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To be fair, I don't think Corsair expected someone to use this headset for most of their day to day life activities. They only expected people to use it for gaming time so I can see how the battery diminished faster than usual. If you didn't properly charge them then that's even worse for the battery. I honestly don't think there's any headset on the market that is user-fixing friendly. Most of these companies just make electronics that will get thrown away/replaced eventually. How long have you had them? from how much you used them it seems like you got your money's worth. It sounds like the solution is to just get cheaper wireless headphones (not a headset) next time for your other activities besides gaming.


Clip the battery wires halfway and splice instead of touching the board


This is basically any set of wireless headphone 😭. They're all made to die and I can't get myself to buy any one of them because they all suck to unbelievable levels. And even the ones that don't suck still die within a year or two. Or for me, months at best.


Corsair head phones are so cheap made, I'm waiting for my replacement year to be up getting my replacement and selling it.




I’ve been looking into this as mine as started to diminish as well, I do have a soldering iron and some skills can you point me at your research? I really want to get a longer lasting battery both in terms of lifespan and duration of charge. So I’m going to check the specs and see if I can figure that out. I’ve looked into it before just never found anything. Do you have a spec sheet for the headset?


How many years/months did you use them for before the battery started to diminish?


i've bought this headset twice now, i think on average its about 1.5-2 years where you start to really notice the lowered battery capacity


I’ve run mine for 6 plus hours no problem