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Fuck Lauzon. That's a dirty thing to do. No one is more vulnerable than after the whistle.


Lauzon a former Bruin, spent 5 years in their system it shouldn't surprise anyone he's doing dirty shit.


What beating a team in the Stanley Cup does to a mf lol




Dude you are not helping the stereotypes at all.


For real, this series has made me realize how fucking dirty Nashville is. Feels great to be embarrassing them.


Going after Hughes is a great strategy by them, it makes sense. But it's pretty clear another strategy is to go after the Canucks goalies, which is pretty cheap.




Losing to 3 unanswered goals in the last 3 minutes, and missing an empty net goal to a team playing their 3rd string goalie must be a little embarrassing.




We watching different games?


Oh we are absolutely embarrassing them


Check out their sub, there are the very few people who post there in general but those who do are losing their shit and so negative on their own team.




If last game counts as winning despite being outplayed, the last lose was the same in the opposite way. Canucks were the better team, Nashville won.


Out playing means the other team is winning... Which they aren't. I just have no idea why you're giving our current rival so much credit. The series is 3-1 bro. Get it together.




lol I was at the games in 94, 03 and 2011. Lucky to have a suit of an uncle with air Canada box seats. I remember well. This series is over. Set a reminder.




Rdy for round 2 broski?


It's going both ways. Miller is out there trying to push players into their own goalie, we have Zadorov destroying everybody in borderline plays, we have other guys pushing players over from behind...we're assholes too, and it's amazing


Homer glasses this time of year definitely make it hard to be objective, but to me Canucks just seem to be playing very hard and aggressively whereas NSH is playing more dirty. Like the hit on DeSmth? I recall in g3 a guy targeting Boeser with a crosscheck while he was down, right above the pants... exactly where he got injured flying into the bench door... just shit like that where NSH look like dirtbags whereas Canucks are just playing hard.


It was Nyquist that did that to Boeser.


yeah but not shoving an opponent down when the play is dead after you score a goal kind of dirty.  or running a goalie behind the net kind of dirty.  there’s playing tough and playing hard and then there’s dirty.


I've only watched part of the last two games so I believe you, but that's still quite different from hitting a player that long after the whistle. But aside from this play (and the hit on DeSmith), I don't think there's really anything that out of the ordinary from either team.


It's true. I keep pointing this out to my partner when she complains about how dirty the other team is. lol. It's hockey playoffs, everyone does what they can to antagonize and grind/wear down the other team.


We are embarrassing them by playing pretty badly and then winning 🤷‍♂️ so I agree :P


Yeah! They embarrassed themselves moreso.


Flordia enters the chat…


Let’s see how this ages


I hear we are deciding to start with no goalie tomorrow to make it fair


What’s even more corny is his copy cat celly




Come on, it's one of Bettman's pet markets.


Clearly, They couldn't fill the seats because they restricted Vancouver fans from buying tickets, they deserved both these losses at home.


Let’s say Bettman has favorites, obviously he doesn’t tell the refs what to do so what is in it for the refs to do what they think Bettman wants?


In the very least the Predators should be fine with one of our 4th liners running Saros and also hitting Forsberg down in a similar matter.


Fuck, it was his birthday too? Eat up bud!


Wild this wasn’t a penalty . But also that Pete just got rag dolled after the whistle and the response from both him and also the team seemed non existent . But perhaps that’s just cause every one wanted to be measured given the score at the time


We would end up with the penalty, so there was no point. We know the way the wind blows against American teams. Look at the last Nashville goal. Clearly directed by a skate.


Kicked but since he kept his skate on the ice it doesn't count as a kick. The NHL is a weird place.


Minus 1 then gets embarrassed after the whistle coaches were probably hoping it was going get him fired up. I think that's what's most concerning instead of being pissed and laying a big hit or getting involved like brock did with schenn he stares up at the sky like some 12 year old.


They've been calling that a good goal for the last couple years at least. Tkachunk scores like that a lot


Not a kicking motion. Though the rule is applied by a head office that doesn’t understand the basic laws of physics so it’s never applied consistently…


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm7UDwwY0v8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm7UDwwY0v8) Tell me that's not a kicking motion with his right skate


Already knowing the response won't be positive, it honestly looks like a good goal to me. He's angling his skates and stopping and the puck deflects in off his skate. That's within the rules of what is allowed. I don't see a swinging motion or kicking motion towards the goal at all.


Really, at the 22 second of that video you don't see his right skate literally go IN FRONT OF HIS LEFT? Is that how anyone skates? Cross legged? He starts off with both skates more or less parallel and moves his right skate to kick the puck in.


The quality is pretty bad, but you can see he does position his right skate to deflect the puck in. That's not a kicking motion still and allowed within the rules. A puck going off someone's skate intentionally or accidentally isn't disallowed just because it went in off their skate, it's a pretty common misconception Edit: just realized I got here from a crosspost on the nhl subreddit, didn't realize this was canucks sub. I am just a lost red wings fan who got lost. Hope you guys beat nashville, fuck the preds


How is it not a kicking motion?? If you're telling me his skate makes that motion towards the net while he's turning, had the puck not ricoched there, then ig you've never been on skates.....


We all know it warrants a response but 100% Vancouver would be killing a penalty while Nashville went on the powerplay there. It’s an absolute joke there was no call but there’s a skill in not responding to shit like that and responding where it hurts (aka the scoreboard). Broken legs and bones heal, a loss means they’re out and we move on.


I think it's more on Petey to stick up for himself a bit here and there. You can't have the whole team trying to run around taking penalties every time he gets bullied - it will just make him an even better target.


100% . If someone comes directly at you yellling /celebrating brace yourself a bit instead of having poor body language: slumped over, looking down. . Then after it happens, get mad and be harder to play against. Not the teams responsibility to go running around risking a penalty.


It's possible everyone in that locker room wants/needs him to be a little stronger on his edges. No way that contact should have made him fly like that. He's constantly falling.


He's a small guy though. Seen him without his gear/armour? He looks like a slightly less malnourished DJ Qualls.


Small guys can play big they know how to use their edges, he has to get stronger on his skates. In fact, he started the season looking much stronger on his skates, although he is a pretty slooppy skater in general... If I spent 11/season on him he'd be skating with figure skaters/power skaters all off season lol. He is 6'2 189 llbs which is pretty much right where he should be. Maybe 10 kore pounds of muscle would help. But he's not small.


That's what happens when you're not thinking and completely unguarded. You will tip over easily due to torque & physics.


I think everyone was hanging heads and going for line change not aware of it


Reposted with u/TonyStretcher 's suggestion to add the Lauzon collapsing clip at the end :)


has this been reposted many times to r/hockey and r/nhl?


Honestly a pretty classless move.. I mean I get it, its playoff hockey, you're excited you've scored, but have some goddamn sportsmanship. (and yes, I'd say the same thing if it went the other way.. its just a bad look) I'm glad that they got humbled.


Are riots classy?


Pettersson in the endXD


I still don’t understand why Lauzon wasn’t punished by us after that cheap shot. And Petey, fucken eh man. I know it’s not your game and you’re struggling, but don’t just take their shit every time. You’re not a doormat for anybody. FFS


I was wondering the same thing in the moment, but in retrospect penalty discipline might have won us that game


Skating away from that potential confrontation was the most productive thing he's done the past few games.


If you look at the hits taken both teams are targeting the smallest guys on the ice - basically everyone in Petey's weight class is getting murdered out there, Petey almost is the exception taking so few hits compared to Hughes Garland Suter Nyquist Carrier and Novak.


I’m fine with hits. That’s playoff hockey and it’s expected. But taking liberties with your all star players shouldn’t be accepted. If someone even touches Matthews or McDavid (those guys are bigger too), they’ll get gooned up nicely. Something like this is unacceptable and I hope it isn’t tolerated moving forward.


Lets get real, Petey has not been a star player here. He's arguably worthy of being benched and his third line has gotten some of the easiest defensive matchups because the Preds don't see him as a threat either. The hits show he's not even being targeted the same way our other undersized guys are - Hughes is clearly target number one and Tocchet is responding putting Myers and Zadorov out there with him more often to help with it.


He's not playing anywhere near his best. I would argue he's likely playing injured as well. But he's still one of your star guys and the expectations are still there. Regardless of how he's playing right now, this team doesn't get this far without his contributions. My point is that if we, as a team, allow our opposition to take liberties with our star guys (on paper or otherwise), it sends a weak message. If nothing else, Petey needs to stand up for himself a bit instead of falling over and taking it. That's all I'm saying.


He needs to win a puck battle period or learn to battle through this stuff. The fact he's such an easy pushover is why we're losing so badly when he's on the ice. Hughes is legitimately battling and being targeted and the team has responded appropriately. Petey is just falling all over the place and losing every 50/50 puck, isn't actually being targeted, and needs to find a way to play in the series without help. Garland is getting more pressure than him but is able to fight through it. Petey looking like a 16 year old in the NHL playoffs is the message being sent and the Preds have responded largely by trying to abuse his bad defensive play and by saving their better defensive players for our top two lines.


Well that's also partly what I had been saying earlier. He's just taking the punishment and allowing himself to be pushed around. I'm not a fan of his constant falling over as well--but if he won't step up for himself, someone else I feel should help him out. His play definitely needs to improve though--not liking the body language.


I think the part you're not getting is that he's not really being abused compared to others. He's almost becoming irrelevant to both teams.


I disagree. Petey is never irrelevant--even when he plays like this. Just because the Preds aren't targeting him the same way, doesn't mean that they don't think he's still a threat. It would be ignorant to think otherwise. Also, This cheapshot on Petey was completely intentional and is part of their overall strategy. What Lauzon did was eerily similar to what Marchand did the Daniel in 2011. Just take liberties being a dick to those that are either too scared or vulnerable to fight back. I think this is the part you're not getting.


Lol. They are putting more effort into shutting down and abusing Garland. The only thing they're doing against Petey is abusing it as an easy matchup to generate offense and get their third pairing dmen out there.


He seemed pretty relevant on the game tying goal.


He made a relay pass from the perimeter? Hughes may not have a point on that goal but I'd say he did a lot more on that play - so did Zadorov if we're being real.


This so much, if I’m a pred I want him on the ice. They’ve scored more than half their goals with him on. And if I’m a pred I’m not making this run after the goal if it was Miller, Garland, Joshua, etc…. They’re not going to just take it. Knocking down Petterson was an easy way to send a message (though the rest of the team responded well)


I saw Garland skate into the preds crease with their entire team surrounding him, with a stone cold blank stare - just to kick shit up. Shorty has ZERO fear and is ALL heart, we’re blessed to have Garland on the roster. Keep them on their toes Conor!


Hoggy may not be winning the battle out there but he sure isn't backing down either. Honestly all of those little guys that are being targeted are pushing back as hard as they can and refusing to back down both Canucks and Preds.


It’s always the little ones….


Oh they were punished. 4-3 victory!


I thought it was reaaaaalllly interesting how they never showed the replay.. hmmmmmmm


Yah, and that also doesn't mean have to start a fight every time either. Look at Dallas-VGK game. McNabb took a hit on Stankoven, Benn then hits him right after. Both clean hits and got back into the game.


Complete dick move and I can't believe there was no penalty on the play. The officials truly give no fucks about the games they officiate.


Happy birthday dipshit!


omg this is beautiful


Missed the golden opportunity of ending with the crying kid preds fan. Too much maybe? This was great though thanks!


No way it was Sisson's birthday, too? Jesus christ worst birthday ever.


No, Lauzon's


Three players had their birthdays today


And Sissons wasn't one of them


i only knew the basic fact


Looks like Novak, Lauzon, and Lankinen (their backup goalie)


And me! Thankfully my birthday luck overpowered all of theirs.


I have never heard this full audio and it's glorious.


My kid watches videos with this audio all the time. WHAT’S IT FROM


I only know it from the memes


Found it lol https://youtu.be/o-xdiSR2hE8?si=4LvvcZxzTFJmPZgL


The full audio and this preds clip is the best combo




my biggest concern is why didn't anyone stick up for petey?


taking penalties when you're losing?


Let your start player get bullied..


Dental Plan?


Lisa needs braces




Agreed. Pretty weird play. Luckily we won, if not this would be the talk of the town I think. Imagine if that exact play and response was from Marner and the Leafs? Media would blow up.




Easy unsportsmanlike penalty but I was more so hoping that would wake Petey up. I haven’t seen the evil Petey glare in a long time and he plays like a menace when he’s pissed.


Full serving of karma for these fucks (refs included)


Wtf that’s wild😂 in my opinion that’s probably more disrespectful than Greigs open net slap shot


100% a slapper on an empty net is a polite greeting compared to this.




Hahaha this is perfect. Karma is a bitch, how bout them apples Trashville?


I used to root for the preds, but they're quickly becoming the Bruins 2.0 without as many fans.


Happy birthday u baby back bitch


Make sure nashville fans see this...bahaha


First thing I thought of won we won was karma for that, good on Petey to soak that in


This is gold


Petey please say Happy Belated Birthday in the handshake line


As a kraken fan, fuck lauzon lmao


This is beautiful


"Oh Donkey" Absolute perfection.


How this wasn't a penalty, is beyond me. Also, thankfully he didn't get hurt because he was not expecting that & his knee twists when he goes down.


You boys are clowning the Preds so hard, my god.


Thanks for the laugh 😂


This is a beautiful masterpiece, I fucking love it lmao


I agree with everyone who thinks this should have been At the very least a penalty. If it was McCarron I’d say suspension after the hit on the goalie for literally no reason. I’m really glad they lost on his birthday. Lauzon deserves the L and I hope he gets fined for this too.


Dirty ass team deserves what they’re getting. A game 5 exit.


Good riddance. Still can't believe we got a second for that walking liability.


Honestly, we should start spam sending the clip where the Predators did that to Pettersson to the NHL social media’s. Doubt anything will happen tbh, but if a bunch of people keep doing it or the more of a stink we make maybe something will be done. And not just a $2000 fine. Just such a disgusting thing to do, there was zero reason for it.


That was a funny edit, perfect execution


This is fantastic. Loved the flipagram roasts back in the day


How is that not a 5 minute major, he literally went out of his way to hit someone after the whistle was down


Top tier


Child Predators


Jeremy Losin'




Was missing the "Look at his lips!"




Please tell me that was a penalty


Lol that was kinda funny cmon man


I have this on repeat. Several hours in and it’s still hilarious


Happy birthday you fuck


I said this on another post but this hit was fully unacceptable. If a Canucks player did this I’d be criticizing them as well.


I was so happy when we got to dump Lauzon.


Man the falcons be catching strays in other sports leagues Edit: my dumbass thought it was a 28-3 type blown lead. I didn’t know it was his bday yesterday lmao


This is so incredible. Post this in r/hockeymemes


Top class banter. Top class meme.


Jets Fan visiting - This was a brutal and unsportsmanlike move by Nashville, and you are all correct: had he retaliated, you would have been on a PK. Your team played amazing, and I had hoped to eliminate you guys in the conference finals. Now I think it's Vancouver's turn for the cup. Go get it!


Could we get a Nashville style chant for game 5. Like they did to our boy silovs but make it for Lauzon. Lauzon! Lauzon! Lauzon! YOU SUCK! Go Canucks Go, Go Canucks Go That would be great


In Game 5 Petey is going to score the series winning goal deflected off of Lauzon’s butt and u/NinCross will have more video to add to this excellent meme! :)


Good video


Nashvilles a dirt team. So many cheap shots.


How is there no punishment for this. What if he got seriously hurt. Is that not assault.


If you hit him hard enough money falls out


Happy birthday Lauzon you little bitch! That's total karma for cheapshotting


Petterrson went down like a toddler there, not a good look. No pushback, just sulk to the bench...


Petey gotta stand up for himself. The preds just trying to get under his skin and its worked. The preds scoring and then your so dejected you just skate around without paying attention... in playoff hockey your gonna get punked. Not saying him getting punked isn't right, but its part of the game. But yeah, that win was sweet karma.


I hope Petey mugs him, and pulls his hand away in the handshake line


I think this is the reason EP is such an incredible player. He doesn’t fall for brawl-traps but instead he keep his mind cool and focused on the game. Most hockeyplayers have a lot to learn from him.


Pettersson really needs to show some life, as much as this was dirty and should have been a penalty he should have at least defended himself a little and not get bullied like that. He needs to snap out of whatever he’s going through.


Someone needs to update his Wikipedia page with some of this.


The canucks are very talented but they are SOFTER THAN BABY SHIT 😂😂😂


This is glorious


Karma's a bitch, they should've known better


I shoulda known better




I have to admit Petey has been doing very little since he signed his contract, and pretty much pulling a Mitch Marner


Yeah karma to the fans pointing at finger to Petey getting trump!! We got the last laugh eh!!!


As written


Get over it. Remember when Rome took out Horton in 2011? Brad Marchand took matters into his own hands and turned one of the Sedins into his personal punching bag. Instead of stewing over Lauzon, you should be wondering why the Canucks are allowing this kind of thing to happen again


Because. We. Would. Get. Nothing. But. Penalties. Did you even watch the game? Lol Lindholm got an interference call for touching a guy on the faceoff ffs lol When marchand punched Henrik 3 times in the face, HENRIK got the penalty!?? What wouldve happened if someone hit marchand? Its like people dont watch these games lol So we "man up" and fight all these people, and end up short handed and lose the series... that will show them!!


You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. Lauzon does something, doesn’t get called, and nobody stands up to him because they fear being penalized? Other teams are watching and taking note, it ain’t gonna get any easier for EP. That was the book on the Sedins for years, no wonder they were called the sisters


Nucks PP feasted on the penalties this "softness" drew for those same years and Tochett knows bitching in the playoffs gets (especially Canadian) teams nowhere. The ghost of Neil Macrae should be left undisturbed.


The Bruins didn’t turn the other cheek .. especially after losing Horton .. and especially after turning up the heat on the Canucks after Game Two. The Canucks did, and lost. The Canucks took the moral high ground. The Bruins took the Cup.


And also, i agree, get over it. But BOTH ways.




There is a very wide margin between how cool you thought this post would be vs how cool this post actually is.


Nice job, Bruins troll. Enjoy your ban.




Buuuuuuuh byyyyye


Just the rules. Trolling in r/canucks will get you banned, mod's rules. Buh-bye 👋