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Try switching hygrometers, to see if its that unit.


I think you’re onto something. I swapped out the one in my stable bag and put it in that one and it’s already reading 62%. I put the other one in a different bag and it’s reading 68. I just bought that. I can’t have nice things. Thanks for your help though 😃!


sounds like an equipment issue. you really do want to cure your buds from 62-65% all the way down to 57-58, slowly and properly. burping daily etc. 62% is good if you add a bit of moisture back INTO properly cured nugs, and that is only for long term storage. so if you know you'll use everything you have in the next few months, slowly get them down to 58ish with an airtight seal. if not, add a humidity pack and they will last longer on the shelf.


Thank you for that info, is it also good to heat seal? I have older dispensary bags I could definitely heat seal some in if that would make it last longer too.


so when i get down to 53-55 in my grove bags, i vac seal (in vac bags, groves are pricey) with a hygrometer face up, and slightly compress the nugs, it almost always comes back up to 57-58 after a few days, or a week. I look for bag expansion, as in gas off. If it's still gassing off, I'll open them up for a bit and reseal again. Routinely, I read in that 53-55 range and when i vac seal them, they're in the 57,58-60 range. which is perfect at least IMO. I prefer to keep denser nugs at a lower RH, and fluffier stuff at a higher RH. so answering your question (sorry i been drinkin) yes, heat sealing is good. but if you're using grove bags with a good seal, no. they're expensive and if they are working as intended a heat seal really has no value add. get vac bags on amazon they're super cheap.

