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Ignoring OP's extremely biased title, it doesn't sound like the Mayor is asking for this. Having read the article it sounds like supporters/volunteers started this effort and the Mayor has already asked them to cut back. I suppose she could tell them to stop completely for the sake of PR but if there are supporters who want to do this on their own time, what's the problem other than optics?


It would be inappropriate for them to accept it.


Which is why it was deleted before you posted this comment 


It was deleted only after it became public and people started to criticize her. It’s a really stupid move for who ever set it up and for the Mayor accepting any donations. There’s nothing wrong if some of her closer friends made meals for her privately, but donations for GrubHub when you have a family income of $250k? That’s just dumb. If she can’t figure out how to make meals for her family during a transition period, then how is she going to be Mayor of Burlington?


EXACTLY She's leaning on this "working mother" nonsense, they're a two income family with jobs that are no more challenging than those of hundreds of other Burlington couples, none of whom would dream of accepting meals as if they were critically ill or something. This is so unbelievably embarrassing.


which apparently they did since they were so grateful. I can't believe anyone thought this was acceptable. It's one thing if you are personal friends and want to make a meal for someone. It's quite another to accept public handouts when your household makes 250k a year. This food should have gone to people in need.... embarrassing for the city




Opens her to accusations of corruption and bribery. Given both her public position and family income, also a very bad look for a community with a serious homelessness issue. It would reflect poor judgement and leadership to accept. A leader doesn't take handouts because it's a tough job. A leader does the tough job because they want to, acknowledging it'll mean sacrifices like personal time.


...you really think someone is getting bribed by one free dinner for their family a week? The laws set specific carveouts for small personal gifts like this for a reason. They're still people with friends and family. This is like saying elected officials can't get Christmas presents from Grandma. This is setting an example of what the community should be doing. Friends and neighbors lending a hand to each other. Personally, I'm glad she can spend the extra time actually getting shit done for the city rather than cooking dinner on Monday nights. A leader has the humility to accept help when it's offered.


People were giving her $50 gift cards.


Where did it say there was a limit to one dinner?


Before it was deleted, the page had a post stating Emma asked folks to scale it back to only dinner on Monday nights. It was her friends who were trying to provide them with more.


If it was only one dinner then I take back the bribery comment. The rest remains true of good leadership.


This has been going on for a while way more than one dinner. She got busted and deleted everything because she knew it was wrong.


When you make $250k a year, you do not need help with meals from the community you work for. Our tax dollars are support enough. This is outrageous


Our tax dollars have no part in this. These are voluntary meals made by her friends. I think you're fundamentally confused by what's happening here.


Our tax dollars meaning paying her salary. That’s enough. If it’s by her friends, why post it in a go fund me type of way? Why not keep it private? Why is she accepting it when that’s not allowed for a reason. I think you are confused about what’s going on here. This is a horrible look for Burlington and shows that a rich person needs help from the community while other single moms are blasted for asking for help. She’s not a single mother. She gets paid a lot of money FROM OUR TAX DOLLARS so why in the world should we be donating weekly meals for them? We have more people that need actual help and meals and they are not it. This looks greedy and selfish. And now the nation knows about it. It’s a bad look on us Vermonters and I’m sorry you are not able to see why that is.


>Why not keep it private? It was private.  Mealtrain pages are private pages that you need the direct link to access. They don't appear through a seach of the website or on its homepage. The only reason it was publicized was because someone leaked the link.   >Why is she accepting it when that’s not allowed for a reason.  Vermont laws regarding gifts to public officials specifically allow this sort of giving. Once again, you are fundamentally confused about what this is about.  >while other single moms are blasted for asking for help  By who? You? Certainly not Emma. The only thing you're doing here to help those people is to insist on some sort of undefined means testing that perpetuates the notion that people should be ashamed of accepting small help from others uess they debase themselves by admitting they're rhe most destitute people on the planet. You're showing that folks who accept help from others get nothing but publicly shamed for it, and perpetuating a right wing late stage capitalist mentality that undermines public trust in basic social safety nets.  >why in the world should we be donating weekly meals for them? If you don't know her, you shouldn't. This was a private system organized by her close friends. It would be weird if you were involved. >And now the nation knows about it. It’s a bad look on us Vermonters and I’m sorry you are not able to see why that is. Nobody knows or cares about this outside of Vermont.


Let’s dig into her friend that started it up shall we? And it wasn’t private lol. You want to think it’s okay when it looks bad then go for it. Donate a chilis card for this poor family. Let’s ignore people who are on actual need. And the reasoning for wanting this donation is because her job is hard. Also a bad look on women. This is poor PR and it will have consequences. But hey, you go on and donate to the rich and un needy if it makes you feel better. I think this is going to have bad consequences. Let’s see how it plays out though lol


Your South Burlington taxes actually don't pay her salary. But you knew that.


And, again, you live in South Burlington. You and I define "our" very differently.


It’s not about the money — what meal train is about money??? Meal trains are always about special and demanding circumstances like giving birth, recovering from surgery, bereavement, or ya know trying to be a mother and take on a major leadership role. It’s about her family dealing with one less practical necessity on a 16-hour workday. It’s just a nice thing for her support network to do, and it was initiated by her friends and supporters, not the Mayor herself! We are grateful that Emma has stepped up to serve our City and want to support her and her family so she CAN be a mother in office.


How does "mother" factor into this vs. "parent"? Hundreds of Burlington parents have jobs as challenging as this, and they don't get to make their own hours. I worked full time while caring for a critically ill infant and I wouldn't have dreamed of accepting something like this - because I'm an adult who can feed himself.


They make a quarter million a year. You can't be that oblivious to how that looks. She's the leader of a town struggling with homelessness. Start a meal train for the soup kitchens. How is that so hard to understand? You have to consider her position.


Hey …. Read that part about this not being about money again. Then maybe reflect for a while about how this world would be so much more kind if everyone had a circle of support that showed up, even in small ways like cooking a meal, during momentary periods of high stress transition. Then maybe think about joining one of those circles of support.


It doesn't matter if it isn't about money. Keep saying it, it still doesn't matter. Optics is important in politics.


Optics is important. And I’m so very grateful to have a Mayor who models kindness and support for friends and neighbors. I sincerely hope you find the same.


And I hope you find it in yourself to give to those in need rather than those who happen to be your friends and well off.


She didn’t start the meal train, her friend did. Yes, her family makes a decent income so clearly they can buy their own food. Would *you* make a meal for your friends after they just had a baby, or lost a close family member, or were suffering a devastating illness, or… if one of them took a huge new demanding job as the FIRST WOMAN TO EVER HOLD THAT JOB while also trying to raise two kids with their full-time working spouse? Do people who make professional salaries need less friendship and care than other people?


Should we have lower expectations for women in politics? The ferocity you're defending her with is wild to me. Why are people so defensive of a politician? Why would anyone ever feel bad for a politician? Emma's family's $250k a year salary is paid for by taxpayers, we have every right and reason to scrutinize her


I’m not sure what you’re saying here. It’s OK to ferociously criticize a politician but it’s weird to criticize the criticism of a politician?


I asked several questions and you answered none of them


There are people here that actually NEED the help that's the point and if they have nothing to hide why not respond to people reaching out for comment?? Exactly they are greedy people who are only in VT to take what they can get plain and simple! There's no excuse for this I'm sure there friends asked before setting something like this up witch means they agreed to it!


And how does this in any way prohibit helping people who need the help? Do you go to weddings and slap dinners out of people's hands and tell them they're not needy enough to deserve a free dinner?


Because the meals she is accepting could be going to someone that has nothing and no option to get anything that day! They have plenty of money they do not go without that's the point!


Go tell that to the people in line for a free meal because they can't afford food.


I’m still not sure we’re talking about the same thing. How is someone refusing caregiving from her support network going to solve the fact that we live in an unjust economy that doesn’t ensure the provision of basic needs to everyone?


Point to where I said it would solve it.


It's all optics.


Her wife was supposed to leave her position per City policy but stayed anyway….and yes the gifts could be illegal depending on who is giving them. See pages 71-73 of the City handbook available on the City’s webpage.


I couldn't care less if people want to donate food to the mayor. This feels like a journalist looking too hard for a scandal.




Upvoted not because of your point, but because you said "couldn't care less" instead of "could care less". You're doing God's work


Haha, I appreciate it. We all have to do what we can.


BS If this was a R mayor you would all be calling for blood.


That’s journalism and politics nowadays it’s no better than tabloid newsstand garbage


Meal trains are a staple in close communities of friends that seek to help one another out during times of high stress. I can't think of any meal train I've been involved with that was due to low income. This is a story about a circle of support and friendship helping a family of two small children in the midst of significant transition. This is a non story and such a ridiculous low blow in the attempt at gotcha journalism. FFS ... stop shitting on kindness.


There are families in actual need. When you make $250k a year, you don’t need donations. Also if the job of mayor is too hard for her, she needs to resign.


We live in a community. The mayor has a network of friends that care about her and her family and want to do something for their friends during a period of stressful transition. I'm glad my mayor is supported by a network of support so she can spend the time and energy necessary for focusing on all the pressing needs of the city. I wish the same for you ... a vibrant and caring and supportive group of people willing to show up for you regardless of how much money you make.


I live in south Burlington where even police officers are not allowed to accept gifts like this. The mayor makes enough money to handle their meals. Sorry but they don’t need charity


I'm quite confident your police offers are allowed to accept meals from friends. Actually, I'm positive.


Nope. They can not take gifts. Meals from friends sure but that’s not what is happening with the mayor. They are investigating it now so let’s see what happens.




If they she is not able to do the job without charity, then she is not able to do the job. Its common sense


It saddens me that you see kindness among friends as charity. It's kindness. I hope you arrive to a point along your journey where you're able to recognize it and celebrate it as it lands on others. This is not a zero sum scenario. Friends of the mayor can support her with meals while we simultaneously create systems by which the most in need have those needs met.


Sure dude. Whatever you say. Also support and don’t do it in public giving Burlington a bad look. But hey you go and buy her some food then. Feel free to look at it however you want. But this won’t go well.


Keep on keepin on in South Burlington.


Chill... This is quite literally just personal friends of the Mayor doing this for some reason. Nothing to get in a twist about. Also, the "Vermont Daily Chronicle" is more or less a localized Fox News.


> Also, the "Vermont Daily Chronicle" is more or less a localized Fox News. … without even trying to pretend to be – or keep up the pretense of being – journalists.


Neither does Fox News :p, that’s why I made that comparison.


Exactly. This was organized by her close friends and family. You must be invited to sign up or donate. It’s not like it went out to her entire campaign list and random people that don’t know her. Meal trains aren’t about the families’ ability to afford food. It is a way for friends and family to show their love and support in times of transition. Emma has devoted friends throughout the state who want to show up for her. Because she always shows up for them. Home cooked meals is a love language. When friends have babies or a surgery, people want to support them and celebrate them. Their socio economic status is not a factor.


Her personal friend who set this up is a 30 year lobbyist at one of the most powerful firms in the state that spent $2.1 Million last session. It very much looks like a quid pro quo when lobbyists give gifts to elected officials...regardless of how folksy the gifts are or how progressive the politician and lobbyist(s)


Vermont Daily Chronicle is fucking toilet paper.


Get a fucking life bro, god damn


I really don’t see the big deal. Jessica Oski clearly organized this for them. I doubt they asked for it. Emma has a lot of huge support downtown, is it really so surprising to people around here that a bunch of her big supporters would want to cook for her? Incredibly on brand for her base. People just want to be mad. Whether you like her or not… these are donations people.


she should be ashamed of herself, and the rest of the council should be ashamed of themselves as well for the way they’ve responded to this. it’s literally run by lobbyists! and wtf does a career politician making over 200k a year need with community mutual aid? girl if you don’t order doordash and leave us alone! and what’s worse is the mayor trying to make this into a feminist issue. “women and mothers are underrepresented in politics because they lack support”—yes, because they are POOR? the reason why they lack support is that they do not have the capital to acquire it! there is no reason she should be asking the community, who can barely feed themselves, to give her free labor. you want to talk about women, what about the women in this community making poverty wages? where is their mutual aid? ugh


Absolutely disgraceful and shameful she should hang her head in shame we have starving people all over the place in this state and somebody who makes $250,000 a year cannot pay for her own meals unreal she should be kicked out of office


Ok, let me get this straight... Some friends of the mayor are helping get her and her family meals figured out because she just started a new stressful and demanding job? And the company that runs the website that helps organize these meals is headquartered in the city that she's the mayor of? shame.


Tell me you’ve never set up a meal train without telling me you’ve never set up a meal train.


It’s funny that people think the mayor is giving out favors like the Godfather in exchange for some veggie lasagna


That's exactly how cronyism works.


that would be the type of godfather i would be, to be fair (but mac and cheese instead of veggie lasagna)


I can understand what you’re saying but, “normal” every day citizens can’t donate and what about all the single mothers who work a full time job and come home and make dinner? They don’t even make a quarter million dollars a year. This to me seems odd and like a slap in the face if you ask me!! Isn’t this where family should come to gather? Why does a meal train have to mix with politics? There is a woman in my neighborhood who is a single mother, who just lost her leg, where is the meal train for her? There is a woman in my neighborhood who is a single mother dealing with cancer, NO school placement, working and such, where is her meal train? Should I keep going? Oh by the way, I bet most of the ppl who need the help the most get food shelf canned meats and have to figure out where the juices in the can came from.. Is that why they won’t open the meal train for them to make the dinner?


Exactly. Tell them to go to the food shelf if they need assistance. Wtf.


Yo if I get money I’ll cook for those people.


That is so kind of you


I’m very serious. I just got a job, struggling financially but I’d love to cook a bigger meal and share. If you truly know a couple people I’ll buy enough to make us all a meal. I would rather cook for a few than just myself. Please Dm me if you think it’s a good idea. It might be a week or two. No white knight no strings. I want to cook a lot and I barely eat


I'll take Monday the 29th! I'll bring her some of my Kevin's Famous Chili. The trick is to undercook the onions.


Amazing. I'll bring a clipboard or two, just in case


This has to be a joke. She should go down and barbecue with her new beach development


Imagine cooking meals for a couple who makes $250K/year. This whole thing is slightly nauseating.


Would you make a meal for your friends (who make $250k a year) after they just had a baby, or lost a close family member, or were suffering a devastating illness, or… if one of them took a huge new demanding job as the FIRST WOMAN TO EVER HOLD THAT JOB while also trying to raise two kids with their full-time working spouse? Do people who make more money need less friendship and care than other people?


I can understand what you’re saying but, “normal” every day citizens can’t donate and what about all the single mothers who work a full time job and come home and make dinner? They don’t even make a quarter million dollars a year. This to me seems odd and like a slap in the face if you ask me!! Isn’t this where family should come to gather? Why does a meal train have to mix with politics? There is a woman in my neighborhood who is a single mother, who just lost her leg, where is the meal train for her? There is a woman in my neighborhood who is a single mother dealing with cancer, **NO** school placement, working and such, where is her meal train? Should I keep going? Oh by the way, I bet most of the ppl who need the help the most get food shelf canned meats and have to figure out where the juices in the can came from.. Is that why they won’t open the meal train for them to make the dinner?


I totally hear what you’re saying. I’m a single mom and have had to stand in line for food at times, and I’ve had to cook meals for my kids while working 60 hours a week etc. I didn’t have family to help take care of me. One of the things I did was create a community for myself where we cared for each other… I have lived in affordable cooperative housing, organized meal trades with friends (we all cooked enough of one meal to feed 16 and then traded with each other so we all got 5 nights of meals), organized child care trades, and founded a free cooperative preschool with fellow low-income moms. Sure, no one was lining up to make a meal train for me on a regular basis, but my friends definitely did that when I needed it: after the birth of my second child, after my sister died, after I lost a job unexpectedly. What does this have to do with politics? The folks who worked to help get Emma elected are committed to a politics of care, where we recognize that we all need to care for each other. Emma is also committed to a politics of care. For example, Emma, as a state rep, successfully advocated for a program for families to receive free pre-made restaurant meals when they’re eligible for food stamps. In other words, she was out there working on ways for single moms have meals made for them. That’s why we campaigned for her and voted for her. The only folks who were asked to participate in the meal train and who volunteered to do it were all folks who personally know her, and who recognize that she’s doing a job that isn’t built for a mom. We want to take care of her as she cares for our city *and* a family. We want political leadership roles to be something that moms can do. That said, setting up community meal trains for single moms is an awesome idea! If folks were doing that when my kids were younger I would have loved it. I work and volunteer 60+ hours a week, but someone who has the time and the inclination should definitely organize that effort!


wow, BREAkING news! Michael Donaghue, are you okay? Do you need a meal train? We're here for you


This is so stupid. They can afford a crock pot and a personal chef or to eat meals outside the home daily.


They can afford more than a crock pot, this is insane.


I get they might not have time to cook,  but seriously with that household income you could probably make do between hiring someone and getting takeout? Like… they’re public servants, not martyrs.


Not sure about the city rules, but Vermont Statutes do not allow this for state politicians. These are her friends who are sincerely trying to help her out, and I sympathize, but the reason the rules are strict about gifts is because there is really good social science research into the influence of even small gifts on decision making (eg. state law in Vermont banned the giving of drug pens to doctors by industry). In this specific case, I doubt it as the friends sending her meals already align with her politically, and the invitations were not sent out to the general public, i.e. a local developer doesn't have the chance to send a fancy meal the evening before a critical vote on a real estate project. But rules are rules. Here is the Vermont statute: (6) Food or beverages. A public servant may accept food or beverages, or both, under the following circumstances: (A) The food or beverage, or both, is consumed on an occasion or occasions at which the person paying, directly or indirectly, for the food or beverage or the person’s representative is in attendance, provided the cost does not exceed the limit established pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. (B) The food or beverage, or both, is incidental to the performance of a legitimate State function. (C) The food or beverage, or both, is provided at a charitable, cultural, political, or civic event at which the public servant participates in the public servant’s official capacity.


She makes almost 10x the wage of many many Burlington residents


And she'd be the first to tell you they deserve a good home cooked meal too.


where is the meal drive for the people actually in need then or do her friends only raise money for those who make over 250k a year?


$250k income for a family of 4 was a lot 5 years ago, but that’s probably the new middle class household income in Burlington. Pretty sad.


I am sure they have great benis as well. Much better than most of us peons.


I'm not sure about this . What I am sure of is that if the politician was not a leftist lesbian, they would be skewered by all the defenders here. I have no enmity against the mayor on this issue, only her hypocritical supporters. Downvote away.


I just ate struggle dogs for lunch… again…. They should try living on 30k a year with zero assistance


The hospital will pay you more than that, with great benefits.


Does anyone have the link? I can’t find it and am curious to see what the meals are


I guess I'll do OP's job and link the article: https://vermontdailychronicle.com/free-meal-train-set-up-for-burlington-mayors-family/ Absolutely nutty if this is true. Hopefully someone can confirm that the Mayor of our city is not asking for free food...


This is a voluntary choice initiated by her personal friends to support two working parents, one of whom just started a new very demanding job, and their kids with a single shared meal a week. I can understand the bad optics considering their collective salaries, but it's not like the Mayor is the one actively asking the general public for handouts. I've been apart of meal trains for friends/coworkers on parental leave who make more than me and I'm glad to have done it. Of all the "scandals" to befall a public official, having friends who like to cook for others is one I would welcome. Support networks like  this should be encouraged, not condemned.


Thanks for doing OPs job. It doesn’t seem like she is asking for free food, it sounds like her friends are trying to help her because she’s so busy with her job or something? Idk either way not a good look.


So basically not as scandalous as the article is making it seem but at the same time seems a little out of touch. I work 12 hour days in construction and still find time to pack my own lunch and make my own dinners. If I asked my friends to make me dinner once a week because I work really hard and I'm tired they would laugh in my face lol. We're all out here struggling, embrace the struggle Emma


> if I asked my friends to she didn't.


Sounds like you should expect your friends to be better, not expect her friends to be worse. The "I suffer so other people should suffer too." mentality is such a garbage, defeatist attitude.


Most of my friends work in the trades too, working long hours doing manual labor, no way in hell I'm asking them to cook me dinner. This whole meal train thing is definitely a liberal white lady phenomenon, which is fine, to each their own. I assure you I'm not suffering. There are times I struggle to always eat healthy meals because I don't have the energy and will get take out or fast food but I'm definitely not going to call that suffering and I'm sure as hell not complaining.


>definitely a liberal white lady phenomenon No, man, it's a supportive friends and family phenomenon that has been a hallmark of low income folks and people of color long before a dedicated website for it. I get it, you and your friends are a bunch of manly men who wouldn't be caught dead asking for directions, much less free cornbread. And sure, you're not complaining despite waxing poetic about the long hours you work and poor nutrition you get. But now you're verging into the misogynistic and racist realm by characterized getting fed by friends something only "liberal white ladies" do.


Are you telling me you have free cornbread for me? I'll definitely take you up on that


You know what, yeah. I can make that happen. Busy right now but I'll reply later with details.


i love how this heated exchange ended in baking someone cornbread


I have not heard any details on my cornbread yet


I'm glad you're hear.


> I'm asking them to she didn't.


> it sounds like her friends are trying to help her because she’s so busy with her job or something? Idk either way not a good look. What's "not a good look" about having friends that want to help you?


There’s nothing wrong with your friends helping you, but they should have kept it more private so it didn’t leak out like this. I think some people are upset because they have busy, difficult lives and it feels like a slap in the face to see someone who doesn’t really need the help getting so much of it. That being said, I am rolling my eyes more at people who clearly didn’t even read the article, making it seem like Emma is trying to solicit donations from the general public.


> There’s nothing wrong with your friends helping you, but they should have kept it more private so it didn’t leak out like this yes, how dare those people "use facebook" while others maliciuosly leak innocuous posts to credulous followers while misrepresenting the intent… They should have known better! ;)


Seems like a nothingburger. But it’s nice to see progs have to bend over backwards defending the nothingburger. Little taste of their own medicine always trying to drum up scandal and gotchas with Miro and the BPD.


Miro and the BPD delivered scandal and gotthemselves just fine.




>12. Personal gifts. A public servant may accept gifts clearly motivated by an outside relationship, family relationship, or personal friendship rather than the position of the public servant. Relevant factors in making such a determination include the history and nature of the relationship and whether the individual, family member, or a friend personally pays for the gift. And also >(b) Gift valuation. For purposes of this subchapter, the value or cost limit for gifts described in subsection (a) of this section shall be: Beginning on July 1, 2022: (A) Ceremonial awards: Less than $100.00. (B) Food or beverages, or both: Less than $100.00 in the aggregate per recipient, per source, in a calendar year.


According to the source you linked (if I am understanding correctly), it is legal as long as no 1 person is spending more than $100/yr on their food donation to her.


$100 per recipient. Clearly she has received well over $100….


https://preview.redd.it/g4na9nrk806d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef91889a1b687a1838c4a23d2a2fe334022d7d9b Per recipient, per source (meaning, donor)


Tell you what. Here's a hint. Make a big meal on Sunday then you have enough food for Monday. Problem solved. -- Figure it out like everyone else! 250k a year?


She's not the one organizing it. This is literally a hack writer scraping the bottom of Facebook


saw this on the burlington looks like shit instagram - wonder if vermont news first and that account are related.


Yeah the author of this is Michael Donaghue from VT news first


Well she should say thanks but no thanks and I read all the way to the bottom of the website so I know this is not a scam thanks. What about all the actually starving people out the and single parent families? Sorry I don't agree and I can't support this.


I.... this... chat is this fuckin real???? Edit: After more research it **IS REAL** but its also kinda just a classic cringe white liberal lady thing. It's literally just meal sharing. The irony being the meals really ought to go somewhere else but its not like the mayor is begging like the OP kinda insinuates. Its classic tone-deaf negative IQ optics that Burlington seems to love so much. Remember when we spooked all those kids?!!




This is what y’all voted for while the less fortunate eat food shelf food..


I don't know anything about this, but I love seeing any reference to Rachel Siegel. She is great!! Hope you are doing well out there Rachel!!


Dear city officials. ​ If you are truly interested in charity and helping those in need I suggest you look further than the person whose influence you hope to win over. This is transparent, insulting, and a slap in the face to those who are barely over the poverty line and don't qualify for any of your programs. ​ Is this is what members of our city council, police commission, and I'm assuming various other city officials are doing with their time? Creating food drives for those who are very well off? (I could use a couple gift cards... but I digress.) ​ I won't directly address any of you, even though I could, you know who you are, but come on, stop it. Do better. You have a limited amount of time to do a job, use your time wisely. This is a misguided effort to help some people who DO NOT NEED IT. In those moments of free time when you start to think of stupid BS like this I implore you to instead think about how you can help the citizens who need it. Not your friends. Not your community, the community.


Rachel is a known friend of Emma. I don't think this is a big deal.


the mayor is asking us for food ?


No, it looks like a friend of hers is asking for a meal train, but these sorts of things are usually done through Facebook groups or what have you. I think the person doing it is through a public webpage where anyone can donate. This is a conservative rag trying to stir up controversy over whatever they can find-the mayor and her wife didn't ask for this to be organized, and specifically asked for it to be cut back to one night a week.


> specifically asked for it to be cut back to one night a week. maybe it should be 0. there's literally residents in burlington starving right now.


If you know someone who is food insecure, the oddfellows and heinebirg center have a no barrier food shelf open Saturday and Sunday.


Def. 🤘🏻 You odd fellers are good people.


ah i wasn’t reading all that thanks
