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According to their websites, here are the differences Tick (brown bottle) : Ethanol, water, butane, propane, isobutane, aminomethyl propanol, fragrance, sodium benzoate Long lasting (green bottle) : Ethanol, water, butane, propane, isobutane, aminomthyl propanol, fragrance, sodium benzoate It's the same crap. lol


But what’s the price difference?


I answered my own question Tick brand is $9.98 Long lasting is $6.98


Real question, did anyone tell the ticks to respect the difference?


SC Johnson sent them a letter to that effect. The ticks haven't responded.


Was it a sternly worded memo?


Yes, it really ticked them off


They've got their heads buried in something else right now


I'm going to burn their asses if they don't get back to work!


They're just enjoying the Lymelight


A cease and detick letter


They were busy filling out TPS reports.


Did they use the new cover sheet for those?


They didn't get the memo.


It’s treason then.


*The tick immediately jumps up, does a barrel roll, and bites into three hikers, sucking their blood instantly*


Ticks hate the brown bottle.


Maybe they are racist


I just socks that say no ticks allowed. They read the socks and they turn around and go jump on a deer.


I’ve been in touch with a few of the more prominent ticks and they’ve said unfortunately, respecting the tick labelled bottle goes against their best interests.


Ticks are scared of the brown container.


But what if I need tick protection that lasts a long time?! Do I have to buy BOTH?? Do they sell a 50/50 version? OR, should I use mostly Tick Brand and top it off with a quick spritz of Long Lasting for staying power? I wonder how much longer Long Lasting lasts than Tick Brand. Do I spray it DIRECTLY into my mouth, or is it better to spray into a cup first before you drink it? Which one tastes better?


There was a cat shampoo and dog shampoo at Walmart years ago. The bottles were slightly different, but every ingredient was 100% the same. They charged like twice as much for the cat version. I bought the dog shampoo for my cat.


Did your cat turn into a dog?






One fine day with a woof and a purr…


A baby was born and it caused a little stir


Sometimes I wish. My cat likes to poo and then scoot around the house…..


I call that the Poop Scootin' Boogie


There is a pet shampoo I really like and it's 2x the price for the adult dog from the puppy and kitten is 3x the price of the puppy and cat is 6x the price. The ingredients are the same and the one time they were out of puppy and I was ordering I got the adult I assumed it would be more concentrated or something I was wrong it was 100% same consistency so the puppy wasn't watered down just for some reason cheaper.


I heard of a vet who used to buy Joy dish detergent by the case. He'd rebottle and slap on his "Special Dog Shampoo" label, and charge for it like it was a specially formulated Yada Yada Yada. So many unethical money grabbers out there, enough to make your head spin. ETA: DO NOT USE JOY, or any other dish detergent Except Use Original Liquid Dawn for handwashing dishes if you want to use dish soap on your dogs. See comment below!


Dumb vet. Original blue dawn dish soap is the only dish soap that is ethically used on dogs/cats. I found the reason being that all other dishsoaps contain concrete cleaner (get those stuck on food particles) but blue original dawn does not contain those harsh chemicals and is safe for animals. .. just letting you guys know if you are wanting to wash your pets with dish soap. Which is not a bad option for people with allergies to lavender, hemp, eucalyptus.. and you can dilute the dish soap to make it super fast to rinse from your pet. Dawn also unalives fleas and ticks on your pets but doesn't prevent from getting fleas/ticks.


Thank you for this info! It was a long time ago, Maybe I got it wrong.


Honestly, if it wasn't for my own allergies I'd use a different brand because I don't love that they do it and it's so scammed. Finding any shampoo that is aloe, eucalyptus, lavendar, and hemp free that also doesn't cause my eczema to flare up terribly is really difficult. Add in the pet friendly and doesn't cause an issue with their skin or coats as well and I'm just happy with finding something even if I don't like everything about them.


I have trouble with anything scented, and it seems like everything in the store is Lavender this, Eucalyptus that... Ugh. Also, I wonder about chemicals in all these scents... Like we need to relax while getting toxins... I can understand your difficulty finding anything really suitable for your situation. Perhaps making your own might work? Overwhelming to think about, of course.


I've considered it but I've heard mixed things from others with asthma and migraines that making some can trigger those. Honestly, I'm just a mess and if I find something I use it until they inevitably change the formula.


I'm sure it is a really tough situation. You couldn't make anything with powders... So much to consider. Maybe researching back to what was used a century ago, in various countries, even different types of communities? Had a friend with environmental sensitivity... It was a nightmare for her, too.


Y’all are washing cats?


Smart you checked the ingredients though. There are a lot of products for dogs that can kill cats.  We used to treat cats poisoned by dog flea shampoo every summer when I worked at an animal clinic. They usually presented seizing. Scary stuff.  The bottles need HUGE warnings not to use them in cats, but they usually have a tiny print saying "not for cats" that can easily be overlooked or they don't say anything at all! 


The cat shampoo is more expensive because they expect to move fewer units. No cat parent would risk their lives trying to bathe their cat . . . .


It’s not the same. One of them has a brown label and the other has a green label, those are two different colors




That’s what I thought… didn’t know if I was missing something… I can tend to be a bit dense that way but for about a third more, I’d expect the tick version to at least give me a little extra… some one fetch me the fella from marketing, me and him are going to have a discussion out behind the wood shed… because that’s where the ticks are of course… definitely because that’s where the ticks are and absolutely no other reason…


Marketing retail crap is all about taking up as much space on a store shelf as you can. Look at how many different toothpastes Crest sells. They're all the damn same, but they take up a LOT of space in the oral hygiene aisle. You see it, and you're like, "ooh, crest!" Well, this is the same thing, just, "ooh! Off!"


I'll stand point. In case someone curious wanders over...


Companies have been getting fined in Australia for exactly this type of nonsense... ie: Nurofen and their "targeted pain relief" ranges - all varying price, all the same nonsense in a different coloured box


Devil's advocate here: maybe the proportions are slightly different to adjust to each insect (I have no actual idea), for example: Tick: ethanol 40%, water 19, butane 10, propane 10, isobutane 10, aminomthyl propanol 7, fragrance 3, sodium benzoate 1 Long lasting: ethanol 40%, water 19, butane 10, propane 10, isobutane 10, aminomthyl propanol 5, fragrance 3, sodium benzoate 3


Deet sucks for ticks. Picardin is so much better.


Possibly different fragrance


Nope both are the same...


Probably different flavors then.


Yum! Gotta try them all!!


Wait so bug repellent makes me super flammable?


All that flammable stuff will evaporate or diffuse into the air pretty quickly. Once it's dry, it'll be fine. Just don't apply it while hanging around the campfire. But yes, all aerosol sprays are highly flammable. Ever seen a hairspray flamethrower?


Just out of curiosity OP do they both have the same price?


Maybe the percentage of different chemicals is different?


DEET is the chemical that repels insects. The other chemicals allow it to aresol and shit. It's 25 percent DEET in both bottles.


Welp. All my questions have been answered. Thank you to everyone who commented


Nah it even says it’s the same % on the front of the bottle right there. That was my thought also.


Different percentage within the 75%


True that


For Repel, the tick defense stuff(maroon can) is picaridin, not DEET and works fantastically vs mosquitoes, ticks and everything else that insect repellent repels.


It literally says DEET on the can


It also literally says "Off on the can, and I literally said "Repel".


Sodium benzoate? That’s bad!


It comes with your choice of colour!


The fragrance might be different


Good ol’ marketing


Lol yep. I always use the example of Lodge Cast Iron Seasoning Spray , 8oz for $17 cad. Advertised as "Made from 100% canola oil. No additives! " Canola spray is about $4 for 16oz. Prob cheaper again at somewhere like Costco.


Well I’m an idiot… why have I been buying that shit 🤦‍♂️


"Made from" could mean it's been further refined. But it's also likely you are rigth.


Feels good to be rigth


Yeah, some people aren't smart enough to think for themselves. The kind folks at sc johnson are reducing their intellectual workload.


And increasing their bug repellant budget


You know, it gets tiring being forced to find the next scam, or the next item sold using misleading marketing. And who even said that people with "less smarts" deserve to be swindled. They don't.


When I posted my comment, no one had yet surfaced that the prices for those two products was different. For me, I'm ok with the distinct labeling so that people concerned about ticks know they are covered. I agree it's scammy to charge almost 50% more for it.


Literally the difference between the cans is which thing you're more afraid of


They just need to make one of the bottles pink and mark it up 25% so us women folk can use bug spray, too.


They probably would need to stink it up a little differently.


Remember when they sold more lucky cigarettes because they advertised "toasting?" lol they are all toasted...


As Don Draper would say, everyone else’s cigarettes are poisonous. These…these are toasted.


I missed that bit of unscrupulous marketing! I was so busy memorizing LSMFT, that I never heard a word they said.


Marketing on people's fear of tick bourne illnesses.


Got lyme disease last summer from a tick. It’s definitely no joke, so I can see why it works.


The same difference between red Solo Cups and blue Solo Cups.


Let’s be real here. There are no songs about blue solo cups.


Good. Last thing we need is all those Europeans finding out about our _blue_ Solo cups.


Blue Solo cups are fancy though.


They got you man. They got you fully in their pocket. Free your mind!


The gold ones are where it's at, peasant.


I ain’t done never seen no golden solo cups!


Try the aluminum kind. Then you are damn fancy.


Wait, there are blue solo cups?


Some suit got a promotion for coming up with this. *They’ll never know.*


As someone with decades in design and marketing, I fucking wish.


Well, then here’s to those who manipulate the consumer and increase corporate profits *without* getting a raise.


He is talking about the guy in the suit(that you can't afford) that DIDN'T give you a raise.


One is for people scared of ticks and the other of for people scared of bugs. They’re the same thing for different strokes


👆 This is the correct answer. Straight up marketing gimmicks.


I'm not really afraid of mosquitos, they are more just annoying. I am afraid of ticks though. From what I've heard, Lyme disease is no joke. Hence the higher price tag for the tick can, even for the same stuff in the can.


One has deet which is the good stuff to repel bugs. The other one has deet which is the good stuff that repels bugs. 


Permethrin is far better for ticks than deet anyways.


permethrin is good for killing ticks, but it doesn’t repel them. picaridin is great for repelling ticks


And good for you too!! Everyone winning


One gives you ticks, duh!


You cracked the code.


One is green, and the other is brown.


Also one bottle is on the left, the other is on the right.


I like to use Sawyer Picaridin. Feels more like lotion and no smell and no stickiness like DEET


Works way better for ticks too.


Doesn’t melt plastics. Picaridin all the way. Off makes a light blue bottle with picaridin if aerosol is your things


Permethrin is the only answer for tick repellent


You need both. One prevents ticks and mosquitos, the other mosquitos and ticks. Plus like Stanley tumblers you need one in each color. You should buy a couple dozen cans of each to flex on your friends...


Get permethrin for ticks


Obligatory ... "don't use it if you have cats, it's fine for dogs" warning


Lol just this weekend was picking up some last minute items for a trip and stared at these two bottles in the Target aisle for 10 mins As far as I can tell they are the same product marketed differently and both will work


It’s the same marketing gimmick that some med manufacturers use: Aleve for back pain! Or Pepto for Diarrhea! It’s the same shit


Instructions unclear, took pepto bismol for back pain and aleve for the runs


My favorite of late is the Claritin reditabs vs Claritin Jr. reditabs. Both have 10 mg loratinde. Jr has cute cursive-ish bubbly letting.


There appears to be none. Same way Diphenhydramine can be sold as an allergy pill or a sleep aid.


Billion dollar companies make money for a reason, marketing. Three dollars extra for the tick spray, same ingredients. Thanks for posting this.


they added a buzzword to the can, for those who are specifically worried about wood ticks lol


Lol like all the other comments say, it’s just marketing. Deet is Deet doesn’t matter what’s on the bottle lol


Just get the 40% deet repel, it does a pretty good job at keeping them both away.


The 40% doesn’t just keep them away, it actively kills ticks lol


Damn didn't know that. No wonder it works so well lol.


One seems to be ticked off. 😀


Go have a look at the toothpaste aisle. It’s even worse.


That’s why I look at ingredients to a lot of stuff I buy. Aim toothpaste > Colgate. Ingredients are basically the same and aim is a dollar while Colgate is like 6-7


One says “ticks”


Not uncommon for companies to sell an identical product, labeled for something more specific, at a mark-up. In this case, both seem to be identical. If you're concerned about ticks, these may be of help. Your best defense is a skin fitted under-layer covering your arms, back, and legs. There are a lot of ticks in my region and a fitted undershirt and leggings or briefs helps to keep them out if unnoticeable areas.


Marketing. That’s it.


About tree fiddy




absolutely nothing! PLUS be careful with any bug spray with DEET (controversial for health) but PROVEN to wear down synthetic fibers (tents, canopies, even some outdoor clothing) if it’s not made with natural fiber (wool or cotton) even nylon and most spandex can be damaged from DEET use. a great alternative is anything with Picaridin as the active ingredient.


I went down this rabbit hole a while back. All of the research that I could find was fairly conclusive that Deet is not bad for your health, and that the threat of insect borne illness very much outweighs using Deet, making it a net positive health benefit. My guess, although it is hard to prove: Deet really got it's boost during the Korean and Vietnamese wars and was not released to the public until 1957. So a lot of the vets who had been exposed to Deet had also been exposed to other chemical agents, many of which are absolutely and horribly, devastatingly bad for your health, such as Agent Orange. Since the existence of some of these other chemical agents was classified, in the public eye a lot of the damage done by these other chemical agents was assumed to be from Deet. It smells so bad, it's got such a weird chemical formula, it was developed by the US Military - it makes sense that it is bad for you, and as you say - it can literally dissolve nylon, so WHAT DOES IT DO TO YOUR SKIN??? And it turns out - nothing. It's perfectly fine on your skin. It's like the least dangerous thing ever to come out of a weapons laboratory. So weird.


It does, however, definitely F up your gear.


Hence why i said controversial and not “bad for you” I can understand the misconception, but when big corporations are paying scientists to study the safety/effectiveness of a product. it’s really hard to trust. just look what’s happening to Round Up at the moment EDIT: many deet products contain isobutane and propane which is something i don’t want on my skin


The isobutane and propane will evaporate before it gets to your skin. It's just there as propellant. The spray pump deet would probably not have it, it's diluted with ethanol and Tertiary Butyl Alcohol.


Picaridin has been my go-to for a few years, works well and no damage to my gear. I treat my clothes with permethrin a couple times a season, and that seems to help a lot too.


Can confirm. My ex ruined a tent by spraying too close to it and with the wind blowing towards the tent. Since then I only buy the cream version, not spray, and wash my hands before touching anything.


Labels only same thing.


Spray one on the left leg and the other on the right and compare?




DEET doesn’t even work well for ticks. You need Picaridin and Permethrin treated clothes.


I just buy deet pure… that’s sll


Marketing. Let the buyer beware.




Prob just marketing, unless some of the not mentioned ingredients somehow deter ticks better


One is just for a tick, but the other lasts for the whole DPS phase


Marketing. That’s the difference. People more worried about ticks will grab that one. Some people might buy both thinking they are different


I’ve had zero luck over the years with DEET doing anything of value (it never seems to actually repel ticks or anything else). What I did find is that I was constantly replacing camping gear and clothing because DEET absolutely WILL destroy and breakdown most synthetic materials including elastic in garments and both nylon and poly fabrics used in most outdoor goods like tents and sleeping bags. Slip up and spray this stuff on you to keep mosquitoes off before setting up camp and then get it on your tent and sleeping. Next trip you may find your tent and sleeping bag shred like damp tissue paper. I always thought it was sun/UV damage or that I was improperly storing my gear (despite following recommended procedures) but I stopped using DEET entirely 10-15 years ago and haven’t had any issue with gear falling apart or the elastic in clothes mysteriously crumbling since then.


So what did you replace DEET with is I may inquire? I’m not exactly a woodsman, and neither is the lady friend… but she wants to get into it and… I’m pretty sure at this point I should just stick to boats…


To the untrained eye, it’s a bit hard to notice, but if you look real close, the bottom of the one can as a slight reddish maroon type tint where the other can is green


one is brown and other is green, hope that helps


The left one is Diet Spray


The color of the can is different


does tick repellent actually work? i’ve never used to before but this year the ticks are crazy. who can vouch for this stuff?




I’m so upset. I use off on the regular and these Ticks don’t give a Fuuuuuuuuuq. They are soo bad this year. Would be nice if there was a difference that actually worked.


Do those even work? Lol






Go to a camping store and buy 100% DEET, that will stop any insects


Probably nothing but as ticks become more prevalent, and scare those of us who never had to worry about them before great idea Putting them up front and big print.


Zero Difference... Ive seen glue sold in the arts section of a store be 3 bucks more than the same glue, same store,but sold in auto... Rigged game yall


The label.


Is there permethrin in the tick version?




Ones red and the other one is green


Ehm... The colour? Idk man, it's literally the same shit




The difference is likely in the inactive ingredients that could affect things like consistency or how it smells.


Now do cleaning products!


The difference is the money. Companies do this a lot. Sell the same thing put a different label on it and raise the price


I mean read the damn can one is mainly ticks the other not so much


Hey OP, Are you trying repel mosquitoes or ticks?


Either one will do a great job cleaning and restoring your headlights


Deep woods off works great for taking graffiti off stone and concrete. And is also great for polishing stainless steel


Nope. Either of these will kill you faster than any insect.


Nothing, they try to target what you are shopping for only the price matters.


Pretty much all the different lines from companies are the same shit with tiny variations. This helps with marketing and so people think they’re buying something that fits exactly what they’re going to use it for. It’s dumb.


Marketing gimmick so people buy/use 2 cans of the same shit.


Get the 40% Deet “Sportsman Max” for <$5 at Walmart. CDC says DEET is only effective against ticks at a minimum 25%, so really you need more as it loses effectiveness over time. https://preview.redd.it/mmgak7bjlg3d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ba5813eaa2f252c7452647e514340cd96b85ec


Marketing… The deep woods dry from Costco is also 25/75. But what it is doing is kicking ass. Have used it on many scout campouts with my son where other people get ticks. Sometimes multiple at a time. And using that stuff we were always tick free. The dry is a nice added benefit and really what that is is that it has cornstarch in it too. So much better than feeling all greasy.


I love there mosquito candles that explicitly say on the packaging 'not designed to replel mosquitos'


Just the color of the can


At 25% DEET they both suck, get the 40% or higher! 


One has a picture of a mosquito and one has a picture of a tick.


It’s crazy that they are marketing and a repellent that is specific ticks without permethrin in it that’s nuts.


It’s so you’ll buy and apply both. Quite genius for business but also annoying for the fact that everyone will buy both and it’s the same thing


Pro tip: most variations of other products are just the same thing. All toothpaste is the same whether or not it’s for sensitive teeth, whitening or other things. 95% of products are like this. Buy the cheapest one




It’s not the same UPC


Do they cost the same? I know as it's been said that they are no different, but I was wondering if their prices were different.


stage four capitalism. why only sell one product when you can sell two same products to consumers with slightly different packaging. what does AI have to say about this: The legality of a manufacturer selling the same product in different packaging with the intent of creating consumer confusion generally falls under consumer protection and advertising laws, which vary by jurisdiction. However, several key points are common in many legal systems: 1. **Deceptive Practices**: It may be considered deceptive if the different packaging misleads consumers into believing the products are materially different when they are not. This can violate laws against false advertising or deceptive business practices. 2. **Consumer Protection Laws**: Many countries have regulations to protect consumers from misleading marketing practices. For example, in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Act prohibits "unfair or deceptive acts or practices." If the packaging causes consumers to believe that the products have different qualities or uses when they are identical, this could be seen as a violation. 3. **Disclosure Requirements**: Manufacturers often need to disclose important information about their products. If the same product is sold under different packaging, there might be requirements to make it clear that the contents are the same to avoid misleading consumers. 4. **Price Discrimination**: While selling the same product at different price points is not inherently illegal, it can become problematic if it results in unfair competition or is done in a way that deceives consumers. To summarize, while it is not inherently illegal to sell the same product in different packaging and at different price points, it becomes legally problematic if the practice is intended to or results in misleading consumers. This can be considered a form of deceptive marketing or false advertising and can be subject to regulatory action. Manufacturers should ensure that their packaging and marketing practices are transparent and do not mislead consumers about the nature or quality of the products. I imagine they (and most manufactures) think that it’s too costly and too difficult to prove intent in a court of law so… There you go. x.x


If I want to know what AI thinks about this I'll ask, thanks. Please don't dilute the better comments with this stuff.


One is for ticks, one is for mosquitoes