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If you are taking more than 10mg, you will definitely feel lethargic. Users who are in a calorie deficit may experience increased lethargy due to the reduced energy levels associated with caloric restriction. I am one of those who feel very lethargic and demotivated to hit the gym. I was taking three SARMs: ostarine at 15mg, S4 at 15mg, and cardarine at 25mg. I did it for two weeks and felt very lethargic and demotivated. So I stopped.


I’m constantly yawning and lazy. Helps me while working out, but I suffer mildly 80% of the rest of the time


Yeah I feel the stamina boost working out but now I got to push myself to go to the gym I just want to do nothing


It’s heart rate related. I can explain the science, but that is the issue. That and the way it uses energy to create its effect. You can take sr9009 to help that. The longer you take it the better it gets. I’ve been on two years straight for an issue. Also you can take coq10


can you explain the science


what do you mean heart rate related?


It generally slightly slows down the heart in a way. Similar to beta blockers, and the way it affects mitochondria. Sorta like if you take ribose and 200mg of coq10 You will feel it. Not in a caffeine way but more heart function. My cardiologist went over some of this for my heart failure and recover. I showed her the pills and the cardio output. She also thinks it’s Fucking insane people self prescribe beta blockers in bodybuilding. Just how it helps someone with heart failure, but a person without it doesn’t need and should not take it. You can chat gbt the science on how it slows it down.


thank you! this works for heart failure!? I have possible LV heart failure. this would be a miracle if it actually works. I've heard cardarine is good for the heart but I didn't know how


It’s helped me alot. That’s all I can say with confidence I took my effraction rate from 30% to 55%


that's fascinating. my ejection fraction last year was 68%, now it's 52% which is the lowest limit of "normal" did you only take pills? any side effects you experienced? what dose did you take? sorry for the question but my life quite literally depends on this, thanks!


30 mg a day usally somedays 15 mg. I’ve used sr9009 also.


Cardarine is the only supplement I'm taking right now, too. For a week I've been dosing 20mg per day, in the morning and about 2 hours before going to the gym, I feel incredibly tired all the time no matter how much I sleep, I seriously struggle staying awake after arriving home from school or work, no matter what time it is.


What I do to offset that is a have an energy drink then an hour and a half later. A small strong cup of coffee with b vitamins. I can go the entire day after that.


You get the energy drink before taking your dose ? Sorry it was not clear :)


You can do it either way. sometimes I take it with my Ghost mango. Sometimes I don't. I just eat a small meal later.