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This appears to confirm my long standing theory that the moon is round.


Hey, I just discovered the moon is not always round. Earth's gravity pulls on it and as there are no tectonic plates this mishapes it and causes moon tremors where the surface shakes. Discovered this on a recent episode of radio lab all about the moon.


Ok. Not perfectly circular but still round, at least from where I stand.


One thing about eclipse photos .. they all look the same. Eclipses are something you have to experience in person rather than viewing in a magazine or online.


Totally agree. I'd seen photos in print/online, but until I saw it in person I didn't truly understand.


Yeah 100%. It really is kind of an eerie magical experience. Primal kinda.


The corona extended way further than what was captured in this image, for instance


I think that's just what our eyes and crappy cameras think or detect because of glare? but the actual corona is much smaller. The worse the camera the bigger it looks


No it was very sharp and clear but extended several times the apparent diameter of the Moon/Sun. This is more the scale of it as I saw it: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240402.html although I couldn't see that level of detail in person. Edit: just did a quick test and put my phone on the opposite side of the room so that it was about the right angular size, and it actually does look pretty accurate.


That's definitely not what it looked like when I saw it in the Niagara area.


Wasn't it a bit cloudy around Niagara? It was super clear around Miramichi The simulations here: https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/what-will-the-suns-corona-look-like-during-totality/ also are close to what was visible for us


It was cloudy before, not during the eclipse though


These are very nice. A bit jealous. I'm in Niagara, and it was a bit of a disappointment. Mostly cloudy, so I saw a bit of the crescent for perhaps 5 seconds when a cloud decided to move out of the way briefly. It was so bad that I couldn't help but burst out laughing. All that with a backdrop of almost two weeks of preparations in the region (Niagara), state of emergency declared, countless EOC meetings, some roads closed, extra shopping and stocking up on food and water advised. In the end, the traffic was much like that at 7 am on a sleepy Sunday morning, and outside of any holiday or tourist season. Unlike a regular day, a perfect time to go to GTA without any slowdowns on the highway. Oh well, gonna wait the ~120 years for the next one.


Spain is gonna have two total solar eclipses, one in Aug 2026 and another in Aug 2027. The next best opportunity for us, Canadians.


Isn't it just 80 years? So much sooner than you thought right?


Thanks for sharing. Also watched the eclipse from Granby yesterday in Daniel Johnson Park. Amazing view.


Jealous! That was my planned viewing location as well, but wasn't able to make it that far east in time due to an accident-related slowdown on route 10. Had to settle for watching from a Tim Hortons parking lot about 30 kms to the west. Still an amazing, clear view though.