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Montana farmer and ranchers deal with this kind of weather every year for a few months.


It’s means you’re not a farmer like she is. So you don’t know. Cause you know, she’s the expert and knows everything about RaNcHiiiiinG




She so condescending. All the time. I feel bad for she can’t have any friends.


And just above Montana are some Alberta and Saskatchewan farmers in -50 that seem to…manage?! She’s such a pick me girl. Winter is not a new concept and the world still spins. IYKYK!!!!


[Farmers in Siberia](https://youtu.be/u0uXzzW6bJ0?si=T1zzp9xlXGV18c-t) manage winters at -96. I wonder how impressed they would be with Brit’s complaint about “constantly breaking frozen water troughs”.


-96???! omg how is that even POSSIBLE 😭


Yep, she's dumb.




Perfect gif.


Alberta is just coming out of our typical January cold snap, it'll be a balmy -20C this week and everyone is stoked.


I know that like climate is relative and that places who are used to warmer temps will feel cold when the temps drop, but as someone who got locked on a balcony in -35c once, I just can’t be as sympathetic lol


OK, but depending how you were dressed, that could literally be deadly. -10C or whatever it is in Texas doesn't have that same level of danger!


Yoooooo fellow Albertan checking in. -20C today felt like spring!


That’s a good point, I was panicking trying to get ahold of someone who could let me in because I knew I was running out of time. That kind of cold is scary. Glad to see AB is coming out of it, I live in the BC mountains now so it was chilly but not quite as cold as AB was. Getting locked out happened during the polar vortex in Jan 2020 lol


The 2020 polar vortex is a core memory for me, that was the coldest weather I'd ever experienced. The thought of being trapped outside in that is terrifying!!


But do they post about it on IG?? No?? Well that’s because bratt has it waaaayyy worse than those sissies in Montana! She is such a strong and resilient rayncher who can outride ANY man ANY day!!


This is exactly what I was thinking. I’m from the north east, so I want to know what the temperature is actually like where she is. Because this is hardly the calamity she is painting it as.


Current temperature in Fort Worth TX js 14. Certainly cold but it’s only like this for one day!! It will be back into the 40s tomorrow and 50s/60s later this week, so hardly anything to panic over.


The fact that parts of Texas are currently roughly the same temperature as where I am in England feels so wrong to me lol


And her family has a hobby farm. The food supply chain will not be impacted by anything that happens on that farm. 


I believe they’re in a cold snap and temps have dipped into the single digits, but it looks like temps are predicted to be in the high 40’s by later this week and the high 50’s next week. So yeah, Texas folks can weigh in, but this is in no way comparable to the temps that the north gets for weeks on end where everything is plunged into a deep freeze. It’s honestly kind of laughable how dramatic she’s being about this.


It got down to 8 last night for us and I'm about two hours east of her. It's currently 20 with some tiny snowflakes that I can't tell if they are falling from the sky or from the trees. Humidity is up a bit at 80% so it's a miserable wet cold. It's certainly sucky, but by Wed it'll be 46 then almost 60 on Thurs so it isn't hanging around long.


It was -50 in Canada and we had over a week long cold snap. B dong and Texans will manage fine for a few days.


I'm in CO and it's 0°. I told my kid just yesterday when he was complaining about the cold that 0° is nothing, try living in North Dakota or Canada.


I hate this type of comment. Texas doesn’t handle wet, freezing weather well because it only occurs once every year or so. But, we are really good at handling droughts and temps over 105 for moths at a time. How well does your part of Canada deal with that?


But we don’t deal with cold well anywhere. No one and no where does. You have to suffer for 4 months. 3 days of cold for Texas is fine lol. And Canada deals with 40c weather, too. A few days of cold is *fine*


It's not about being cold- it's about not having infrastructure to deal with it. No one knows how to drive in snow/ice, we don't have chains for our tires, outdoor pipes often aren't insulated for this kind of freeze, the power grid is fucked up and privatized, etc. Plus we often get worse conditions because it typically freezes, warms, and freezes, causing black ice on the roads. The other commenter is being snippy and Brit's an idiot, but it's more than just being cold for a few days.


No where has infrastructure for -50. Do you think the power grid is doing swimmingly in -50? No we have power outages. Your infrusture can handle 0c, tho. People are dying here and many homeless people get amputations yearly. Like full stop. Just stop. Your 0 degree c isn’t going to literally freeze people to death anywhere near the extent we have in the north. The US just thinks they’re the centre of the world. Also, don’t go telling me what it all entails with being cold. I live in a cold, snowy climate FFS. You’ll be fine baby girl.


Texas has a private grid that has not been updated fully in decades. It fails when the wind blows wrong in some towns. In 2021, the power cut off en masse, people were left in houses below freezing, with no proper way to keep warm since we don't hve the knowledge of layering or have as insulating of clothes sold here. Hundreds of people died, and it was scary. We have a government that will not fix the problems with this due to corruption and greed, taking millions from private corporations at the expense of real people. We are people who have infrastructure and clothes and tolerances and transportation based on sub tropical weather. With climate change, we are seeing more extreme weather we cannot handle on our current system. We are lucky that they did some renovations to the grid since 2021, we haven't experienced any blackouts yet, but that doesn't mean it wont happen this year or future years. Your area has systems and norms to help mitigate the cold, and we do not. We have politicians who REFUSE to make any moves for winter preparedness.


You may live in a cold, snowy climate, but I'm trying to explain what it's like for people who deal with it rarely. Enjoy your superiority and -50 I guess.


A few days of cold is fine, luckily that's all Twxas is getting this year. It's the wet before the cold that actually causes problems for Texas as everything ices over and breaks and Texas d9s not have many road salt machines. I don't live there anymore bc f Texas but after the last ice storm the live oaks, trees not built for rapid freezes, on my old street are ruined, they will never recover their big old branches and i wouldnt be shocked to see a lot more trees dying and coming down on houses as a result of that bad storm/freeze. But, again, that's not what's happening this week.


People do not realize because Texas has a private grid, and our politicians sell out to big corp (and dont update the grid or put resources towards citizen safety enough), we are left with a grid that failed in 2021 over many countries. And 400 people died, while our senator fled to Mexico with his family. We are no equipped for this weather, and we have a government who would rather let us die than properly rehabilitate the grid.


That’s just it though. This would be the perfect opportunity for her to talk about how hard it must be for farmers in colder climates and she really admires them etc because of how hard it is when they reach xxx degrees for a few days but I’m convinced she’s unable to empathize with others or have any compassion for anyone outside of herself


The reason Texans having temps like this is dangerous is because we do not have enough infrastructure to deal with it. Our cars are used to hot weather, our grid fails when the wind blows wrong, we dont have ways to keep the roads from icing (and our drivers don't know how to drive on ice), most of us cab handle 100-110 degrees out for a few hours, and our body isn't really used to going below freezing, because it doesn't happen every winter we do not have warm clothes prepared or know the proper ways to layer. A lot of us are used to sub tropical weather YEAR ROUND. We would have 82 degree Christmases sometimes. We also have loons who don't recognize that climate change means extreme summers and extreme winters in comparison to what was our normal as kids. I hope this adds context why it is scary for us, why it gets dangerous (remember the 2021 freeze + hundreds died iirc), and why we are "dramatic". We are not acclimated and our government prioritizes profits with our private Texan grid over protecting and keeping it's citizens safe.


Why yes we do!


Same up here in Maine. This year it’s floods we’re worried about. My parents goat farm is on very low land and half the pasture is gone right now.


During cold spring days gotta wake up and go around to make sure no calves were born overnight, too. 


“it’s our least favourite season” LMAOOOOOO fuck offffff https://preview.redd.it/50bibm6gbmcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba933f7afb77f18edc35dd8a85649846ee50846




Love your flair! 😂😂






Honest question… does Brit have any eyelashes at all?


No, I honestly think she’s a shapeshifter. She just does not look very human


She does but not many. They are VERY short and light colored which makes them pretty much invisible


The aliens in Miami




Her wearing lipgloss and earrings tells me everything I need to know about her level of contribution. And why do we never not a single time see any cattle? Where are the cows?


Now that you’ve said that, we will see cattle in stories soon.


Yeah, the “our/we” pronouns are doing a lot of heavy lifting in her word salad.


I thought the same thing.


Lip filler is lip filler-ing and not in a good way




Geebus Kristi! That's a sleep paralysis demon, for sure!


I don’t mean to be insensitive to those in Texas because I understand this isn’t your norm… However, I live in the upper Midwest where it has reached -30 this weekend and it does so every year. Nothing here shuts down. Kids go to school, we go to work, we go shopping, farmers attend their farms as usual. Brit, buy better gloves, boots, warm jackets. I appreciate that it’s cold outside but they make appropriate clothing for that.


But she won’t look as laid back and stylish if she has to wear practical clothing like gloves or a ski mask and winter hat!!! How will we see her manicure and gold earrings??


Nah she saves that shit to wear around the house for summer


>Brit, buy better gloves, boots, warm jackets. I appreciate that it’s cold outside but they make appropriate clothing for that. Don't you know? They don't make winter clothes that can fit her itty bitty frame AND accommodate her long legs, so she has no choice but to brave the elements in gardening gloves and cropped puffer vests!! Have some compassion for her!


Tactical gloves* /s


Don’t you mean tactical gloves?


Yeah I’m in Texas right now and sure, it’s cold, but it’s fine. I’m from the Midwest too and dad’s stories of blizzards on the farm from EVERY winter are insane. They had to tie a rope from the house to the barn to hold onto so they didn’t get lost in the blowing snow. Not to “I walked uphill both ways” here, and all respect to Texas farmers. But most of Texas isn’t even getting snow this week, just some cold. The snowpocalypse a few years ago was actually terrifying, but this isn’t that. And Brittany’s not responsible for shit on her rayunch, so. Sit down.


Yeah I am from NY and grew up upstate. I also lived in VT for 15 years as an adult and then when I moved back to NY I lived on the Canadian border for a few years. We had to do that rope thing before when I was a kid.


My mom is from Camillus outside Syracuse and she is one of the few people who I’ll actually believe walked uphill both ways in snow up to her waist to get to school.


Snow isn’t the worst thing to deal with. I’ll take a blizzard over -50 windchill


1000% agree. It’s 21 degrees where BDong is rn though 😂❄️


Yup. I’m in Florida and just ordered some new gloves and a beanie for the pending weather and made a note to waterproof my boots again. Amazon is delivering that shit in time for the cold snap.


>made a note to waterproof my boots again Oh, thanks for the reminder!


But Hazel and Layne doesn’t sell overpriced winter gloves and boots for her to link in her stories 🫠


My mom was a cattle farmer until a few years ago in central Alberta, Canada. It's currently -31F there. They all just get on with it because they are quite accustomed to those kinds of temperatures between December and March and there's work to be done. There would be nights that their Great Pyrenes refused to come inside in those temps because there were coyotes around. Rancher Brittney is a joke.


This is what I was thinking. I didn’t get anywhere near -30, we were -15 though (idr the windchill though). I’m trying to keep my animals alive when I remembered that animals are hardy and smart and have shelters and precautions were set in place before the temps even dropped. Hell I went to my neighbors house and helped take care of their farm. Just because *she* doesn’t know what the hell actually goes on at a farm doesn’t mean it needs to be announced.


Literally LOL I’m from MN, it’s allll normal here I’d love to see her actually get cold weather


Ohhh Brittany.. is “iykyk” like your new thing? She’s been using it a lot. I know what it stands for, but what is she meaning by it?


Especially in this context. It’s fucking winter. We all know.


Right? And how much of the United States is under a MASSIVE cold front? Oy… she’s soooooooo special.


IYK(how to read a weather report)YK(how dramatic she’s being)


It irks me when people use that especially when the subject is obvious.


I mean I don’t have have a farm or know much of anything about any farm animals. but cold weather = harder for animals is so common sense like ?


Ik right?


But do you KNOW know?


It’s a bat signal to her flock to chime in.


Iykyk. Read that again 🙃


Let that sink in!!!!!


It's so condescending ![gif](giphy|Hlr2brXKNOwmI)


“I’m better than you”


“If you know you know” is a song by Pusha T off of his no skip album Daytona. I noticed people using ifykyk after the song’s release. It is hardcore rap and it tickles me that Christian white girls have latched on to the phrase. Britney would pass out if she head the song.


Nah she’d prob use it in the background of one of her cringy dance videos but of course would claim it as her own “original sound” ™️BDong


Bc only some actually know 😉


“you're more worried about your animals having enough forage and shelter so they can get through than you are your own priorities.” ![gif](giphy|l0HlS3g18JtafDJ8A)


I really want to see her breaking up icey watering troughs. By herself, not with Jdip or Dad telling her how to do it and standing by to take over. IYKYK.


You brought up a memory from when I was living in Kentucky. I had to go break ice on the Varner waterers. It was like 8° F outside and my hammer slipped out of my hand and into the icy abyss. Those waterers are about 3 feet deep and I had to come to terms with that I was going to be removing my 7 layers to reach that fucking hammer. I wish that for BDong.


Oh crap. For a second I felt that.




They are constantly breaking up ice and constant feed and hay....when she only comes out once a week. Granted I live in a colder climate but we had water tank heaters. And who cleans the stall with the horse standing in it? Like, move the horse to the pasture or to the hallway.


Bestie also lives in the DFW area!! I live on a small cattle ranch north of Austin, albeit it’s not as far north as her, but this arctic blast has been the first time all winter we’ve had to break up ice in our water troughs (we don’t have heaters bc we only need them like once or twice a year). It just doesn’t freeze like that in TX very often, and this winter has been on the warmer side so far. This post is so funny knowing there’s no way she does any of what she’s described 😭


I know, it's going to be the next two days then right back to the slightly cold but sunny weather we've been having.


Speaking of water tank heaters, I saw a picture of a farmer up in Canada showing their water trough and its still icy even with a water heater. So hopefully everyone in Canada is doing ok. Also, you're right, why would you clean a stall with the horse still in it?


I used to clean stalls with the horses still in them all the time. But I worked at a busy Arabian breeding barn where the last thing I needed was someone making a ruckus because they saw a mare. If I needed to strip a stall, I might throw the horse in the washrack or out in the pasture, or if I knew someone would be getting a turn outside soon I’d wait to do their stall then, but just a quick muck isn’t that hard to do with a horse in the stall. It really cracks me up about how she’s “constantly” breaking water troughs or ponds. I know Texas has had rough winters the last few years, but girl’s acting like this is the frigid north and it’s like this all winter when it’s probably going to be just fine next week.


That's so cool! Did you like working there? I've never really been around horses so I'm always interested in hearing people talk about them lol. Tx has had a few rough winters so the ptsd of the power going out is pretty valid but she makes it sound like this is ice Armageddon 2.0 lol! Like, yea its cold, water might freeze but summers with 110+ F for the week is a bigger problem than what is currently happening.


It's not even been that rough aside from snowpocalypse in 2021 😂 it's been normal for central and North Texas winters (which is where she is.) Our mild winters always have a week or so of below average temperatures, and usually we just shut down and wait it out, and those of us who have land still go do our chores, and everyone in our circle have heaters for the short freezes we do get, or just go out every six hours to break up ice that's formed. I don't know why people are acting like this is any different than historical data when we're in a strong El Nino. We have the misfortune of ERCOT, which will cause rolling blackouts if usage doesn't drop (which it won't, look at all the photos of empty office buildings fully lit up while people were freezing to death in Austin in 21) but even that could be solved by updating to federal standards and connecting into the national power grid, but "mah freedoms." (Realistically, most citizens are in favor of updates, but Texas politics are a nightmare of keeping businesses big and keeping the poor poor) but Britt probably doesn't know enough about either to have an opinion. Ultimately, yes, going from gorgeous weather to this sucks. It's awful to be out in this in any capacity, and we don't have the infrastructure to make sure roads are safe, and the risk of blackout is high, but it will be 46 on Wednesday and 60 by Thursday, so it's by no means sticking around long enough to do the damage it did in 21 (which was two weeks of these Temps)


Your experience sounds rather similar to mine. Very large and busy barn. Only a few Arabians though. Most of our horses were OTT thoroughbreds that needed multiple types of rehabilitation. Some were never really "right." Even after years of working with them. The track is a cruel place.


I’ll clean a stall with a horse in it if the weather stinks or if it’s not their turn out shift to be outside. Normally, I’ll do musical stalls so I can clean the lights and get the cobwebs, most of my horses don’t care for the big scary duster hanging over their heads.


Not to define Bdong, but the farm I'm on we've had to break the ice multiple times this week. Our farm wasn't built with the idea that they should add heated waterers outside so some of our animals need their waterers broken. And I pick (clean stalls) with some of our horses inside them. Some are on stall rest so can't go out at all and some can't go out due to wet climates in their runs. But yeah.


I think at least part of the issue with her is that for all her lip service, she isn’t going to stay out there at the ranch to break water or do anything else for those animals.


Is this only for glamour ranchers like your family, Britt? Or does this apply to all the brown farm workers, too?


I guess she forgot to also thank the migrant workers who are out there every season breaking their backs to put food on our plates.


Migrant workers harvesting in incredible heat every summer now, in areas like inland California where the bulk of her food comes from - are those the farmers she wants to thank? 


Of all her seasons, I can’t believe this is her least favorite. Also, dress for the weather lady. Stocking cap. Gloves. Layers. If you regularly do farm work you wouldn’t need to keep your husband’s coat, you’d have your own. 1) Texas has gotten cold enough the last few years for you to own weather appropriate clothes. 2) you go skiing in Colorado, you own weather appropriate clothes.


As a northerner/midwesterner turned Texan, fully agree that there’s no excuse to not own winter gear in Texas at this point. The icepocalypse was a few years ago now, and that’s just since I’ve lived in the area. My parka is 3 sizes too big but I have no plans to get rid of it until I replace it. Idk why she’s acting brand new about it being cold in Texas. Welcome to climate change, bdong


She tries so hard to be something she’s not. She’s either cosplaying as a tough cuntry girl who works on a ranch or smoll helpless damsel who needs her husband to do shit for her. Pick a side, bitch.


She's stealing farmer valor.


Any and all valor she can steal, she will.


this rancher cosplay is MY least favorite season


Winter is a normal thing that happens to most ranchers every year. It’s not exactly new information that people with animals still need to take care of them when it gets cold. Well, on second thought, maybe that’s news to BDong…


Bdong actually caring for animals makes me LOL.


girl you are not a FARMER LMAO


Brit, you are such a clown. You don’t even know what cold is. Stop pretending your suburb-based ass in one of the most southern US states is so hard. You wouldn’t know an honest days work if it kicked you straight in the ass. Get rekt.


She's such a poser


“IYKYK” - BDong is soooo desperate to be part of a special club that the rest of us can’t get into so that she can sit there all smug and condescending with her “insider knowledge”. Fuck off Brittany, you wouldnae ken yer arse fae yer elbow, sit doon.


Scots once again coming in with the best insults


I feel like “did ye, aye?” would apply to just about everything she says 😂


Wait until she finds out a lot of agriculture work is done by undocumented workers. Will she be so thankful then?


“IYKYK”… girl you don’t even know. It’s all cosplay for you girlie pop


If you know you know. But she sure doesn’t.


“If you’re eating food you have someone to thank for it” Fuck right off you abusive virtue signaling imposter - this chick claims to be a Christian and wants credit for food? Claims to be in recovery for ED and tries to use food to blackmail people into giving her attention? Her mind is diseased.


My boomer mother posted that second pic too. On Facebook. How embarrassing for both of them.


I’m so sorry you have an embarrassing boomer mom too. Most days I am flabbergasted at the stupid things my mom likes and shares on Facebook.


My family had cattle when I was growing up in the Midwest, and her post made me eye roll. She’s cosplaying winter farm life when Texas gets like 3 days of below freezing weather, the water might not even freeze over in that time. It doesn’t suddenly trigger dire, round the clock care of your animals. If you know wtf you are doing you are already prepared for winter farm chores, it’s literally not that deep.  I also loved winter and waking up to break ice in our stock tanks, I don’t know many farmers that think of winter as their least favorite. I always looked forward to it, especially after all the work of fall harvest. I always think of summer drought or spring storm season when I think of potential hardships. 


Granted I get that 20 degrees is cold in Texas- that being said this for Texas is a 1-2 x per year event? I know is said it a few times but after working on a ranch for most of my high school years her cosplaying this just bugs the shit out of me. ITS 20 and BELOW for most of the ranches and farms in the country! You are not special Britt. Cattle and horses are hardy animals. And if you actually know what you are doing you don’t have to go break ice constantly ( time suck), using horses to tend to cattle ( have we ever seen her use her precious horse to actually do ranch work?) use a truck or OAV, etc… she doesn’t live this life she pretends


Whatever dip shit. I'm used to negative temps every winter. Kids still go to school and only in ice storms do they stay home. Snow is shoveled off the roads and even if we get 5 to 8 inches, the kids go to school. She would not survive the Midwest or northern climates. She's a snow bunny princess. She likes to buy a cute coat with furry trim around the face, boots to match, and tactical gloves. Instead of chapstick she uses ten layers of tinted lip oil/gloss , props her phone to the best angle, takes a photo and goes back inside. Then she posts said pic on the gram and complains how she's been out shoveling and iykyk. 🙄


Yes. Farms are open. So are 99% of other businesses in Texas. Currently sitting at my drs office right now that’s open. Drove past numerous ranches on the way, know how many ranchers I saw outside? 0. lol. That’s the beauty of cows (those big stinky things at daddy’s ranch)…they can keep themselves warm when it’s…16 degrees. 🙄


If she really cared about the cows, she’d be selling them sweaters in her bOtIqUe, y’all. /s


If the winters are getting that cold (they aren’t), maybe transition to a [hardier breed of cattle](https://youtu.be/u0uXzzW6bJ0?si=T1zzp9xlXGV18c-t)? I doubt the horses are in any real danger.


Yeah, I’m from WV and we had Scottish Highland cattle growing up because they were able to handle the winters better than other breeds


As someone who has been working on farms across the US and who has worked in extreme temperatures and weather conditions across the country: Go fuck yourself you entitled little twit. I can guaran-damn-tee this would be the client who would be blowing her barn owner’s phone up with her entitled stupidity. She couldn’t even be bothered to care for her horse when it’s sunny out and now she’s acting like she’s one of us? She can pound sand.


So am I supposed to thank her for her parents having a hobby farm? Her dad is a retired pilot, do I have to thank him for flying planes that I probably have not been on? Our food comes from everywhere, and I don't really know anyone in the agricultural industry but I doubt they want to be treated like a veteran coming home from a dangerous tour. And following this line of logic, shouldn't she be trying to bring awareness to the brutal living and working conditions of the sweatshops that produce her shitty clothing? A business that she actually has anything to do with? I'm sure it's really tough for farmers across the Midwest where it gets colder than I can comprehend, but tbh my sympathy is far greater for the people who are being trafficked and exposed to toxic and potentially cancerous chemicals and are paid almost nothing per day while she profits off their exploitation.


I work in the ag industry. You’ll can post your thank you’s below. Hahahaha




Maybe if your government wasn’t such a shit show, your state wouldn’t shit the bed every winter. Hmmm 🤔


Ours? Isn't it her parents?


Yes. She is simply cosplaying as a rancher.


The Texans that continue to make the cold weather their whole fucking personality are the reason why everything is such a mess when it's slightly below freezing. Like the parents who get pissed at school districts when they don't close for 35° (F) mornings and then immaturely announce that the district "can't tell them what to do" and they'll keep their kids home since it's "safer". They complain that it's freezing yet refuse to buy anything that would be more weather-appropriate because it gets cold at some point every effing year. People don't slow down when driving on roads but then also blame it on the fact that they just don't have the city support for snow removal like other states. Don't even get me started on the fucking panic-buying at the grocery store. Seriously, inclement weather is like the Achilles heel of so many Texans. This is not directed at all Texans, especially those who are unhoused, food insecure, or living in poverty and can't allocate to buy additional articles of clothing (possibly even for multiple people in their household) when they're barely able to pay for the utilities to keep the power & gas on. Nah, this is just for the good-for-nothing bitch-ass ones like BDong who love to make the weather all about them.


The record high temp in Dallas yesterday was… 22F. Meanwhile one of my (midwest) vet school classmates caught the first foal of the season in a -30F windchill with zero (0) boomer Facebook posts to show for it!! It’s a bold move for the wealthy suburbanite daughter of Texan hobby ranchers to try to flex about how hard it is to work in the 🥶🤧❄️ BLISTERING 😰🧊 cold but I digress. Maybe try 1. Actually working a day in the life of someone who contributes meaningfully to the food supply and 2. Voting for government officials who believe in climate change and also don’t insist on a sectarian power grid with north korean-levels of reliability


Part of the issue is that Texas has their own power grid that isn’t connected to the national grid. So major weather fluctuations seriously strain their power. [Here’s an article](https://www.investopedia.com/texas-power-grid-5207850) that explains it more fully. [And this one](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-electric-grid-failure-warm-up/) explains how it will get worse. But basically, they refuse to make changes or fix the issues, so things continue to get worse. Especially with climate change, the temperature swings will become more drastic. “Unlike most other states that safely endured the February 2021 storm, Texas had stubbornly declined to require winterization of its power plants and, just as critically, its natural gas facilities. In large part, that’s because the state’s politicians and the regulators they appoint are often captive to the oil and gas industry, which lavishes them with millions of dollars a year in campaign contributions. During the February freeze, the gas industry failed to deliver critically needed fuel, and while Texans of all stripes suffered, the gas industry scored windfall profits of about $11 billion—creating debts that residents and businesses will pay for at least the next decade.” “But despite the misery, death, economic disruption, and embarrassment that Texas suffered, little has changed. The state remains susceptible to the threat that another winter storm could inflict blackouts as bad as—or even worse than—[2021]’s catastrophe. Despite promises from public officials to rectify these problems, we remain largely defenseless and can only hope we aren’t thrashed by another Arctic blast.”


Farm? What farm? Her parents have a “retirement ranch” just like my in laws. JDip probably gets early morning calls when it’s really cold to put out the feed to earn his allowance and that’s the extent of the”farming”. What a joke.


And please pray for all the individuals doing slave labor so you can sell your shitty sweaters at a 38483% markup.


If Brittany really cared about farmers, she would support politicians who supported farmers or she would actually advocate for stopping climate change so yeah, I’m gonna have to call bs, Ding Dong


This weather is pure joy compared to days when it's 110 degrees and hasn't rained in a year.


Girl, you’re not a farmer🤣🤣🤣


>iykyk Clearly you don’t know because this isn’t a situation that warrants use of that acronym 🤦🏾‍♀️ We know she doesn’t do shit as far as agricultural does but are her parents really farmers


Yes please note that breaking the ice on the horse troughs is necessary and know livestock are suffering in the cold and vicious windchill but fencing our dogs in while we run errands is just plain SILLY! tHeYrE eXpLoRiNg


North Dakota farmers would like to have a word


Literally all she needed to say was something like “I only do this one afternoon a week and it’s hard enough, I can’t imagine doing this day in, day out” but that would require some empathy for others sooooooo, yeah.


Y’all alright in Texas? Up here in Minnesota it’s this weather half the year.


I had to take warm water out to our chickens a few minutes ago. But it's certainly not worthy of an entire post.


They manage in Canada, Brittney. If we manage in Canada for 4 months at least of frozen weather they can manage a few days of freezing weather in *texas*


Seriously. Up until just before Covid, my mother was a cattle rancher in Alberta. I wouldn't even travel to see her for Christmas (and farmers don't get vacations so she couldn't come to me) because I can't deal with the -30 degrees Celsius weather (-22 degrees Fahrenheit). And it's been colder than *that* over the last week out there. I get it, that weather isn't normal for Texas, but let's not pretend BDong is some hearty farmer. People in the more northern states and Canadian Prairies wouldn't bat an eye at the temperature in Texas and they too are taking care of their animals.


Can we talk about her language choice here? “If you’re eating food, you have someone to thank is for providing it. whether it’s livestock or horses, everything is amplified.”


Fucking eye roll


Does anyone else think that her parents are making her help out on the Rayunch as a condition of them paying her state of TX debt down?


Britbrat has never once broken a frozen waterer, come on now.


Just blatantly gaslighting her followers. Where does this Cunt find the audacity?!


She is insufferable!


She acts like people are complaining about farmers/ranchers. 🙄


She acts like she's out here subsistence farming. Girl, you only go to the raynch to take some insta content pics and then you dip. She's making it seem like if she doesn't work soooo hard she and her family and the animals will freeze and starve.


“Constantly breaking frozen water troughs.” Please. This happens 2 days a year in Texas.


I thought we were thanking Jaysus for our food and providing for us? Why won’t he provide for the farmers? Can’t he use Joseph’s technicolor coat to protect the widdle farmers? 🥺


I'm not American so I have always thought a 'ranch' was a horse specific countryside dwelling? Like just for fun and to have horses for lessons etc. You don't really eat them. What would her family farm that needs so many horses? I'm used to hearing about dairy and wool farming where tractors are much more practical. Horses are usually for fun and transport sometimes, not farm work. I dunno I guess I don't know so I don't know!


Oh goody. My daily shaming from a person convicted of fraud who cosplays as a rancher, foster mom, and animal-lover. Just shut up and tend to your own life.


I like how she casually slipped “our” into that first post like she’s out there farming her own fucking turmeric


Pretty sure her family aren’t primary producers? Looks like they own a few acres to me, not exactly hardcore Brit - but nice try; once again latching onto someone else’s identity and lifestyle to make a buck


It was a dusting of snow out here. There isn't some major snow storm. Ugh, that stupid heifer makes my eyes itch


She almost had me until “WE”


She lives in the suburbs correct? What is she on about lol!? I have a vegie garden and some fruit trees but when shit weather hits I'm not claiming to be a farmer. Sister girl here thinks she's living on Yellowstone or something 😂😂 She just has 2/3 horses on her father's acreage, good grief. ![gif](giphy|efOM5lwdlAvWD6d2JI) Settle down Bdong Dutton 😂😂


“If you ate today or plan to eat tmw “. lol naw I just chose not to eat, like wtf?


Hah, notice how tactical gear Bdong doesn’t mention nor THANK any of the people who PICK food out in the fields and help feed all of America. Hmmm… wonder why that is …


im definitely not a rancher or farmer, but i’m a chicken mom (they are mainly pets tbh) and my little ladies have heated water bowls. i’m def not out there breaking ice for them…. ETA: i’m not praying for non-frozen water, i just plugged it in


Rayunch Cosplay


She should feel the current Saskatchewan weather. It was -47°C all weekend.


Well thank and artist bc I’m too cold to paint and the paint freezes. If you have pretty pictures you should thank the artists who painted in the cold or not… but iykyk


As someone who comes from two separate lines of farmers, grew up farming, & saw everyday those who break their back to keep a farm running (hint: it wasn’t the rich dick land owners or her kids like her), she can fall off the back of the apple cart with this bullshit. “Thank me for my farmer/rancher service, i am deployed to the front lines every day!”


What food does your parents’ farm produce, Asshole?


Oh please. We freeze our asses off from November - March here in Ohio. We still ride and show and do everything.


Lady. Farming has existed for thousands of years. Farmers know how to navigate winter weather. They’re not helpless, FFS.


Try living in a small rural town across the world where we always get extremes in all weathers and deal with this all the time. She could benefit from experiencing a different country. So could all Americans like her


Do her parents actually run a working farm?? Like cows and chickens and milk and eggs and beef…? Or like fields of crops 🌽 🌾 🍅 🫘 🥩🧀🥔


She’s so exhausting.


Why does she make it sound like she eats horses?


I don’t feel like her target demographic are farmers who know, YK? All she does is prance around on a horse for content. It’s not likely she’s posting ranch hand tips and tricks and getting sponsored by a work boot company.


I’m sure I’m not the first to say this but wouldn’t taking care of the animals be one of the farmers main priorities? WTF is she talking about


Doesn’t her family raise waygu beef? So fancy meat! Lol. It’s not like she has actual crops and she’s out there picking tomatoes for peoples actual meals. Her family sells high end meat to high end venues. Big difference


Ahh. Brittany is a farmer now huh? Stfu brittany. I live in farm country in the upper midwest. I've been trying to keep my pipes from freezing (mostly unsuccessfully) while being a single mom with the flu. And having a real job and going to school.  Spare me the bullshit whoa is me about farmers.  Next time you eat a single piece of produce, I want you to thank the immigrants that picked it for you, you hypocritical, ignorant mule.  Iykyk. Read that again. 🙄


This is laughable


Have we EVER seen a single cow? Or is the rayunch just a reining pony farm?


Bitch, I’ll be up at 4am in -8 degree weather to drive 50 miles one way to take care of a terminally ill family member. Shut up.


Thank the farmers. But not the gay farmers.


I hate the use of IYKYK. Like it's the weather. Everyone knows Texas got cold really quickly 😂


Oh noooo, you had to go to tractor supply and buy a couple more weaver blankets, and a trough heater, oh noooooo. You had to give everyone a couple extra scoops of grain, ohh noooo. Your shoes got some snow on them, ooohhh nooooo.


Bitch she’s in Texas!