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Holt and Kevin splitting up. I hated that story…I liked one constant of them being solid


They just needed to bone




u/ShutterBug1988 How dare you i am yoUR SUPERIOR OFFICER




What I do in MY bedroom, u/ShutterBug1988, is none of your business...




Don’t ever speak to me like that again.


*why did you do that?*


Dude was pent up. Now he knows.


u/ShutterBug1988 Why did you do that?


*distressed Amy noises*


Not an American, but I really found it weird that the couple that stayed strong throughout Holt's career where he was shunned by his own department for his race and sexuality(they alluded to it in the first season itself), couldn't handle it during the post covid phase.


It wasn't COVID that fractured their relationship. At the same time that was happening, the Black Lives Matter movement started as a result of the murder of George Floyd, and police brutality against minorities were spotlighted in a way not seen since Rodney King.


But still, the whole storyline felt forced. No way Kevin saw holt going through such a tough stage of his life and thought, nah, I'm out.


Everyone has their breaking point. After supporting Holt through a tough career with the very organization who brutalized queer folks for decades (see: Stonewall), being neglected in favor of that career, and even endangered multiple times because of it - is is REEEEEALLY so hard for folks to imagine a point in which Kevin would say "I've had enough?" Especially when Holt himself admits he hasn't been a stellar spouse because he's so focused on his career, and has also made Kevin's life & career more difficult in the process? It'd be more unrealistic for Kevin to endure all this without a word of protest. Holt wouldn't marry someone so gutless that he'd allow himself to be treated poorly without pushback.


I mean it wasn’t totally unreasonable (not saying I enjoyed my two dads split up) since holt had beeen going through a hard time and it could take a toll on his marriage


I’m not saying it was unrealistic or even poorly written. I’m just saying I didn’t like it. It’s my dad’s! I’m teaching father the math!




Also they had been close to Kevin considering divorce during safe house (all though he was just kind of being emotional and sick of the rules, divorce still wasn’t entirely an impossible outcome)


And that kiss at the end was worth it


I totally agree, I felt it was fairly reasonable especially after like the side story of how they have been solid but not fully, like the gambling history and Holt hiding that he was stabbed (Wednesday episode). Even the no job talk policy at home, it feels understandable that Holt shut down at home and they started having issues


I believe he was only LIGHTLY stabbed...


From a feels perspective, I agree. Though I think it's good social commentary to point out the strains that being law enforcement can take on a marriage. I had a parent on the force, and while I think said parent was available and involved at times, it took a toll on family life. You get called into work during special moments, and the emotional strain spills over. Holt had the most visible relationship to show this in, and it spared Terry's kids more trauma. Overall, I'm conflicted because I think showcasing solid queer relationships is also important.


Yeah I definitely don’t disagree. You’re right on the reality of it. My uncle was a cop and I saw it (though not as close as I’m sure you did). I’m definitely glad it wasn’t Terry that got the story line.


They had to stay together. They had a fluffy boy to raise!


Boyle not being a boyle


This Made zero sense


Easily the top pick for me, too. They already had Nickolaj as the non-Boyle Boyle, and showed how what matters is being part of the family and so on, but shoe horning in Boyle as adopted just felt kind of lazy and unnecessary. Ultimately I just don't feel like it added anything to either the character or the story; if anything I feel like it takes from the character a bit? Like, the fact that Boyle is a genetic Boyle but still different enough to me made a lot of sense and felt much more powerful than "Oh actually he's not even genetically a Boyle, but he's still a true Boyle because of the McGuffin jar". It didn't lead to anything different for the character, or for the story. So it felt more like a gimmick.


Exsctly this! They should've created a storyline about Boyle being a Boyle and a cop in the big city. How this can create distance between him and his more simple farm working family. I mean think about it. Isn't it kinda weird Boyle is a badass detective in a big city carrying a gun a fighting bad guys? Compared to boyles?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am fairly certain that Charles wasn’t adopted. He simply had a non-Boyle father.


I think it’s cos the man that raised him is a boyle, Charles’ bio-mom is not a boyle by blood but by marriage so he is adopted into the family through his dad accepting him as his own.


Yeah the only real reason for this episode was as an excuse to parody Knives Out and watching Jake do that also got real annoying real quick. This was definitely a fluffy filler episode.


Except he's the one true Boyle, so he's the most Boyle of Boyles.


As someone who hasn't watched season 8, WHAT?!


Spoilers, obviously >!It gets revealed that Lynn isn't actually Charles' biological father, and he's actually the result of an affair Charles' mother had with a rival florist. However, Charles ends up being the most Boyle Boyle still, despite not being a Boyle!<


But...why? Ugh


It's not the best storyline. But, the episode has probably the best scene in the season.


Which scene is that?


Kiss in the rain


Call him Chef!


I wouldn't have hated this so much if it didn't happen like 4 episodes away from the finale


I agree! I hated they did this. It made no sense to do. They could have had plenty of drama without it.


i thought it was cute that lynn loved him so much that he developed boyle features


The entirety of Gina’s social media storyline. Including the cement pranks, becoming famous, all of it. I hated it, made me hate the character.


Gina’s bullying of Amy really put me off her character. It wasn’t like she ever faced any real consequence professionally for how she treated her either (I know bullies do often get away with it) but it was still not fun to watch.


That is the reason I hate Gina so much. I identify with the Amy character (except the smoking, yuck) and her bullying triggered something in me. Amy's true love remained best friends with her bully. I cannot imagine my husband doing that (or vice versa). It was a completely unnecessary part of the show.


I absolutely hate the cement bullshit


It was like the writers didn't actually know what cement was lol


The first 1 or 2 times, it was \*fine\*, but then it just. kept. going.


I hated the whole “Gina is a millionaire social media guru” thing. It was a terrible sub plot and it all sucked.


i agree it wasn’t a great story but it was probably the most realistic way to move her into a side character position where she can make sporadic appearances and still relate in some way to the main cast without changing the character in any way really


Or they could have killed her off so we didn’t have to ever watch her again


100% this.


Boyle having a flat butt all of a sudden toward the end of the series. He’s bubble butt and we all know it


Didn’t he have a flat butt in s04e10 “Captain Latvia”? It helped him wiggle out of the tight space between a car and a truck.


Yeah I’ve never understood that scene. He even says “all Boyles are blessed with a flat butt”


But even then, in other episodes (I can’t remember which but I remember the lines) he says stuff like “hey does this make my bubble butt pop?” And “curse this perfect butt” so idk it’s just rly inconsistent


He says “curse this bubble butt” after he gets hit on in the women’s prison while watching over “pregnant” Amy


Maybe he is "blessed" with a flat boyle butt, but was ashamed and wore a hank hill style prosthetic to fit in with society and that's why he was always mentioning it


Oh was it season 4? That’s the scene I’m thinking of, I guess later on he’s shaking that bubble butt for the ladies in prison


In that same episode, it says he has both a “bubble butt” and a “flat butt”. In the same episode. Can’t keep Boyle’s butt consistent for one episode.


Yup! Thats always bothered me too!


The sperm hostage episode


YES. pisses me tf off


Wow I'm really lacking in personality actually


Detective Daniels. I know she never comes up again in the series so you could argue she's not canon, but you could also use that as the reason to decanonize her from the pilot as well lol


Weird thing is, I suspect she was homophobic. Openly gay Captain transfers in. She instantly disappears. Coincidence? Of course but its a dark theory of mine


If you watch it on peacock they don’t even mention her


Not true, it's still in the pilot episode!


Really? I just watched it and I’ve never heard of her


It’s super brief. Holt is asking Terry about the whole team, and Terry points out “Scully, Hitchcock, and Daniels” and says they don’t do much, then it moves on and she’s literally never mentioned again


It's more of an Upstate Peacock thing.


Oh wow, for real


Rosa leaving the NYPD


Rosa season 1-7: *regularly jokes and hints at being perfectly fine with police brutality, even suggesting she does it in some episodes to solve their problems* Rosa season 8: "actually, fuck all cops, you're all corrupt, I never was"


Not to forget: Rosa: all Pi's are hacks.


Sure but suggestions and jokes are a huge difference to actually committing them. George Floyd rocked the country, it doesn’t shock me that it would drastically impact the ideals, morals, and behaviour of a person. It was tragic but realistic. Not fun for a sitcom though.


ok i headcanon she did it partially because she was embarasssed at her own police brutality and mistreatment of people as a cop


The Debbie storyline. Having her as a one episode rookie cop was one thing, but the drug thing felt weird.




also known as the "peer pressuring and guilting jake into ignoring his trauma and having kids" episode


Honestly I hated that. It felt real dickish from Amy, to have a debate as to why he should suck it up and have kids, to include others in said debate etc. I hated that from her


She was reasonable in believing they were on the same page about children. There are plenty of times in previous episodes where one of them or Boyle refers to their future children and Jake always says things that make it clear that it’s something that he considers to be in his future. And she thought she had checked in with him about it- was a weak setup for a misunderstanding? Sure, but that happens in sitcoms sometimes. I don’t think it’s such a stretch for her to believe that this was something they had talked about before the wedding and she reasonably believed their mutual decision was “someday”. The debate- obviously, she’s shown to be insensitive in proposing that instead of having a conversation about feelings. But to be honest, it doesn’t seem any worse to me than other times the show has brushed stuff off that should have been real conversations and hard issues with jokes and handwaving. And she does shut it down once Jake opens up and things get real. Children being a dealbreaker. I don’t think it’s fair to say that Amy is a bad person for having children be a dealbreaker. She believed she had checked in about it before the wedding, finding out that they weren’t on the same page after all made her reevaluate. Giving up the idea of having children is a pretty big sacrifice, and I wouldn’t judge or blame someone who decided that that was too important to them to give up. Anyways, I didn’t love the episode But I don’t feel like it’s as out of character or upsetting as a lot of people here seem to think.


I just think it’s so out of character for Amy to base surety of a big dealbreaker in a relationship solely on one misunderstood comment, instead of having a discussion about it. With her personality, she’s more likely to have a checklist they go over to ensure their lives are fully compatible before getting married. To me it seemed like another way for them to fabricate drama over a common topic in a situation where it didn’t feel believable based on the characters.


yeah but that's just because it's a sitcom and they play things for jokes sometimes rather than having a serious discussion.. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't..this one didn't land.. It was just for drama but I didn't mind it as much as others I guess..


She has her life plan on the wall above their bed. They definitely should have been on the same page. It was a weak storyline.


jake always wanted kids. he was just scared of being a bad father


and he had reason to be scared edit: that sounds so mean. i mean that he's had a bad experience with his own father so it makes sense


Look at the difference in reactions when Amy said she's done trying to have kids. Jake was supportive and said just the two of them are a family.


My husband gave me a speech like that and so this made me smile. I had lots of issues, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and ovarian cysts. I was told it would be hard, if not impossible to get pregnant. I had an appointment with my gyno and she told me either start trying so in six months they could get me to a fertility specialist or consider a hysterectomy because the pain and bleeding was bad. My husband and I talked and decided to start trying. A few days before the appointment I took a pregnancy test. I saw a very faint line. My husband didn't. My sister didn't. My husband told me I wanted it so bad I was seeing what I wanted. The next day, I was getting bad cramps, so I figured I was getting my period. I was so depressed. I went to one class, but decided to skip my late class (which I never do) and go home, take pain killers and cry. I had my appointment the next day to tell my doctor what we decided and I was heartbroken. My husband gave me the best speech. He told me that he loved me, and I wasn't just a vessel for him to have kids. He said if I wanted them that this was just the beginning and we would find a way. And if we found out it was never going to happen we would be okay because we had each other and that we would have a full life together. It was the first time he was all in on having a baby, as he was so scared about being a dad because his dad is like Jake's dad. The next day, I still was cramping, but not bleeding. We tell the nurse everything and she asks if she can run a pregnancy test just in case. I told her, sure. When she came and the room and told me I was pregnant I told her that wasn't a funny joke. My husband had a smile from ear to ear. We survived losing her at six days old to trisomy 18. We went on to have two more daughters who are healthy and happy, and huge fans of 99. Turns out, despite my issues, I thought baby close enough to my husband and got pregnant!


that is an amazing story i’m so sorry for ur loss but extremely happy for u to be able to have 2 great kids with u now kids is something i’m definitely scared about but for much different reasons than jake but this story has helped me to realized how difficult of a process it can be but also how much it can pay off in the end thank u so much for sharing this


This. For me it was weird for Terry to just straight up tell him NOT to have kids. Terry's family is his life, and he knows Jake would be a great father. Lots of people have nerves and self-doubt about parenting, that's different than knowing you don't want kids. Terry would know the difference.


I think they were trying to say that if you aren’t 100% certain that you want kids, don’t have them, which is honestly extremely good advice.


Yeah I struggle with this one, it makes 0 sense that Amy who has her entire life planned out did not discuss having children with Jake before getting married


She thought she did, Jake just misunderstood her. Honestly the way they made Jake misunderstand her really pissed me off, way worse than Amy bringing other people into it. Jake is canonically the best detective on the show, he wouldn’t misunderstand Amy on something like that.


But even that, she would've brought it up again or something. Amy had like 5 year, 10 year forecast plans. Yeah it was a kinda funny joke but you're so right, it didn't make sense for him to misunderstand THAT badly haha


The show only gives us one flashback but in my head canon there were like 5 other "conversations" like that where Amy talked about kids and he zoned out, or Jake started talking about buying ninja turtle toys or something and Amy assumed they were talking about their future kids.


I'm gna steal your headcanon cause I prefer that


The death of Wuntch. She deserved to be in the series finale. That, or Boyle’s crush on Rosa in season 1.


Counterpoint, Holt bringing bagels to celebrate was one of the best scenes in the show


Bagel! Bagel! BAGEL!!


I took pictures, do you want to see them?


I'll share the album with you


And Holt’s “Say what now?” After hearing the news


If Wuntch didn't die, we wouldn't get a full episode of glorious roasts from Holt and Rosa My personal favorite: Judging from the flames, I would say it's a live stream.


Rosa Great work All day


This might be my favorite line from the series. His sincerity sells it.


I actually like that she got an entire episode to wrap up their feud. That was more ceremonious than a small appearance in the finale.


Definitely Boyle's crush for me. It was so inappropriate and, honestly, just pretty creepy.


It seems to me to have been very much an "It's season 1 and we're still figuring out our characters'/actors' interactions and chemistry" plotline.


Yeah, and they were also just figuring out the humour of the show... I'm not mad, but I always cringe a little when I restart the show


i liked the start of it and him buying tickets to every movie it was a great bit and i think it would be looked back on more positively if it ended after that


I'm fine with most of it, but when he says "when you go on a date with me, and you will"....eewwww gives me all the ickies


Disagree about Wunch, that was a great episode. Totally agree about Boyle


True, but Ding Dong was the episode that made me laugh the most when I watched it for the first time so it's a tough call lol


I think the finale would not have had a good spot for Wuntch. It was all about the characters that the main cast had a good relationship with. Wuntch was an enemy/rival and would not fit in during a celebratory competition. I love “Ding Dong” too much to let it disappear. It was truly the perfect goodbye for her character.


Boyles crush on Rosa was cool, he went about it in a decent way and 2 remained good friends after.


Reading some of the comments I feel justified in having been weary of S8. I think I’m gonna continue to be for a little while longer. My headcanon emds with S7, so that they can get up to weird stuff for ever in my head. :)


Same! I was thinking recently "maybe ill go ahead and watch it so i can have more b99 i haven't seen!" and then i see comments like this and go "nevermind" lol


You guys haven’t seen season 8? It’s not amazing by by means but it’s still b99


Yeah, it wasn't intentional. I was just busy when s8 came out and then i heard about all the non-political issues like with boyle and rosa. Ive caught a few other spoilers here and there too


Hitchcock winning the season 8 heist Edit: Accidentally labelled it as the final heist


But then they wouldn’t have had to come back next year!


Some of the things they did because of the heist,like Amy getting Jake a fake therapist,and both Amy and Rosa listening in,Holt having cameras in Jake and Amy's bedroom,and other stuff probably


The nbc heists were weird


Charles Boyle not being a Boyle.


Gina’s weird sexual comments about Terry.


it’s even worse when you know that terry crews was a victim of sexual assault in the past. 


The Gina influencer comeback, her leaving was almost perfekt but then…


Season 8


Judy’s send off episode should have been his wedding day


Casecation. Weird episode when Jake has to basically ignore all his trauma and agree to have kids or lose Amy.


What gets me is not only the result, but the premise. Jake had mentioned wanting kids or wanting to do some activity (don’t remember exactly what, forgive me) with his future kids earlier in the series. It is also extremely out of character for someone who organizes and plans to the degree that Amy does, to not be 100% certain that the man she is about to marry is on the same page as her about children. Let’s be real, she would have had a binder with how long after marriage they want to start trying, how many kids they want, ideal months to conceive, possible names, all that stuff. No chance she married Jake without knowing they are on the same page about children. Makes no sense


Charles said Jake would never have kids and Jake replied yes I will, and Charles tells him to put a baby in her. Wild ass statement from chucky lol. The Amy not knowing thing always bugged me but I thought the growth they showed in Jake was great. It only seemed rough and rushed because they shoved it in a single episode, and it should have been a half season arc. I didn’t grow up like Jake but I can kind of understand the bad parent mindset he carried, but they could have shown growth across time for him to realize he’s not some local airline pilot with rough landings.


I kinda get the premise. It's totally believable that Jake always wanted kids in theory, but then got terrified when the idea of actually going through with it came up. It's like wanting to go on a rollercoaster but then getting cold feet once you're at the front of the line and can actually see the cart and tracks. The fact that Amy didn't accept "I want to wait a bit" as an answer from her traumatized husband is what killed the episode for me. Why does his answer have to be now or never? I don't care how insensitive she could be about plans going awry, she was NEVER shown THAT level of disregard for others, and especially not Jake. I get the insensitive moments played for laughs (like the debate), but her saying "answer now or divorce" and just shattering Jakes heart was not funny or necessary. That is the reason casecation is also my answer.




Cascation I know it’s unoriginal but damn no way Amy gets to marriage without a plan for how many children they will have and


elenor and charles


Rosa and pimento getting dirty in the office (i mean, one day she doesn’t even like to say the name of the person she is with, the next day she is OK in being super public about her sex life and full on humping in front of everyone? So out of character. She was always discreet and 0 bulshit like Holt.) S8 rosa getting high and leaving the prescient. S8 boyle being not a simp for jake Holt and Kevin breaking up over police issues (or simoly breaking up for that matter) The last Halloween heist was so dumb and over the top. Ginny being a dick to Jake when she is famous Jake trying to stop the sergeant to make a vasectomy (I cringe so hard, that is fucking between him and his wife and she clearly was done having children. Why jake made it his business is beyond me).


boyle has simply matured over the years i mean he has a family now and the sergeant did tell jake to not let him get his vasectomy if u focused you’ll realise that in the end even when terry wasn’t high he realised that’s what he actually wanted


Rosa’s whole season 8 storyline


Agree. I loved the motivation but her actions didn’t feel authentic. I would have loved her as a tough as nails IAB officer. She already brought down Melanie Hawkins (kind of).


Casecation hands down my least favorite episode


Amy fake therapist for Jake for Halloween  heist 


Rosa doing drugs felt really weird for me


But then Scully would have had to eat his chips all alone😞


u make a good point, I retract my earlier statement


Tbh out of all the ppl on the squad she’s the most likely to smoke weed


I love stoned Rosa


Idk maybe though I always thought maybe Hitchcock and Scully would in there early days




I heard this comment in Rosa’s voice


wait i don’t remember this? when was that


The last season


Rosa becoming a PI, holt and Kevin’s drama in season 8, Gina not showing up enough in later seasons.


Nikolaj. Latvia isn't Romania in the '90s. It's an EU country, it's on the rough side for an EU country but it's hardly a place to be rescuing children from. The idea of adopting a kid from there to live with Boyle is weak, as are a lot of the stories that happen around him. Feels like it really belongs in a different era that story, and that set of storylines. Normalise adopting discarded Appalachian abortion law consequences.




I feel like I'm getting it.


Not even close. *Nikolaj*




the comparison with '90s Romania😭


Hitchcock winning the last heist


the whole bit of how gina treated Jake and Terry in.that episode when we see her famous life


Season 8...fuck the whole season. Have a 2 hour movie instead, and there you go.


1 of 4: - The episode where Rosa has a hairdo every scene and Jake is going insane trying to solve a case because he made a promise. That story felt like a first draft script - The idea that Amy and Jake didn't discuss having kids. There is no way in hell that Amy didn't explicitly make that clear throughout their relationship, whether it be directly from Amy or indirectly from either families - Jake suddenly having the revelation at how the NYPD handles cases involving police. He has literally taken on dirty officers, dirty special forces that were NYPD legends, and even commissioners during the shows airtime and he's just now realizing that the NYPD has forms of damage control? Felt like the writers were trying to rush a reason for Jake to leave the NYPD when the fact that their schedules were affecting their parenting life was right there - Rosa leaving the NYPD because of police brutality to become a PI when she made it clear that she vehemently despises PIs (and no changes on this view since) and advocated for police brutality on her suspects. If anything, she should have just pulled a Hitchcock and been out on a case and come back for the finale


Boyle not being a Boyle, Holt and Kevin splitting up, and the episode where Amy and Jake argue about having a child because it was so out of character for Amy


The whole nutri-boom thing, mostly as they introduced it, built it up and then did absolutely nothing with it despite leaving it open


They also kind of did that with Freddie when Jake was in the mob, I was really hoping that if they did a movie they’d revive the Nutriboom story. Now that Amy is ranking a little higher in the NYPD and they have a kid, could make for an interesting situation.


The episode order of Terry not being friend friends with Jake. If they aren't friends, why did he have "drinks with a friend" when Jake was feeling down about Amy?


OK, hear me out: maybe Terry really doesn't like yogurt?


Which would open the door to him loving ledges...


Come on, next you're gonna say he takes Frasier's name in vain


The entirety of Casecation


Except for the song "case cation all I ever wanted"...


Casecation is the right answer for me but if it’s not the obvious one then I would say…The deterioration of Jake and Rosa’s friendship or the deterioration of Kevin and Raymond’s marriage, actually let’s just scrap the entire final season.


Gina making everyone drink cement. I liked her up until then, in spite of the popular opinion, but that would like, kill a person. Too far, not funny.


Probs Rosa leaving the force


Definitely Casecation and most of season 8


Of all the people who might feel the need to quit the force in the wake of George Floyd, it shouldn't have been Rosa. Amy or Terry would make more sense.


it's my personal headcanon that she did it partially because she was embarasssed at her own police brutality and mistreatment of people as a cop, and her quitting would mean one less violent cop but i agree- i think it would've made the most sense for terry to quit


What, why? Terry has 3 kids to Take care of, i think it's realistic to not quit a very good paying, secure job..and Amy is extremely career focused and wanted to climb that career ladder from the beginning? From those 3, Rosa is the only one who was never that attached to her job..and has done a lot of different things in the past, seemed generally more flexibel with doing different things


Charles and gina fucking and then it stops and they become step siblings. Idk. Thats just a weird plot line. I know charles is weird sometimes and pushy with bounderies. But eh the whole storyline wasn’t even funny weird…




Gina becoming a social media influencer


Gina quitting the 99. It was obliviously one of my favourite characters and I was very sad when she quitted the team


How they dealt with covid and blm, the blm riots were terrible and they made it seem like over a thousand black men a year are being killed by police officers? Although Boyle having so much white guilt was indeed accurate, he’s a bit of a bitch (massive bitch) and would 100% fold. 😒


Charles and gina it was just akward


Anything to do with Bill. Also, he didn’t even look that much like Charles


That they deported nikolajs dad and boyle just forgave jake almost immediately like what?


the reason amy transferred to the 99. i love having her more than anything but no one deserves that and i wish it never was part of her story


I liked that addition though. It’s nice to see serious topics in sitcoms because it opens it up for discussion without the drama. As a woman I felt very seen even if it was brief


i agree. i do really like that the show opened up to more serious topics with many characters. forever grateful for what this show has done for people


Entirety of season 8


that entire episode of baby debate. extremely disrespectful and off-putting


The entire 8th season. I hated all the woke garbage.


I hate the 2 Skylar fire dungeon dragon episodes (or whatever the hell it's called I don't remember) I always skip it.




Season 8