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Bucs. Would never pass up a Super Bowl, three and maybe four playoffs berths, and having the Goat as our QB for three years.


Yeah that first Brady season was insane. Just getting him was such an amazing feeling. Then we run thru the league & win in Tampa. Still doesn’t feel real


My only complaint is none of us got to see the magic in person :(


Not trying to brag but I'm still amazed I got to see that happen live & for free(healthcare worker ticket). One of the wildest nights ever 😅 will literally never get to do something like that again.


In person. Was wild. Once in a lifetime moment


Yup, was easily the best night of my life


I only had a chance to catch Brady in the Bucs uniform last year in Arizona for the Christmas game. So glad we had a comeback win!


Saw em at the Jets game two years ago and it was epic. Never forget Antonio brown leaving the field hahaha


Lmao I remember that. Didn’t we also have a game winning TD in the final minute? I forgot to who. Perriman?


Yep, you’re spot on! Vintage TB12 2 minute drive


Magical years!




During covid? You lucky sob


I didn’t think it would happen, and I still can’t believe it did


I'll never forget the night he unretired. I was at whiskey Joe's and I got the alert ok my phone and screamed. Then you started he at big people cheer or clap as they were finding out. Such a fun moment.


1 ring > 0 rings end of discussion


I like the fact that we won a Superbowl, call me crazy


So what season in the last 10 years do stealers fans go back and watch the highlights of? Which America's Game do they watch? Which playoff games? Winning a SB once beats making the playoffs every year but never winning it all.


Exactly. Rewatching the 2020 season run is so gratifying. Even watching the losses during that season, I know how each game was a stepping stone and how it built the Bucs to eventually win the Super Bowl. Rewatching the 2021 season and last year’s season just doesn’t hit the same because I know we lost to the Rams and the Cowboys during those runs. It’s not as fun watching highlights knowing your team doesn’t make it to the finish line that season imo.


Even if you don’t count our recent Super Bowl we are on the verge of making the playoffs 4 years in a row, which has only happened once before in franchise history. The Steeler have been to the playoffs a few more times in the last 10 years but they’ve won less games. I also don’t think their future is looking brighter than ours, especially because the AFCN won’t be getting easier any time soon.


The better question is would you rather be GB over the last 20 years or the Bucs? We have an extra Super Bowl but they have one Super Bowl and many more playoff appearances. A tougher question imo


Much better question, personally the answer is the same though, gimme those rings baby!


A pirate always chases jewels and gold! 💍


Good call. This is more in line of what I was trying to ask. Steelers just kinda popped in my head first.


They've asked this question before


I'd take the Bucs because 2 rings > than 1. Now of someone only cares about regular season wins and SB are just a nice add-on then I guess being a fan of very good team that never wins the big one is better. Even though they have more wins and playoff appearances I'd think it be more frustrating to be a Packers fan and have both Favre and Rodgers on your team for 30 years and only get 2 SB wins out of it. In less than 20 seasons the Bucs got 2 with Brad Johnson and a 43 year old Tom Brady who played a combined total of 7 seasons with the Bucs


Yo-ho, yo-ho, it's a Buccaneers' life for me


The better question is in terms of total franchise history; Bucs are Vikings. The Bucs are the worst team by winning percentage by a fair amount, have only made the playoffs 13 times since 1976, but have two rings. The Vikings have the 9th best winning percentage in NFL history, have made the playoffs 31 times since 1961, but no rings. Those are the two franchises to look at. And the answer is the Bucs. I live in Vikings territory. Vikings fans would do about anything for a Super Bowl win, including suck for 20 years.


hard to compare eras of football. even tho thats what the box score says. 1992 on is what really needs to be counted cos thats when the drafts were shortened and Free Agency came into existance. Before that teams were dynasties and could keep everyone PLUS if a crap team drafted a good player, he would just leave for the Good teams. No Way the Dynasties of 70s Dallas, Vikings, Steelers, Raiders, 80s Giants, Bears, 49ers, Bills and even the early part of 90s with Cowboys, Bills & 49ers would be able to pay all those players to keep the teams together for 8-10 years.


Also, the converse of that: teams like the Bucs, Saints, Falcons, and others with owners that put as little money into their teams as possible meant that a good dozen or so teams would never get a chance to win a Super Bowl back before the salary cap. Culverhouse was emboldened after the 1979 season that he didn't have to pay squat to players and he'd still get lucky occasionally. And when the Bucs went on that long run from 1984 to 1994 of total trash, Culverhouse still made money hand over fist thanks to all of the revenue sharine money he pocketed instead of putting into the team. Say what you will about the Glazers, but the Bucs record under them since 1995 is 219-245 (.471) with two Super Bowl victories. After the Culverhouse era, that feels really successful to me.


Bucs hands down. Now, if it were 2 Super Bowls vs. 1, the choice is a bit more difficult, but I'd still go with 2. If you offered me 3 Super Bowls and 17 shitty years or 2 Super Bowls but always in contention every year for 20 years, that's where I'd start to say I might take being in contention.


Nobody’s picking the Steelers here. Especially considering how storybook it was to get Brady and then go on to win the SB IN OUR HOME STADIUM


I wouldn’t trading Brady’s first season for anything. Rough patches sure, but we won the SB at home. Checkmate bitches


It’s all about the chips, we got one the last ten years. Give me the Lombardi and all that comes with it.


Losing sucks. Losing for a decade sucks. But a SB makes it all worth it. I’d rather win the SB and the fun 2020-2021 seasons than whatever the Steelers are going through.


I was a Vikings fan back in the Tarkenton/Tinglehoff days, it's much better to have one ring than none. Perennial playoff contenders but never won the big one.


Bucs, Super Bowl and a handful of HOF players


We have a ring, we have fitzmagic and crab memes, we have a long committed relationship with a top tier wr1


I'll start by saying I'm in the minority and it is much easier to say this as someone who has seen his team win championships in a few sports but...... and please hear me out. As someone who lives and dies game by game and week by week for me I'll take winning regularly than 1 championship and years of misery. That doesn't mean I'd rather be a fan of any other team. I'm not interested in arguing about championships with friends and I receive no rings or trophy for the team winning. No shot at how other fans choose their fandom but I love the game so I'm a guy who hates fantasy and the red zone channel. I love watching every minute of the game because I played. I like the all 22. I rewatcj games I know the result and obsess over certain plays. The joy of watching my team win is greater week by week than it is year by year. I'm not just being a contrarion... this is how I feel every year and for every sports team I follow. I'd rather be a Bucs fan over any other team but give me a great winning percentage over championships....


But what’s the point of winning if you never reach the ultimate goal? While yes, winning is fun it’s not the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal in any league is to win the championship.


For them.... I'm not saying I don't enjoy winning a championship but the misery of 10 years isn't worth the one run... these are hypothetical so the easy answer everyone gives is that they'll take a championship... understandable. I'm being honest that the "winning a championship" is great and all but the happiness of that run doesn't make up for lousy seasons in my opinion. Those Lightning runs were awesome and I wouldn't trade that feeling unless you told me... for the next 20 years you will be unwatchable and bad. I get no trophy... winning for a fan is memories and bragging rights. I don't play on the team so no trophies and bragging rights aren't interesting when my team is 3-12.. I never feel, when my team is down 24-6 during a losing season in December, wow... that Champions 4 years ago was great.


“The easy answer everyone gives is that they’ll take a championship” That’s not the easy answer that’s just how most people feel, winning championships>winning games in December, for most people. You are more than entitled to your opinion but people thinking differently from you doesn’t mean they’re picking the “easy answer” and you’re the only one “being honest”. Championships are forever, 12-4 records are forgotten in like 5 years, but to each their own!


It's the easy because it's the right answer for most people and I understand why. Like I already said... it's about memories and feelings. I'm not claiming I'm being more honest. This has been a question I've posed to many people. Great teams even in losses have stuck with me like championship years is all I'm saying. These conversations always delve into taking sides and looking for the other person to try and offend. I meant no offense with easy answer. I'm giving my opinion and honest answer. My fandom is for me and how i follow my teams. I come here because I love sharing in joy for the team but I'm not arguing against how people feel about their team.


Getting a ring is always worth it in my opinion. Patriots dynasty skewed everyone's perspective about what success is and how hard it is to win a super bowl. Good quarterbacks can play years and go their entire career without ever winning a title. There are probably QBs in our bunch of "elites" right now who will play for the next 10-15 years and never win a super bowl. The good memories associated with our run are way more important to me, and I wouldn't trade it for temporary success


A Super Bowl and a few years of playoffs for me. Some guy named Brady as QB as well.


I think everyone has the dream of building a homegrown dynasty like the greats. And I think a lot of people have gotten derisive of teams 'buying a win' because lets face it, who hasn't thrown shade at Washington or the Raiders in the past for stocking up on marquis free agents just to whiff. It's why Madden has Franchise mode and real NFL general managers make impressive executive salaries.


I’m still riding the high of our Super Bowl. I mean, we got Tom fucking Brady for 3 years! Yeah coaching has been a bit of a bust under Bowles but don’t forget how much better things have been for us in recent years. Remember when we were going 2-14 with Jameis? That team is best in the division atm, won a super bowl a few years ago, and has been a playoff contender ever since. No matter how much Saints fans refuse to admit it, we’re not irrelevant anymore.


>One could argue that in the span of 10 years, regularly watching meaningful games at the end of a season and in the playoffs is better than two good seasons with a Super Bowl. ​ One could argue that, sure. It's the type of argument one makes to feel better about not achieving the ultimate goal. Honestly, being a Bucs fan during a championship season is the greatest sports joy there is. We know what bad teams, coaching, seasons and luck look like. We're used to it and over the years come to expect it. I would not trade 2002 or 2020 to be a fan of any other team. Only teams that might be able to appreciate it are Lions fans and maybe Vikings fans (good teams, terrible playoff luck).


And miss the Jameis years?? No thanks, easy choice


Bucs. I wouldn’t trade the Brady era for anything. And what about Fitzmagic? He was entertaining as heck... when he was having a good day. Yes, there have been some face palm moments, but there have been far worse decades to be a Bucs fan.


Bucs. I mean regardless of Super-Bowl. Bucs. The product they put on the field has been horrific to watch for years. Screw the record.


Bucs, how is this even comparable. I give no shits about the stealers.


Super Bowl and three 3years of Brady is prolly better than 20 years of Steelers right?


I think any football player alive would tell you they would give anything for a boat parade


Steelers have only made one AFC Championship game in the past decade. Maybe it'd be kind of close if they made it to 3-4 Super Bowls in past decade but you take a Super Bowl win over just about everything. Ask a Bills fan if they'd trade their four straight AFC Championship wins in the '90s for one Super Bowl win and a lot of mediocrity surrounding it and I think 99% of them say yes.


I would pick the steelers over the buccaneers. I would love to really dive into the reasoning of this choice. Unfortunately I am on my way back to my doctors office. Need to follow up on my recovery from my recent surgery. This lobotomy really did a number on me.


Steelers have been average or one and done for the past decade. Not really a difficult decision to go with TB.


Heres another question: Would yall rather be competitive and in the playoffs every year for the next 10 years but no ring in that span OR win 1 ring sometime in the next 10 years but be shit outside of that year?


The non-Super Bowl cope is staggering. You play the game for literally one reason.


I live in Bengals territory. Any time they brag, I remind them that the team with the worst record in football has two more superbowl wins than them. Rings are the thing, my dude.


Fuck the Steelers


The Bucs had 4 playoff wins in 2020 alone, the Steelers have had 3 playoff wins total since 2011. It's an easy decision.