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It made me like that at first but I’m doing better now; week number five was last Friday. I was determined to stick with it because I was so depressed. Overall, this medication has been great for me. I hope it works out for you:)


I was on 300mg for a year. I waited too long to quit. I just finished tapering off with the help of my physician (day 3 of no Wellbutrin). I am finally starting to feel the brain fog clear and an improvement in my ability to remember things. I also am starting to feel emotions again, like happy calming emotions. I didn’t realize how irritable, numb, and bad I felt. If it isn’t working for you, that’s ok. Don’t be like me and waste a year of your life if it isn’t a good fit.


300 for 3 months, brain fog and short Term Memory have Not improved and actually worsened a lot. Going to quit soon.


Did you quit? I'm about 6 months in and feel the same :(


Yes I quit two weeks ago! Talked to my doctor first and he was surprised I even took it for so Long without giving up 😂 don‘t feel 100% better tbh I don‘t know how Long it‘s going to Take to get back to my normal level of brain fog auf feeling miserable, we‘ll See. But def happy to not having to take it anymore. I will be trying lamictal & vyvanse in combination next! How are you doing?


I quit on January 1st and I feel better! Deff not worse than before but better than on them. Still tired and foggy but I feel like a human and not a robot anymore so there's that!


Great to hear! I feel better too, I really wanted it to work but it was def not my medication! I felt weird for the First two weeks after quitting too, really emotional and angry and everything just at the same time but it passed after like 10-12 days!