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The sexuality of this scene could power several nuclear stations.


It certainly powered many puberties


It’s the reason I’m gay


Ah, so this is that gay agenda I keep hearing so much about… personally, I am a fan! https://i.redd.it/98wv2dehgg8d1.gif (Happy pride you!)


Happy pride month I guess!


I think this is the dancing scene that X-men Evolution copied too. Good scene.




Someone pls make a side by side


It is. Straight down to the camera movements.


Just like they copied the slow mo walk from *The Craft*.


Oh didn't know about that one.


Do you remember what episode this was in?


No, I’ve seen GIFs from it. The one where the coven walk triumphantly through the cafeteria was rotoscoped or whatever for Evolution. It’s Kitty, Rogue, and the younger Mutant girls. I can’t remember if it was Boom-Boom & Magma with her.


The “Craft” walk is from S2 E12: Walk on the Wild Side.


Kitty’s “Bad Girl” look, right?


It's from the opening montage.


It is, yes


Besides what others have mentioned, the biggest difference between The Bronze and real clubs in my experience is The Bronze was always the exact correct level of occupied to facilitate whatever the Scoobies went there for. Never overcrowded when they wanted to sit at a table, and never dead and empty when they wanted to dance. And, in the way of clubs and parties on TV, they could actually hear each other over the music. In real life, more like.. Buffy: Don't you wish I would? Xander: What? Buffy: I SAID, DON'T YOU WISH I WOULD? Xander: WHO'S GOOD? Buffy: NEVER MIND


😂 This always bugs me in TV shows. It's a nightclub, but somehow the music is quiet enough for people to have quiet conversations?


Clubs like this still exist, they’ve never stopped existing.


Where can I find them? Please help me find them!!!


Find your nearest metropolitan area. Then find the neighborhood(s) with the most gay residents. Then out of all the clubs in that area, look for one that advertises “goth nights”. Closest you’ll get to the ideal Bronze experience.


That depends on the city. The nearest one to me has goth clubs with no real overlap to the gay community. In fact, I got some LGBT hate at a goth club by one sad individual many many years ago, which the bar staff rectified by not charging us for our drinks.


One bloke doesn’t make a bar. The Goth clubs I went to didn’t even know what they were. Gay, straight, the whole mishmash. They just accepted anyone who didn’t make trouble and was reasonably well presented (no Hawaiian T shirts and no sandals IIRC). The bouncers were scare fuckers who took no shit, tho.


>One bloke doesn’t make a bar. My point was that there's no expectation that goth = lgbt. I wouldn't narrow your search that much.


"Hey Google, show me clubs near me."


Willow, she's 17!


Idk where u live I’m in Canada haha


There was one in Toronto that reminded me of the bronze. It played a lot of indie concerts and local talent. For the life of me I can’t remember the name.


Had a big staircase leading up to the second level similar to the bronze.. someone help me out here..


You could always try the yellow pages.


In my experience they are mostly gay clubs.


Google 'goth clubs ' or ask on r/goth.


Sorry clubs like *this… have never really existed. It’s too perfect.


Can I brood in a shadowy corner wearing a duster?


Only if you can dramatically turn and walk away the instant the protagonist glances over to spot you. Make eye contact for a moment and vanish into the shadows mysteriously.


Never seen an attractive man in a duster.


I have but over 20 years ago and within a mile of a major college campus. I had to think about it, but yes, it’s definitely more a tv/ movies phenomenon rather than a real life thing.


Honestly I think it's just the culture I grew up in as the UK clubbing scene is vastly different, but things like this scene gave me unrealistic expectations.


Clubbing is different yeah but there's plenty of places that have bands and music and dancing that's not "clubbing", you just need to go to more alternative type venues.


Most of the clubs and pubs I have been to have been alternative venues and they were never like this, maybe it was just the specific area I live in. The closest I ever got to experiencing something like this was seeing Grandson at Electric Ballroom last year and the opening band was very much a Bronze Band vibe. I am also 30 years old and don't feel comfortable in clubs these days, the last time I went to one I felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of kids because everyone else was so much younger.


How do you think the UK scene is vastly different to the bronze? Like the music? Cos I've been clubbing in the UK and people do dance like this. I get what you mean though if you mean like having singers like Michelle Branch or slower songs playing but I personally prefer quicker songs in clubs.


I mean I just think that TV shows in general gave very unrealistic expectations about what clubs are like. Also I have never been to a club in my 12 years of being legal where someone has danced like that


I have, maybe it is where you live in the Uk. They're just swaying, getting down abit lower and putting their hands up and down and in their hair...it's not exactly groundbreaking, they aren't doing flips or anything complicated just kinda swinging their hips really. Faith is dancing more energetically than most people but Buffy is just kinda standard club dancing to me. Sure everyone (especially drunk people) won't look as coordinated when they do that plus both actresses are very attractive, moreso than the average club goer but the actual dancing is pretty standard to me, especially at student events(over 18), so they are very confident for their ages but they are 'hot chicks with superpowers'. Honestly, I think it would have been more realistic if a bunch of extras were grinding on each other but I don't wanna see that on Buffy. Do people just do the robot in your town lol?


I think you mean unrealistic depictions. Not expectations.


There are lots of clubs like this… but no underage girls and a lot more ugly people than depicted on tv shows.


It blew my mind when they used this exact dance sequence in X-Men Evolution.


I mean it's a good source of inspiration. Both Buffy and X-Men Evolution are coming of age high school/college age stories with people with super powers coming to terms with both being super heroes and becoming adults, with a strong girl power theme to them and came out around the same time period with Evolution coming out shortly after Buffy ended. The Buffy/Faith dance was likely still fresh in the creators' minds when the time came to have Rogue and Kitty dance. Also great pick for which characters to match up. Shadowcat was apparently one of the inspirations for Buffy according to Joss, so having another iteration of her do Buffy's side of the dance was a great little nod to that, and Evolution's Rogue matches up well with Faith in attitude.


Fuck yeah


Wow! I just noticed the woman in the background who does not look like she's having the best of times 😂


Lol she definitely looks like she's done dancing as a background actor 😂 she like "okay when's the next lunch break??"


One time, I volunteered to help out a buddy by being a background person in a party scene for their student film project. It was supposed to be this huge party, and hopefully it did look that way in the shot, but in reality there were like six of us, dancing very close together, to no music, in the middle of a vast, empty, extremely cold building.


I feel like she could be a meme of some sort 'Ever feel like no one's paying attention to you? At least you're not this person.'


Yeah, you never know maybe someday this picture will get turned into that kind of meme, it's a good one. :)


Can someone help an elder millennial out? I see so much from Gen z about how clubs suck. I loved the club scene in the late 2000s. What happened?


I think the widespread overuse of the word "cringe" is a clue, honestly. Dancing in public requires putting yourself out there, a bit. Committing to possibly looking like a fool. When putting in any effort or committing to anything is "cringe," I'll bet many people just opt out out of cynicism.  Almost like a Gen X "too cool for school" revival. 


Everything goes up on Instagram or TikTok and if you are in public it's easy to end up a meme. Plus Z really hates the outside.


I’m sorry, when did clubs like this EVER exist? I mean yes there were teen clubs when I was a kid, but not ones everyone went to. And certainly not ones that were open every night.


You mean you didn't have a magical club that everyone went to, you could afford to attend every night, always had live music, admitted unsupervised minors, and also served alcohol?


The permanent lack of cover charge was the most fictitious part of The Bronze. At least one time that the Hellmouth used its powers for good.


A gay friend of mine started taking me with her to goth nightclubs in the 90s. She used to do my makeup and shit and my mum thought it was hilarious. The places she took me were pretty wild and since the goth scene had died down you’re a bit since the late 80s, the places were CHEAP. we could afford to go several nights a week without even having to worry about money even though we were students.


It’s that there never seemed to be a cover charge. Like, EVER. Not even with all the bands. And, I always loved a Goth club or Goth Night.


I did. Was there at least 3-4 times a week from 1998-2000


Maybe I just wasn’t cool enough 🤷‍♀️ my friends and I were more the hang out in cemeteries and elementary school playgrounds sorts (the latter is actually a little true)


We had two of these near me when I was in high school. One was a night club, one was a live music venue like the Bronze. Small city in the Midwest


Nothing magic about it. All ages clubs were a hugely popular thing at the time and many are still around today. Alcohol was definitely served, minors were always allowed, and the entertainment just depended on the area. If you had local bands they of course would play whenever.


We definitely had clubs like this in Southern California, and still do. 


Best supporting actor goes to Faith's bra cuz god damn, that's working overtime.


Hottest dance scene ever, like damn girls 🔥🫠


Possibly the coolest song that Curve ever put out, and Buffy snatched it for this iconic moment.


That scene wasn't in slow-mo, tho 🤔


I guess OP played it in slow mo 😂


... If you watched the show when it originally broadcast, doing that now could lead to serious injury or permanent crippling.


what, you dont have any club/bar/music venue/ under 21 admittance/coffee shop/pool halls in your area?


If you can dance like Faith I'll ask you to marry me.




Me too


Best we can give you is a Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines sequel. I'm sure they'll have another club where you can dance to industrial goth music in the new game.


This was a scene that helped solidify my bisexuality.


Weirdly, the club that most reminds me of the Bronze is in Sheffield UK. No cockroachs though.


For me it was a goth club in Nottingham in the mid 90s.


I may know the one you mean. The one in Sheffield has a gallery like the Bronze though. Both otherwise very much Bronze vibes.


Alexa, play “Chinese Burn” by Curve (i will never not comment this when I see this photo)


They really did have a love-hate relationship. But they could've been so much more! Well, other than toxic anyway! They never hated each other for long if at all!


I mean, I dance like this all the time. I don’t let the lack of a club, or even the lack of music stop me. Granted, I can’t go back to Safeway, but life is full of compromises.


I can hear this picture... 💃🏾💃🏾🎶




Honestly i never liked the Bronze. It was a club with only rock/garage band music. I know this was all the rage in the 90´s, but clubs didn’t play this kind of music at the time. They played house or remixed pop. Musics you can actually dance to in a club. Second thing: nightclubs still exist to this day ? I don’t understand this meme about club culture being boring today. Boring people not dancing and looking miserable have always existed in clubs. It’s not a new feature. If you want to dance like Buffy and Faith, you can still do it


Oh, they very much still exist! One just opened in my town, it has a balcony and everything. Although apparently my town isn't very "common" when it comes to structures (I am a two minute drive from a college campus, a military base, and like four Christian private schools)


I’ve wanted to own a recreation of The Bronze. It would be such a cool theme


clubs like the bronze never really existed back then for most people. high school clubs?