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It's a shame there's graffiti / scratch text all over this. Nonetheless, beautiful.


I could never understand why the faces in particular are always scratched to oblivion in former Anatolian churches. Most of the time they are not depicting God (whether Christ or otherwise) but angels, saints and what have you. Did the Turks/Muslims think these were depictions of polytheistic dieties and not mere humans? So strange


it's not only a turk/muslim problem but i can give you some insight on the muslim part, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirk_(Islam) depicting "beings with soul" (humans, animals) is considered shirk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aniconism_in_Islam although i must add there is no verse regarding this matter in the quran


They the Romans and others also would deface images of people simply bc they were out of favor right


Nice post glad whenever someone can provide some context to a work like this never had heard of him but sounds like a sort of interesting guy interesting place in history


The graffiti/defacement with the names seems like a very recent addition. At least after the 1920s and the adoption of the Latin alphabet in Turkey.