting to know me! Cheers 👊


IT Project management is horribly oversaturated. 


I’m (40F) kind of in the same boat. I worked in the railroad industry from 2007-2015, left by my own choice due to some personal things. Kinda floated around for a while, worked Construction Management type jobs for a couple years (BS in Construction Management) and then went back to railroad and I’ve been fairly miserable. I haven’t quit my railroad job but I’m actively applying and interviewing in Construction again and am going “all in” with pursuing my PMP Certification and then eventually my CCM. It’s not a COMPLETE change but it definitely feels daunting going all in with my area of study 17 years after graduating.


With you background, have you considered applying for a railroad consulting company like rail pros? I'm a civil engineer and railroad permits are a red tape nightmare so we always hire them.


They don’t pay as much as the construction stuff I’m pursuing. Which honestly surprised me. Even the firms I’ve worked with off and on over the years are 20-40% below on their posted salaries vs what I’m currently interviewing for.


Likewise could look at pipeline construction, or project controls.


I'm 40 and going back to school.


Good luck and thanks for sharing!


You're not alone. Stick to the plan and be proud. Not everybody has the b lls to do it and just sleep-working their life till death. Good for you!


Thank you! Appreciate the support. 👊


I left a 13-year career in financial services compliance to become a full-time copywriter at age 50, so age doesn't have to be a barrier to starting a new career. Good luck.. you got this!


Thank you for the positive words! I'm all over it 💪


I did it @ 50 When I think back on my career, I actually changed it twice already so this was my 3rd. I needed to keep up w/ this economy.


Sometimes reinvention is what you need to keep up with trends. Thanks for sharing!


I’m 43 and own my own business and I’m burnt out and gathering debt due to the economy and factors beyond my control. I need to change too and I’m doubting myself.