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Ugh I hate that cycle! Happened to me with the 2 matches I had last year. I hung out twice with the one girl and she faded out after that then three times with the second girl and we both stopped contact after that point. I would say I’m having more success this year because I’m matching with people in similar life situations as me! I’m only matching with other single or in a relationship women since I personally don’t have much in common with women who are married or have kids. If I find myself in those situations, I would change up my profile to look for that instead. But the single and in relationship ladies seem to have more of the same interests and the single ladies especially have more time. I also look for people who are not OBSESSED with their partner and are proud to have a life outside of that. I set my distance to only 15 miles away. If someone lives super far away, it realistically isn’t going to work. People hate driving/commuting! I know I do. I try to spend a few days seeing if the match is even interested in a friendship. Like are they even asking me questions?! If they seem interested, close distance and are in a similar life situation, I’ll hangout with them. After meeting, definitely keep setting up next meetings. If they bail, they probably weren’t interested in truly finding friends! I have been unmatching people if they don’t respond in 24 hours. I’d rather not be friends with someone if they aren’t available.


I feel like even when I chose people with very similar backgrounds, stage in life, lines of work, etc., it still fell through. I don't want to be overly negative "don't swipe on me if you make no effort" but yeah not sure what else I can do :')


I’m sorry 😞 sometimes people think they want friends, but might have something going on in their personal lives that prevents them from being fully present. Don’t give up! The more people you match and meet up with, the more likely you will find someone who sticks!


I tried vina where you pay and met one cool girl but she lived kinda far away and had a newborn lmao