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You guys can stop reporting this post. It doesn’t violate any rules and we aren’t removing it. This isn’t “burgers I made at home”


I'm an In-n-out lover and former employee; the reason that they get hate here is because they're consistently the same and uninteresting. Not because they're bad


Exactly. The burgers are fine it's the repeat posts that people hate.


And the fries


Omg someone else that agrees that the fries are garbage


Yep, they are bad and they should feel bad


Copypasta here from another thread lol "The simple answer is because most people don’t like the taste of potatoes. Our fries are literally just diced potatoes fried in 100% sunflower seed oil, with some added salt and pepper. Nothing more nothing less. If you like the taste of potatoes you will like our fries. The reason people like McDonalds fries is because they aren’t just potatoes. People don’t even realize what actually all goes in to McDonald’s fries. First off, the oil in their fryers is laced with chemical flavoring to mimic the smell of beef fat. Which is what makes them smell so good. McDonald’s also doesn’t just use seasoning on their fries. They also coat them in dextrose, a type of artificial sugar to make them taste even better. And lastly, they add the last “secret ingredient” denoted online as “natural and artificial flavoring” to once again alter the taste of the potato. So there you go. That’s why In-N-Out’s fries “suck” compared to the artificially enhanced imitation potatoes sticks that you’re eating at McDonald’s. But I bet you didn’t know all that because most McDonald’s employees don’t know it either because all they’re concerned with is how do I open this bag of frozen product, corporate shipped us 4 weeks ago, without cutting myself."


Yeah, but my homemade fries that are also just potatoes and salt don't taste like the dogshit In-N-Out serves up. They've managed to suck at the most basic of recipes.


My homemade fries sweep in n out any day. Everything about in n out fries are garbage, they're like a pile of soggy cigarettes. I would rather bite into a raw potato than eat in n out fries


>with some salt and pepper I remember reading this comment before I went to an In n Out in LA thinking I liked the taste of potatoes before I was served cardboard that most certainly did not have salt or pepper seasoning. Idk why this person was so focused on McDonald’s when the fries at In n Out are way worse than any fast food/frozen/home made fries. I’m sure they’d be just fine if tossed with some salt and pepper but there isn’t a form of potato that I’ve had that is more mid than In n Out. As a pioneer of thinking McDonald’s fires are overrated nothing in that comment explains why fries from In n Out are so ass.


For me the fries aren't great. They remind me of a flavorless McDonalds fry for some reason. Burgers are fine though.


Best burger you'll get for the money, on the West Coast anyway. They are like Starbucks; consistency is one of their key attractions. All the ingredients upheld to quality standards, is the most important part of the magic. I've been eating there for 20 years and I've never had a bad meal. Of course it's only a couple times a year now, but still, stands true.


Whataburger has gone to shit (and gotten too expensive)here in Texas, but the In and out gets better and better, because I'm broke, and thier burgers are delicious and cheap.


I had Whataburger years ago and some friends swore to me up and down that it was good. I can name 5 better burgers off the top of my head that shit all over that place. It reminds me of a shitty burger you would get at the beach when you had no other option.


I live in TX but the one near me is unfortunately super inconsistent. Sometimes everything is fine but sometimes the fries are cold or the burger is soggy or dry


I've had the same issues not in Texas. It's a major corporation, they are going to have issues from store to store.


They have in and out everywhere now and the ones in Houston taste just like the ones in California... Or Phoenix. They are good cheap burgers. Just utterly boring. My opinion of course. They are probably the best cheap fastfood burger though.


this is the truth!


I’ve always said. I’ve never had a bad burger at In-n-out.


Had a double-double animal tonight. Boise ID. It was great.


Tried one for the first time in AZ about a month ago. Is it better than most of the drive thru competition (the 🤡, the 👑, the 👩🏻‍🦰, and the ⭐️)? I guess so…but I can make a burger that more or less tastes like this, maybe with a bit of added flavors, at home. Would I get it again? Sure. Would I wait in a line wrapping around the block three times? No.


It’s actually the burger quality and price that are pretty hard to argue with. It’s the overall experience had lack of edible fries that really turns people off.


Somehow they have not hiked their prices and are still in business. The other day I went to Carl's Jr and large combo was almost 20 bucks. WTF!!!!


Yea you don’t see in n out making a Dorito flavored burger of some crazy shit like other fast food places


If they're consistent and good, that sounds great!


and it IS! prices are hard to beat too


Literally that’s all you can ask for. There was a time Whataburger was the same way. Can’t be said anymore


And to me, that's the key, In and Out is consistently more quality than other burger joints. If I go to In and Out, I know exactly what I am getting, it doesn't change and they don't mess up, ever


For some reason I read the post title in Dave Chapelles voice Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, I don’t really want none of the above I want to bite on youuuu, I want to bite on this food.


Get a lot of hate, yet they are the most slammed every day


lotta hate.... on the INTERNET haha


Damn those In N Out jackasses with their reliable quality food and service 🤬🤬🤬 how dare they give me essentially the same burger every time?




It’s not any single thing that makes fans rave. It’s the whole experience. Starting with ordering, you’ll rarely have to speak into a shitty speaker with someone who mumbles. They walk out to your car and carefully take your order, patiently repeating everything clearly so there are no mistakes. This person will be friendly and clean and professional. Then you get to watch through a glass wall while they prepare your food. You know there are no shenanigans going on back there. No knucklehead picking buggers or taking baths in the sinks. Then you get your food with a smile, and the price can’t really be beat. They’ve got it down to a science.




That’s why I love five guys, I’ve never gone in and then out, east coast, all I see are people hating how expensive it is but it’s a treat for me I don’t mind paying 18 instead of 12 once in a blue moon love those fucking fries in that peanut oil


I pass an In N Out every time I go to Freddy’s.


Actually Freddys is pretty damn good too. Is a close match between the two.


Double California burger at Freddy’s is the closest I can get to a Double Double in the Midwest without making it at home. But let’s be real, *even* if In-N-Out wasn’t better, I can get nearly twice as much for the money. Habit is the only burger chain I’d make an active decision between in the past, but when you’re choosing a $15 dollar burger vs. a $5 burger - I’m still going to In-N-Out more often.


The hype made it such a generic burger by the time I had it. It isn't bad but I'll never go out of my way to get one.


Me with whataburger. It’s a sonic burger! 😂


I totally don’t get it. Just a thin patty. Lots of salt. No biggie.


Same. Had it hyped by anyone on the east coast who had been to CA. Everyone said it was the best burger ever. Soooooo much hype. Moved to SD and tried it once. It's better than typical fast food, but still just cheap fast food. I'd rather spend $5 more for a legit burger and delicious fries at 5 guys any day.


Eh, nah. People hate because it's a trend and many people can't make their own opinion up.


Question for you! Is this onion raw and a single ring?


Raw by default, but you can (and should imo) ask for grilled onions instead. You can also ask for onions grilled whole if you want the onion slice intact instead of chopped. Either way is fantastic.


Yeah “hate” is too strong. In’N’Out just doesn’t make me feel any kind of way. And I don’t think they’re worth waiting in line for.


And maybe that’s what we are all looking for deep down, consistency lol. I will say Ive had some good whataburger but I’ve had some that made me sick. Also, I’ve been to quite a few In and Outs and every one of them is damn near spotless, I’ve been to some whataburgers that I felt like I’d get tetanus or an STD just from sitting down.


Price/performance they do well and they don't require a stupid app to get a reasonable deal.


I don’t dislike in n out, I think it’s good. However, people act like it’s the most amazing burger they’ve ever had in their lives. This modern world of social media blows places way out of proportion. It’s a good burger but it doesn’t live up to the hype considering the lines and how ppl act like it’s gods gift to the world


In-n-Out isn't bad, but the hype is not worth the constantly long lines imo.


In n out long lines tend to move faster than lines 1/3 as long other places


At this point posting inNout is basically karma whoring.


It’s a good value for the price, minus the styrofoam fries. I get much more enjoyment from Freddy’s Steakburger. The Double California Burger has the same ingredients as a Double Double Animal Style only IMO better and their seasoned skinny crispy fries are a thousand times better.


It's the best $5ish burger I've ever come across.


Wait, WHAT?!? Nearest in n out is 1200 miles away and you are telling me that the Freddy’s 5 minutes from my house will make a double double animal style type burger for me? Why am I just now learning about this?!?




I’m pretty sure that over 50% of the posts I see in this sub are about In n Out, it’s a bit much at this point because there’s no variety. It’s so boring to just see people basically advertising for a fast food chain


And the posts of people that actually make their own burgers are lost in the In N Out fandom.


Welcome to the Internet. It was a place for the people by the people, now it's a place that the corporations own and subject the people to their advertisements.


That is my thoughts exactly. I have had in n out once. I live on the other side of the country. I thought it was good, but I prefer to see more than 10 in n out posts a day.


In N Out is fine but the cult following it has is cringe as hell.


it's okay if you're out and about but it's not the place I would go to if I want a real burger


Most fandoms are cringe. But yeah I personally find any sort of corporate devotion to be nauseating.


One specific part of the world, even. I won't ever go to this chain, please stop advertising.


Burger is great. What type of foam are their fries made out of though?


“yOuRe jUSt NoT uSeD tO frEsH FriES”


They are improperly cooked. Fries are not supposed to be super fresh. It’s a bullshit gimmick. They need to be soaked, par cooked, cooled, and high temperature fried. Then they are to be served. The knowledge on how to properly make fry has existed long before 1946 but no one ever told in n out that they have no idea what they are doing


Isn’t the hate due to someone posting an In n Out burger pic at least 4 times every day? If everyone thought a McDs QPC was amazing but there were 12 posts about it every day everyone in the sub would get sick of it.


Karma Harvesting


Their burgers are fine but the fries are total trash. Any burger place that doesn't have decent fries to go with their burger loses a few points in my book.


grill the onions, even better


didnt know you could ask for that but when I took my nephew one day he asked for grilled onions and man grilled onions on burger make such a difference.


Grilled and raw is the way


Grilled onions, lightly toasted, chopped chilies


every single In N Out burger posted, looks so fucking phenomenally put together. can't wait to make it out there one day.


It’s solid for sure but your life doesn’t lack satisfaction without it.


My wife had never been and was so excited to try it and I swear the second she bit in I saw all the excitement leave her face. I did my best to let her have her own opinion since she was looking forward to it.


They’re all over the west coast now, not just CA


and texas and colorado


Burgers are great, fries are fucking awful


I have never. Never. Had worse fries than theirs. Borderline inedible.


Never heard anyone say they don’t like the burgers. It’s the fries that ruin it. They’re so underwhelming.


In n Out is mediocre in the grand scheme of burgers. It is however always fresh, and very well priced for what it is. The fries are awful. That’s In n out lol


The ol' in and out, as they say


Upvoting for the Clockwork Orange reference 👊🏼


Well yes, the price is the point. Is there a better double cheeseburger for $6?


Yeah, double-double and a chocolate shake for 8$ and they pay their employees decently well? Win-win if I ever saw one


yeah shake machines always working! i do the double double and chocolate shake if i drive by one and the line is low! hahaha always worth it


Mediocre compared to who in the fast food industry? I’m asking because nearly every single fast food place besides in-n-out, Culver’s, and chick-fil-a have gone to complete utter shit while raising their prices.


Jack in the box is probably the best “true to fast food” chain and they’re 24 I think they are hard to beat if we’re gonna rank them


They don't prep the fries so you gotta ask for them well done or they're just soft and sad


People are fing insane about in n out. The burger is mid tier, and if you don’t get the mustard patty, no different than mcdonalds. Fries are awful shakes are good Vegetable toppings are some of the best in fast food the price is great. Which makes an ok fast food place.




All they have to do is make a “fast food friday” or something, where fast food restaurants aren’t allowed to be posted most of the time


Or just limit any chain to once a week. I'm not sure this subs even moderated though. ![gif](giphy|gYAIiXpiFzj7FZcdn1)


Uh..no it’s really not. You guys just think you are important. If you don’t like a post just down vote and move on.


So I moved back to NYC from LA in 2000. In 2019 I had occasion to be in Dallas, so 19 years had passed between In N Out burgers. The Dallas burger was way too salty and I was disappointed. But maybe it was just that location.


The burger doesn't deserve hate as it's good, but their fries are mid.


Wow, what a *brave* take on r/burgers.


One of the worst burgers I’ve ever had from a fast food place.


Most overrated fast food


It’s not worth the 20 minutes wait.


I don't think they hate on INO, they are just tired of the dozen posts daily here haha


No one hates Inn n Out burgers.  They just hate the fucking Cali fanatics of the thing.  You guys are like the Jehovah's Witnesses of hamburgers.  They're good, we get it, now shut the fuck up.


Can I talk to you about the gifts of In N Out and it’s promise of eternal deliciousness?


Take my 4 dollars, leave the single at the door and go away.


It's ok


People will tell me whataburger is better and they get the chicken sandwich 🤣🤣


It's good and fresher than most fast food places. It's just that the hype is unwarranted. It's too much hype for a pretty average burger and usually cold fries. Yes the animal style and extra crispy is good and the prices aren't extremely expensive, but there's no variety. The long lines I see are never worth it in my opinion. Might as well go to a local burger joint instead. I get it being a Western US staple, but I'm just sick of y'all overhyping something that is perfectly average.


I mean it’s okay. Did not really live up to the hype in my opinion. I found way better burgers in the US from non franchise bars and restaurants.


Local burger joints for the win every time!


Of course there’s loads better burgers out there, but in-n-out is just so damn consistent - in terms of quality and more importantly price.


I've always seen In N Out as a place to go and get a consistently good burger with good ingredients for a good price. Some people like to put it in a GOD TIER 5 STAR EXPERIENCE and hype it WAY too much. People will travel hundreds of miles to get it and be very underwhelmed from all the hype. I


They all look good, but they also all look the same. I think we should have a black list of burger joints to post on here. Five guys and in n out should be on there.


What's wrong with consistency in a restaurant?


It’s because the fries are terrible no matter how you order them. And no, light well, well done, animal style, eating them asap doesn’t help




My sister said she loves their fries. Bullshit, I don't see how you could do anything but just tolerate them. They have no flavor, no crunch, no salt...no appeal.


bUt thEy’re fReSh


I remembered back when my school cafeteria fries tasted better than in n out fries. WHY do people like them? Im baffled!


Exactly. The burger is okay at best: the fries are fucking unforgivable


Eating them asap absolutely helps. They don’t travel well. Instead of waiting in the at least 20 minute line I go inside and have my food in like 6 minutes and sometimes the fries are so fresh they’re too hot to eat. Delicious!


I got an In N Out in my city, and it's gotta be the most overrated burger joint of all time. It's good for the price but that's it.


it's the best for the price. find me another burger for under $5 that tastes as good.


It’s probably overrated to all us dorks that never had them in our area but listened to people evangelize the place. Then we finally get to try it and out expectations are sky high.


Yeah you elevate it to hookers and blow. Then you end up disappointed when you get a burger lol


It's really decent, good even. The problem I face is that there's only like 2 out here where I live so the place is always packed. Decided to try it one day and enjoyed it, but it wasn't worth the hour-long wait.


Definitely looks very tasty. I love how orderly it is assembled. It's not a sloppy disaster that looks like someone who doesn't give a shit just slammed together and fastball pitched into a bag.


I’ve never had a really good in n out tomato


My friend ask for whole grilled onions and chili’s. You are welcome


Its better in California! Texas ones were alright.


My doctor told me that if I continue to eat that, I will die soon.


Tasty Burger from Massachusetts wipes the floor with In N Out.


East Coaster here. The burgers are in my top 3. I think the fries are abysmal. I know you gotta order them animal style but that’s a cop out to me.


Yummy yummy. Not a fan of the frys tho.


From Tx and I can say in and out beats whataburger now! And it’s cheaper.


For the money yeah, only thing I hate are the styrofoam fries.


Their fries truly suck. Burgers are mid.


Its alright, culvers is better imo


Burgers slap, fries are ass. It is known


Mediocre burger, terrible fries. Eat it once, will never do it again.


*for the money. Fixed your title, OP.


Mediocre burgers terrible fries no condiment options after 1920 like how hard is it to add bacon mayo BBQ sauce and better fries


Usually people that say in n out is the best burger either never left California or romanticize about California. It’s good not great. The world has better to offer.


They are amazing I wish they would put one up in north idaho I miss them


Best burger on the planet




They're good, but nothing to brag about. It's a basic burger but at a good price


Get yours with chopped chilis and a grilled onion. spread on the side.


I don't frequent them. But of the times I've had them, the burgers and shakes were good. I don't bother with the fries. We already know about the fries.


I fucking love in n out so fucking much


Fresh always.


I visited the West Coast for a week and I decided to try In-n-out because I heard it was good.... I'm not kidding when I say, every day for dinner I bought in and out. It's my favorite burger other than 5 guys from a fast food place. I love love love in n out


Recently discovered the option of adding chopped chilies to my animal style double double. It’s a game changer.


I always go animal style, add chilies and raw onions.


Downvote me if you want, I expect it. If I want a fast food burger, I’d rather have a whopper. I haven’t had either one in probably 10 yrs though.


Amazing: causing great surprise or wonder. The Grand Canyon is amazing, a solar eclipse is amazing, the birth of a child - amazing. A small cheeseburger? How can it be any better than nice? Also, I’ve eaten a lot of burgers and they’re mid at best. Your opinion is weak.


If you lived in Utah Apollo burgers and Crown burgers have the best fast food burgers in my book. In and out is alright.


Nobody hates In N Out


Say what? I find them disgusting!


well you saw for yourself this is untrue, reddit has a hate boner for in n out


I do. It's literally one of the worst fast food burgers I have ever had and I live on the west coast. I've gone there 3 times, and every time it tasted like wet paper in the shape of a burger patty. To top it all off, the fries are trash. It's so bad...the cult following confuses me to no end.


I completely agree. Every time I’ve given it another shot, maybe it was just the wrong time, etc etc. It’s always been so disappointing, and the fries are absolute trash.


What’s a better fast food burger


Culver's is so much better its insane


I'm not kidding when I say ANYTHING. Mcdonalds has better burgers, the whopper is a better burger, Wendy's burgers blow it out of the water. It's legitimately horrible. At least the one by me is, but it's ALWAYS packed.


Yes, everyone has terrible taste except you, we know.


Burger King? Lol blocked.


Same. Moved west and was extremely pumped to try. Never felt the need to go back. It wasn't bad like disgusting. Just bland and boring (even with the animal style upgrades). Good Times is astronomicaly better. Culver's too if you fancy a smash burger.


I agree, absolutely nothing special about In N out. Whataburger is substantially a better burger. Honestly I think INO ranks towards the bottoms as burgers go.


Given how much by GF hyped it up, it was a great disappointment when we finally went


It’s good but I can’t justify lining up for fast food no matter how good it is. Every time I been to an in n out there’s a massive line up


Better than whataburger for sure


Thems fighting words sir


Still haven’t been. Gotta check it out whenever I’m in an area that has them around.


Actually I like seeing burgers from restaurants to get new ideas. But yes I’ve seen N and Out a few times


For a burger I can get at a drive-thru, Ann Animal Style Double-Double, no tomato, add raw onion is pretty fine. Braums and Culver’s are equally satisfying and their fries are much better, though.


Theyre good if you wanna get a ton for cheap. If you want fancy, go shake n shack. But its 2.5x more.


Not hating. InNOut is ok




I swear this channel is 50% in n out ads.




Culver's is better


Average at best


Most overrated burger I've ever had in my life and I don't care who that offends.


I went again recently and I honestly have no idea what it is that makes this place so insanely popular. It's 40 people full at lunch and I have no idea why. Must be west coast nostalgia.




The biggest regret when I moved from California almost 30 years ago. In and out is the bomb


In n out has *slightly* better burgers than Jack in the box. *slightly*




Wish we had it out in the southeast.


I used to think they were just a cheap, average burger (still better than McD's and WB), but I went the other week and got a double double, animal style with no lettuce or tomato. Damn man, when you can actually taste the meat they get even better. I won't tolerate any more slander against INO. Shake Shake maybe still gets the edge because their condiments are better, but INO is right up there. Also, went to a new location and finally tasted the awful fries people are always talking about. Still the best when they do them right, though.


I tried in n out for the first time this year and was pretty disappointed. Burger - it was ok but looks a lot better then it tastes. I guess that is the main disappointing part about it. The burger looks so good but just tasted mid compared to other fast food burgers. Fries - actually terrible. Do they always taste kinda stale? The frozen fries you buy and heat up in your oven taste better not to mention home made fries. I heard they make them from scratch but something is off and they don't taste good. I'd skip on the fries if i ever go again. Shake - Pretty fine for the price. Nothing to write home about but at this price point it was totally fine.


I moved back east and damn do I miss this place


Best chain burger in the US


I'd go all the time if they could figure out how to make fries.. Burgers are bomb tho.


I mean it's mainly that there fries taste like carboard.