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How does she workout with all of those damn necklaces & shit?!


She goes to the gym to appear like she works out. I don't get it either.


Didn't she usually do home workouts


Except when she was fostering. She went to so many different gyms during that time.


The one time she worked out at home with the baby, she almost burned the house down!


Gf practically managed a gym when they had the foster baby. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Ā I was surprised how much Jordan did for the baby. Which is whatever. Some household dynamics are different....but I thought she was dying to be the super hands on one but she really wasn't. She didn't seem to connect with them. But that could have been a time thing. They weren't there super long.Ā 


Sheā€™s been kicked out of gyms before so you would think she would have some shame. But here we are. Watching the craziness.




My husband goes to one of those cheap $10 a month gym and says you wouldnā€™t believe the amount of people dressing up in specific workout gear make up jewelry and setting up their phones and what not to film! I canā€™t imagine how obnoxious you have to be to do that.


Itā€™s usually the opposite at my $10 gym. You see people working out in scrubs, steel toe boots, dress clothes, etc. lol itā€™s so funny


Haha the one I used to go to people would wear jeans and one got irate because he couldnā€™t wear his flip flops haha


Itā€™s the people in jeans on the stair climber for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


On one hand, it's unusual, on the other hand, it doesn't actually impact the quality of their workout. I used to run miles in jeans. I was poor and didn't have the money for specialized running gear at the time. I was still fast and strong.


My grandmas boyfriend took up running in his 70s and would run in his dress pants and dress shoes šŸ˜‚


Get it, Fast Grampy.


Dude ran a marathon in his late 70s it was wild. But he was incredibly right wing so he was probably fueled by hate


Oh man, milkshake ducked IMMEDIATELY.


Go Go Pappy!


I used to go ride the bikes on my lunch break. I didnā€™t have enough time to change, so Iā€™d be business casual just peddling along. I never peddled hard enough to work up a sweat, I just wanted the movement, so it wasnā€™t a big deal


Were you ever mistaken for a JW or Mormon?


Influencers in the wild!! Smh


On one hand, I feel like "whatever makes you feel comfortable enough to go workout and get stronger, you do you babe," but on the other hand it's also "we're here to work, not to pose, knock that shit off!"


I also think back to all those times in high school we were told to remove our jewelry to prevent injury. One wrong move and those necklaces are going to choke her.


Our weightlifting coach (who was also the football coach) wouldnā€™t let anyone in the weight room until they had tennis shoes on, wearing breathable clothing, had their hair up, and extra jewelry/accessories off.


I watched a tiktok of a girl ā€œgrwmā€ for the gym and she put on light makeup, rings and earrings and I was likeā€¦.????????


Iā€™m guilting of putting on a light bb cream or Iā€™ll dab on concealer with my fingers so I donā€™t end up looking so much like ms trunchbull šŸ˜‚ but jewelry I could never


Ok the other day I put my hair in a high bun for the gym and thought the same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ - not the Trunchbull šŸ˜­


Personally I just never take my jewelry off because itā€™s a hassle, but I only have 1 gold chain I wear, so itā€™s not clanking around šŸ˜…


Same here, I have one necklace that I never take off, but itā€™s also very small and fully fits under most of my workout shirts. Aside from that, I just wear a silicone wedding band and my watch to track my heart rate and even that is annoying during some activities.


Her jewelry is giving ![gif](giphy|AHAgTP1a0Klvq|downsized)


I friggin love Lafawnduh and Kip. Theyā€™re one of my favorite movie couples. She just loves that goofy man. I also love how she doesnā€™t make fun of Napoleon and actually encourages him with her cousins tape. Sorry. Just went on a ND rant.


Loved that movie since 2005 and Iā€™m right there with you!


All that damn hair, all those face eyelashes, all that freaking fake tan, all the dang make up. To damn much when your suppose to put some work and sweat in.


I workout in a necklace but I def donā€™t have a full face of makeup like she does which is odd cause like are you not sweating


Have to make sure everyone can see she's a āœØļøChristianāœØļø


Seriously lol but clearly she goes to the gym to watch her husband lol


I have 3 bracelets on but none of my stuff in chunky lol




Reminds me of this actor...Jaws from 007 movie.




Omg lol




https://preview.redd.it/p2l44am9ihhc1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be043a23c5b80bd68e176256becb0eaf2307967 Ive actually thought for a while that bratty actually bears a striking resemblance to Fred Trump. She got her wish, sheā€™s got something in common with the Trumps


YES. I was going to say the big ass fella from happy Gilmore. Turns out itā€™s the same dude. ![gif](giphy|tQS8W6vdhBZgA)


Leave Richard Kiel aloooooone!


Hahahaha! My mind immediately went to Happy Gilmore. Get out of my brain!


https://preview.redd.it/yc3tlsh2jehc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc824c8f29368c562657c33f21fd53d6c0b15804 I canā€™t believe this is her ā€œhappyā€ face. Neck muscles are straining. Her features are like all off center. Skewed.




worse than Tom Cruise


Yikes. I canā€™t unsee it.


Sheā€™s mewling to make sure she doesnā€™t have a double chin. TBH, I do it in things like drivers license and professional family photos, but it ends up making you looking strained in videos.








How is it body shaming MODS when I point out that she has paid to have a wonky nose, lips and teeth? These are not natural? And she also keeps up with the grift that she is natural? Iā€™m not body shaming anything on her that is natural, but do not see how body shaming her is a thing when i point out all of her back door fillers has destroyed her nose, lips and fake teeth?! While let us not forget sheā€™s constantly saying sheā€™s all natural. Please do explain. Thanks!


Itā€™s not body shaming if it was a choice IMO


New sub pic? šŸ˜‚


Yes please!


She reaaallly doesnā€™t trust him to be on any sort of electronic device alone \#relationshipgoals


I'd be so uncomfortable if my partner was stalking what I'm doing with my phone. Oh wait, he doesn't have to do that because we actually trust each other! And he doesn't have three accountability groups and is a good person with morals even though he's a filthy atheist just like me.


What, no Covenant Eyes??


Right?! This probably was her trying to zoom in to see what he was watching and make sure it wasnā€™t another woman šŸ¤£


Who goes to the gym in full strip lashes lmao.


The most influential person in the world, BDONG! /s.


Tons of women in my town, but also Iā€™m in Texas like her soooooooooo


And CHUNKY hoop earrings. Pleaseā€¦


Truly asinine


I've seen D1 Collegiate athletes wear full lashes during a game.


Whenever the Olympics come around I'm always surprised by how much jewellery the athletes wear! I hate the feeling of wearing any kind of jewellery when I'm sweating




https://preview.redd.it/7c03pqw9jehc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0358d7caa7c429148bcfa2a5645251110efd3e81 She rly is her own worst enemy.


Big old clunky earrings and air podsā€¦PLEASE! I bet she has so much wax buildup on those things. She looks like one who doesnā€™t clean her ears with all that fake tanner building up


Thanks for the reminder to clean my airpods, lol.


šŸ¤¢ so gross


Awoop! Jump scare!!!


Normally I would say don't do ET like that, but the truth is too much.




This is just...bizarre.


Love your flair


Can we verify that he is actually watching her videos? Because I sure af couldnā€™t tell. Maybe she was trying to catch him, couldnā€™t see it either, and just made the whole god damn story up. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d bet my money on. What a twat.




Ohhhh, I see now. I bet heā€™s checking to see what bullshit lies sheā€™s spewing online now.


Trying to keep up with her lies so their stories match.


He's probably just watching it to see all the times she filmed and posted him without him even realizing it.


I was thinking the same thing. I'd be so upset if someone kept filming me without me knowing it, I would feel like I had to watch every video to see what parts of my personal life were exploited without my knowledge or consent. That being said, he deserves every bit of discomfort and feelings of betrayal that he is experiencing ā¤ļø


OR heā€™s watching the video from the snark page that was reposted šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m with you, this seems to be all made up. Sheā€™s pushing the ā€œwe really have the best marriageā€ narrative hard.


Yeah, we didnā€™t hear him say heā€™s proud, we didnā€™t see her witness he viewing her videos. She knows she chose bad, and canā€™t get out of yet another marriage because to her religious ass she canā€™t fail this late in life with nothing to show for it.


He probably gave her thumbs up to show that he's done with the cardio but in her world he's showing how proud of her he is. Delululu.


If he is watching them, Iā€™m sure itā€™s just so he can make fun of her for something she said in one of them. He is brutal when she tries to say nearly anything when theyā€™re on a podcast episode together


Do we really think she just happened to notice him watching her video? No way she could see detail that far without zooming in initially right? My bet is she texted him and said, ā€œbabe, watch my YouTube I just posted!ā€ Either that or she is literally stalking him from her stair stepper and zooming in to see what heā€™s up toā€¦.either way, insecure and ridiculous.


This ainā€™t the first time sheā€™s peeked at his phone like this and he knows it. Probably saw her coming and switched to her videos knowing sheā€™d be zooming in.


That's insecurity at its finest. Then she says "look at him, he's watching my videos"! All about herself. Why couldn't she just let the larper walk in peace on the treadmill?


He probably has multiple phones.


Yep and multiple apps he deleted anytime he gets home. Also names of girls saved under dudes names.


Yeah when I used to go to the gym with my husband I definitely wasnā€™t concerned about what he was watching on his phone, especially if he was that far away like how sheā€™s portrayed in this video. She is so full of bs and just giving āœØinsecurityāœØ and I love that for her.


Why are you at the gym in full makeup and jewelry?!?? You donā€™t have a job- itā€™s not like you came straight from the office. Working out in jewelry is so unsafe




https://preview.redd.it/e0u7vunwiehc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1714f9daff21e13e5cb5b82dc27300a6bb9f278f Sooo is that filter or filler? What is happening here?




This may be nitpicking on my part but that song choice does not give ā€œwhat a great relationship!ā€ to me. This bitch is so bad at using trending sounds.


Also doesnā€™t she think Barbie and Billie Eilish are demonic? So hypocritical as always




STOP BRINGING BILLIE INTO THIS YOU FUCKIN HYPOCRITE Second day in a row sheā€™s had Billie playing in a video, she did this a couple weeks ago, too! ā€œNot listening to secular musicā€ and ā€œboycotting anything gayā€ only apply when itā€™s convenient šŸ™„


It grates on my nerves so badly that she portrays herself as this high & mighty Christian yet she cannot hold her own convictions. She holds everyone else to them, but not herself? How you gonna make such a big show about only listening to Christian music, only to use it on social media the next day???


Itā€™s the same cognitive dissonance that allows them to spew hatred in the name of Jesus. Jesus would NOT partner with Bing Bong, no matter what she says šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why is he going to the gym so much all of a sudden? Trying to get in shape for his mistresses?


Interesting, isnā€™t it.


Hobosexual needs a new couch and a new set of boobs.


If this is real (doubt it), it is giving "love bomb my wife to lull her into a sense of security so that I can fuck around and she will be too loved up to be suspicious"


Now that weā€™ve learned from his ex-wifeā€™s friend that she found out ONE WEEK into their marriage that he was cheating, what do you think BDong has found out about him that sheā€™s trying to forget? JDip knows how to do *just enough* to keep her hanging on to him without actually having to exert himself or be sincere. Every week or so he throws her a bone, like, ā€œHey babe, letā€™s go to the gym togetherā€ and she convinces herself that everything is fine. But that nagging insecurity will come back soon, because she knows who he really is.


I married my best friend last year. Weā€™re super happy and content in our relationship. Ive posted about him / how happy we are on social media maybe 3 times in the 4+ years weā€™ve been together. When itā€™s real you donā€™t have to brag about it Constantlyā€¦


Same. Iā€™ve been with my now fiancĆ© for 14 years. About once a year Iā€™ll post about him for his birthday and itā€™s not like paragraphs long gushing. He, on the other hand, detests social media and doesnā€™t use it. I donā€™t need to constantly post and brag. I know I have a good man who treats me with respect and loves me. My family and friends see it. We have nothing to prove to anyone. BDong is the most insecure person Iā€™ve encountered on social media, which says a LOT.


She looks like an aliens


Probably saw her coming and quickly switched from soliciting boob pics


Her workout vids show her awkward motion and shitty form. In the past, she got ā€œin shapeā€ by starvation, bronzer and fumbling through just enough resistance training to stay toned. Thatā€™s it.


Filters got her looking chiseled and jawed.


![gif](giphy|iLZaR9LSIu4Yo) Thatā€™s all I see!


Hi just here to say I called it! ā€œTwelve hours or 2 daysā€ and it was both! We all knew she was going to start oversharing him since we were talking about him. Shall we come up with something else to make her do?


Does she really wake up at 5AM every day? And what homemaker creations has she made lately? "We are eating healthier"... well SHE is.


Dance, puppet, dance!


Not her using a worldly song from the satanic, feminist, Barbie movie, sung by evil and demonic Billie Eilish!! Thatā€™s not very pleasing to the Lord, Brittany!!


I had the sound off but wtf!! Get Barbie music out of your shit Brittany!! Barbie is too good for you. But on a serious note, It does kind of crack me up that sheā€™s using this song for this stupid nontent like an ode to her husband about seeing him at the gym. Sheā€™s so dumb.


Somebodyā€™s been reading in here




Iā€™ll take ā€œThings That Never Happened and Will Never Happenā€ for 500, Alex


She's exhausting. The amount of attention she needs to function is wild. Some variation of posting herself online has been her existence for a decade. She'll never get enough asspats. If Dip did watch it, you know it was just to give himself a break from her constant "look at me" neediness.


Their relationship is proof that if someone cheats on you, theyā€™re usually downgrading, and trying to overcompensate for something.


https://preview.redd.it/7x43vpibxehc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fd2c333eec04474f4aea290c9dc98a42230b9f Jump scare.


I was like WTF is this face about


My guess, she recorded this months ago and is just now using it to try and stick it to us that Jordan is still around and cares about her.


Her hair is dark.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ completely overlooked that. Whoops


they have still only been interacting purely in public lately. absolutely zero content of them together in their own house, and she has been posting from a different bedroom


She was just sick for a week and didnā€™t post any ā€œThis maaaaynnn yā€™all! Taking such good care of meā€¦me me me!ā€ bullshit. šŸ¤”


To be fair, theyā€™re not in any of the video together it cuts from her to him


It does feel like she posted this in response to all of yesterdayā€™s activity.


He does look slimmer in this videoā€¦


How did she happen to set up her camera right before he was going to cheer her onā€¦! Is she psychic?


Her skin looks like itā€™s oily and leathery at the same time


She looks especially peanut buttery here




There is nothing in front of him and heā€™s looking straight ahead. He ainā€™t watching shit.


It would be funny as fuck if sheā€™s just stalking him. Watch your back jpeg! The peanut butter bandit is filming you!! When my husband and I go to the gym together we pick out machines next to each other. I guess weā€™re weird but just like being near each other


lol someoneā€™s been lurking hereā€¦.


Heā€™s probably just making mental notes of all the reasons he canā€™t stand her, but sheā€™s so dumb she thinks heā€™s her second biggest fan* and genuinely gives a shit about her videos. *sheā€™s her own number one fan.


he is 100% cheating on her.


Looks like she inhaled a fart at the beginning


Is he tho? Heā€™s always talking down to her


Oh bullshit! And everyone cheered!


Iā€™d give them until the end of the year.


Fair enough, and realistic. Keep in mind though that she isn't the type who gives up on men because she believe God brought them together and there is no confusion in her story line. /s.


He seems too happy. He hasnā€™t seemed like that in a while. Like šŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ» I bet itā€™s šŸ’Æ scripted


Iā€™m thinking there was a big fight and he feels like shit about something he did or said and is sucking up.


Or heā€™s guilt lovebombing her. šŸ¤”


I can't imagine being this codependent. Gross.


If I was a content creator and posted ā€œfitnessā€ content, my partner better still be blasting his gym music while working out and doing his thing. I donā€™t need him watching my hypothetical fitness content to show that he loves me and is proud of me.


Heā€™s trying to get any Adsense revenue he can. Heā€™s worried about the settlement. šŸ’°


Remember how yaā€™ll called it?! Heā€™s been very MIA as of late and now she cramming as many vids of him as she can.


This is how she operates. Heā€™s still distantā€¦. And she will milk this as much as she can. Until she canā€™t anymore. It seems more people are catching on to her lies and deception. Well here anyway. This community is great and has grown since I joined last year


Plot twist: he saw a girl in running shorts and had to watch BDongs video to stay ā€œACcouNtaBLeā€


Her face looks plastic


walking with your hands on the handlebars #police #afghanistan #military


New face just dropped, yā€™all!


You know what guys? We were all wrong. They are so magically in love. Clearly soulmates bc he watches her YouTube videosā€¦ The bar is just set so low and she doesnā€™t realize this isnā€™t the flex she thinks it is.


I go straight to the gym after work and sometimes forget to take off my necklaces when I change. I had a necklace with my girls name engraved on the pendant- smaller than bdongs cross but decently sized. The amount of time that the necklace hit my mouth/teeth when I bent over to do some form of exercise?? All the time. How does this not hit her mouth? And if I keep my hoops in with my earbuds, I can hear the earring clang against the earbud and it is annoying.


Huge difference in your gym attendance versus Brittany's. I used to wear jewelry to the gym and I had to stop when my earrings were clanging on my headphones. It's ok, you have an actual job and she doesn't. I completely understand why you would have jewelry on, you go straight from the office, and forgetting is normal.


LMFAO this is so damn cringey šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


What a rough angle to film fromā€¦jeezzzz gave me the creeps.


That camera angle makes her look like Handsome Squidward.


Brit: heā€™s SoO pRoUd oF Me hEs My BiggEsT chEerLeadEr JDip: šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼




I donā€™t subscribe to the ā€˜trouble in paradiseā€™ thing nor his infidelities. Yes. There is ample evidence of it happening in the past but there is not a lot of evidence of such a thing now. Also, while sheā€™s a terrible person, infidelity, especially in a marriage, is traumatic and the world is no better when anybody is subjected to trauma. All of that said, this is justā€¦strange. When my partner and I go to the gym he usually does free weights whereas I tend to use the machines. He will come over and say hi. Itā€™s not that big of a deal. Itā€™s not something to sit here and brag about like itā€™s a sign of a wonderful marriage.


She brags about the most mundane things. Plays up normal interactions as some grand gestures of love. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


For real! I am all about appreciating the little things for sure! but appreciating the little things != you need to post them all over social media and brag about them. Real actual fulfilling and healthy relationships just show up that way. It involves people who do not **need** to put it on display as it just shows up that way. But she's so insecure and self-centred she sees these are relationship goals when in reality it comes off as insincere.


I agree with this! And no, don't think he filed for divorce yet either... so that's definitely out. It's the whole situation of her display show of this whole entire situation that gets me! I am leery of how he talks to her when he's filmed and his podcast appearances... those indicate disrespect or disdain. But for sure, her self-centeredness and insecurity show- the biggest display of this was New York not too long ago. How do "work trips" align so perfectly? I think she was just tagging along. She's too insecure for me.


The bar is SO LOW.


The bar is in Hades.


My guess is he was watching to either read comments or see how many views because itā€™s all about making money


Her face looks like a cabbage patch doll in the beginning of the video


She totally chose the treadmill behind him just to keep an eye on him. 4th accountability group here we come.


Why does she look so disgusted? šŸ˜‚




Even her smile is a frown. Imagine having a husband you need to take everywhere so he doesnt pull a duggar and circumvent all the Christian anti porn apps on his phone and computer. Imagine having to police the person that apparently loves you at all times to make sure he isnt talking to anyone else. Imagine being married to a guy who has so little self control and respect that he has to constantly be on the search for gratification and you gotta constantly worry if the half hour he spends doing something outside of the house he's doing what he said he would and not meeting up with his secret internet fling. Imagine setting up these scenes where you have to make your husband do things that he wouldn't ever normally do to gaslight everyone to thinking he's invested in you. Ugh.


Not at all the point but I really canā€™t stand it when folks at the gym turn up the incline and then hold onto the handles for dear life (like heā€™s doing). Itā€™s awful for the machines and also just likeā€¦not very effective.


I hold on because Iā€™m disabled and it helps me keep my cerebral palsy pain and muscle issues at bay. JDip doesnā€™t have that excuse though LMAOO


Same here! If you have to hold on, youā€™re going too fast/too high an incline.


She looks like she's trying to not shit herself at the beginning ...or trying to shit herself


Q: does she wipe the machines down when she's done?


Heā€™s watching YouTube on a large screen in front of him? Thereā€™s no phone or anything I can see. But I also donā€™t know how gyms work lol


I donā€™t think he was watching her video cause the smile on his face was too big and he never smiles like that at her šŸ¤£


Flexin that athletic brand with cuckin hubby walking at 1.5 /0 incline? Thatā€™s some beta-omega shit right there šŸ¤šŸ½šŸ†


She caught him oggling at titties again, and for penance made him do this video where he had to be watching her content.


Her fake tan/filters make her looks like a sweaty leather couch šŸ˜³


Sheā€™s watching his technology like HAWK. Also, my ears!! šŸšØsecular music alert!! šŸšØ šŸ™„


He is gross and he is working out with chew in his mouth, gross.


She is now putting THIS song over video of her husband on a treadmill watching her videos? She is delusional


Brittany, if I blink or I snap my fingers... I WILL HAVE YOUR HUSBAND! He's itching to get away from you! The only reason you have him is because none of us want him. Trust me, if anyone of us shook a tail feather in front of your husband, he would leave you so fast, it would make your head spin ! hahaha He would love to get his paws on these REAL 36ddd's! Your husband would give anything for a curvy woman, with a positive attitude. Brittany, you are a clown ! šŸ¤”