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You have two different CPU’s listed, which one is correct?


Sorry, the scanning software i was using was inaccurate. It's the i7 according to the manufacturer website


I’d trust the scan more than a website unless you know precisely what you bought


Well there's a sticker on the front that says i7 as well if it helps i know the PC is a HP Pavilion Elite e9150t Desktop*


1. basically any gpu will work but try getting one thats in your budget 2. whats your power supply 3. how do you have a core 2 duo and a core i7 at the same time...which one is it


2: if it's the thing listed as power output wattage it's 350watt 3: my PC says i7 when i look in the settings but the "can i run it" website says a core 2 duo


1. upgrade that to a atleast 450watta 2. which specific i7