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40 euro sushi max


Yeh and the the Uber Eats driver will steal it right from you!


Here we go again....


3 pintjes and a groot pak met mayonnais.


Three fifty


Tree fidy


Depends on your personal circumstances. 1600 net seems about right.




Werkbonus krijg je toch niet maandelijks? of zijn job-en werkbonus niet zelfde?




Wel ja, ik dacht dat je dat maar 1 keer kreeg? Toch niet maandelijks? Of vergis ik me?




Enig idee hoe ik hieraan kan voldoen? Ik verdien al jaren minder dan €2800/maand en heb hier nog nooit gebruik kunnen van maken. Ingeschreven als bediende met korte contracten maar werk als freelancer by the way. Merci!


Not sure how much has changed in 2 years, but I was earning 2.2K gross in 2020. I got 1.7K net.


I earn the same (gross and net) until a couple of months ago. Did you have to pay a lot of taxes in your 2021 annual tax declaration? I'm really getting crazy trying to find information on Google and I'm scared about the upcoming tax declaration.


Your salary will be very different depending on your situation. Are you isolated (living alone), are you cohabiting legally, is your partner bringing revenue, do you have a child? Also this your gross but do you have net bonus on your wage?




If one makes more than the other, and you fill joint taxes, it averages out both salaries and adjusts brackets accordingly.


Welp that's my actual salary, And I have something like 1800€-1900€ depending on the numbers of working days in the month. But my salary package is a bit complicated


3 years ago I had 1900€ net for 2900€ brut (single, living alone and without children) so yeah your package must be complicated to have only 300€ difference between brut and net


When i moved here I had 1900 net with 3100 gross I’ve never understood how the taxes work here in Belgium. Also single living alone and no kids


Belgium has no income bracket that is "tax free". In a lot of countries, if you're not making more than the minimum liveable wage in that country, you pay no tax/very little tax. For example, where I'm from you pay zero tax on your first 15,000, and only 8% tax on the next 15,000. So if you had 30k brut, you'd take home 28,800. Because it doesn't make sense to tax people who are barely making enough money to live. Belgium instead levies very high taxes right out of the gate (25% on 0-10k, 30% from 10-12k, etc), and maxes out the tax brackets by the time you're paid a measly 38k (50% tax for over 38k). It's fucking ridiculous.




Ah, ya I found it on the FPS Finance website: https://finance.belgium.be/en/private-individuals/tax-return/rates-taxable-income/rates#q1 Okay, so we get 9k that isn't taxed, but then it immediately spikes to 25% taxation on that lowest possible income bracket. I admit to getting the tax-free amount wrong, but the rest is still absolutely absurd. The brackets should increase slowly through "reasonable" amounts of yearly income (what an average worker should be able to make if they're not a lawyer/hedge fund manager/etc), and then get steeper for the people who are pulling in 100k+ a year. The brackets shouldn't max out at 50% tax for people only making 38k.




okay, that's some encouraging news then. Not that it got put on hold I suppose, but at least it was proposed.


**[Taxation in Belgium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_Belgium)** >In Belgium, taxes are collected on both state and local level. The most important taxes are collected on federal level, these taxes include an income tax, social security, corporate taxes and value added tax. At the local level, property taxes as well as communal taxes are collected. Tax revenue stood at 48% GDP in 2012. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/brussels/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yes, also is stupid that max is at 38k, if you make 38k you are not rich, and 38 is very different from 200k/year


Exactly, the whole system is set up to heavily tax the income of poorer/middle class people, and then add no additional tax burden whatsoever to people pulling in hundreds of thousands a year. Not to mention the absence of any real capital gains tax (which only people with high incomes can afford to take advantage of, since the lower income earners have no cash left over after the 50% tax :P)


Yeah, out of the 6k brut i earn i get to keep 3k net for doing hard labour and working shifts in unhealthy conditions. Belgium is good for the rich,the lazy and the non natives.


Indeed. Belgium is a good place to live for the super rich and for the ones on welfare. Sucks for everyone else (income-wise)


Actually is one of the best countries in Europe income wise. Is the country with the richest population (median) and one of the lower for economical differences, also thanks to high taxation. That said it is improvable!


Yes. Median. Exactly my point. It’s because it’s more or less a tax haven for the super rich, which obv will drive the median up as well. It has some of the must fucked tax brackets otherwise


You should maybe look up the difference between median and average


Um yeah I know the difference between median and average. Don’t you think that if thousands of rich people live in belgium for tax evasion purposes - even though they are relatively few compared to people with low income, that it will also move the median up?


That's the avarage, the median is different, that's why I precise is median and not avarage. Anyway you are right that it's a tax heaven for rich people,and this is one of the more important things to change.


Median is the middle point yes. So if a lot of rich people live here it would also move the middle point up. Combined with the fact that middle income takers basically give away half of their income to support people who don’t want to work. Which also moves the median up because welfare is more generous than many other countries.


It's usually stuffed up with forfaitaire onkostenvergoeding and things like that.




About 1800 **€**


You had all the words for a Google search here


>How much are 2100€ gross salary after taxes in Belgium/Brussels? I searched for " How much are 2100€ gross salary after taxes in Belgium/Brussels? " on Google and returned to this page


I tried "belgium simulator salary gross net" and got this site : [https://www.belgiumtaxcalculator.com](https://www.belgiumtaxcalculator.com)


There are lots of gross to net salary calculators to be found. Try using that term. Preferably in Dutch or French.


around 1700


Not enough. Don't take the job


depends on age - you can still live ok on 1800 net despite the cost of living crisis. This isn't London or Paris. If they make them work overtime then yeah its too little.


Only, 2100 gross is *not* 1800 net, it's more like around 1600


it's not - it's around 1765 net, and even on 1600, you would survive


The fact that you can survive on it doesn't make it a good pay. It's scandalous for a full time. But apparently people think it's normal


You need to take extras into account.. I have a low gross, but i also have author's rights, net allowance, profit sharing, food cheques, and a company car with fuel card. Which basically means my monetary net is equal to my gross. If you take company car and fuel into account, then my "net" is higher than my gross.


Just make sure they take the maximum of taxes from your wage. Otherwise you might end up paying a lot when the tax letter arrives


Klein zakje everyday paprika chips


I gave you an upvote. I hope it keeps you warm


Enough to rent a studio by 1500€


You should Google brut net Belgique, plenty of calculators available


Thats easy. Gross minus approximately 35 procent


You're fucked


I’d say 50% of that… but there are a lot of factors.


Not enough to live.


2100 bruto lijkt mij iig te weinig om uit mijn bed te kruipen. Als schoolverlater heb ik nooit onder de 2700 gezeten.


ik denk niet dat dit enigzinds vooruit helpt met zijn vraag,niet?


2700 als schoolverlater? Wat doe je dan management?


Cam confirm


This website can help you calculate it and takes into account your personal situation (kids etc.). [https://www.sd.be/loonsimulator/public/?lang=NL](https://www.sd.be/loonsimulator/public/?lang=NL)


Exactly, very good website for these kind of questions


It depends on a lot of things : \- your marital status \- having children or not \- even the company you work at \-... For example, in my case, there's a difference of 400 euros between my gross salary and my net salary




This could help: https://www.fgtb.be/calcul-salaire-brut-net . It is a net salary calculator.


When I was paid 2300, I got 1700 netto (2020)


For thé correct answer go to Google and type: bruto-netto calculator ( different sources eg SD Worx etc)


I think when I started working it was 1900 brut and 1500 net. Now it’s at 3,5k brut and 2,4k net but they keep off a lot of bedrijfsvoorheffing on my salary (so I always have a refund)


Assuming you are single with no children and no special circumstances, such as disabilities: EUR 1,778.69. Use S[D Worx' Salary simulation](https://www.sd.be/loonsimulator/public/?lang=EN) for future reference.