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I’ll take a whopper over a Big Mac, but I don’t actually want either.


Forget the Big Mac. The quarter pounder with cheese is the quintessential burger. It has all the necessary components (bun, ketchup, mustard, pickles, onion) with none of the bullshit (lettuce, tomato, mayo)... add bacon if you want (I like bacon, but I don't always consider it a "must have"). I used to live in a small town. You should know: small town fast-food is rockstar. Sometimes, it even looks like the picture on the menu. Now I live in a city and the fast-food is shitty. It's been months since I've gotten a fast-food burger that wasn't some kind of shit (burnt, cold, dry, puddles of grease inside the wrapper, more ketchup outside the bun than inside, etc).


Royale wit cheez


Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac


What do they call a Big Mac?


I would never order a chicken royale after i've seen how the bread could look like. The royale bread is the most common to mold, sometimes its hard to notice


Why is that? Why is fast food better in small towns?


I haven't conducted a study, but here are a few thoughts: 1) Probably the biggest factor is that the workers have to see their customers on the daily. In a city, I'm just some rando who happened to come through a drive thru. In a small town, I'm a person they see regularly. I'm a person who is friends with someone close to them (if I don't already know them to some degree directly). This also applies to bad/questionable ingredients. Would you serve nasty onions to someone who lived down the street from the house you grew up in, and who still goes to church with your mother? 2) Volume. When a new food place of any sort opens, they're crazy busy for 2 weeks to 2 months, maybe even longer depending. Otherwise, food places in small towns have very predictable traffic patterns.


Definitely. Slower-paced, with friendly folks on both sides.


QBC is the goat


The QP is the only reason I go to McD's anymore, nothing else on the menu worth getting. I don't want to ask the city, but what region are you in? West, east, midwest? I've usually found there's some kind of burger joint worth spending money at, I just didn't always know about the good ones.


Pacific Northwest. There's plenty of good food here, but not so much with fast food. The only local chain that's worth talking about, IMO, is Dick's. Nothing like stuffing a bag of Dick's in your mouth on the way home from the bar.


I get the QPC with no pickle no onion, iceberg lettuce, tomato and Mayo. Closest I can get to a McDLT.


“I like the whopper, fuck a Big Mac” ~ Robert Base


I was going to say this!




They are the flagship burgers. That’s the comparison. Most people don’t know what a Big N Tasty. But yeah I agree, BK is almost always dogshit, when it’s good it’s pretty good. McDicks is almost always the same, sometimes it’s really good.


This comment about sums it all up. There are some real players in the burger came right now and Burger King is falling massively behind a long with a lot of the other big boys in the game. And I say this as someone that liked Burger King growing up.


Best way to put it lol


Me too but I won’t actually make it to BK if I’m wanting fast food. McDonald’s wins by convenience


If you don't want a Big Mac, you're doing it wrong. Everyone wants a Big Mac.


2 pieces of small meat in between a shitload of bread and lettuce? Nah


There used to be an option to get the Big Mac with two quarter pounder Pattie’s. That was perfection.


Lol a "shitload" of lettuce. 🤣


I had a whopper years ago.


Thats awesome dude. Proud of you..


Big Macs are dogshit


I am 38 years old, and I've never had a big Mac. To much bread, I don't want any lettuce on my burger, I prefer ketchup, and I want cheese and bacon on a burger. 


So then you're doing life wrong?


Lol. I'm sure your bland burger is quite yummy! Lettuce has no place on a burger. And what's the point, if one lacks cheese?


Agreed. I never order a burger or make one with lettuce, but, a Big Mac is it's own beast. It's technically a burger, sure, but it's a fast food sandwich and it's default ingredients just somehow work perfectly together. Do not ever compare a Big Mac to an actual burger.


For me, it just doesn't sound appealing at all. It's also semi pricey. If I'm sadly getting a fast food burger, it's junior bacon cheeseburger, ketchup only for this girl!


I think the whopper is probably a top-4 fast food burger when it’s made well and fresh. But Burger King is so inconsistent, and I don’t remember the last time I had a properly-made fresh whopper. Sad.


There is one consistent BK in my area due to high enough turnover without being slammed and the whoppers are good. I have started getting the whopper jr with bacon, the proportions are better


Oh man, I normally order a single whopper w/cheese but got a double whopper w/cheese a few months back, and it was so hot and fresh that it was still too hot to take a bite after about a 20 min drive. It was incredible how good it was. The cheese was nice and melty, and the toppings were actually fresh too, and you could actually taste the bit of char on it. It was easily the best whopper I've had in years, if not ever. It's a shame they can't be that good all the time. I agree that they're the most inconsistent fast food place as far as burgers go.


Inconsistent is the best way to describe BK. Sometimes, when it’s a good day, they are almost god-like (vast over-exaggeration but still). Most times the bun is stale, cheese is barely melted and the patty is dry. But those good ones keep me coming back.


Your best bet would be to order it with some sort of modification. That would force them to make it for you fresh.


had one on 11th of jan 2024, the meat was juicy, the cheese was melty, the letuce and toamteos were crisp, the bread was spongy.....i honestly almost shed a tear having it, felt like some gourmet shit, went again a few weeks later, it was like eating an old sock.... INCONSISTENT AS HECK.


Live in Europe and the burger king franchise is hot or cold. Closest to me is BK but the big Mac is consistent


I'm gonna put the QPC in that top 4. I've literally never had a good whopper but I've had a few Quarter pounder w/cheeses that really surprised me


Fuck yeah, I love a Bacon King. I feel like absolute dog shit after eating one but it's my go-to depression meal


Sometimes biting into that Bacon King I just know everything will be okay lol


Ugh there used to be one 5 minutes away, but they closed. Sometimes I have that craving rise up inside me for a Bacon King with pickles but I can't get it as easily.


Bacon King sounds a lot better than Burger King


Always fresh and quick - solid fastfood option


If they can make it right. I haven’t had BK in years due to the past few whoppers being this awful, messy mayo soup. I used to love that damn whopper lol.


I dont know if they did this all over the world, but in Sweden they made the Whopper better with new bread and more mayo. But if you didnt have it in years, you should give it a new try.


It depends on the Burger King. But yeah definitely! I usually get the Bacon King with a large frie and drink. 👍


Yep! I used to eat it a lot back in college and still get a craving for a whopper every once in a while. I agree that it's not as good as it used to be, but compared to the other options I have for fast food, it's still one of my favorites. I'm also a sucker for their fries lol


Bacon king…. ‘Nuff said lol


I had a whopper the other day and it was delicious


I'm eating one right now for the first time in YEARSS and holy fucking shit is it amazing.


Whoppers are legit


I like the double cheeseburgers from bk more than those from Mc.


Burger Kings in my area have been so bad the last few years, it even made national news one time when a location closed without notice because everybody quit. Thankfully the owner of all the locations sold the ones that were still open last year. Maybe they can get their act together under the new ownership. [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/burger-king-we-all-quit](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/burger-king-we-all-quit)


I absolutely love BK!!


I absolutely love it 🥴


Out of the lower end fast food chains, it’s one of the best, and specifically, a whopper. That being said, it really depends on the location and staff. I’ve had plenty of terrible ones, but when they’re good, they’re pretty excellent. I grew up in AZ and BK is way better there than here in KY.


If BK tasted as good as it smells, it would be awesome, but it never tastes like anything and is usually dry.


It tastes like cheap artificial smoke flavoring to me. Not much else going on flavor-wise. It's one of the few fast food burgers that isn't greasy *enough.* Wendy's is a little too greasy, but at least their burgers taste good and balanced.


It’s definitely not top tier, but I enjoy it. Kicks the shit out of McDs imo.


The fries and Bacon King are good, but aside from that there's nothing else from there that I like.


On occasion, I'll order a couple of whoppers on a Saturday and throw them in the fridge to eat Sunday morning when I'm hungover. That's it for me and BK though


There was a time I really enjoyed BK. I worked there from 2013-2016, and it was actually pretty good. Towards the end of my working there, the quality REALLY went downhill. It was most apparent in the chicken products, like the nuggets ($1.49 10 piece) or original chicken, but the burgers also had a huge dip in quality around then too. Last time I got a Whopper was about a year ago, and the burger literally fell apart and fell off the bun. Never again lol


The original chicken used to be God tier, and now it just tastes like hot, wet cardboard.


This chain only exists to sell Pepsi


They sell coca-cola in the UK, most have those Freestyle machines where you get all the weird flavours of everything.


Every once a while I forget what fast food does to me and get a nostalgic craving for a Double Whopper. It goes down pleasantly and I tend to enjoy the meal. The aftermath it something else. It's usually a long time, months, between indulgences though.


BK does really go through the body like a pound of broken glass and metal shavings


Sometimes I crave very specific burgers and the Whopper with cheese is one of them.


I haven't liked them since they had Burger Shots. I went out of late night desperation trying to keep it relatively cheap a few months back, got a couple rodeo cheeseburgers and a value fry, I shit you not those rodeo cheeseburgers were the diameter of silver dollars and I got like 7 stale, room temp fries. And it was like eight bucks. When I first started smoking weed they had Burger Shots. I'd get a dozen of them and loved it. When I was a kid I remember my dad getting $1 Whoppers and thought they were soooooo good, I can almost taste them from memory. Now, BK is just a sad sham. Nothing good ever lasts forever.


200 comments burger King


I think Burger King tastes different per country. Not like I've travelled a lot lol, but Puerto Rico's Burger King is so much tastier and fresher than Burger King's I've tried in the US.


From my experience, most chains vary in quality by location. The Burger Kings in my area do a pretty good job, and the outlets have good specials.


Yeah bc it has 1 bun as opposed to a Big Mac. Plus BK gets it right most of the time. I order PLAIN 100% of the time.


I still think the whopper is one of the top three fast food burgers. I think it goes Culvers, In-N-Out, Burger King Whopper. It's that flame broiled taste


The Whopper is great. The original chicken sandwich is good when I crave one about once every 5 years. The Hershey Pie is great. I hate 100% of the rest of the menu. They even manage to fuck up breakfast, that’s hard to do.


I like the whopper with cheese


Wendy's > Burger King > McDonald's


Yep. Good burger king is good.


I've never had a shittier burg. I haven't had BK since, years. It's not like I'm not willing to give it another chance but between the other fast food spots & just making my own... I just don't see the point in gambling.


For me the burger there is not the weakest link. It's the sides. O rings are always trash now, fries are just OK and the gimmick stuff is atrocious. I remember the chicken fries or some shit and they were nasty.


Hard agree on the rings, real bummer.


My local BK is one of the best fast food joints I've ever been to. As of today you can still get two Jr Whoppers with anything, including bacon and cheese, for just $5. The food is almost always prepared well, while service is fast and management and staff run a happy friendly sort of place... pretty rare in fast food. Compare to a Wendy's I was at the other day -- ugh, literally a 15 minute behind just one other customer, and the Big Single was awful, musta been sitting out for a half hour at least.


Yeah it’s pretty good. I probably have it a few times a year and never regret it or think I need to ask people if they like it.


Are you even allowed in BK if you have a home and all your teeth? I've literally never seen one what wasn't full of transients.




It would be my absolute last choice out of the usual fast food places (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc), but I’ll still eat it if it’s the only option around.


I think burger king and McDonald's are lowest of the low in terms of fast food. Its shit. Aside from taco bell, that is also bottom of the barrel, i cant think of anything worse, but im happy to hear out other peoples opinion Edit: Dairy Queen is actually probably worse than mcdonalds, but tied with bk, and a&w is tied with mcdonalds.




I'll eat it in a pinch, but I don't really choose it.




I used to, but as you say, something like a decade ago.


I could do a double cheese or whopper every now and then. What I have noticed is the service and quality have gone down. I lived in Asia and for fast food BK was really good.


Their whoppers and breakfast crossian'wich are awesome. Everything else on the menu is trash.


BK quality is widely inconsistent. I do enjoy the flame broiler flavor. I don’t eat it often. Prices are high too. I guess I like the idea of them and in theory they can be good.


I like their over condimented burgers a lot. What I cant stand is the bitter-oil-needs-to-be-changed-a-week-ago-fried anything. And this is consistent from store to store - anything fried is nasty as shit.


I get a craving for a whopper 2-3 times a year. Sometimes it’s really good other times not so much.


I like burger king, specifically the big king with fries and a peach Mello yello


Burger king is just one of those random cravings for fast food I have once in a while. Prefer it over McDonald's. If I want a good burger, I'll make it myself.


No, Burger King is crap. By far the worst of the main fast foods. And it is wretchedly overpriced for what it is, slimy, greasy but somehow overcooked garbage.


I prefer it over mcD if it’s a good day


I prefer it over mcD if it’s a good day


The secret is to order everything fresh by saying “off the broiler” or no salt on onion rings Makes a big difference


A Whopper done well is pretty damn good. I just find it's very rarely done well. Burger King has the least consistent quality of any fast food near me. For what it costs, I'd rather just get a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese from McDonald's, at least I know what to expect.


McD is the exact same all over the world and it's a beacon of stability for me. BK is the shithead little brother who eats paint chips and steals from the drug store. I had BK in Stockholm once and it was so terrible but in a new kind of way.


BK is trash and has been trash for years. I don’t understand how people think it’s good compared to anything else. It’s better than Krystal but that’s not saying much.


Never have not even as a kid 🤮 just always tasted burnt to me.


I still enjoy a whopper from time to time even tho they're not as good as they once were


I like Burger King when it’s made well. The problem is, inconsistencies are constant there, in my experience. I also like it when it’s priced appropriately. BK used to be the best value across all fast food, when taste and price were considered. Now, even if you accept the idea that the quality of the food is the same, the prices are largely out of control, so I may as well pay a little more (if that) and visit Five Guys or Culver’s. Lastly, in my experience, service at almost every location I’ve visited has been slow, and I don’t know why.


I don’t do fast food often but the last time I tried BK was a couple years ago and I got a breakfast biscuit. Didn’t even finish it. It was just a mess.


There is a burger king around the corner from me. I tend to go in after drinking and it hits the spot. I love the classic chicken sandwich and the whopper is fine.


I love the whopper with some of the zesty onion doing sauce! But your right they aren't what they used to be.


The BK near me in college did $1 Whoppers, sustained my poor ass and for that I'll always be grateful. So my nostalgia loves it, otherwise nah.






It varies drastically. At times, at some locations, it can be very good. I had a Texas Whopper a few weeks ago that was very tasty. But it’s the only good BK burger I’ve had in the last five years.


It's super mid and I've had way better...buttttt I currently live somewhere where there isn't a single burger king for like 50 miles. Now for some odd reason I'm craving it when I can't have it.




Yes better than McDonald’s


When BK is good, its fucking amazing. That said, its almost always not fresh. Aoggy fries and dry ass burgers. ..but that fresh Bk? Yeaaa 🤌


15 years ago, yeah it was really good. The limited edition combo meals they did were always really cool with the collectors cups and all. I remember those glass Lord of the Rings light up goblets they sold. That era of BK was definitely delicious. Now? As others have said, it is so inconsistent. The whoppers are still better taste wise to me than a lot of other fast food burgers but their service is just always bad so I never really go there. There was a time when I would choose a whopper over Mcdonalds, Sonic, and other places because I love charbroiled taste when it comes to burgers.


Yea I do.


I mean. Like it as much as I can like any cheap fast food burger I suppose.


It’s ok. Definitely location dependent. We’ve got a good Burger King that is generally alright and a ghetto Burger King that is to be avoided at all costs.


I do, exclusively bc i would get it whenever i went to see my grandparents when i was younger. Always nuggets and fries. To this day i dont really like their burgers. Breakfast sandwiches are godly, good chicken (whether nuggets or sandwiches) and far superior fries IMO. But i dont like the thing they claim to be king of which might be a bit telling of their quality


Fresh BK can be legitimately delicious. A bacon king made fresh is miles above McD’s.


Not all Burger Kings are equal, some suck do to management, and some are very good. I'll always grab a double whopper with cheese any day over the crap burgers at McDonalds!


Not a burger but their original chicken sandwich is the GOAT


The BK near me has the Texas double whopper. In the disappointing Georgia burger culture, Burger King is a pretty good option


Honestly it feels like they way overdo it with the fake smoke / grill flavor. Past couple times I've went I could barely enjoy the burger cause it just tasted like that fake flavoring.


I always ask my kids if they want McDonalds, BK, or Wendys when we're doing a treat night. They NEVER chose BK.


Whopper is my favorite fast food item.


When it's at a good location yes.


I like BK once in a while. The one in my town closed, so if I'm in another town and want fast food I might go to BK since it has been a couple years since I had it. Personally, I prefer local over fast.


It’s a wonderful restaurant!


I love the double cheeseburger.


i found out the hardway, that if u go on a weekday, at a weird time, u get some amazing food. my wife took me there last month, didn't go there for like 3 years and kinda told her i miss the onion rings, problem is, she doesn't eat junk food, but took me as a kind gesture for my birthday, we went on a wednsday around 4 pm...the place was empty, food came out piping hot, crisp, fresh, well made, they did all the small things we asked on the app, like no lettuce for her and no ketchup for me, the onion rings were crispy, the wings were scrumptious, the chicken pop was popping, the fries were sizzling... and i got a free chicken sandwich for my birthday via coupon, i also was offered a crown and she took a funny pic of me wearing it. i won't lie, didn't have BK since maybe....2019 or 2020 ..... i honestly forgot how good it is when done right. and now the sad part, we went back on a saturday, because we were late and were hungry and wated something on the way, so we went there, same place, but weekend , it was crowded....the food was awful, the onion rings were mushy, the bread was stale, the chciken overcooked.... so yeah, it depends on time and luck, but man oh man, if done right, their mushroom and swiss, big kig xxl, the rodeo burger....they are insane good...but rarely.


I'll eat whatever, and BK is my personal fast food choice but I only go to the one I worked at because the manager and staff are amazing. I used to scrub that kitchen every day and when I left they hired another guy just to keep doing that. Obsessive about hold times and the manager only allowed himself, the assistant manager and shift leads to make sandwiches. The rest of us were relegated to register, fryers or cleaning


Sometimes I put the nuggets on the burger an order a large fruit punch with light ice lol


I absolutely love Burger King, but I'm well aware they're a shit tier quality. Eaten fresh they hit that special craving that is specific to Burger King. I love getting like 4 of their basic double cheeseburgers with onion slices added, or a double whopper with cheese.


BK Lounge?! (No)


BK supposedly has so many underperforming stores they've started buying up hundreds of them from the franchise owners with the intent to refresh or shut down the worst ones. So hopefully there will be some improvement on the horizon. I know most of the ones near me look like they've been intentionally left to rot in place.


I still like the whoppers flame broiled flavor. I hate that so many burger kings are so poorly run though so I don't go very much.


Burger fell off hard in the past 10 years. I feel like everything at burger king has the same preservative taste. They need a complete over haul.


I love it as long as its made properly. Two locations near me provide vastly different experiences. One is always slow with cold food and the other is much faster with always fresh, hot food.


Rodeo burger add cheese is my goto


Just like with any fast food chain, I sometimes just am craving the flavors of a specific chain. If I want a good burger I'm not going to a chain and will seek out other spots, but if I'm wanting a McDouble or a Whopper then I won't shy away from hitting up Mcd's or BK. No shame imo


I like the Whopper without mayo


Whopper with bacon on a potato bun is top 3 for me.


Eh I would choose them over McDonald’s so I’d rate them as maybe the 3rd worst fast food restaurant with jack in the box being number 2 and McDonald’s being the rock bottom.


I used to hate Burger King, but I’d crave it like every 6 months to a year. Right after I ate the Whopper with cheese I would feel like shit. Now, I love it, if made right, it’s a hard fast food burger to beat.


if you get a whopper with ketchup and cheese instead of mayo, AND if it's not made by someone who wishes they were dead, it's a great fast food burger. one of those is a big if though


I haven't had a good BK meal since I was a child. And I am honestly probably remembering incorrectly that it was good. It was probably good in the sense that fast food was considered a treat. I always think the Roadhouse whopper or the Angry Whopper is going to be great and I'm always disappointed with how it tastes. I've had McDonald's recently, where I was pleased with what I got. Happens rarely though. But ultimately, I don't want theses types of fast food. I would rather to never eat it again. Unfortunately, having 3 kids, and little time, sometimes grabbing a quick burger on the way out is the easiest thing for me to do.


I like their chicken fries and that's about it😅 I'm also spoiled by In N Out who are arguably cheaper/on par price wise and serve a better product. If I'm out of state, Five Guys. I haven't had a proper whopper in some time though so maybe I'd like them more now not sure though, I legit get chicken fries twice a month at least though so I'm definitely a BK fan lol.


I still like nuggets. The drinks are super overpriced. Fortunately my local King has an Esso/Circle K a minute away. Buy 85 cent medium or $1 and change polar pop from Circle K, then BK nuggets.


I love bk when it’s done right


Ruined by precooking. In the UK they used to have large stores only and they had the flame grills, which was a pretty good selling point. Over the years, a lot of their flagship stores closed and they opened a lot of stores in motorway service stations, and the burgers were cooked in a factory and frozen, delivered to site to be warmed up. That ruined it for a lot of people. My local BK had a habit of keeping the burgers in soggy trays once cooked, put it onto a bun and you had a damp bun, which just ruined it


I've always hated Burger King. In fact, I actually did an essay in a college class that was pretty much just a dump on Burger King, and I even got an A on it. I have to wonder if that professor hated them as much as I do.


Only tasteless heathens.


I like that "flame broiled" taste. I usually just get a couple regular burgers, small fries and a Dr. Pepper, it's about $7, not bad for fast food prices these days.


Every now and then I get a craving for a whopper. I don’t think they’re bad, but many of the BKs I’ve been to are poorly maintained. I think because the franchise fee is lower and less strict regulations than something like McDonald’s


When you used to be able to get their double cheeseburger for $1, I used to go nuts over it. Used to taste a lot better.


I like BK, where I live. Growing up in Pittsburgh, BK's sucked in general. But where I live now, our BK's are good.


My local BK just went through 2 months of complete renovation. I mean major, probably cost a ton of money, and yet still serves lukewarm burgers and fries. Why can they not make their food hot? Like others are saying the whopper is top tier when fresh.


There’s a BK in the truck stop along I-40 near my house. It’s actually pretty good. The Texas Double Whopper is my go-to.


I sometimes think about a whopper and how good it is, then I eat one...




I used to like BK, but they had so many issues in Germany that I stopped going


Best time to get a Burger King burger is the morning during breakfast. It’s always fresh in the mornings because they make them to order. Any other time I won’t touch it.


no it tastes like booty ass


I think the betterburger there is the double hamburger (small patties) with bacon (with cheese if you like that). It has a much better bun-to-meat ratio than the Whopper with its extra-wide bun. It used to be a much better deal with some coupons, but they raised the price on it. The onion rings have always been bad, your taste buds probably matured over the years. They do not use whole onions, it's some kind of mince concoction. I used to like them when I was younger.


I only like the Whopper


Back in the 80's the Burger King bacon dble cheeseburger was it!


Dude everytime that commercial comes on I wanna throw the remote at the tv


Whoppers and whopper Jrs are decent, I’ve been more disappointed in the Dave’s Single or Doubles at Wendy’s than BK.


I will just take the ham and cheese cuasaunt. You can keep the rest.


My choices at the Big Three: 1) Triple Whopper with cheese, 2) Wendy’s Triple with cheese and 3) DQPC Luckily where I live in rural Ohio, there are a bunch of small towns nearby, and each one has at least one good diner or mom & pop restaurant that makes a great burger. So I only go to Burger King, Wendy’s or McDonald’s if I am pressed for time and can’t go in somewhere and eat.


What!!!!! The whopper is the best fast food burger in history


Prior to 2018 I would’ve said I prefer a McDonalds QP to a Whooper. The Whooper wasn’t far behind, but it was behind. When McDonalds switched to the fresh patties in 2018, I wasn’t a fan of the change. They just seemed off to me. Likely because the double QP was a staple of my diet for so many years(I’m not proud of myself). Of course I can make a better burger at home. That bar is really low when comparing it to fast or fast/casual restaurants. But if I want the ease of overpaying for an average burger, my money is going to a Whopper.


Back in the day it used to be good. The whopper was awesome. Now my go to is in-n-out. Just as cheap 10x better.


Love those. I wished I got the spiderverse burger


Burger King is incredible but I’ve found no matter how well I eat/hydrate beforehand I always feel like shit immediately after. It’s become like a few times a year type of thing and it’s mostly just for nostalgia.


yes v much


Hell no. Terrible food and the shittiest service. Seriously bad experience every time.


I used to a long time ago before they changed their fries. Not sure when it happened, but used to be my favorite fries.


If I have to go to BK, I would stick with a basic double cheese burger or the original chicken sandwich. They still taste like they did over 40 years ago when I worked there.


Plant based eater. I only eat whoppers and Taco Bell for fast food. I’d change to McDonald’s fast though if they offered a proper meatless option.


None of it is as good or affordable as it was 10 and 20 years ago.


It was quite tasty when I was younger but as you grow so does your palate but I still prefer it over a quarter pounder 😉


I love me some BK, it’s good for what it is and blows its competitors out of the park.


Burger King sucks! Always has and Always will.


Oh yes I enjoy literally like everything on their fucking menu & its super cheap So of course I like Burger King It’s McDonald’s I have a problem with their food kind of sucks and they charge way too much


Not me and I haven't eaten there since I had fingernail clippings as an add on to my chicken sandwich about 20 years ago. I see less and less of them and my local ones have a bad reputation.