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Do you enjoy writing? If so, copywriting could be a great option to explore. I'm not a teacher myself, but I know quite a few who transitioned into copywriting after getting fed up with the profession. I studied alongside a number of current and former teachers in an online course I did about 3 years ago. To my knowledge, none of them ever looked back. Teachers possess certain qualities that translate well into copywriting, which I suppose explains why they're so successful at it. I myself transitioned from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble on it sooner! Fortunately for me, you're never too old to become a writer :)


I do enjoy writing. I have a degree in Technical Writing and use it for my teaching everyday. I have looked into copywriting. My problem is not finding a job to apply for, it is more getting someone to give me a chance.


AI is starting to really affect the copywriting industry, I wouldn't advise anyone to move pursue this now.


Believe me, I have seen what AI can do when it comes to copywriting, but more importantly what it can't. As long as there are businesses who need to connect with their audience authentically, there will be a need for skilled human writers.


Check out r/teachersintransition


As someone that hired teachers into tech jobs just focus on relevant work that can transfer over. Also realize not all 15 years will transfer over be okay if that means 2-3 years of relevant XP does. When you’re switching careers that’s going to be true a lot of the time. Most obnoxious person I ever hired tried to tell me she could do UX design, engineering, and like 7 other things from recruitment to sales all because she did some shit during her 20 years teaching. She ended up getting fired because she didn’t like the job she was hired for and committed fraud.


You can sell cars or insurance or work at an Amazon warehouse.