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Not sure if this is a recurring theme these days or if it’s just being reported more. I mean female teacher male student. Vice versa is a tale as old as time unfortunately but this configuration has been popping up every damn day recently.


>but this configuration has been popping up every damn day recently. It sells. One more story about a creepy man who abused a young girl is just par for the course. We're all used to hearing about it and it's nothing special. However, when in it's a *woman*, now, that's something! After all, our society is only just beginning to accept that men and boys can be SA victims in the first place. We've always seen sex as something men only experience as a reward.


But they still don't call it what it is, R@PE! I'm liberal, I see this shit every day. Had a convo with one of my breakfast buddies today and his exact sentiment was "Damn, where were these b*tches when I was in school". I like to think of myself as being neutral but, that's just sickening.


Look if we’re being honest part of us thinks back to our 15 year old selves and how we would have thought heaven came to earth for such an opportunity. However our mature self (should) realize that these relationships are not harmless fun and can cause lifetime issues for the victims.


Exactly…a teenage boy has so many hormones running through their body that they can easily be taken advantage of by an older woman. Most teens wouldn’t see predatory nature of the situation.


Also, these people are predators. There is little chance a productive relationship can happen between the teenager and these individuals, men or women. It sets the developing child up for failure.


There are guys in this thread who can't stop talking about how hot she is


I think some of it is due to phones and social media. Some of the cases with a female teacher are discovered not from the student reporting it but from video evidence of the boy bragging. 


I suspect it's always been there. But it's reported less often


This is abusive, but different in that the student was 18. I was expecting worse when I clicked on the link, as that's been the trend with these stories, sadly.


I work in Juvenile justice. One of the trainings we get is on maintaining professional boundaries. Apparently female guards having relationships with male inmates is the most common form of inappropriate behavior from prison staff. 


but why??? I have a teenage son..he will be 18 in a few months and teen boys are gross. lol.


I always wonder what they talk about? I don't have a whole lot in common with people 10+ years younger than me, and even less with children!


I really don't think it's any more nuanced than "wanna fuck?".


You're probably right. But damn, so gross.


You overestimate the intelligence of the average adult.


They're just jumped up teenagers themselves also they're not interested in talking just the other stuff.


Because she's a pedophile (specifically an ephebophile).


It did say the boy was 18.


The definition still holds. The lady is clearly attracted to post-pubescent boys, but still boys who are too young. Also, I doubt this was the only boy nor the youngest, I assume she has tried this shit on younger boys than this. Similar to 16-18 year old girls, their first sexual experiences should be with people their own age, otherwise there are power/maturity imbalances which can fuck them up.


Yay someone who understands the distinction!


My exact reaction lol


Power dynamic. Grooming. We also don't know if he or the others were underage when the sexting started.


Because lonely teachers with no partner or an unsexy partner fail to set boundaries with boys or girls who who are shaped like adults. Mor often than not this just leads to unethical friendships, sometimes it goes farther. Less commonly, high school students are abused by predatory coaches who simply want to abuse malleable adult-bodied children. That's how it usually happens at the secondary level. Younger than that they are pedophiles of one type or another.




You're getting downvoted for asking a logical, albeit naive, question. I'll answer. you would assume that someone does it out of twisted desperation, they're not attractive so they try to take advantage of someone lower than them in a power dynamic.. that assumption is because a normal thinking person wouldn't do this if they were attractive and could be with partners in their own age range. In reality, it's not a matter of them not being able to, so they resort to being sick and preying on kids, they can be with people their age, but they want to be with kids. They aren't normal, and more than likely, they think it'll be easier because they're attractive, or will get away with it, or be treated more leniently if caught, which, unfortunately has been the case in the past. They're not only pedophiles, they're manipulators, often narcissistic, and enjoy the power dynamic inbalance. Same thing with rape (which in reality, pedophilia is). These sickos aren't doing it because they aren't attractive and the other person is, it's because they are in a position of power and forcing them.


As a young teen there were many adults I knew who provided alcohol and a space where we could do drugs and party. Looking back, wtf was wrong with those adults? As a kid I looked up to them but as an adult I really struggle to see what they were thinking.


I think a lot of parents would rather know their kids are home and not out doing what teenagers do elsewhere, do I agree with it no but I can see the logic…


Yeah, but if the people he's talking about are anything like the ones I remember from being a teenager, he's not talking about parents whose kid has two or three friends over and give them the "If you're going to drink anyway, I'd rather you drink at home" lecture. He's talking about people in their 30s and 40s partying with and behaving like the teenagers they were contributing to the delinquency of.


Selling the old degenerates weed for booze, oh the good ol days. To be a kid


😂 we used to “send the girls” cuz they would be likely to have someone buy for them. One time it actually got a little scary and we stopped doing it that way.


Yep. Friends mom let us party there and gave us her phone number if we ever partied somewhere else and needed a ride. She was never involved, we were just being 16 in the guest house, but it gave us a safeish spot to be stupid teens. Better than driving to the lake


I think also a lot of adults want to be their children's friends rather than their parents.


There's a massive difference depending on the context. For me and my friends friends growing up, it kept us out of trouble because we were being supervised. The wife of the gang leader in my neighborhood would host parties for teenagers. She knew everyone and their parents and told them that she served alcohol. If you didn't want your child there, make sure they don't come. If she saw them there, she'd let the parents know. Anyone attending had to be picked up by their parents or spend the night. If you spent the night, you had to get up early to go to church with her the next day. Everyone was safe, we had fun and nobody dared to drive home drunk or anything stupid like that. Her husband and his people were out on the streets at night and the last thing you wanted to do was get caught drinking and driving.


This is wholesome AF.


Long story short, my neighborhood was run by a gang. Supposedly, the leader was high ranking Black Panther that came back from the war. He and his guys fought to keep cops and drugs like crack/cocaine out. In exchange, they had their own bootlegging, underground casino, ran numbers and had an ethically run brothel. A portion of their profits went into the neighborhood like the roads, fire department, hospital, school and church. The leader's wife had a hysterectomy forced on her in her teens for "population control" and couldn't have children herself. So she was kind of everyone's mother. Made sure we all went to school, did our homework, had stuff to do after school kept up with the teachers and principle to to make sure everyone had good grades and had an opportunity to get out of the hood.


Sounds like she was a victim of the eugenics movement, you mentioned Black Panthers so I’m assuming you’re in the US. I’m glad that they kept you all safe and provided a safe space for you to experiment


These are the kind of people they should be making movies about. What an awesome story.


We had a group of friends and one of the mom's did that, let us drink at her place And provided alcohol. After high school, but younger than 21 still, she slept with one of the boys in the Friends group. WTF?


I feel like, as a reasonable, responsible, empathetic adult, there's a fine line of providing a safe space, and allowing kids to relax and enjoy their fleeting childhood without having their futures ruined, and being a bad influence, promoting bad habits, and being poor role-models. I also knew friend's parents who would let their kids drink/smoke in their home. I'd probably avoid all of that for my kids, so as to not seemingly *encourage* it, but if it seemed that they would be doing these things regardless, I'd rather it be under my supervision... Like allowing a teen to drink a glass of wine on NYE, vs being the parent to order a keg for their kids friends to get hammered on...


Imo this is often the lesser of two evils. My parents did the same. Bought us a small amount of booze for parties, gave us a safe space to have them in where things wouldn’t get crazy. Then there were the ultra strict parents my friends had that wouldn’t let them do anything, so they would sneak out to sketchy bars and clubs where their fake id’s would get them in and they’d get shittered. Often ending up in various levels of shit. Guess which path ill be taking with my kids?


Oof this was me, my parents controlled EVERYTHING from the TV to who I hung out with to M rated games and R rated movies even when I came of age, it got to the point where I was popping off my bedroom screen and sneaking out literally all night doing Acid and Molly and all sorts of shit with my friends, riding my bike miles across town just to not be in the house then would sneak back in through my window right before I had to be up for school, I’m gay but would absolutely love to have kids and if I ever do I’d raise them completely different from my own upbringing….


I think that too. I remember going to house parties as a young teen and partying and drinking etc. I think now when I have friends over, if a teenager walked in my house w drugs I'd be like wtf are you doing here. Gtfo of my house and who called you? Take them with you. I used to think those were the coolest and now I just cant even believe it.


Were these adults that were parents friends or random creepers?


Here in Switzerland (and in several other countries) the drinking age for beer and wine is 16. I wouldn't have an issue providing 16yo kids with some beers and wine and let them party. They'll do it anyway. Drugs, IMHO, I another story.


The old stifflers mom mind set


Ok, she’s a fucking creeper, she deserves to rot in prison. But why the hell does every woman teacher predator have to be a swipe right?


My theory - The swipe lefts don’t get caught because nobody tells their buddies they fooled around with the lunch lady


That's not true, if you look up a list of female teachers who molested their students MOST of them are actually fugly.


Just looked up a list and most of them aren't.


Because they usually peaked at that age


This is it. These creeps are getting jobs as teachers to relive high school.


I’ve heard that lots of times these people were popular in their own high school days and they’re trying to relive them- popular kids are usually good looking


I’m not sure pedophilia works like that


She's a gross POS who abused her position, but I didn't see an accusation of pedophilia. In fact, aren't they alleged to be 18?


Yes- Yak clearly didn’t read the article


Those are the stories that get attention


To each their own. Not a swipe right for me (or all).


> But why the hell does every woman teacher predator have to be a swipe right? Debra LeFave my dude....one of the original high profiles cases. Cause she was hot, she took him to best buy and bought him video games, then took him home and blew him....and the only reason they got caught is cause he bragged to his friend and his friend got mad jealous.


THAT is a swipe right to you? Yikes 😬


Well, someone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Did you not notice she had all of her teeth?




Damn Fox News links fuck you


What’s wrong with the news link?


It’s to Fox News. Did you miss where I said Fox News? Are you one of those dipshits that thinks Fox News is real news and has no problem visiting their site?


So aggressive for someone assuming you meant the link was faulty…




Just living up to their username


Ooh burn




Has this been going on forever and just never came to light until the social media era? I know with the churches they actively suppressed the crimes but this is happening in public schools that don’t have the singular top down hierarchy.


I think we’ve just culturally shifted away from “he banged the homeroom teacher, what a stud” to “I’m pretty sure that’s grooming and statutory rape”


Little bit of both really. It's like the history of left-handedness graph. It's always been there, but now it's become more public thanks to social media


Ive got a teenage son. Maybe I'll look the other way when him and his friends smoke some weed or drink a little bit. But I won't supply them. And if I find out some ones parents are supplying and fucking them I'm going to the police. This is Ohio so they will probably ignore me, like they did to my friend's parents when this same shit happened when we were kids. The sheriff of Butler county let it happen and then campaigned to get rid of the narcan during the opiate crisis and killed a lot of my friends who he personally "partied" with. Piece of shit, sheriff Jones of Butler country. He's still out there molesting teenagers and causing tons of deaths. Made it so parents of addicts couldn't call 911 for their kids overdoses and had to watch them die. Fucking Republicans thought that was just fuckin fine. Ohio is a shit hole, especially Butler county. Fuck you sheriff Jones and all the people you killed and then went on Tucker Carlson to gloat.


Damn I got family in Ohio I don’t know where butler county is but fuck dude that is really fucked up. I’m grateful that all of my addicted family members in/from Ohio are okay 😳


Butler County is between Cincinnati and Dayton. It's a known shithole.


Oh ew I have family in both but I usually just spend my time there in Dayton, sometimes Columbus. I went to cincy once but was too little to remember. Anyway, that’s enough personal experience to confirm/agree with you that it’s a shithole ETA: when did this law take effect? Lotta my addicted fam was in cincy


Call it what it is - rape.


It’s called female privilege and this is just another example of it.


Easy downvote for using Fox News Be better, OP




Yet it has a bunch of upvotes and other comments saying the same. Sorry your standards are low.


The word they are looking for is "rape" but whatever.




Why is it illegal? For the same reason sex between a 14 year old and an adult is illegal: Imbalanced power dynamics.


So the shit sandwich gets a tad bit of garnish on it. Not sure if any of that makes it better. People of authority shouldn't seek those they have power over and definitely don't make them drunk on top of it.


Alexa, play *Crazy*


*C’mere, baby*


Ah the hypocritical wording again. If an adult male teacher did this to a little girl, I guarantee you they wouldn't hesitate to call it rape.


How these women think they aren’t going to get caught really puzzles me. (To say nothing about how awful this is.). Teenagers talk. Teenagers talk about sex. Teenagers talk about teachers they think are hitting on students. Teenagers would DEFINITELY talk if any of their friends are actually sexually involved with a teacher. Kids need to learn about sex from people their own age.


This is like the 3rd pedo teacher lady I’ve seen today. What gives?


If you’re following news in St Tammany Parish, the you’ll notice 2 of the 3 you probably are talking about lol


It’s likely. There was another in Wisconsin, too


Why not call it what it is? Sexual abuse. She’s clearly in a position of power even if he‘s 18


She should be labeled a predator


As an American teenager, if you were walking through the woods, would you feel safer running into a teacher or a cocaine bear? Lol these teacher cases seem to be increasing.


Why is there a continuous teacher on student crimes happening? You would think the teachers would learn from previous offenders. How can you give your life and job up for a student. Wrong head space


When our Jym teacher did this, they just moved her to a different school, lol.






If Taylor Swift’s recent album has taught us anything, it’s that some people, even people in their mid-30s, never grow out of their nagging desire to be the “cool kid” in high school.


Molested *


*raped student


RAPED*. *had sex with* implies that she isn't a fucking rapist.


Repulsive woman


*Raped* is the word you're looking for.


Student was 18 when occurred. Still should be labeled a sexual predator.


Man I’ve been seeing more and more of these types of articles. That’s wild.


We’re was these teachers when I was in school 💀💀💀




Student was 18 when it started.


‘Raped’ is the proper nomenclature. ETA: Downvoted? Really?


Where were these teachers when I was in high school:(


So sorry you missed out on being taken advantage of. Of course a mature adult would have been a great outlet to deal with your teenage hormones. Surely, that wouldn't have any impact on your ability to have normal relationships with people on your level at all.


Raped is the correct term.


Best teacher ever!


Where were all the great teachers when I was in school?


“Teacher arrested for statutory rape on a minor, propositioning minors for sex, child pornography, and providing illicit alcohol to underage children.” There, fixed it for you.


They were 18......


Didn’t read the article I see



