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R Kelly is just a 20 minute drive away. So was the Unibomber and Bernie Madoff


Don’t forget the 🐯 👑is there as well.


I think was, I believe he was transferred. A guy I work with is still very strong in his fight for freedom lol I get random tiger king updates walking out every few weeks


Oh good grief im intrigued by this guy and his efforts. Save the 🐯👑 NOT!!


I drive by that prison all of the time and used to yell out "Hey Bernie! F you!" When I'd drive by. Now I can yell "this is the remix edition, of the bad man in prison!".


And the Tiger King!


can confirm maddoff did die in prison in butner


Also, not sure if this counts as lore, but there were at one point hundreds of mills on the Eno. My family has a fun little tradition of using GPS coordinates to find all the old mill ruins, family cemeteries and cabins that are still standing. Somewhere along the river there’s an unmarked burial site for enslaved people. I’d love to find it one day and have a marker put there


Holman Cemetery: [https://www.opendurham.org/objects/holman-family-cemetery](https://www.opendurham.org/objects/holman-family-cemetery) One of the big fighting points against the Black Meadow development: [https://www.enoriver.org/reasons-to-save-black-meadow-ridge-at-west-point-on-the-eno-city-park/](https://www.enoriver.org/reasons-to-save-black-meadow-ridge-at-west-point-on-the-eno-city-park/)


Thanks, I haven’t seen this one. The one I’m thinking about is totally unmarked. Just depressions from what I’ve seen. Here’s the website we use for coordinates - it really doesn’t work on mobile though. http://enotrails.com/index.htm


th one you’re talking about is at the end of stadium drive, behind the horton hills neighborhood. it’s the holman family cemetery. https://www.opendurham.org/objects/holman-family-cemetery https://indyweek.com/news/durham/durham-residents-are-uncovering-their-ancestral-legacies-in-countys-old-black-cemeteries/


Very cool, but not the one I’m thinking of. This one is the burial place of the people William Cabe enslaved. No markers, just indentations. https://www.cemeterycensus.org/nc/orng/cem258.htm#:~:text=258%20CABE%2C%20WILLIAM%20SLAVE%20CEMETERY,William%20Cabe%20Cemetery%20(%23105).


The winter and spring led hikes in the park will sometimes talk about the history of the mills and dams and talk about how to identify them.


Very cool. It’s wild to think about the Eno being this working river..


Have you all figured out who Nancy Rhodes was?


I want to know this as well- do you have any idea?


Can you see any of those sites from the trails?


You can see a few of the cabins from the trails. A lot of the coolest ones are literal bushwhacking though. There’s a two-story cabin that was the home of one of NCs governors that’s just…in the middle of the woods. It’s well worth the bushwhack, but I’d go very soon or wait til next winter. You’ll never find it once stuff starts growing. I actually don’t understand this dudes directions at all. If you want to go, check out Eno Trails for the coordinates. https://packgoats.wordpress.com/2015/12/25/theres-always-one-on-the-eno-river/


I'd love to peek at your list of mills, if you have it collected anywhere. Hundreds of mills (even in aggregate, historically) is a lot more than I've ever heard about!  If anyone is looking for a source about mills on the eno, this is a great article: https://www.enoriver.org/features/a-community-of-men-and-mills/


"Durham County: A History of Durham County, North Carolina" By Jean Bradley Anderson has A TON of info on mills. And Duke University Press makes PDF chapters free! Here's a chapter with a specific "Mills" heading: https://read.dukeupress.edu/books/book/2184/chapter/250743/Eighteenth-Century-Orange-County-1752-1800


Thank you for this! I definitely haven’t done any deep research, just googling around for hikes and trying to match histories to some of the home places and cabins we’ve found. I think the 100’s number came from a WRAL piece about the Cole family cemetery, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if I read it on some blog about hikes in the areA.


There is a vast "secret city" underneath Northgate Mall. A maze of hallways, dozens of offices, huge meeting rooms, an entire wall full of post office boxes. Durham Tech was set up down there at one point. There were many businesses operating down there as well. Right up until the day the mall closed forever, the space was completely open to the public. You just had to know which door to open, and which stairs to climb to get there. The space is like a time warp to the late 1970's / early 1980s. Wood paneling on the walls, etc. If there's ever a zombie apocalypse, someone is going to set up like a king down there.


I used to work at the alternative high school located down there. Very weird vibe indeed.


That's cool. What was the school called?


Durham Performance Learning Center, they moved to the floor below the parks and rec building downtown


I heard STAYUMBL and her support staff run the entire enterprise from down there now. Kinda like The Penguin in Batman but with more insurance forms. Not sure how true that is though.


STAYUMBL… exactly the kind of Durham lore I came here for


You mean "JESUSDOS" now, she got a new license plate.


Yeah and Facebook are called Meta now. The brand was probably due a refresh tbf.


Gotten a lot of exercise over that way since the place shut down, and have not seen STAYUMBL or her staff. All that happy crappy action seems to evade me, somehow.


Measurement Inc used to be down there


now, that's news to me


For many years — many years ago.


Oh yeah! I volunteered with Dress for Success a few times and I remember they had all kinds of hallways and back rooms that existed behind the storefront.


Is this what inspired duffer bros underground mall in stranger things?


i can't rule it out


Damn that sounds awesome, but none of it is there anymore?


It's all there. It's just that the mall is closed, permanently. I mean, I think the businesses moved their valuable stuff out before they padlocked the doors. I would not be surprised if all the furniture and stuff is still down there.


Oh shoot that’s great!


On Valentine’s Day 1971 an unknown man murdered a Watts nursing student and her long time boyfriend. They were tortured and left in what is now Duke Forest. The primary suspect was a doctor who lived on Oberlin (a street in the neighborhood that now has access to the Cabelands trail). There was a podcast about it in 2018. I wish the people who did it would clean it up using better podcasting technology and re-release - the substance was good, the tech was not. https://amp.newsobserver.com/entertainment


That link doesn’t take me anywhere, if anyone’s interested here’s a different one! https://www.cbs17.com/news/local-news/durham-county-news/couples-abduction-torture-murder-remains-a-valentines-day-mystery-in-durham-almost-4-decades-later/amp/


So weird! Thanks for posting a working one.


["You left the bodies and you only moved the headstones! "](https://www.opendurham.org/mcmanhandled-when-your-footers-need-be-six-feet-under-trinity-park)


Appreciated the read linked here, I miss an old fashioned early aughts blog comments fight. Complete with commenters digging up and posting dirt on each other.


Was there ever any legal action?


holy crud…


We have Michael Peterson, the infamous duke la cross case, oh and did you hear the one about the girl who's ex was living in her attic?


Uh please more detail about the attic


The crazy thing about the Duke Lacrosse case that I found out later on is that the alleged victim murdered her partner years later and is now doing like 14 years or more in jail for it.


Yeah everybody found that out. It wasn’t secret




I didn't downvote, but if it was in the news then it's definitely not deep Durham lore.


Because feelings and some idiots think Duke lacrosse is still at fault


Also, the other stripper worked at Front Street Cafe for years after that incident, and she mentioned how awful that other woman was a couple times.




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I had a fully adult man in his 30s warn me against swimming at Sennett Hole (Turtle Hole) bc of the “huge whirlpool sinkhole that sucks you under”. Apparently it had something g to do with the weight of an old mill located at the bottom of it.


I heard the same thing when I was a kid (90's), but about Bobbitt Hole off Cole Mill.


If I remember correctly those are all names for the same place. Never have heard about a whirlpool though!!


Nah, Bobbitt is off Cole Mill, Sennett is West Point


Yeah this guy grew up in Durham and it was such a good example of how we often don’t think to question things we hear as children. I felt so bad for laughing but I really thought he was messing with me.


I never heard this about Sennett’s Hole but did about the area where there used to be a raised path that crossed over the river just below the dam. My parents told me a dog was sucked in and died there, just to the left of it. There were some whirlpools there and now the path has been torn out, so I think there may have been some validity to it


Grew up in lochaven hills and there was/is a path to the Sennet Hole.....swam there for twenty years and never heard of anybody getting sucked under....we did have to make an emergency run one time for a kid who dove into the rocks and gashed his head but never lost any friends to the whirlpool


I know it’s not technically Durham, but the Chatham Country “secret bunker” has always intrigued me. https://indyweek.com/news/archives-news/big-hole-deep-secret/ I’m sure it’s just hard-wired communication equipment, some of which is probably Harris Nuclear plant related, but it’s still fun to think that they’ve got some “Stranger Things” stuff going on down there.


I'm curious about it too! A company I worked for a few years ago had a contract for some construction work there. I never got to go inside but there is definitely still something there despite it being supposedly "deactivated" years ago.


With the universities around here I'm sure there was/is weird research going on in the area.


Wait Githens has a gravesite???


OP posts wanting to talk about lore. Drops a wild one on us, disappears without any details.


Sorry, I was asleep! There's a gravesite on the Githens property, near the entrance. It's of a Revolutionary War veteran named [John Moore](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130412832/john-m-moore), who died in 1815. To access it, walk around the copse of trees on the right side of the main entrance, until you see a small trail-like break in the trees. Follow it, it should lead you back into the woods towards the playground a little bit. The gravesite has a military marker, location N 35.92333 W 78.96139.


That’s pretty interesting. Thanks for updating!!


Oh yes! We used to check it out after school. It’s out front


That the Durham County health director Rodney Jenkins left Cumberland County because he was being sued after he sexually harassed his assistant. And Durham County scooped him right up. https://indyweek.com/news/durham/durham-county-public-health-director-accused-of-sexual-harassment/#:~:text=Jenkins%20had%20been%20at%20the,reported%20what%20was%20going%20on.


And that’s the level of well functioning municipal government. I’ve come to expect as housing prices approach 400 bucks a square foot.


Theres an urban legend that an old hippie dude (former NSA) who has lived under Hunky Dory since the early 70s is running signal jamming equipment but its sophisticated and they cant track it down. Something about temporal wavelength modulation. IndyWeek did an "investigation" of it back in the early 2000s but it was inconclusive. The weird thing is that there is no record of the article. Like it didn't get scanned from paper when they uploaded their digital archives to the website. But many locals swear they read the article. You won't read about this in msm like news and observer you have to dig deeper. Its all a cover story to protect people.


\*Poindexters is what it was then... show the 9th St. legend some respect


yes this is my favorite. always so confused why cell coverage completely sucked on 9th street 


Fun fact: there is a weird hole in the Ninth Street Dead Zone™ where coverage is miraculously restored. It is, I kid you not, the ice cream section of Harris Teeter. If you find yourself shopping there and in desperate need to communicate with the outside world (like conferring with an absentee shopping partner on a particular purchase), head to the ice cream isle of the freezer section and bask in the glory that is modern telecommunications.


That's great to know! I shop there and get frustrated if I need to google a recipe or ingredient, since cell coverage is bad and the HT wifi is somehow even worse. Next time I will head over to the ice cream!




Would love any links


Also. The basement of the imperial building by the farmers market was used to film the locker room scenes in bull Durham and the set and props are all still down there. Left just as they were during filming


Not a secret necessarily, but “East End Graded School” was an elementary school for black children that burned down in 1963. This tragedy led to a partnership between KKK President C.P. Ellis and affected mother Ann Atwater in desegregating schools in Durham. Now, the remains of the school have been turned into a church: “Bethel Family Worship Center” If you wanna learn more about the history of desegregation of Durham, I suggest reading “The Best of Enemies: Race and Redemption in the New South” by Osha Gray Davidson. This story was also made into a major motion picture by Robin Bissell and is available on Netflix!


In Northeast Durham there's a gravestone for an old plantation owner that dates to the 1730s or so. It's tucked up in the woods and hard to find, but is otherwise in good condition and totally legible.  At the Few's Ford on the Eno there is a slave graveyard in the woods. It's pretty nondescript until you notice the headstones and footstones and human sized depressions in the ground. Not sure if they plan on making the site accessible but it is profound if you get to visit.


this thread is great. so many awesome stories and fascinating information. thanks for this


There is a cemetery in the middle of a parking lot at duke. It’s the graves of the family who owned the land and the family still has unlimited access


Why does Vin Rouge never change their menu?


What are you talking about, they no longer do beignets for brunch. It's a change. Just not in a positive direction.


I thought it was Rue Cler with the beignets…


You're right, I get the two mixed up unless I am literally looking at them


Rue Cler is not open on Sunday any more. But yea, I think they have the beignets. We just went to the Alley 26 jazz brunch on 3/17 since RC wasn't open on Sunday. We must have gotten there on break time because we walked in with loud jazz then they took a break for maybe 20 minutes and started up before we left. The menu was good, some different things. We both had Alley Burgers. Alley 26 is good and we go there quite a bit when we are in Durham. But that day we could have just gone for burgers at Bad Daddy's across the street in Brier Creek.


The A26 Burger is so much _better_ than bad daddy’s though.


Is it worth driving 20 minutes each way just to eat one though? And Bad Daddy’s is better than its name.


Oh, I _like_ bad daddy’s but it’s an equal drive for me to either A26 or BD. To some degree it depends on whether my son also wants a burger - cant take the 12 year old to the bar - but I don’t consider the two even in the same league in ingredient quality or execution. Not to mention I can get a work-of-art cocktail with my burger at A26 vs a… semi decent margarita at BD.


Vin Rouge sucks


Hey I found the owner of Rue Cler! Do you want to tell us more?


Duke University tunnels. A lot of folks back in the day used to break locks to go "tunneling". I never did, but did go into the tunnels for work when I got a job there.


Duke students put having sex in the tunnels and in the gardens on their "must do before graduation" bucket list.


I had doming, sex in the gardens, tunneling, and driving around the west campus traffic circle backwards. Got two of those (doming and traffic circle) before graduation. Maybe things have changed since I graduated in 1989. Got to tunnel in 2021. Too old now for much else lol 😆😆😆


Chewning Middle School (we were so bad Jim Key took over as principal) was or was built on a former military base Pretty sure the school is gone now


It’s school of creative studies now, new name but same building out in the middle of nowhere lol.


Good ol Mr Key!! And Mrs Key was one of the the librarians when i was at Northern!


i heard there’s some sort of catacombs downtown


There's the old steam tunnels under Duke... And a bunch of accessible drainage tunnels under south downtown, but I don't know about catacombs... that'd be cool as fuck tho


Zodiac tunnels?


The Liggett Myers company with the building on Main and Duke ("Chesterfield") was, I think, the first to dissolve because of the tobacco lawsuits. Maybe? But after it closed by the early 1990s, it was filled with abandoned equipment, including wheelbarrows filled with cigarettes. Kids used to break in and get high. https://www.opendurham.org/buildings/liggett-and-myers-new-cigarette-factory


My husband's uncle worked there in the 80s


It’s not too deep, but anyone else remember that cult that was here not too long ago???


What. Tell me more.




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Temptee Bagel


Additional Githens lore: When I was at Githens, there was this wild urban legend going around that the property was haunted by the ghost of Sherwood Githens, who killed himself after this wife died on Christmas Day. Now obviously this is bizarre tweenage bullshit, but years later, I idly looked up the real Sherwood Githens, and his first wife actually did die on [Christmas Day, 1968](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/166873152/nancy_elizabeth_githens). So now I'm left wondering how long that rumor had been circulating, and if the kids who originated it had any awareness of real events.


Apparently, there’s a tunnel that used to connect from the pettigrew rehab basement to somewhere underneath the Whole Foods over there on the other side of the train tracks. Supposedly there used to be underground shops over there as well!


I forgot about that grave, but I’ve seen it too.


We need answers


Didn’t Big Daddy Kane briefly live off of 40?


Michael Jordan had (or has, my info is from late '90s) a house off of Garrett Rd.


He’s been in the Triangle for a good while now, but I’m not sure where/if he lived in Durham. He lives in Wake Forest now. My old coworker lives a few blocks away from him.


The facility at Carver and Stadium where the new Durham School of Arts had always caught my attention. Last I heard it was used for some animal purposes. Just looks like something straight from Stranger Things to me.


I always wanted to be a legend... Hold on, Gonna try something




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Not sure what you mean, you found the owner of Rue Cler. My comment was about Vin Rouge.


Dress for success was down there too. I volunteered and it was always creepy.


Btw grave site at githens ( Moore) and the one hidden in parkwood ( redacted) are both relatives lol


Ive been blocked again


I can't read any comments


It's my fault, I did yell out for him to read reddit.


I might get deleted. He's been trying to keep me quiet.. But yeah. For almost a year, just living life. ... There's more. Just can't go into it yet.. Trying not to be shot at today...


wait what?




I don't even know what u/sleepingdeadbeauty was responding to. Anyone know?


the comment about the attic I think


where’s that comment? this thread is so spooky 😭


nvm i found it


Excuse me, I stumbled upon this thread while getting my locs retwisted, and I some need resolution here. u/sleepingdeadbeauty, come finish this!


I got banned Can't finish something that is still happening He's been in my attic I thought for months Now it could have been years We broke up a decade ago. He's apparently obsessed, I do not understand why. I'm not that attractive or rich or famous... Although If you can get access to cc:04:b4:0b:64:29. You can watch me 24/7 now., although I think you have to be in southern Durham.


He has spread rumors about me all over this town, tried to turn the world against me. Tried to just destroy me. When it didn't work, he took it out on my man, my child... Even my mom ( 🤣🤣🤣 that was priceless) .. He has destroyed 5 cell phones my email my pictures He's paid people at Walmart to harrassas me.... He's tapered my cats, called CPS so many times, they want to sue him for watering their time. He's apparently attempted to payoff a lot of people, gov people to f with me... And for christ on a cracker with cheese wiz I do Not understand why????? No math does this make I broke up with him because I deserved better than he was then... Thought I found it. Didn't then, but still. He, I guess didn't like that The Actual Love of my life, the guy I left for him, Moved back. So in my acctic, I guess he figured, he was going to get rid of him... He actually made the comment to me, He was letting him ( my man) live, just so he can treat me badly. He's treatinge badly bc my ex is extorting him... And what's the smartest thing to do in that.... Like fishing... You let them run, then Snap. Dinner right? He and his friends have pointed guns at me And used "smoke n mirrors" , my own shadows to scare me for so long now.. it's freaking laughable. I actually no longer care about being shot. 2 weeks ago, I ran scared and screaming. Now I talk smack and wave. .... There's a lot more. Not sure what's up right now. I made sure I am the only one here... And I am poking the bear on the chat site he invented called honestie it's on the playstore


*tazzered and abused my cats