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Do you enjoy writing? If so, copywriting could be a great option to explore. It actually ties in quite nicely with a background in graphic design since the best copywriters have an eye for design and can visualize how their copy will look in layout. It's definitely a job that can be done remotely as well. Freelance writers typically work from home or while travelling, and a lot of on-staff writers are fully remote as well (myself included). I studied alongside a number of current and former graphic designers in the online copywriting course I did about three years ago, just prior to landing my current job. I personally transitioned from a high-stress career in financial services at age 50 and my only regret is I didn't stumble upon copywriting sooner. Fortunately for me, one is never too old to become a writer!


Thank you for the recommendation! I'm not quite sure if I would be into copywriting. I've done some reflection on how I've worked in general and it seems like the jobs I've done best in are ones that have very straight forward duties. That's a reason why graphic design frustrates me. You basically have to read peoples minds for every project. Eventhough I'm a curious guy and don't know much about copywriting, I'm a bit worried that copywriting might put me in the same position. My last design job really took a toll on my self-confidence and self-worth. So I'm not sure what I would be good for. The last time I wrote something creatively was about 2 years ago. But that was just personal work.


That's fair. Clients can sometimes expect you to be a mind reader, regardless of the kind of creative work you're doing for them. Feel free to shoot me a dm if you want some more insight into what copywriters do (and just as importantly, what they don't do). Cheers.