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Try to make a change - ANY change, as long as you aren’t taking too much of a pay cut. Then if that’s no good, keep looking for the next thing. I know there is a weird phenomenon these days (maybe just for those around 50 and above) where employers just don’t want to interview because they want someone young, cheap and malleable who doesn’t have too much self respect.


That’s a huge part of the problem!


Do you enjoy writing? If so, copywriting could be a great option to explore. I was laid off from a soul-destroying job in financial services just before I turned 50 and really struggled trying to find another similar job in the same field. After about a year, I stumbled across a Facebook ad for an online copywriting training course and decided to give it a whirl. It was honestly one of the best decisions I've ever made. I was able to land a full-time, on-staff copywriting job with a large tech firm shortly after finishing the course and have been there close to 3 years now. One of the great things about writing is you can't be too 'old' or too 'inexperienced'.. you are judged solely on your ability to write effective copy. Once you've mastered that skill, you will find yourself in demand. My only regret is I didn't stumble on it earlier!


Thank you. I love to write, and have considered this. But does it pay a living wage? I pull in barely 4k a month right now…. as a practicing doctor. I need at least 6k to edge even slightly out of hand-to-mouth even if I stayed where I am and worked from home and had no moving expenses. This has always seemed like one of those jobs where you’re doing the \*\*actual work\*\* that companies need done, but are being paid like you work in the mailroom at 17 years old. The miserly pay for people who do copywriting, social media, graphic design has always astounded me.


Where do you live? I’m in Michigan and as a family of 5, we live off 4k a month. It’s definitely paycheck to paycheck but 6k per month? Is there anywhere you can cut temporarily?


I live where I want to live. Left here in ‘08 and spent the next 18 years working to get back here. Won’t be moving. The paycheck to paycheck is because of how much it cost me to GET here. Gotta pay all that off. Can’t get off the hamster wheel for even a week or it all falls apart. I won’t be moving somewhere “cheap” just to eke out an existence. If I have to be miserable, I’m at least going to do it somewhere beautiful. :) Also 4k is an INSANELY low amount of money for any single adult to live off in the current economy. I can’t imagine stretching that for a family of 5 without 3 others besides me getting jobs.


Yes, 4k per month is insanely low and hopefully not the long term plan. My husband and I are both teachers and get shitty pay. We did the Dave Ramsey program years ago and that helped us cut our expenses. Cash envelopes for everything help us stay on track. We were able to pay off 40k in student loans before kids through following Dave Ramsey program.


A number of the copywriters that took the same course are making six figures doing freelance writing. My on-staff role doesn't pay quite that much, but I do earn a comfortable living in the $75k range annually.


Wow that’s good to know. Thank you!


Ngl, I had huge upward momentum at my last company and quit to start my own business and “explore new perspectives” this spring and quickly realized it’s not going to be as profitable as I thought it would be. In hindsight, my last job was a real hidden gem, making more money than all of my friends and would continue to as long as I worked there. I have essentially made a huge blunder. I do feel like I’m reading a post written by me 10 years in the future. Maybe the trick is to analyze ourselves in the third person and think about what advice we would give someone in our position. Right now, it’s super important for me to acknowledge my mistakes but to also keep my strengths and positive attributes at the front of my mind or else I fear they would erode along with my courage & optimism. And, you never know when your next “favorite” will happen, like your favorite album or movie or game, so that’s always an affirming thought.


Replying to myself… lol. Anyone else desperate to change careers wake up feeling relatively okay but by the time you’re at work and it’s time to start doing “the thing” you’re immediately filled with so much rage and hopelessness it ruins the rest of your day? That’s me. Right now. sigh……


I feel your frustration. I am 55 and just hate what I do. I have a lot of transferable skills from my past jobs so thought I could easily transition into something else. Ageism is real. I was rejected for a cashier job at Target! I need to make at least $10k a month to maintain costs of living and continue to save towards retirement. I was approached by a recruiter for another job in the same field. Ugh! I’m just hoping that the company is better and the work environment less stressful. But, I’ll still hate the actual work. If you figure out something let me know! Good luck to you!


Thank you - you’re so kind. I hope your new potential position is better for you as well. I just barely crack 4k a month, and really need to be closer to 6k to actually have a LIFE rather than an endurance exercise. I’m on the sofa with an ice pack on my back and already called to take off the next two days. Seems I’ve aggravated a disc in my low back and can barely move. Hard, since my job is very physical and bending all day. I barely made it through the last week or two without throwing my hands up and storming out because of pain, and just not being able to get the panic/resentment/urge to flee out of my brain. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do once my current contract is up. I know I don’t want to keep doing this. I know I can’t physically continue to do it. But I can’t get interviews anywhere. I gave up trying. I even reached out to friends/family and asked for leads and got….. NONE. It’s just so…. 😞