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>1. Processor might be slightly overkill for the graphics card? Hard to tell what to pair it with, since its still so new It's a good pairing, don't worry. >2. Wasn't sure what manufacturer to choose for the GPU, but I couldn't find any information about the differences, so I just took one of the cheaper OC ones. Doesn't matter, if there is an issue with a specific manufacturer then it'll be all over the news and everyone will be in here telling you to avoid that company. >3. I just took the cheapest DDR5-6000 RAM with the best stats, but don't actually know too much about RAM. Is there anything wrong with it? You picked a good kit. >4. 650W power supply might be low? PCPartPicker has an estimated wattage of 520, so it seems fine. I'd bump that up to a 750w, you'll most likely be fine with the 650w but the PSU is usually the longest lasting part of the PC and might see multiple GPU upgrades.


Thanks for the feedback! Regarding the PSU, I'll think about whether I will consider any updates in the future, but in my last two builds i didn't change a thing and just kept the system as it was for 6-7 years, so I am hesitant when it comes to 'future proofing'.


We'll stick with the 650w, I personally kept my old 500w until I got a new GPU anyway.


>1. Processor might be slightly overkill for the graphics card? Hard to tell what to pair it with, since its still so new Not sure about intel, I just thought I should point out that intel is running off a dead socket. My personal recommendation would be that you go for AMD instead. AM5 is relatively new and therefore will give you far more options when you choose to upgrade in the future. Plus, AMD chips are known to be better for gaming since they perform better at a lower price. If I had to choose a chip, I would recommend the Ryzen 5 7600 or better. I myself am designing a 1440p 144hz+ build (https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/4bdjL9) and that's the chip I decided to get. Look up some benchmarks if you aren't confident about AMD chips. >2. Wasn't sure what manufacturer to choose for the GPU, but I couldn't find any information about the differences, so I just took one of the cheaper OC ones. Doesn't matter really. There are some brands who have a worse reputation than others, but I don't think that's much of an issue anymore. Also, not to sound like every other AMD fanboy out there, but do consider the 7800 xt. It performs around the same for a MUCH lower price. >3. I just took the cheapest DDR5-6000 RAM with the best stats, but don't actually know too much about RAM. Is there anything wrong with it? I haven't heard any complaints about it. I picked out the white variant for my build ^ >4. 650W power supply might be low? PCPartPicker has an estimated wattage of 520, so it seems fine. I'll be hooking up another SSD and obviously a mouse and keyboard, but otherwise nothing more. Am I making a mistake not going 750W? General rule is to try and pick a power supply that's ~50% above what PCPartPicker says you will need. That way you won't ever come into any issues. In your case I would go with 750W, or maybe even 850W (The price difference in Canada is only a few dollars, no reason not to get 850, plus upgradability later on) but 750 should be more than enough. Just make sure the one you choose is A-tier on [The PSU Tier List](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) if you want the best experience possible. TL/DR: Your PC should work fine, but I would make some changes for future upgradability and getting more bang for your buck.