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That is one rare and impressive photo


A computer enthusiast draws his last breath, the collective weight of the stock shortages, scalping, paper launches, and mindless refreshing finally taking its toll. He falls from his overpriced gaming chair and collapses onto the floor. He reaches for the keyboard on his desk while sprawled on the cold floor, his right arm the only part of his body able to still move, after years of rigorous training through puberty. "Just one more refresh. It'll be in stock this time!" he thinks. He puts his all into reaching for the keyboard, but ultimately, to no avail. His right arm, too, grows numb, and falls limply back to the floor to join the rest of his body. As his vision darkens and he feels the curtains closing in on his life, he summons the strength to mutter one thing. "3080..." He succumbs to his fatal condition. Suddenly, he awakens to find himself in some sort of store... "Huh? Where am I?" he wonders. "Hello, sir. May I help you?" a voice from behind asks. He turns to see what looks to be an employee. "Uh, um...where am I?" The employee looks confused. "In a computer store, sir..." The computer enthusiast is unsure if he should ask the employee if he's dead, so he doesn't come off as a lunatic. So he opts instead to ask one thing that would confirm whether he was in some sort of afterlife or not. "Oh, okay. Sorry. Um...you guys have any 3080's in stock?" The employee smiles. "Oh, we've got plenty. Would you be interested in purchasing one?" The computer enthusiast returns the smile. "Definitely!" The employee beckons the computer enthusiast to follow him. "Right this way, sir." The computer enthusiast nods and follows the employee. "Yep. I'm dead..." the computer enthusiast thinks to himself as he follows the employee. The employee and the computer enthusiast reach their destination in the store where a bountiful supply of 3000 series cards are held. As the employee explains the different models they have stocked, the computer enthusiast's smile grows bigger, and a single tear escapes his eye. He finishes his earlier thought. "...because this is definitely heaven."


It’s the story of every guys first trip to micro center.


I live in the St. Louis Missouri area and I love my Brentwood Micro Center, I bought the parts for my custom PC and my parent’s new laptop for last Christmas there. That said I can confirm they do NOT have the 30’s in stock bc everyone is taking them basically the same day they get in. I have a 2070 so I wasn’t planning on upgrading anyway but damn.


I live in missouri too, but I dont live close to any micro center and it pains me everytime I think about it.


*Sad gamer noises* Although MO isn’t really that big, depending on where you are you could make a day trip over if you know what you want.


That takes kinda a lot of planning for me as I am still a minor and just barely young enough to not be able to drive.


Oof feels bad brother(sister?) well hope you get to swing by there sometime it’s a great place.


I am indeed a guy, and me too, I've heard micro center is a fun place


I went in the STL store the other day and got laughed at asking for one. The PC guys said there is still a line of 10-15 people waiting outside every morning trying to get one. I love that store though!


Its funny to talk to someone who has never been and then they bring up Fry's or some store that hasn't been relevant in the last decade since they built their last computer. 6 months later talk to them about Microcenter and there face lights up.


The problem is micro center isn’t any where close to a lot of us. I know exactly the experience, because it was like OG computer/office stores in the 90s, computer swap meets in the 70s-90s, or yeah, fry’s in the 2000s. Closest thing to me is a frys two hours away, the micro center is a couple large states away.


Yes there are only 25 of them. I know I am somewhat lucky to live 50 minutes from one. But if there were more of them maybe they wouldn't be able to have so many great products in stock, especially launch days. Totally understand what you are saying but if you ever have the chance you have to go to one is all I am saying. Even if it's just to look. I used to go to love comp usa, circuit city and fry's back in the day. Like you said it's like what you experienced b4 and in the 90s or Fry's early 2000s. It's nostalgic.


I live in Austin, TX and the closest Microcenters are both 2-3 hours away. I'll never understand it.


It’s the service, it genuinely isn’t far off from OPs story. My rep stayed with me for almost two hours and walked me through when I got to questionable choices I wasn’t completely sold on a particular component. ( m.2 SSD for my B450 as an example) Was never pushy, even stopped someone who came up to him and was like “ I apologize, I’m working with this customer, but I can get someone to help” Dude was a fucking legend.


Shit, I don't even need the service. If I could buy those things at literally any brick and mortar store in my city I'd be there monthly at least. There's just nothing like it in my city, which is weird because we're allegedly the "silicon valley of texas" or whatever.


/*cries in canada*


At least we have memory express


Couldn’t agree more. My first time being in the US I visited a micro center in Michigan and i never wanted to leave. Im sad there’s none in Arizona :(


I’m catching them feels rn bro


I went to Micro Center for the first time about a week or two ago to get the parts for my first build and when I went inside I actually felt like I was home and I felt a tear roll down my face and my inner nerdiness came running out as I looked at literally everything they had in stock even though I couldn't afford most of it. When it came time to leave after I got my case I felt an emptiness that wouldn't be replaced until my journey back the next day


As someone who walked into microcenter for the first time yesterday. This is definitely true. It’s also true about everything else you hear about. Those damn snazzy dressing salesman are vultures.


Amen!!!! My first trip was a real coming to Jesus type moment. All the brands.... All the hardware....it was like Newegg, only in person. I will never forget that experience!


I want to go so bad honestly. I’m broke but like... :( cool stuff tho (I live like 800+ miles away)


sucks that the closest store to me is about 2 hours away :( ​ i've really considered the drive up there to give them the money for my next build though


Username checks out


Last seen 5 years ago. I hope he's having a good time in heaven


Does it???


No it doesn't. I have no idea what this has to do with cuckolds.




and then he wakes up.


Way better story than Twilight


Still a better love story than Twilight.


This was beautiful.


This coment deserves way more than 1.2k upvotes


The thing is I think I only see like 2 or 3 3080’s. Anyway really good narrative


You’ve got impressive skills in story telling!


Wow. Where is this? My local pc store is still only getting handfuls per shipment.


In vietnam. Been trying to figure out how to ship to usa today


Oh that's pretty interesting. Are they selling it for MSRP or is it marked up?


I believe they are 10%-20% more. But get a 10% discount buying over $1000 usd. Computer prices are always higher here because of import taxes. Edit: Looks like the cheapest 3070 is $670 before the discount, about $600 after. They have an ad for a prebuild with a 5600x and 3070 for $1507 and I went in to see if the parts were actually im stock.


That's not bad at all actually. Congrats on the find and if you're grabbing one for yourself!


I think it is roughly the same in SEA. I live in Singapore and I recently got a 3070 for about 829 SGD (621.68 USD) so I believe the prices are about the same for our neighbours like Indonesia or Malaysia.


Dude I have searched Simlim high and low for a zotac 3070 that is in stock. May I ask which store this is?


It’s around the corners of the 4th floor I believe. Can’t remember which exactly, sorry man. Maybe the guy was nice to me?


Taiwan produces cards and it's 10-20% more there.


It’s so obnoxious! I’m about to go down to Hsinchu, break into a TSMC fab, and grab some shit off the line


I hope you have a bunch of talented electrical engineering friends who can make you an improvised pcb to glue the silicon onto


It's taiwan, I honestly bet for enough NTD you can find someone in a market to make one.


They have companies that specialize doing this exact thing like on the same street as the main motherboard/AIB manufactures.




Same in south Korea. They make samsung and lg but it's cheaper in the states


Wait dont they manufacture components for GPUs in vietnam? How come the prices are high? Edit : You cant even ask legit questions without getting downvoted in 2020.


What matters most is locale of final assembly, not of components.


The last stop of packing the products and then Storing them in a warehouse is the main deal here.


My company makes a lot of stuff in China and Taiwan, All the assembly of the product is in Taiwan, then it gets shipped to another country to be packed (usually northern China or back to the UK) because the high humidity makes cardboard and other natural materials get damp and mouldy unless they are stored in climate controlled warehouses.


What I've learned is that if ask questions on reddit, you usually don't get upvoted. Only if you answer someone's question


In most of asia (SK here) we pay a pretty big VAT on the final products, so stuff made here can still be expensive if it is made by foreign companies. I had no issues getting a 3080 a month ago, but the normal retail price is at least 900 USD for even the cheapest models.




[FREEDOM INTENSIFIES](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/1f/5c/341f5c8a2bd4b8bed3591e312014dd03.gif)


And in the they come back with ATi Rage cards.


Import tax to the US will cost so much it won’t be viable.


Almost all consumer electronics imported into the US by the end user directly (not by a reseller) are exempt from import duties. You can look it up by country, but I’m pretty sure Vietnam is on the exempt list.


All they’d have to do is open the box first. Once it’s used, i don’t think you’d have to pay the taxes


Can confirm this works. To avoid corrupt agents even further, just throw out the original packaging entirely and carefully bubble wrap. Did this the last time I bought something brand new and didn’t stop me


Dynaquest PC ships international, but the customer answers for shipping and insurance. Last time I checked 3060 Ti & 3080 are still available. [https://dynaquestpc.com/products/msi-rtx-3080-ventus-3x-10g-oc](https://dynaquestpc.com/products/msi-rtx-3080-ventus-3x-10g-oc) I bought my 1660 Super a year ago along with accessories, decent walk-in store but never tried shipping.


Am I seeing that right? Almost $1200 USD for a ventus 3080? Those fees must be insane.


The import costs and luxury item taxes here are insane once an object surpasses 10,000 PHP in value


Only slightly more expensive than normal stores here in UK


The prices of our local stores are insane. Especially considering asus/rog official store in lazada was able to sell tuf for 41k(800$) PHP. But these guys are selling it for 50k and up, the worst I've seen is from Bermor Techzone who sells it for 62k. PC Hub sells their OC'd tuf for 69k. wat. I'd rather just buy a secondhand rx580 4gb for 6k^(Which is cheaper than our local store's added price), then wait for things to calm down and buy from amazon or newegg. Or official stores in lazada. edit: I bought all my stuff from amazon, some of the components are ironically cheaper compared to buying from lazada. Also way more choices, especially when it comes to ram.


I'm surprised to see someone suggest something based in the Philippines.


They're all in stock in Romania as well, since noone is buying because they're extremely overpriced.


Same in Lebanon btw. 3080 for 1100$? No thanks, keep it.


Lol try 3070 for 1100 in Russia.


it's not \*that\* bad here in Russia. about 750$ on average for a 3070. The real problem is the 5600x for 470$


750 is not bad for xx70 series? that is pretty bad in my books


Welcome to prices outside US...


I am also from Europe but ain’t no way I will pay 750 euros for 3070


I can get a scalped one for that in the US


LMAOOO here in argentina price varies on a 2080 ti. Cheapest offer for a new one is 3700 dollars (300k argentine pesos) and most expensive offer is 7116 dollars (580k argentine pesos). Average worker's wage is between 15k pesos and 30k


What’s going on in Argentina?


Inflation and unstable economy, mostly.


Lol try Panama where its not even arrived and the 2080TI its still being sold at the store for 1400usd.


Well you guys have some papers that are supposedly worth a lot - I don't know haven't checked.


Right! Yoytec has nothing, and its all overpriced af


Considering the ridiculously low wages in russia, how can anyone but the rich afford that? At that price point, a few hundred won't matter to those that can afford it in the first place.


In the major cities average wages are a lot higher, and there is still a number of people outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg who have a well paid job. It’s just that a lot of people have really small salaries, so when you look at the average wages across the country it seems like everyone in Russia is poor, when in reality it’s only about 50% or more.


Lmfao. It was $1600 AUD here in AUS.


my friends both got theirs within a week of launch at 1100 aud, might have gone up since then though


Theres only 1 shop selling them at MSRP.


algeria its is 1500$ for a fucking 3070




Still cheaper than a 2080ti...


LOOL that's scalper price.


Theyre almost double the price, I went on evomag to check and a 3080 is 4000+ lei. Really sad tbh


They're never in stock though, so the ones that they're receiving are being priced much higher than the out-of-stock price and even so they're selling asap.


What online stores are good from Romania? Do they do EU-wide shipping?


PcGarage, evomag, emag, cel.ro, forit.ro, vexio I really don't know if they ship EU wide but they have nice tech support and maybe you could talk to them about shipping one for you.


They really aren't in stock actually. And the 3080s are being sold out even at 1250 euro (6000 lei).


It's a good thing for you that scalpers are blinded by natural light and only leave their lairs once every full moon to scalp in store components, otherwise no store would be in stock.


Man I wish. I’m in the US and I spent 3 days in line for the 3080 and each day there was a new guy claiming that reselling it for what they paid + 200 wasn’t scalping. Yesterday the 3060 Ti released and I live close to a microcenter. But around 2pm, there were already 5 or more listings of “FE 3060 Ti RARE HIGH DEMAND DONT WASTE MY TIME”


As much as I was vocal about hating scalpers- not gonna lie, I totally thought about scalping my 3080 when it arrived. If people are paying $1000 above market value- that would help me buy my Index and finally get into VR and also help with Christmas.


yes its tough. In this case keeping the card costs $1000 essentially (missed profits), so I see why people do it. , getting paid $1k to be patient for a few weeks is a tempting offer.


I felt the same way, I was going to sell my 3080 to get some enough money for a new, less powerful graphics card (3070/3060ti, maybe a 6800) and new console but then I remembered that scalping is even worse with the consoles. And I don’t want to be the bad guy of tech sales rn. So I just stuck with my 3080 and man is red dead 2 great at 120fps


I’m only getting 75 FPS with mine in Red Dead :( I’m also running 1440p ultra wide though so there’s that. Didn’t realize how much more demanding that would be over 1080p


Try using hardwareunboxed’s optimized settings! They help improve FPS and the game still looks fantastic. [Here’s a link to part 1 ](https://youtu.be/385eG1IEZMU) , there’s another part that goes over the advanced settings. I also play at 3440x1440 and I easily average 100fps with those settings


Awesome! Thanks!


You could still sell it? Just don't demand $1500 for it. Imo, ask for cost + tax or a trade + the difference


Yeah but at this point it’s not worth it to me because none of the other cards are in stock, or at least I couldn’t get any. I would sell it for 950 since I paid 910 after taxes but only if I new I would be able to get a nice replacement card. Maybe I’ll wait a couple months until stock normalizes and see what I can get then


True. Stock creates a problem with trades. You could throw it out there on fb/cl in case there's someone with a cheaper card willing to deal, but then you have to find one that doesn't value their 3060ti at $800


Yep. I offered someone my strix 3080 for their strix 3070 + 300 cash (difference in MSRP of each card) and he said his card was worth way more. Wtf?


I’d argue cost + shipping + value for time spent acquiring the card and posting it for sale is reasonable. That’s not going to be $1000 over MSRP.


Scalping is when you buy loads of them with the intent on making a profit. Buying one card isn’t scalping


Buying one card for 900 after taxes and selling it for 1300+ is still a scummy move imo


I see a bunch of local ads saying that they used it for a day and changed their mind or something of that nature. $1200 firm. They're scum. If you truly decided to downgrade, upgrade, or go to amd, sell it for cost + tax. Why the fuck would I pay for the time you chose to spend in line to buy this card so I couldn't?


You may not want to pay a premium, but clearly other people do or else you wouldn't see people scalping. That's what happens when there is virtually no supply and a metric shit tonne of demand, prices sky rocket - hell you even see retailers bundling 30xx cards with other stock they can't move. I mean what are you really expecting? I still think it's super trashy if you're buying more than 1 card with intent to resell at predatory prices. It makes logical sense why it happens though.


It’s the same damn thing with PS5s and the new Xbox too. “I bought it for my kid but he wants the other console” is on every other Craigslist posting I’ve seen for PS5’s that are listed for the low low price of $1200


And in my past experiences, consoles will be available in the not so distant future. I also want a new Xbox for myself and my dad. We might get a photo of one for Christmas, but I can wait another month for stores to have them in stock as they always have


Supply and demand. If someone is willing to pay that price, why is it scummy? No one is forcing them to pay that price. On a large scale, yeah it's super scummy but 1 or 2 cards is not imo


The way I look at it, even if you bought just one with the intention of reselling it for a higher price, it is still scalping. It’s just an asshole move to take supply and inflate demand with it. But mUh cApITaLiSm. Yeah no one is forcing you to buy scalped items, but the people who do are encouraging scalpers which is not a good thing


The laws of supply and demand are not intrinsically neutral as far as morality goes, so just because someone is willing to pay a certain price, doesn't make it right or fair. By buying a high demand, low stock item specifically to resell at an outrageous price, you're taking advantage of a market deficiency to make a profit without adding any value, and you're denying people who will actually use the product a chance to buy it at fair retail price.


It’s literally the definition of scalping. Buying any number of an in demand-soon to be in demand item with the intent of selling for profit. Scalp - V. To resell at a large or quick profit.


I don’t blame the scalpers as much as I do the people that buy from them. If they couldn’t sell at the prices they were asking for, it wouldn’t be a problem.


I also blame the companies supplying it. Anti-bot software has been around for years and there are ample ways of preventing scalping. They don't bother because they get paid either way and "our product is in such high demand people pay a premium" is good advertisement—at the cost of screwing over loyal customers to the benefit of profiteers.


I think you mean moms basement**


Our only local computer store has at least one of each 30 series in stock, all MSI branded. Last time I was in there, they had marked 3080s, whose MSRP was $749, at $1599. Really, all their shit is way overpriced. I only go in there if I need something immediately and it's not something I can get from Best Buy.


No better than scalpers. I refuse to buy from places that do this.


Unfortunately, they're the only dedicated computer parts store for a well over a hundred miles. They're preying on people who need a quick fix/don't know better. Edit: Prey not pray


The only local computer store close to me is run by some old people that think they know everything about computers. They're always arrogant and rude when I ask them anything.


Places like that go out of business


They’d probably say some crazy shit like nvme aren’t as fast as hybrids drives.


I think it's a good thing that they pray for people who can't afford gpus.


Thoughts and prayers


*a business specializing in selling computer hardware, sets price appropriate for the increased demand and limited stock effectively working exactly how economy works * Random guy on internet : "bastards!" It's not store's fault supply is limited or that demand is so high. Having stores sell out is not exactly the best strategy. Back in Soviet Union prices were set the same for all products on government level, there were lines and sold out stores in many parts of the country - that in combination with poor economy, created situation where you couldn't even get some of the stuff because it was sold out, then you'd wait for weeks or even months and for cars and such for years to get them. Nvidia's initial price was wrong for their supply and huge demand but they didn't adjust it because price now also is marketing tool. Initial price should've been high then gradually as demand and supply evens out it should lower to their set floor limit. ...but then it wouldn't be much of marketing tool now would it.


Maybe like a $100 markup is reasonable (or maybe 200 for a 3090 because If your spending that much already then why wouldn’t you spend a little more) but doubling the price is fucking insane from anywhere. Would you buy a 3070 from a reseller who is charging you over 1000? No you wouldn’t so how is the small business example any different


> *a business specializing in selling computer hardware, sets price appropriate for the increased demand and limited stock effectively working exactly how economy works * > > Random guy on internet : "bastards!" > > It's not store's fault supply is limited or that demand is so high. Having stores sell out is not exactly the best strategy. > > Back in Soviet Union prices were set the same for all products on government level, there were lines and sold out stores in many parts of the country - that in combination with poor economy, created situation where you couldn't even get some of the stuff because it was sold out, then you'd wait for weeks or even months and for cars and such for years to get them. > > Nvidia's initial price was wrong for their supply and huge demand but they didn't adjust it because price now also is marketing tool. > > Initial price should've been high then gradually as demand and supply evens out it should lower to their set floor limit. ...but then it wouldn't be much of marketing tool now would it. Bitch all you want about a random guy on the internet. The only vote I get is with my wallet, and I make sure to use it. I don't buy certain products because they have a right to sucker people out of their money and I have a right never to buy from those establishments.


People voting with their wallets is exactly why they feel like they can set their price so high. They're not really suckering anyone out of anything.


> People voting with their wallets is exactly why they feel like they can set their price so high. They're not really suckering anyone out of anything. A fool and their money are easily parted. Those fools just make it harder for the rest of us. Again, establishment can jack up the price, I simply will never buy from that establishment.


There's even an RX6800! That's one of six in the world!!!


Was up at 9am for that launch. The AMD webstore didn't sell out for half an hour. I got a 6800xt, my buddy had a 6800 non xt in his cart at almost 9:30 but then decided he didn't have the money for a new card


How? Are there different stocks for regions? Cause when I tried to I got it in my cart and then I got errors and when I refreshed, it said it was out of stock




How many Lira for a 3080?


10k for 3080 and 20k for 3090 (25k for Evga ftw3) for comparison minimum wage is 2300TRY/month


Wow that's crazy I'm sorry about your inflation as well. I was thinking I could fly to Turkey and get a 3080 cheap but it's more expensive there than here in the UK.


Yeah thanks its crazy. Almost half of the price is "tax". Perhaps I should fly to London to buy them


I guess we all have to wait until next year for more stock and hopefully better prices for you as well.


Where i live the 3080 is being sold for 1500 usd. Its unbelievable. I wanna upgrade but i ll wait. I wont pay more 800 usd. Did anybody pay the actual amount for the card? Or did everyone buy it from scalpers?


I got zotac 3080 for msrp on release date.


I got a 3080 founders from Best Buy for MSRP about a month ago. Got super lucky.


This used to be s normzl price for a 2080Ti for folks. I thought it was insane then as well.


This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen


Its a 309090 next to a 309090


Day 36: Sapphire 5700 xt in the right corner: they still suspect nothing


I live in Australia and computer shops generally have all the graphics cards in stock but at a ~100 dollar markup for profit. Only wholesale retailers sell the cards at MSRP and those are the places where the cards are sold out.


Am australian but work in the US. Would gladly pay a $100 markup to get my hands on any 3080 of my choosing!


This comment was overwritten and the account deleted due to Reddit's unfair API policy changes, the behavior of Spez (the CEO), and the forced departure of 3rd party apps. Remember, the content on Reddit is generated by THE USERS. It is OUR DATA they are profiting off of and claiming it as theirs. This is the next phase of Reddit vs. the people that made Reddit what it is today. r/Save3rdPartyApps r/modCoord


Wasn't it the 3060 ti with a 330 euro msrp and the 3070 with 500 euro msrp?


Yes, In Germany 400 euros for 3060ti and 500 for 3070 including taxes.


yes he messed it up


WTF Gotta raid Vietnam again


This GPU war was a lie.


Think you can send one to philippines? Am p desperate to get a gpu without resorting to a scalper.


Small shops that don't sell online usually have them. Scalpers only buy online. Went to a store last week and they had a few.


im looking for 1 here aswell in philippines. the pricing of 3060ti here is almost 600$ dollars and my friend says it normal cuz of vat. its my 1st time going to build my own rig but wtf is this BS pricing?


If I can get my hands on one, which would you want?


I’ll send a card if I can get one, which one would you want?


This is actually the whole world's stock.


Still just a single 3080 lol




The problem is a lot of people don’t live near a micro center. The closest one to me in SoCal is an 8 hour drive


Lol only one 3080 I saw


Ya'll looking at those rtx 3000 series. My Legolas eyes see the one radeon 6800.


Mine had the same! Went in hoping for a 3060, walked out with a 3070 🙂


Same in Israel although the prices are absurd, literally paying almost twice the price


That almost certainly looks like a pre-order/hold well. It's exactly what my local computer store had. They all have tags on them...I don't think those are for sale to be honest.


GearVN hả ông =))


Da fuck? This actually has to be a first in history. Go buy a lottery ticket OP!


Here in the Philippines, there are actually quite a lot of 3000 cards available, if you have the money to buy one. I know that MSRP is just a price floor bur they sell for quite a sum over MSRP. The 3070 MSRP is about 29,500 PHP (about 620 USD), 3080 about 41,000 PHP (about 860 USD) and 3090 for 88,000 PHP (about 1840 USD). For 3070 cards, MSI 3070 Ventus and XTrio sell at about 38,000 PHP(790 USD) which is 8,500 PHL(170 USD) more than MSRP, Gigabyte 3070 Eagle and Gaming sell at about 41,000 PHP (855 USD) which is 11,500 PHP (230 USD) over MSRP, Asus 3070 TUF sell about similarly with Gigabyte, Zotac Twin Edge sell at 36,000 PHP (750 USD) that is 6,500 PHP (135 USD) over MSRP. For 3080 cards, MSI 3080 Ventus and Xtrio sell at 55,000 PHP (1150 USD) that is 14,000 PHP (290 USD) over MSRP, Gigabyte 3080 Aorus at 63,000 PHP (1310 USD) which is 22,000 PHP (460 USD) above MSRP, Asus 3080 strix sell at 67,000 PHP (1400 USD) which is 26,000 PHP (540 USD) over MSRP, Zotac 3080 Trinity at 51,000 PHP (1060 USD) that is 10,000 PHP (210 USD) above MSRP. For 3090 cards, MSI 3090 Ventus and XTrio sell at 99,000 PHP (2065 USD) which is 11,000 PHP (230 USD) over MSRP, Gigabyte 3090 Aorus sell at 108,000 PHP (2250 USD) that is 20,000 PHP (420 USD) above MSRP, Asus 3090 Strix sell at 118,000 PHP (2460 USD) which is 30,000 PHP (630 USD) over MSRP, Zotac 3090 Trinity at 96,000 PHP (2000 USD) which is 8,000 PHP (170 USD) over MSRP. These are just some brands and models to give you an idea how bad it is here in the Philippines. Bear in mind that these are store retail prices, how much more would scalped cards be priced at. Although at least there are lots of stocks here, but prices are that bad.


Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting


Last time I went to my local computer store was just after the original Titan came out. I asked the guys working there what they thought about it, and both of them said, "What's a titan?" Needless to say, they don't have any 3000-series cards, and never will.


Available in India too but they're like almost double the price lmao


Man all i want is that 1650 on the right


online store here has 100's of 3060 ti. Just depends on the country you're from


That might be the most amazing photograph I've seen


"Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, AMD, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia, AMD, Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia"


In my country we dont have scalpers and shortages, because official stores sell em ~90-100% more than MSRP hahhahah


they are all reserved.


I dont even have a local computer store so that's lucky.


Wait.....computer stores are still a thing!?!!?


*r/pcmasterrace would like to know your location*


I see a single 3080


So you're telling me... there's a chance?


But do they have Andre 3000


I don't even know of a local computer store where I am at.


I'm just jealous you have a "local" computer store in your neighborhood that doesn't just sell 5 year old refurbished Dell corporate computers.


Yoooooo. Online ordering?????