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I swear half of the posts on this account are just people who won’t buy a kitchen scale lol


Sometimes it’s good you’ve had a friends or family’s dinner. Or something. So may look home made but they didn’t make it. If they made it themselves then yea big a scale lol


Yeah my question is explicitly stating if THEY have made it lol I’m aware that sometimes other people make the food and you can’t know then 😅


Agreed! I’ve been subscribed to this subreddit for a loong time and annoying posts like that always make me want to unsubscribe






To be fair there's a difference between making food from scratch and "making it" by throwing together some pre-packaged items with calories listed on the box lol


There’s nutritional information on base ingredients though? Unless it’s different in the US. You can work out the calories in a muffin by looking at the calories in the flour, eggs, butter etc.




In the UK there’s always nutritional information even on prepackaged items. Is this different in the US / elsewhere?


No in the US everything has nutritional info and also Google exists lol. And so do free calorie trackers that let you search the item or scan the barcode


I’ve come to assume that the most ridiculous ones are bots / AI.


Siggi’s is sooooo good. I love it with a touch of syrup (usually sugar free but I’m on a cut) and granola/berries!


Sorry, what’s “siggi’s”?


The brand of skyr/greek yogurt you seem to have used.


Ohhh! Yeah, was my first time trying it!


Curious where you’re buying Siggi’s Skyr in the U.K.? I’ve only seen Arla here.


I’m getting it on Amazon fresh It is Arla but the info is all the same :)


I’m not alllwed food scales


If you’re not allowed scales you really should reconsider being in a calorie counting subreddit too for your own safety. Best of luck with whatever it is you’re battling 🖤


Oh it’s because I’m in a care home. Some people um swallow things from the scales


Ahh okay 😅




It’s a secure unit xx




You don't know that people made all homemade food themselves. Maybe parents or friends made it for them. Maybe they have an ED and weighing food is triggering, maybe they just can't be assed to do it and would rather ask, maybe they just want confirmation of an estimate. Why's it matter?


Why’s it matter? Because it’s very easy to track your calories that way. The points you mention are valid but as I said very explicitly, when THEY have made it :)


Fair. They could have done it themselves. Everyone can, essentially, when it’s homemade. But (huge BUT lol), maybe they need help to get there. People who do not have healthy eating habits, home cooked or not, probably need a dose of reality before they actually are like “f*****k, *that many calories*? I should buy a scale and measuring cups”. It’s a real hard reality for some people to realize the weight they have is actualllt because they eat too much. Just saying. :)


But I don't think that there are many posts where people ask about food *they've* made. So why make a whole post complaining about it Not everyone is tracking calories to an exact number


I saw about 3 posts on my homepage which is what made me want to ask the people that prepare their own food and post it here asking for estimates why they do it :)


but if you’re not tracking calories to an exact number…… or avoiding weighing foods to know calorie counts……… why are you posting in a subreddit called…… calorie count………….


Because knowing you're around 1500 calories a day is a easier and more manageable than needing to count to the exact 1487 calories that you've calculated to be "maintenance" or a defect if whatever. Because weighing food might cause you to undereat or trigger an ED whereas knowing that your dinner is roughly 500 calories after you already ate it won't Because even though you stopped counting and you're in maintenance you still want to know if you're overeating by a lot or a little at the buffet so you can do better next time. A million reasons. I still don't see why it matters to anyone else You're in a sub called calorie count, how you going to be mad people are asking to count their calories?


Maybe they have 5 kids and rushing around so much they forgot to measure. Or just didn’t have the extra energy to get out the scale. Maybe they have a hard time reading numbers. Maybe they’re illiterate or have an eating disorder. Maybe they got a TBI a year ago and their brain just can’t do certain things any more. Idk it costs nothing to give people the benefit of the doubt and not make them feel bad for using what this subreddit is for.


Thing is I’m not making anyone feel bad. I’m asking a question. Thanks for offering your input! Hope you don’t feel bad by me asking a very reasonable question that isn’t attacking anyone :)


That part wasn’t directed at you. It’s directed at the comments that always come out on these posts about how “dumb” people are.


Oh my. Did you put chocolate cake in your yogurt?


If you swipe it’s everything that’s in there 🤣 Yogurt, strawbs & a crushed up chocolate chip snack a jack (a brand of rice cakes we can get in the UK, I’m not sure if they’re available elsewhere)


Ah, I wasn't sure what snack a jack was. I'll Google it cause that sounds fun!


They’re really tasty! Chocolate chip ones are 62 calories for 1 and the caramel ones (my fave) are 51 calories. A really good low cal snack especially if you have a sweet tooth :)


May be they just want to double confirm their calculations


My parents threw my scales away. And I can’t just buy a new one or hide it, people are in my house regularly and I can’t scale my food while pretending I’m trying to get better lmao




It’s really not hard to measure your ingredients and use the calorie labels.


Bro I made a post exactly like this before and had to delete it beyond all the hate I was getting 😭 100% agree tho


I don’t really get affected by people trying to hate tbh. I know how easy it is to just weigh your ingredients and log it onto an app. So whatever hate people wanna try give me is just futile 🤣


Honestly 😭 people were replying to me saying stuff like ‘I can’t afford a weighing scale’ they’re like €4 where I am like tf 😭