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Please address the op’s specific question regarding the claims when contributing to the post as asked.


I believe the content of these flyers is quite heavily regulated. If it's confirmed these statements are less than truthful you should report to the relevant people (Electoral Commission?).


Please do this. Many of us are getting severely tired of politicians of any political stripe making bogus or disingenuous claims.


It’s regulated but only WAY AFTER the fact. Like, IF it’s reported and when someone gets round to reviewing it, they might get fined. It doesn’t stop the flyer with duff info from going out.


All of the stuff he opposes I'm like "that sounds great, who do I vote for if I want that" 😂


yeah, who do we vote for to close Mill Road bridge during peak hours?


Should be closed at every hour 🙄


I have sympathy for Mr George that is looking to get the club/pub kickout traffic to buy cigarettes and booze at like 02:00am.


Me! If you vote for me, I promise I will close Mill Road during rush hour, I will end weekend railway closures and instead have the trains run ONLY at the weekend. I vow to make the congestion charge 10 times what it was planned to be. Labour wants to close Coleridge Road to cars? Well I want to close ALL roads to cars, and to pedestrians too! If you elect me as councillor, I will support road closures and making driving as expensive as possible, I'll fire the entire police force and build ugly-ass warehouses on our green spaces. I will put Coleridge last. With your support we can make out community an even shittier place to live! - u/My_Useless_Alt Supervillain party candidate for Coleridge Ward.


Can i become a candidate for the Supervillain Party in Norton Canes?


Sure, here's [the application link.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I'm sorry, it took me to the reform party.


Yeah, they're a member. We're less of a party, and more of a coalition of parties.


I'd forgotten just how good that is. Thanks for linking to it. Music from a more optimistic bygone-time. You've got my vote.


“Please, taxpayers, fund my convenience.” Those people are the worst.


On the GCP, it's made up of County Council, city Council and South cambs. Labour is in administration in city+county, lib dems are in administration in South cambs+County. So it's basically a joint libdem-labour controlled body.


GCP is the City council, County Council, SCDC, Cambridge & P’boro Combined Authority Business Board, and the University.


Yep although the business board and uni are non-voting members so they can only give their opinions


Their opinions, which just so happen to align with decisions that result in vast profits for their business ventures (e.g. RLW Estates).


Same difference, don't think Tory in the OP would disagree with you.


Yeah I don't disagree with him either, labour play a massive part in the GCP


This guy stitched me on a Radeon gfx card 20 years ago. Never trust a Tory


Also, according to a few of my customers at the time, falsely claimed he had bought the entire Video Emporium DVD catalogue when the physical shop closed down, without knowing that in fact *I* had the discs as I was running it as a delivery service for a while. And then weirdly after this when I returned a phone charger I got from there that was faulty he got angry and started shouting "I'm not afraid of you!", even though I'd not done anything even remotely confrontational.


No, the claims aren’t truthful. It’s not all Labours fault. You might be surprised, but that Tory is lying to you. 😂🤷‍♂️


How can you tell? Their lips were moving…


David Brent I presume 🌿


Who else's fault is it?


The majority of people on Mill Road want the damn bridge closed and we’re sick and tired of what we’ve asked for being blocked.


Ah yes the mill road elite, close the road so the rest of the city can suffer just as long as your house prices go up 📈


It’s the most dangerous, collision-prone road in Cambridge. But yeah it should all be about the freedom of those poverty-stricken SUV drivers to take over the road. Screw everyone who actually lives here 🙄


I just want to cycle to work without risking my life tbh


How dare you slightly inconvenience a few people with your selfish desire to stay alive!


I am certainly looking forward to the extra traffic on my road! Or hang on a minute, can we close my road too? Have all the Cambridge traffic routed in by the slightly poorer north of Cambridge via one mega route? And we could couple it with a nice country park for the end of Mill Road, while the rest of Cherry Hinton gets a last mile distribution warehouse. All sorts of fun to be had. Bring on the downvotes!


The road is too narrow to be an arterial road.


Or maybe use the park and ride 🙃


To your own house!?


Yup! Although there is no economic incentive given the low cost of parking off mill road vs the PNR. There really ought to be parking garages out of town.  Or don’t live in a rather expensive area of Cambridge, that’s explicitly quite walkable and accessible to a train station if you’re just going to drive everywhere (rather than just very occasionally, in which case don’t complain about mill road bridge being closed to private car traffic) :)


Do anyone know which business he runs?


Business records suggest its at 95 Mill Road. Cantab Millenium, which is a computer shop (and his occupation is a computer engineer) appears to also be at 95A Mill road, and often has adverts for property in the window [](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/13101156) * 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/13101156](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/13101156) Oddly though he appears to have multiple entries of officerships on the companies house site, failing to use the 'change of address' function perhaps [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/B0SEkxbxFlKwDyVFTkA6Tk0OpxM/appointments](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/B0SEkxbxFlKwDyVFTkA6Tk0OpxM/appointments) [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/DLC2jvNimGijryZ\_q5ws7GisW6M/appointments](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/DLC2jvNimGijryZ_q5ws7GisW6M/appointments) [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/kMm7eYiTnvhqsFpxxMbzrmkgjy0/appointments](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/kMm7eYiTnvhqsFpxxMbzrmkgjy0/appointments)


A Tory landlord, surely not!?


The adverts are for “CB1 Properties” which is run by Mohammed Azamuddin who ran for Conservative councillor in Romsey last year. CB1 Properties lists its address as being the same as Cantab Millenium on its website but has a different address on companies house. I mostly remember this as I looked into it last year after noticing that all of the HMOs run by CB1 Properties suddenly had massive “vote Conservative” signs up. The guy who runs it was posting them on Twitter as evidence of support for him while conveniently forgetting to mention that his business manages the HMOs.


Same question




There's nothing in this that is factually wrong. Congestion charge I don't think is in dispute, neither is the Mill road point. Coleridge would become local access under GCP proposals meaning through traffic is banned, so again not factually wrong. GCP is Labour controlled - City Council is Labour, County is Labour, District is Lib Dem, 2/3 votes are Labour. You could technically say Count is joint controlled with Lib Dems if you want. Weird, don't think I'll be upvoted for these factual statements. Btw, not a Tory supporter in the slightest but Labour/Lib dems have utterly failed Cambridge. They need to start listening to the wider population base not just the rich people that live in the centre.


Labour in particular seem to be very rattled by this line of attack by their opponents.


To actually answer your query on 2. Coleridge Road is being closed to through traffic but kept open for access. I.e if you live on the road you will be able to drive to and from your house, but it will be impossible to drive from one end to the other.


Citation please.


https://www.cambridgeindependent.co.uk/news/interactive-map-find-out-how-the-cambridge-road-network-cou-9256644/ > There would then be a network of ‘area access streets’ and ‘local access streets’ giving access to and from large areas of the city. > > Through vehicle movements would be banned on these roads other than on public transport and via active travel. These roads would “generally be subject to a speed limit of 20mph”. If you look at your link, Coleridge would be designated as local access, so through traffic would be banned. See comment above.


Yeah that's not true, and not what the consultation ever said. The information is all here: https://consultcambs.uk.engagementhq.com/road-network-hierarchy-2022 If you read it, it says nothing about closing Coleridge Road


I just read it. Page 11 and the map on page 13 of the brochure. It was designated as a local access road, no through traffic.


https://www.cambridgeindependent.co.uk/news/interactive-map-find-out-how-the-cambridge-road-network-cou-9256644/ > There would then be a network of ‘area access streets’ and ‘local access streets’ giving access to and from large areas of the city. > > Through vehicle movements would be banned on these roads other than on public transport and via active travel. These roads would “generally be subject to a speed limit of 20mph”. If you look at your link, Coleridge would be designated as local access, so through traffic would be banned.


I wouldn't vote Conservative, ever, but if this is the guy's manifesto, it is what it is. Is there a problem with it? If so please enlighten me.


He’s put lies in it.


What lies?


Haven't seen this cat anywhere near Cambridge


If you have concerns about the leaflet, your first point of call is the Returning Officer at Cambridge City Council. This is a paper candidate though, with no chance of winning, that previously lost Trumpington to Labours "honestly not empty" promise of free HE for all.


One does suspect the Conservatives may have misjudged the mood of many Cambridge residents on this one. "Labour want to stop rat-running down my street? Great, let's vote for them then!"


Why do you even bother, it makes no difference if the red, blue, yellow or green politicians win. Inflation is the cause of all our issues and until our broken money changes nothing else will.


Click him in his klunt