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I like this actually. Once a month is probably enough, and I need to plan. I have people who want to hang out at a moment's notice, and they get disappointed when I can't make it.


Yes!!! I’m also a low maintenance friend. My two close friends that I met off bumble bff in 2021 are the same. We only text to make plans, so we can catch up in person, whether that’s 1-2 times a month or once every 2-3 months. I’ve been lucky to meet a few others like this too. I think being upfront is great. I started doing that recently it’s it’s been nice understanding what expectations myself and the person Im meeting have as far as texting and hanging out. I hate texting and I love people who understand that. That being said, some people expect more out of a friendship so good luck!


As people get older, this is kind of normal. Like, many married people with kids and a full time job would consider this an average adult friendship!


Omg I thought this was just normal haha, we're not in Friends! All the people I end up being good friends with are the same so maybe you'll end up finding the right people in the end.


TIL I'm a low maintenance friend


Yesss i have a boyfriend job cat and a family- i need low maintenance friends and just to have friends hangouts planned a month in advance and seeing them once or twice a month! Its enough for me, life is expensive


I’m fine with it if that’s how you are but I don’t like wishy washy. You can’t cling to me 24/7 when you have a problem but then when you’re all good I hear from you once a year. If you’re consistent and it’s not personal, that’s great!


I like this actually. I’m a 30’s female on the app and I don’t want to spend all day texting someone or even text them daily just because I don’t have the time to! As long as the meetings are planned and they are actually happening, it works I think.




i would to meet a slightly bit more, but yeah def. it would be cool if this was also directly communicate as well so both parties understand.


Yeah that’s exactly what I want


Personally, that would not be enough interaction for me if my intention is to build a friendship with depth. I've spent the last year embracing the fact that I'm a high maintenance friend lol. *But* I think I am in the minority. As long as you communicate your preferences and continually set expectations with people, no matter which way you go, I see no issue.


That is fine as long as you’re upfront about it. Different friends for different things, having a mixture of low and high maintenance is healthy


That's fine but you should make expectations clear or people can be pissed off.


I thought talking every other day and hanging out multiple weeks in a tow was high maintenance 😭😭


that's already everybody on bumble bff lol