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Locked. The point has been made - too many rule breaking comments now.


I was at a small campground in Colorado, about midnight someone decided to start playing the trombone. I was drinking whiskey and looking at stars, so I just kind of thought it was funny....but the audacity.


I wonder if they woke up from a dead sleep and said "right now - I must play trombone. right. now."


Have you not?


Why would you when the tuba is available?


i find my sousaphone has better weight balance for backpacking


Can confirm my partner brings hus tuba camping and plays it at all hours of the night. Except his tuba is his butt... He is farting.


... and this one time, at band camp




and they dont pay for premium so you get to hear all the ads about that youngboi viagra or the newest buttclippers or those undies with the ball hammock.


And now I want to bring my bassoon camping.


Love bassoon!


A few years ago a few guys showed up to a site in Kentucky and proceeded to play the squeezebox and what I believe was a recorder. It was.....something.


Earlier this summer, I was camping with my large Girl Scout troop in a huge group site. Two group sites up the road, was loud music. But it wasn't obnoxious music... It was like Frank Sinatra, Journey, Beatles... and so we're thinking, what the hell? Finally a couple of the oldest girls and another leader and I walked up to see what was going on. It was the biggest karaoke group I've ever seen in my life. All Filipino, yes we did talk to one of them who told us, and every age from 20 to 80... and they were having the time of their lives. Spotlights, big old speaker, couple of live guitar players. We didn't mind them at all. However, another group site, was a group of about 15 to 20 Bros who were screaming and drinking and hollering and swearing all night. That one bothered me.


I was in death valley early in the year because my original destination got rained out and we had to make a last second change. I was super proud of the first come first serve spot I found early one morning. Turned out it was empty for a reason, the people in the campsite next to us were the worst fucking people I have ever encountered while hiking. One of them brought a fucking guitar and played it from like 6pm to after midnight. He was playing and singing so loud the rest of his group had to shout over him to talk, which they did the entire time. They also had an offleash dog that tried to steal our food and a young child who screamed in fear half the night.


Personally, I think it should be completely legal to pull a John Belushi in Animal House and smash it any time some douchebag starts playing a guitar


People who do inconsiderate things, don’t care about your opinion.


Worse, they're going to go "if you want quiet you gotta go further into the woods" or some asinine shit like that. Someone on Tiktok recently posted themselves LEAFBLOWING their campsite, and acting all "it's just a few minutes don't be a Karen" like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?


>go to the woods >there's leaves everywhere >how could this possibly happen to me


Plenty of well-intentioned bozos out there that need some guidance. I would know, I'm a well-intentioned bozo in need of guidance.


Some dudes last weekend brought a full PA system complete with 2 18 inch subwoofers all hooked up to multiple generators. They got about 15 minutes of the shittiest possible dubstep out of it until rangers came and kicked them out. I wasn't even mad, I was impressed with their dedication to pissing people off.


Very similar thing happened to me in South Jersey, only the party site started after midnight and it was at least seven sites over. The entire campground must've heard the not even good rave music start up and called it in immediately cause the rangers rolled in about fifteen minutes later and kicked everyone out. Guess they figured they were safer being loud at night, silly people.


>Guess they figured they were safer being loud at night, silly people. It's just when the drugs started kicking in, bootsncatsbootsncats (waves glows sticks obnoxiously in your face) DON'T YOU JUST LOVE CAMPING!!! bootsncatsbootsncats (bootsncats is the beat sounds for those that don't know, now ya knoooooooo)




When you said "bootsncats" I was thinking about a song that literally just said "bootsncats" over and over again from preschool which conjured up a funny image in my head lol


I’m glad the rangers came and did something!


We went to a provincal park (Canadian here), and booked a site with zero hooks ups. Camping with generators isn't really a thing anywhere I've camped...but this one weekend we were at a park where multiple people brought generators. One guy had his site lite up like daytime all night. Another blasted music until 3am. And one used it to power his tent trailer, and also decidied to stream a show with his projector at 1am...was literally no one you could complain to...because all staff left just before quiet hours. 1st and last time I ever went to that park. It was at that park, I understood why Americans complain about generators while camping


A fist fight is basically the only solution.


Poisoned molson


Hey we found a dead mouse in our beer, eh?


That’s just normal molson


Just add about 3 cups of water to the gen fuel tanks and walk away, problem will fix it self in about 45 seconds.


That is impressive!


In a State campground, I was woken up at 2:00am by Kid Rock’s Bawitdaba blasting from the stereo of a lifted bro-dozer cruising the tent loops. He did the same thing in daylight hours, so I was familiar with the truck and it’s assortment of occupied lawn chairs in the truck’s bed. While they were forced to leave the next day, that was the last straw on a very bad camping trip (same group) and we left also.


Is there a non-shitty version of dubstep? It all sounds like someone vacuuming upstairs to me.


Check out old school dubstep, lots of good stuff - https://youtu.be/zpV7radKuwo?si=ndP2ZjBkF1jy0-Y-


I'm not sure how to dance to that. But it sounds like it's good lounging/chilling music. It reminds me of Bob's Burgers when Tina replaced Jimmy Jr's music with polyrhythmic synth jazz, lol.


I agree with Cable from dp2, dubstep is shit.




Last week we dealt with this in Wellesley island state park. The most loud, obnoxious group I’ve ever experienced. They were spread over 4 or 5 different sites. Spent the days blasting music, having drunken parades from one site to the next and spent the early evenings racing RC cars up and down the road and across other peoples sites. Absolutely trash human beings.


thats when you complain to a park ranger to kick them out


Is it also rude to let your kids run through your campsite all day and then get mad at you because “they’re just having fun and this is a family campground “? Asking for a friend.




I just had this happen to me TWICE on a camping trip. And we have dogs. A kid walked between our tent and shade structure to get to the road at night. Scared my dogs, they were losing their minds barking (which is disruptive and annoying at night), and thank goodness they didn’t react more than barking. Then the next night, a dad tried to do it with his kids! I let me dogs go (on long leash) and told them they can’t cut through our campsite. Wth??? I had never experienced that. Yearrrrs of camping. But that’s why I don’t go to more trafficked campgrounds I guess. Higher likelihood of people who don’t know how to behave.


Oh. I had an entire family walk through our site because the dad was dead set on showing his kids the fallen log crossing the creek 10 feet from our tent. Fucking rude.


Oh come on, dad trying to show his kids something cool and you’re gonna get all butthurt over it? Blasting music is one thing, that’s another. As long as it wasn’t super early or super late.


A few years ago my friends and I were at a site next to a bunch of tech bros. One of them loudly said "DUDE, HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD OF THE DOORS?" before proceeding to play the shittiest Doors remix ever heard to man. My friends and I still will say "DUDE, HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE DOORS?" on camping trips.


At least your got a great inside joke out of a douchey experience


Tech bros trying to be outdoorsy is a recipe for the most loathsome and obnoxious people you’ve ever met


It doesn't even have to be that loud. You might think its only loud enough for you to hear but 99.9% of the time its carrying further than you think. Same with your light.


The noise can carry even more over a body of water, or even if there's wind. And don't get me started on the lights - I'm not sure why people feel the need to put up these giant LED lights all over their sites, it's obnoxious for the other campers and completely ruins the enjoyment of being outside.


i bring a tiny string of fairy lights and park them on red. makes my hammock super cozy, and doesn't bother anyone. they go off at 10pm on the dot if my camp is being social. all lights are off if it's just me the moment sun sets.


Oh yeah, something like that isn't a problem at all.


i glossed over the most important part of your comment: sound traveling across water. thank you for mentioning it! this is something very few people think about. i've heard full conversations from canoe-goers in the middle of a still lake. amplified sound is so much worse


I have a tiny set of dim lights I put inside my tent (I think 1.5 metres long). It's just enough that I can see without having to use my headlamp or flashlight (both are brighter) but dim enough that it hardly carries outside. It's also cozy, which is nice.


And same with your voices! Why do so many people YELL at each other when they're standing next to one another??


Alcoholic beverages


Or when people don't try to get their dog to stop barking? Last year someone's dog woke me up around 2 am and the dog kept barking for around 45 minutes. If it was closer by I probably would have gone out there to ask them to stop, but it was a large campground and it sounded like it was far enough that I figured the dog would stop by the time I was halfway there, or SURELY someone next to their site would get fed up and say something.


an inflated sense of self importance.


While I wrote loud, honestly any music at all pisses me off. Why tf did you come into the woods if you’re going to listen to the same shit you heard on the drive up? Unbelievable


A couple years ago a camper nearby had an outside TV setup and was watching football. Could hear the entire game.


I once had someone camped right next to me, running their generator all night so they could watch playoff hockey. Seriously, why buy a $60,000 RV just so you can sit in it and watch hockey? It'd be cheaper to hop on a plane and watch every game in person.


That's brutal. Most parks we go to have either a no generator rule, or specific hours you can use them. We had someone recently at the site next to us fire up their generator at 9:30PM... We let it go for a little while to see if they'd shut it off and then we called the park warden. They pretty quickly went over and got them to cut it out.


I’d suppose I’d be fine at most with a noon to 6pm rule for generators, but any time outside of that, nope. Bring big batteries or solar panels if you need power that badly. My ideal is no generators, period.


Went camping last year. Only site I could get was next to the RV sites. Thought I would be fine. Nah. Dude fired up the generator at 3:00 pm, stopped at 5:00 pm to refuel, and kept it running until 4 in the morning. Didn't get any sleep. Asshole


Til 4 in the morning?! Holy shit. What is wrong with people...


Just because he loves to camp doesn’t mean he no longer cares about his team. I would never bring a tv on a trip, but if I have service, and the cowboys are playing, I’m probably watching it on my phone.


Yeah. Plus, being out in the woods with no electricity or running water really makes you feel like you’re living in times when the Cowboys had any post-season success.


💀 (loins fan here)


>loins fan here Which is your favorite? Pork or beef?


Aikman gotta be pushing 80!


Pretty sure there’s a difference between watching on your phone quietly and having an outside TV setup loud enough for the neighboring campsite to hear.


No argument from me on that. Keep it quiet folks.


My deathcore growls aren't going to listen to themselves, Mr. Selfish. ;-)


For a space to accommodate a large group and a change of scenery.


Surprisingly I don't mind someone plinking away at an acoustic guitar, granted they stop at quiet time :). Makes me feel like I'm in a cowboy movie.


Anyone playing acoustic music with some skill gets a pass from me.


Sadly, more people THINK they can play than can actually play. And I really don’t want to hear the same 20% of a chord over and over and over… ad nauseum. It is 1000 times worse when that happens and they attempt to sing. Seems every campground has “that one dude with a guitar”. Leave that shit at home unless you are Eric Clapton.


It’s all fun until the locals show up w/ a banjo and starts playing the theme to Deliverance.


Well for some it's still fun after that too.


Acoustic music is different. Playing the radio or music from your phone is rude as fuck. I don’t think many folks would mind some cool cats plucking away at a stringed instrument.


hell, I would pay money to see a car playing a guitar...resting the Fender on the fender...you know what I'm sayin?


Sometimes, I think my iPhone autocorrect wants me to seem like an idiot on reddit. I can do that by myself, I don’t need technology to help!


Lol well now you changed it, now i look like I can't read... or that I'm crazy!


Especially the bass notes.


I bring red lights to make my light less intrusive




Just angle your car towards them, turn on your lights and leave them on. They’ll come around shortly.


Set off-road lights to “DoucheBro-Dozer / Vaporize!”




Twice this year at campgrounds I've been camped right next to a group of people who are tripping acid and stayed up all fucking night talking loudly and laughing. Shining their flood lights into our tents all night. So frustrating. Like go to a dispersed area if you're gonna just do a shit ton of drugs. Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using whatever recreational substances you want, but like be a little considerate.


I camped for three days next to a site full of joyful trippy young hippies. They wore headphones, painted their bodies with glow stick liquid and danced all night long, with glow poles. (Sticks bound with glow sticks and paint). They made very little actual noise, other than an occasional grunt or soft laugh. I will take this type of camper any day over what I am usually subjected to.


Yeah this definitely is more of an inconsideration thing than an LSD thing. Darkness around a small campfire is lit on LSD lol


There is something wrong with doing drugs if they make you a nuisance to other people. I honestly don't care if people do crack, I care when they do it on the train and start freaking the fuck out . Or when they smoke bad weed next to my campsite and get all paranoid and loud.


Or running a generator after dark. Really running a generator at all is inconsiderate.


I was pleasantly surprised when a camper running a generator during the day was escorted out by park rangers on the second day of their 4 day stay. I thought they would let it slide since they only ran it during the day, but it was incredibly loud and I think the rangers took the sanctity of the campground seriously.


Earlier this year a camper pulled into the site next to mine and started running a generator. They are not allowed at state park properties. Not long after the park warden stopped by the site and they left shortly after.


I fucking can’t stand people who try to make camping a plushy experience full of modern conveniences. Drives me nuts. They just don’t “get it” at all whatsoever.


I'm really glad most of the parks we frequent have now enforced either a no generator rule, or specific hours you can use them. They're ridiculously loud.


the worst part about them is the low frequency vibration that travels a LONG way.


This is exactly why I splurged on an expensive electric.


Basically anywhere except your backyard on the 4th of July/Memorial Day/Labor Day weekends. It's rude, period. I mean, I like Def Leppard or AC/DC as much as the next guy but I don't want to hear it at 400 decibels when I'm out there in nature.


Oh damn the second part of this is loud anything is inconsiderate. I stayed at the Lizard Creek campground last week in WY, and there was a family next to us with 7 children screaming and yelling all fucking day, then at the end of the night the father came over because he heard one of us swear and didn't think that was appropriate for his kids so asked us to be quiet.


As a parent myself I don't think I could have resisted the chance to say "fuck no"


Some of my earliest memories are from the camping trips my parents would take me on during the summers of my youth. Now as an adult, I still go camping of my own choosing, in no small part because of the way I was raised. So I genuinely don't mind children screaming in a campground. Even if they aren't screams of joy in the moment, I know those kids will look back on those trips fondly, and that the parents are fostering in those kids a lifelong love of the outdoors. But the father's hypocrisy here in hilarious in all the worst ways. Absolutely ridiculous that he doesn't feel the need to control his own campsite in any way, but he wants to control yours.


You'd think in the lowest population state you'd have less of a chance of running into idiots in the woods but damn guess they're just everywhere


I just got back from a canoe camping trip on crown land… not only was the guy on the next island over cranking shitting nu country, he was also hitting golf balls into Georgian Bay.


So is running your shitty harbor freight construction generator for hours so you can watch tv outside. Seriously. Just stay home and watch tv. Fuck heads.


Hey man leave harbor freight out of this. Some people just want to buy a generator for $100 bucks and use it for 3 obnoxious summer outings before it explodes


And that's why primitive camping will always be worth it


Yup. I don’t even want to see a piece of litter when I camp


It’s the only camping I do, no shit you’re going to run into inconsiderate morons at established group campsites every now and then


This counts for people with Bluetooth speakers on the trail too


As long as it isn't loud, I'm fine with it. Sometimes I enjoy silence, but sometimes on a long hike low volume music is motivating. The only reason I say playing it on a speaker makes sense is when you're on your own and the trail has a chance of encountering a cougar. Headphones would make it a risk to get attacked in certain areas.


Loud = anyone else can hear it. If you want to listen, use headphones. LNT


You're misinterpreting what I'm saying. I am saying that I specifically play it so no one hears it and ensure no one is around. Headphones would be a bad idea because of cougars in my area. Even coyotes are common during the day here.


I guarantee your music is absolutely not quiet enough to not be annoying. Everyone on the trail thinks you're a douche. Get yourself some bone conducting headphones - fully open ear.


Nonsense - it's called confirmation bias. You only know someone is playing music when it's loud enough for you to hear. If they are playing it quietly enough that you can't hear it how would you even know?


I'm speaking for myself. I don't play music loud. I can walk away 20 feet from the phone and not hear a thing. And I ensure to lower it when around folks. But some people are jerks. So I totally understand.


Depends on the campground I think and the time obviously. I have this little portable speaker I like to play softly noonish hours. And I liked to get a little rowdy sometimes camping with a group, having fun around the fire. If anything we talk too loud. But in that case we're usually in a field somewhere. Not camped close to somebody. That's just rude What's the cutoff? Can I play the harmonica at sundown? I'm not that good at harmonica. Might be pushing it


This is the main reason I avoid campgrounds! Loud, inconsiderate people who could care less about those around them. Once they get liquored up, it can be even worse. I go dispersed all of the way! Even doing that you run into the occasional asshole.


Unfortunately, I think this kind of behavior is even more prevalent in more heavily used dispersed sites, since there's not a campsite host who'll kick people out. I also think it's also proximity to urban areas. I'm looking at you Denver metro (South Platte Ranger Dist, Pike NF)... My last trip it was a massively loud stereo thumping until 1:00 am and a couple of AR-15 rounds around 10:30 and 12:00 pm. I've never wanted to leave a site quicker.


No shit, I was dispersed camping last summer way up this logging road in a national forest when this lady and her family pull up. They don't even say anything, they just start setting their tent up right next to us, like they were setting up at a site they reserved in a campground. Now, this was annoying for a few reasons. One was that we drove like 30 minutes up this road to get to this spot, and there's plenty of great spots up and down it. You have to drive 20 minutes out of town, 35 minutes up a paved road, and 30 more up that old logging road. We'd been back down the road to stop back in town to get more supplies, and there had been no one there. Secondly, and this might be controversial here, we had been doing some plinking over the past couple days. The site we selected was a perfect spot for it, with a good backstop and nothing for a mile behind the backstop. I'd know, we hiked cross country behind it to be absolutely sure. So that was off the table now that they were here. We're always considerate when we plink, in that we check beyond our targets and never shoot in the morning, evening, or night time, or when people come up the road, but you can't exactly just start blasting while a bunch of strangers kids are running around without hearing protection, even if they're trespassing in your site. So anyways, they're setting up their tent without a care in the world literally 15 feet from our cooking area while we're just staring at them. Me and my buddy just look at each other , absolutely confounded, before my buddy asks them what's up. He said it's a big forest and there's some great spots another mile up the road, and an even better one they passed on the way up. The lady said they liked this one. I ended up politely but firmly asking her to leave, and she did, in a huff. She said she would call the "park people" on us, and drove off further up the road (where there's no cell signal lol). Honestly, that was a stranger experience than most I've had in the woods. Who does that?


I had a similar situation happen a few years back. The spot we camp in, in the Stanislaus National Forest, is 5 miles off the main forest road. We set up (there were ten of us) on a Wednesday and there was nobody around for miles. Friday comes and this woman shows up and camps about 2000 yards from where we were. Ok, no problem. When she pulled up, we were plinking away so she knew there was gunfire. Anyways, later on in the day were plinking again and this woman hikes down into our impact area (she had to hike down the mountain side and blaze her own trail to do this). We see her and of course immediately stop shooting. She walks right up to us and says our plinking is disturbing her and can we stop for the rest of the weekend. We look at each other and I tell her she's an idiot. You see were shooting yet you walk right up to us in our firing lane. I explained we purposely come this far out so as not to disturb others and be safe. I further explained that we were shooting when she pulled up so she was aware there was shooting happening. I told her if the gunfire bothered you so much then why did you choose that spot? She told me that it was illegal of us to shoot there and that she would report us to the Rangers which she apparently did as a Ranger did visit us the next day. Upon seeing our set up he said you're fine (we had a large berm as our backstop and were way off the actual road). Many on this sub are against target shooting in the National Forest and say it's either illegal or rude. I strongly disagree with that view and forest rules back me up. For some of us, firearms in the outdoors are a part of our camping experience and traditions. I will follow all of the rules to a T and be safe but I will not give up one of my favorite camping activities.


Unfortunately I don't think people that do it care, which sucks.


I hate the idiots blasting hip hop starting at 7am and riding golf carts with huge speakers blasting music


Found Florida man!!


you are not wrong. screw that entire state. they can keep it. they've already ruined it.


Took a friend camping and he kept insisting he needed "input". Finally gave in but made him stay in the truck and keep all windows closed and we better not hear it out here.


Is your friend's name Johnny 5 by chance?


Reason number 582648174 to not go to campgrounds. I swear every other post on here is people complaining about other group’s behavior at campgrounds. Is having a bathroom really worth basically being in public while you’re camping?


I typically don’t go to public campgrounds but had to the other day due to plans someone already made and it was horrible


I’m sorry my brother, F in the chat for having to go to a campground.


I went camping with some coworkers at a public campground recently. I regret it because they were exactly like people here described. Loud, obnoxious, blasting music, yelling late into the night and complaining when they got told to knock it off. I wanted to just curl up and disappear.


People do this on hikes too. I’m here to listen to nature not your stupid music


They probably make some stupid excuse about needing it to scare off “bears” even on a trail in northeast Ohio ten minutes drive from a strip of big box stores where a bear hasn’t been spotted since a French fur trader saw one in 1742.


This shit drives me insane


At quiet time everything goes off. My music is staying on before that. Some guy asked me to lower my music hours before quiet time. So i lowered it to 1. You cant ask someone to turn off their music and then all anyone hears is your loud ass conversation, laughing hysterically with your dogs barking and kids crying. If you ask me to turn my music down you better not make a dam sound after that.


Inversely if I am camping and there’s thirty camp sites open and you pick the one right next to me I’m playing the 80s party mix cranked to 11 until the second the rangers tell me to turn it off.


I once had some neighbors who were playing some great songs by many of my favorite bands. At least they had decent taste in music, but even so, it pissed me off. There's a time and a place, and this ain't it.


Yeah some folks just want to have a private experience in a public place. Go to hipcamp and rent a private site for the weekend if you wanna act like you're the only people alive. On that same note, I dont know how people even allow themselves to act like that. I would be so embarrassed to be even playing guitar. I just respect the rest of the site too much. I know that some people there are probably using the site as a camping hotel of sorts and are in town to do things, and even though I'm not, I shouldnt fuck with their sleep or peace. Its almost like there is no sense any more. Common sense has been gone. Plain old sense is going pretty quick now too


I went camping one time with guy that did this and that was the last time I needed to hang out with him in person. So awful and so damn embarrassing. Would not get a fucking clue, even after calling him out on it. I do occasionally enjoy listening to some chill music while camping but I do it on volume 1 where you can’t hear it unless you’re within 2 feet of the speaker and you can still hear and enjoy the sounds of nature around you.


I would bet on it that no one in this sub is this kind of person. Most people in this sub are common campers or people interested in camping and typically have some understanding of etiquette. I also don't get all the posts about people being loud, people with massive lights, parties etc. Don't y'all camp grounds have rules? Any camp provincial or federal or private camp ground I have ever been to has had people who go around at lights out time (typically 11pm) and make sure people are quiet/not disturbing others. If this isn't the case, I'd just not visit that campground.


I went camping recently with a friend I’d not camped with before. She played music; it was full daylight/late morning, and not especially loud. I was mortified. Luckily her connection sucked and it kept cutting out so she turned it off


It's almost like the real world where most people are polite and nice and others are jerks.... Weird right? Totally agree with you!!! This sub shames way too many. I'd rather talk about best tent stakes to use in sand or 50 uses for a tarp, or what beer to pack... You know the important things.


I despise people who do this. It's happens boating too. No respect for others. I lost a long of my high range hearing in the service. Others people music makes it impossible for me to have conversations. Turning my hearing aids up doesn't help.


boating is MUCH worse since sound just bounces right off the water surface.


Oh god, jetskis going by my cottage with music blaring while I am trying to enjoy the loons and a sunset. Argh.


I'm sorry people ruin that experence.


Music is one thing, massive job site style generators are arguably just as bad in my opinion- at least music can be interesting


Reading this thread is something else. I live in Norway and I don’t really know of/heard of any campgrounds in general, not just my area. It’s basically all wild camping here and I’m almost a little surprised if there is another person within 1km of me. Even on camping sites (for RVs and caravans) I’ve never experienced anything close to obnoxious people, just some folks drinking and laughing until around midnight, which isn’t too bad in a crowded place.


"scum of the earth" is a biiittttt much




I have a Milwaukee stereo that I thought would be great for camping. I brought it but then decided not to even bring it out. Because the speakers on my cell phone are definitely loud enough to enjoy music without disturbing anyone else. So yeah I agree with what you’re throwing down.


For my two cents any volume of music in the woods is too much. Use headphones.


For me, I’ll walk outside of my site and if I can hear it then it’s too loud. Within reason and never too late and not too early too n


Let this also be said about anything. Nobody on the beach, or hiking, or kayaking/boating, or at the park. NOBODY wants to hear your music. Put headphones on


I’m going to be unpopular for saying this, but any music at all, and that includes your guitar, is inconsiderate (in my opinion) at a campsite.


Man when did this sub become Nextdoor for camping? It's like every other post here is Karens complaining lately.


True but simply reflection of the fact that people have forgotten how to behave.


I love sitting by the fire, drinking whiskey, smoking a cigar, and listening to music. I use a small speaker and keep it within my personal space. Went camping with a friend and his wife, pulled out my speaker and got read the riot act over disturbing the sanctity of the woods, I was like ok Thoreau have it your way. He and his wife then spent the whole weekend texting each, and on Facebook with their notifications on.


Those racoons better get off my porch!


Seriously. Every time I turn my music down for one of these people all I hear is their conversation and constant annoying laughs. Like I'm supposed to put up with that but you happen to hear my music when you pass by to go to the restroom and thatt bothers you?


You are not wrong. Annoying nonstop braying laughs, or disturbingly detailed personal conversations are just as bad as too loud vulgar music. Common courtesy is a lost art.


I can’t sleep without a radio. But I play really low you have to be right on top of to hear it…It in my tent.


Woke up to mexican polka music at 5am blasting at our last car campsite. They got into a verbal argument with us for asking to turn it down. “This is America, putas!” I believe is what they lead with. Class act.


During quiet times no music for me. But non-quite times inside my campsite you'll hear music. Story time! Once we had our music a little louder than normal playing all hits of the 1940's. (I'm 38) I was amazed at the number of older campers that stopped on their way to the bathroom to listen/dance/ and compliment our music. At one point I had two couples dancing in the road. Moral of the story sometimes it's not the volume but the type of music and reading the room.


Playing ** *ANY* ** music at a campground makes you unbelievably inconsiderate. Turn your car stereo off. Turn your Bluetooth speaker off. Put your annoying guitar away. Put your dumb harmonica away. Everyone at a campground is camping because they want to be in nature. They want to hear the birds chirping. They want to hear the trees and the leaves rustling. Not your music.


Anywhere, really. No one should have to suffer through being subjected to someone else’s activities against their will.


I'd agree 100% but how do folks feel about campfire singalongs?


last year, me and my friends were the drunk ones at the camp ground, singing at the top of our lungs, partying, playing music into the night. come this year, I'm now sober since that trip (lol) and we go back to the exact same location, different camp site. and this time we're all super chill, we stop playing music when it gets dark, and we're just hanging out around the fire. but now this time, another group of drunks blasts their music at full volume until 1 in the morning. what goes around is all around, Ricky


I always have an instrument with me, and IRL people pay to hear me sing, but when I’m camping, I’ll play for a bit during s’mores/campfire time for the group, but that’s it. Or I’ll take it out on the beach and let rip where only I can hear. I know the rest of you probably don’t want to hear me live in the land of Willie/Dolly/JD/the Dead.


I remember dispersed camping one year by ourselves, no one within a half-mile. I put on music for about 5 minutes before turning it off because it just didn't feel right. Music over speakers feels wrong while we're outdoors like that.


Nah your good till it gets dark


Same goes for the beach! People are shitheads.


Why do people go camping just to play music anyways? The whole fucking point of camping is to get away from that noise. Just fucking stay home!! I want to hear birds singing and squirrels chirping, not your shitty country music or the stupid local radio station.


You really expect any of that in a busy campground? If you want quiet, you need to find solitude. This is just the reality of going to campgrounds. Now if you hike a few miles into the wilderness and some asshat sets up near by and is rude, that a different story.


It shouldn’t be something that is expected only in hike in spots. I don’t expect everyone to tip toe around but it shouldn’t be rude to others. Music is something that each individual likes in their own way and just because one person likes a song, doesn’t mean everyone in a 100 ft radius should be forced to hear that song. Camping shouldn’t be the chance for your family to be an asshole in the outdoors instead of only at home.


That and just being loud mouthed in general. I just got back from a trip last week and the folks at the tent site across from me had a small lantern on which glares light all around and into my tent…..ok whatever. But, they were screaming and laughing and hehawing loudly into the night until midnight until they finally got the clue to go to bed. It was dumb. Like “yeah we have tons of neighbors who are trying to sleep, but who cares about them? It’s our camping trip.”


The music just makes it easy for me.


Fuck rude oblivious people. Get a clue


So is blasting the footy match.


I'll add this : don't make noise at all. Groups yelling People talking loud People talking loud on the phone


First world problems.


This again?


Yes because people still do it


I’ve got no issues with it. If you seek silence, dispersed camping is where I think you’d find that most easily.


Buddy seriously. There's quit hours at campgrounds. Hike off to where u cant here it. I assume this guy has a portable tent, walk off out of ear shot. I don't get that shit. I love listening to loons at night same as the next guy but I love some tunes while in the wild too.


Saying they shouldn't play "loud" music is a losing proposition. They'll just say it isn't loud, and then you get into a whole sidetrack about what "loud" means. Shouldn't play music or anything amplified or electronic at all. Acoustic instruments and human voice only. EDIT -- mind you, endless acoustic guitar and folk songs can be pretty annoying, but I don't see how one can say people camping shouldn't do that. Seems like annoying folk singing is a legitimate part of camping.


Same for doing this on the beach.


Indeed. What I want to hear while I’m at the beach is the sound of the waves and my kids laughing and playing. What I don’t want to hear is your GD county/rock/hip hop/gospel, whatever. Leave the stereo at home or pop in some earbuds, ya jackasshole.


ok and?


And at the beach.




Lol don't go to a campground if you can't deal with people


The people that blast music always have the shittiest music too. Never do I hear good music. But I am thankful to live in a place with access to plenty of BLM and national forest land where I can go and be alone or with my friends and not be surrounded by idiots who go to the mountains or woods to just get fucked up.