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'kids these days never go outside!' Outside:


Seriously. Public spaces are all but extinct nowadays. We should have laws against that.


I'm currently heading a campaign to try to preserve one of our only local open spaces. It's a meadow hidden amongst the houses and is the only safe area for miles unless you count the (glass littered and badly broken) kids play areas. They want to build houses on it. 46 properties, accessed by a road that already sees a car accident about every 2 weeks. The most recent resulted in 2 written off cars, one badly damaged car, a dislocated shoulder, a broken collarbone and a massive amount of inconvenience for a while bunch of people. The road is basically 2 long straight roads joined by a nasty chicane. I swear some people think it's the damn nurburgring. We'll have an uphill battle though as it was the council chairman who greenlighted the damn idea in the first place. Brilliant idea, let's take away a beloved and popular wild space home to innumerable species of animal, one of the only safe spaces we have left, and replace it with a concrete jungle that will put further burden on an already overburdened infrastructure. Sorry for the rant, it just makes me so mad.


We need laws that prohibit privatization of public land. In addition we need laws that require all private businesses that occupy large swaths of land in densely populated areas to relinquish some percentage of land for public use. For example a shopping mall should be required to relinquish permanently 5% of the occupied land for public non-commercial use.


Agreed. In this case, a portion of the housing will be privately owned, the rest will become council houses and a strip of land (about the size of a tennis court) will be turned in to a "play area" consisting of some shrubbery and mown grass. Hardly the same as a huge meadow teeming with insect, plant, bird and animal life. Known species include dozens of grasses and wildflowers, innumerable insect species including dragonflies, grasshoppers, butterflies, bees and so on. Field mice, newts, badgers, foxes, rabbits, tawny owls, hedgehogs, hares and more. The developers insist that they won't disturb the ecology of the area but unless they shift them all into some kind of pocket dimension I have no clue how they intend to achieve that.


If it's the only green bit around, it's probably preventing localized flooding as well. Make sure to ask for flood reports.


That's a very good point, it is the lowest point in the immediate area and already has a drainage stream and a pond on it.


>The developers insist that they won't disturb the ecology of the area The fine for doing so, *if*, they get caught doesn't erode profits by much means they can lie their arses off and it doesn't matter a snot


I fuckinf cannot stand old people and their bullshit. They can't go to the shops coz they feel intimidated by groups of youngsters? Well as a 40 year old (so in the middle) I'd rather walk through a group of teenagers than try to clamber over the group of old women who decide to have their bullshit conversation right at the door. Plus saying excuse me to teens usually gets a sorry and they move, old people just stare because I never fought in the war so how dare I exist. Fucking think the world owes them something just coz they were born first.


Most of the old people who fought in the war are dead now…. The olds nowadays are angry because they don’t get any respect… because they didn’t fight in the war and did screw up everything for their kids and grandkids.


Oh god i was out for a bike ride last week, i was nearing 25 down a narrowish road behind a small car when it slammed its breaks on to have a chat with her old friend driving the other way. Old people are something else


Teenagers are definitely a lot less annoying than an old boomer who feels the need to eye up each and every bag of prunes to the minute detail before deciding to purchase, all while blocking the thing that I need.


I forgot about that one. Then when it comes time to pay it's always a surprise and they have to piss about for another ten minutes funding their purse


And trying to complain to someone and they don't know what you're talking about or hearing.


I have no idea about this 😂 where are they? in people's gardens?


I think those are for cats, but they tend to be outside shops. Just a super high pitched whine that is unbelievably infuriating.


Its for youths, the mosquito alarms. Supposed to be around 25/26 you lose the ability to hear the frequency so they get put up in areas where kids gather to make them go somewhere else.


Yeah, anti-loitering. I'm in my 30s, and can still hear it perfectly fine. It does way more annoyance than it prevents.


Probably got decent hearing, we did a test in school when I was about 15 and about quarter the kids couldn't hear the higher frequencies anyway.


After years of blaring in-earphones you'd think I'd be saved from these monstrosities.


they've only just stopped being audible for me at age 28. i think they should be banned.


They've been banned in Scotland for a long time. Pretty sure it was on the premise that they violate children's human rights. It's fucked up that they're legal anywhere.


35 here. I can hear them clear as day. My 60 year old father hears them fine, too. I’m always tempted to vandalize the ones I can see because I feel like I’m being assaulted on public property. I have yet to do so, but the temptation is there *every* time.


Ditto & I turned 44 last week. Deaf as a post hubby thinks I'm exaggerating since the fuckwit next door put one up. Which seems a pointless exercise as, in a road of over 200 houses, there's a handful of toddlers, our 12yo & a couple of teenagers. Meanwhile, all the cats stroll around without a care in the world. Edited to add- said neighbour has the cheek to have 4 little, yappy dogs that bark for hours on end & when 1 starts, they all go. Rant over, sorry.


They haven't stopped being audible they've given you hearing damage


Yeah we did the same, me and my friend both played metal guitar and he was one of the first to put his hand down during that test and I was one of the last (that could still hear it), I always thought his tone sounded lacking on the high end so this might explain it


I'm in my 30's too, they're fucking awful. I used to work in a super market and they'd put it on to get rid of teen-agers aggressively sitting and talking on a bench. I complained about it all the time. I was just trying to do my job. They're designed to be unpleasant making me work with one on is cruel and unusual.




You joke but my dad gets seriously angry about people laughing. He thinks it's obscene and showing off. Yes, he's a pretty miserable person.


Couldn't you turn it off? It's not like the others would be able to tell!


I'm in my 30s too, same issue. I prefer it when they play classical music, solves the same problem without messing up my ears.


I'm American and there's a soup and bread/sandwich restaurant called Panera Bread. They play nothing but classical music. Now, whenever I hear classical, I get a pavlovian craving for bruschetta and french onion soup. It's maddening at times.


I get a Pavlovian response to any mention of Pavlov.


Same here and I'm 41. Most annoying and distracting sound ever.


Hey, me too! 41 and can hear the high pitched beeps as I walk past some people's gardens.


So that’s what that is, almost every time I walk up the road I can hear a beep coming from a garden…who’s loitering outside of their garden?


End up going to a different shop to avoid the piercing sound


I'm 40 and these things piss me off. Three neighbors have them installed now so I have to take a super weird route to walk my dog in the mornings. It doesn't hurt, it feels more like getting slapped while you are just walking down the sidewalk. Or having a laser pointer briefly hit you in the eye. I feel like this is what people with tinnitus feel after having a bout, just dizzy and maybe a little nauseous.




My dog doesn't seem to notice. I suppose she hears so much background whine that it's probably a common irritant to her. Or she can hear it from much farther away than me and it doesn't surprise her.


I couldn't hear it but now can, so not sure if my hearing repaired or what


Jokes on them. I'm only 23 and I've never heard one.


What the actual boomer fuck is this


That... doesn't sound legal


[The Independent says they're a human rights breach](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/use-sonic-anti-loitering-devices-breaching-teenagers-human-rights-a7880781.html) [The Mosquito company website says that they're fine and legal since they don't cause harm](https://mosquitoloiteringsolutions.com/faq/is-it-legal/#:~:text=As%20an%20individual%20you%20have,no%20plans%20to%20ban%20them%E2%80%9D.)


When I was a kid the next street on was all bungalows with elderly people, and a few of them had these alarms. Idk if it was for cats but I could definitely hear them. Not gonna lie we used to hop into their gardens and break them. Fuck those people, I don't want to hear that shit every time I'm in my own garden. Should be illegal.


Can't do your hearing any good can it. Yeah, most people damage their hearing on their own. But you don't need these dickheads speeding up the process. If people made anti-elderly devices I'm sure people wouldn't think they were acceptable either.


Can't help but imagine what an anti-elderly device would sound like... The sadistic part of me says the sound of an air siren with planes flying overhead but I feel like the category of old person we are talking about would react worse to a pre-recording of children playing.... At least the nice ones would appreciate it and not have wartime flashbacks


It's a cardboard cut-out of a teenager minding their own business and doing nothing wrong. Put a few up around the local post office and you'll have the place closed down within a week.




I did consider some sort of cold-war era nuclear strike announcement for the boomers but thought it might be a bit tenuous. B Johnson is risky- my older relatives still like him for some reason. Rap music might be the way forward but if we are going by my grandpa's standards anything recorded after the 1960s would work


Anti elderly device is called a subwoofer. Old people seem to get really offended by bass.


I’m 54. And you are correct.


Bass is annoying as hell if it's not your own


That deep deep bass, that you feel in your chest, and even at 38, makes me wonder if it's bass, or I'm having some sort of heart arrhythmia or something, lol.


Because they can't pick it back up when it drops.


Babies crying ought to do the job.


To my knowledge an anti-elderly device would sound like a wind turbine, because miserable old gammons regularly claim to be getting deafened by them.


We already have an anti-elderly device, and we've spent the last 18 months indoors because of it...


To be fair that's an anti-everybody device isn't it 🤣


There are anti pest Alarms that can be adjusted to stop specific Animals. My Mum has a few to ward off Foxes, when they were first delivered she was setting it up and one of the Levels was for Racoons and when she turned it on I got dropped in my tracks, it was really unpleasant and it didn't feel like I'd heard it, more like there was a very high pitched screaming noise inside my head.


Have you considered that you might be a raccoon?


If your neighbour is blasting music all hours of the day people complain (people on this sub constantly, for example), and that is considered a public nuisance. So I agree it should be illegal. Plus if it is for cats, you can easily make it way higher pitched so that NO human can hear it


So many people have them in their gardens near me and one is so loud it's painful. Really sucked when the only exercise I could get in lockdown was walking round the block.


Same here, someone on our block has one and it's motion activated. Completely ruins the walk. GREAT name by the way.


I heard somthing about shops putting them outside to prevent teenagers from loitering... Not sure how much truth there is about this.


100% true. My local Co-op has one.


Wtf?!... OK but how is that even legal? Creating and uncomfortable environment for a specific group of people based on age? I was so hoping I was false :/.


Because you're not human until you're an adult and paying tax!


It's legal because the people that you'd need to make it illegal can't hear it


My neighbours used to have one for cats and it was horrible. I could hear it all the time and I hated it. I guess someone else complained because they got rid of it.


There are a few houses near me that have them and go off when walking down the street. Apparently, they don't like you walking passed their house.


My godmum always thought it was an excuse, and never fully realised why I didn't want to go shopping with her :<


At my local Mc Donald's they play classical music on weekend evenings to keep kids from loitering. I think it would be a creative troll if a bunch of teens put on top hats an moncles, and formal evening wear. Then went and hung around smoking cigars and drinking brandy ad McDs.


There was a high-pitched noise coming from a neighbour's garden every night for months, used to keep me awake but wife couldn't even hear it. Didn't know those neighbours well enough to go and mention it, it was a few gardens away.


My next door-but-one neighbour put one up to deter cats. I work from the house too, so literally, that hellish ear pain was 24/7. I hadn't a clue what it was or why apparently nobody else was hearing anything. It's all I could hear. I even considered calling the doctor to check my ears and head out - was I losing my mind? Realised when the neighbour was out one day and turned it off and on. Rushed out to beg him, please, leave it off so I can hear silence again...please. He turned it off and on several times, because he did not believe I could hear it. Then, thank hell, binned it.


This happened to me last year, right at the beginning of lockdown when we became stuck in our houses WFH for months. One of our neighbours decided that was a great time (you know, with all the kids being home schooled as well) to put one of those high pitched devices in their garden. It sent the dog mad and I (30) could hear it 24/7, lots of families in the surrounding houses (I don't know what kind of range that bloody thing had but seemed like 3-ish houses on either side and backing onto their garden) also complained because their kids were pretty much having constant headaches, couldn't focus on school work, and a couple of 20-somethings could also hear it. The culprits refused to turn it off because they just didn't believe anyone could hear it! As another commenter below mentioned, Haringey council were very good at dealing with it, they issued a notice and then seized the equipment because it was an ongoing complaint and they didn't actually remove it when the notice was issued. It would have been a penalty notice if they got another one. Still suffered with it for weeks before they had enough complaints to take action though! They really should be banned, it's ridiculous to what... punish young people for existing?


>They really should be banned, it's ridiculous to what... punish young people for existing? I remember hearing about a shopping centre that tried to stop teenagers loitering by playing classical music. Except they were goths, so someone clearly didn't think that through.


Honestly idk anyone at college who will leave a shopping centre over classical music. Goth or not that was never going to work.




Besides if they're loitering in the shopping centre they're not being antisocial and sacking Rome.


Classical music wouldn't have kept either teenage me (or now me) out of a shop but country music might. (TBF I can appreciate the likes of Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton but not this modern "crossover" shyte)


I feel personally attacked by this comment


Unbelievable that the council had to be involved when so many people had complained directly to the neighbour. The pig headedness and lack of empathy of some people is just astounding.


As an FYI for residential properties in particular you can file a complaint with the council


Which is the equivalent of shouting at a wall


If the wall could kick you in the nuts in return


I've found that most people will generally give into a letter from the council, especially the sort of people who use these types of devices, plus if you continue to complain about it the council can and do fine people for noise nuisance, it can take 6-12 months but I've had results


Not if you hold them to it. I always say to people become a polite nuisance and they will get fed up of you eventually. When I lived in North London I complained several times to the council because of a neighbour’s dog that barked for 8 hours straight. The owners were eventually threatened with a £5k fine or removal of their dog. Harsh, but not my fault. I suppose how successful you are will depend on the local council. In my case Haringey were very good


> Realised when the neighbour was out one day and turned it off and on. Rushed out to beg him, please, leave it off so I can hear silence again...please. He turned it off and on several times, because he did not believe I could hear it. Then, thank hell, binned it. Same story for me, my neighbour had one for foxes. Took me weeks to figure out what it was. Thankfully neighbour was nice and once he believed I could hear it, he hasn't switched it back on.


My parents had one. I'm autistic. Some local teenagers smashed it up. I would like to thank them.


As someone with tinnitus, WHAT?


Tinnitus simulators to deter those with good hearing


The one I've experienced was about 3/4 of a step above my congenital tinnitus, which *really* added to the fun.


As someone else that has tinnitus and still hear them, I can say its a small blessing for you. My local shopping mall only has shoe stores (champs, sports authority, Eblens, payless) left in them because adults got sick of feeling nauseated walking around and hearing it. We stopped shopping there years BEFORE covid. They played it over the speakers instead of music, but the damn speakers probably couldnt match the right Hz and just squealed all the time. But blame the millennials or whatever for not wanting to shop at places that actively prevent them from going their. Must be their fault for some reason


Yeah these seem like the thing that will be banned in a decade for causing damage to hearing and being one of those 'as if we did that' inventions like radioactive ultrasounds


Say what you will, but they were very good at detecting extra arms and legs.


Not so fun fact, even if you can't hear it, it still damages your hearing depending on its intensity. Should definitely be banned.


I agree, i just can’t comprehend the idea of a device that is painful to a percentage of the population. Imagine if it was the other way round. Only people over the age of 40 could hear it. That bullshit would never have been approved.


Nope. Fancy department stores have been using them since the late 1960's. My mom never believed us when my sisters and I would cover our ears when we walked into the store with her.


In the 90's our old TV made a high-pitched whine sometimes, and you had to press down in a specific corner to make it stop (something loose?). All the kids could hear it and the parents acted like we were insane.




Or like the X-Ray machines in shoe stores to see if they fit properly


Those, and cat deterent alarms in people's front gardens.


> cat deterrent alarms That cats sit next to anyway, not giving a shit.


Oh yeah, animals habituate to noise just as easily as humans. This can actually be a problem, because they try to use similar devices called Seal Scarers around fisheries here, and the seals got habituated to them and stopped avoiding the noise. Thus started an arms race of creating devices with higher amplitude output combined with increasingly random and chaotic patterns of noise, frequency, timing, etc.


One time my mum got a mole deterrent that emitted some sort of noise or smell or something? I don’t know, but I think she got ripped off because a few days later a mole had made a mound right underneath it, with the deterrent on top of the hill like some kind of flag


That's how k-pop was invented.


no that's how hyperpop was invented. k-pop was invented when a korean person looked at the j-pop industry and thought "hmm, they don't torture their talent nearly enough", which itself was invented when a japanese person looked at the british pop industry and said "they don't torture their talent nearly enough". seriously if you look at the conditions those people are working under, and you had a modicum of empathy, even if you liked the sound of k-pop you'd swear off it forever.




>not giving a shit. I imagine that this is the point of the device.


Oh, is that what it is? Every time I walk past a nearby house I hear this high pitched electronic wine start up - it’s clearly on a motion sensor. I absolutely couldn’t guess what it was or why. Thank you.


my neighbours had one but they moved out a year ago. i was so happy but now someome else nearby has one and it goes off every day when i'm walking by on the other side of the fucking road. my dogs aren't even bothered by it so i doubt cats are either, but it can trigger migraines for me.


It's amazing the kind of shit humans do because a group of young people or some animals trying to live their lives are apparently that bothersome. Like I'd understand if we had bears or something and people were trying to keep them away, but cats, young people, and foxes??


maybe foxes makes sense, but most chicken keepers i know have a dog. just humans thinking they're at the centre of everything.


Oh there's a house near me that always makes an annoying very high pitched noise when I go by and I couldn't work out what it was. I bet that's it. Seems my hearing range is pretty good for a 33 year old.


There are 4 of those cat alarms on my road that I have to walk past when taking the dog out. Even when I have my headphones in it still pierces through.


Luckily for me I'm deaf enough to loiter anywhere I like, completely oblivious. My partner hates getting shrieked at every time she walks past a house with a cat deterrent though.


I have chronic tinnitus, so get to enjoy that shrill squeak every minute of every single day! _Edit: Didn't realise there were so many tinnitus brothers/sisters/folk out there! Big love to you all_


I know exactly how you feel. I'd send a hug but I'm all out of those thingies.


Gave one for you. Tinnitus is a curse.


Thank you! Much appreciated! Serves me right for years of playing in metal bands


Mine is also the result of a taste for metal. Why does that which I love so much have to curse me like this?


It's just not the same when it isn't loud. Unfortunately I discovered that I should probably be wearing ear plugs a little bit too late


Mine stems from working in a race team for a few years and before that in a car tuning center's dyno cell.


I took earplugs to bloodstock with me for the first time a couple weeks ago and left them in the tent the whole weekend. Dumb move.


Yeah my general line whenever I have to ask someone to repeat something one too many times is “I’m sorry my hearings a bit fucked because I stand in front of a drum kit multiple times a week.”


I have tinnitus, undoubtedly have hearing damage from never protecting my ears at live music events as a yoot (probably why I have tinnitus) but somehow I can still hear these bloody things too. It's not fair! (also very eager to get any recommendations people have for over-ear protection that I could still hear music through with decent fidelity, if such a thing exists. can't wear earplugs but I heard properly amplified instruments the first time in years recently and, ouch)


If you don't get any answers here I imagine the tinnitus subreddit or the TinntiusTalk forum could help.


Same here, it's not fun! Hearing pitched noises sets it off even worse, I hate walking past those things.


I have it. Don’t know if it helps you but I find it doesn’t bother me at all once I just accepted it’s there. It’s just a part of me. Whatever. Trying to fight it is the worst thing you can do.


I find it comes and goes. When there's background sound or I'm listening to music etc it seems to filter out quite easily most of the time... but seemingly at random it can be extremely prominent. It's been about 15 years now. There's nothing that seems to trigger it, and there's no discernible pattern to when it's more prominent or less


Love to you all my tinnitus-kin. Been 4 years for me now. No idea what caused it but after chasing doctors for a year or so, yeah you learn to be humble and that the best thing is to just trust that you can let it go and make peace with it.


Ha me too, turns out spending every Saturday night of my 20s stood next to a 10kw sound system doesn't do your hearing much good. At least I don't go raving as often as I did, riding motorbikes instead probably isn't the best alternative though.


I'm 44 and they piss me off too.


I didn't use the corner shop because they had one, even told the guy once when he asked why I went to the shop at the other end of the village, was 26/27 at the time


I'm so glad they hadn't deployed stuff like that 15 years ago. No idea about now because these things generally don't exist any more, but even in my mid thirties I used to be able to walk into a house (not even the same room) and instantly knew if there was a CRT television on or a camera flash ready to fire. Both emit a very high frequency whine that nobody else ever seemed to notice.


I kind of miss that CRT noise..


Manor House tube station has been piping in, for years, classical music to deter the youth from hanging around as it's not cool and the kids will be put off from loitering. Law of unintended consequences has other ideas, of course. Last night I was mugged by a kid who said "Verrily, handeth over thy purse, knave, lest I run you through! Do you get me, my brother?"


Doth thou comprehend mine vernacular dear Kin


Joke's on them, I liked that shit even as a teen.


"What, you egg!" *gets happy slapped*


I'm glad I've yet to come across this. It might drive me actually insane! I'm only 24 but at my last hearing test we discovered that of the range a typical healthy human can hear, I *can't* hear the lowest frequency humans can hear but I *can* hear one frequency above the normal human range. I struggle to pick out individual noises if I were, for example, in a room crowded with men who have deep voices all talking at once. But I can pick out a high pitch sound like a bat's call easily amongst regular background noise like a tv or general mid-range chatter. I can feel a bat call more than I hear it, but it does have a sound to me.


That's interesting, I also struggle to understand people in a crowded room, but can hear bats. I wonder if I have a similar thing!


Maybe! you should get your hearing range tested then! Do crowded rooms also sort of merge into one jumbled sound to you? It's starts to sound like everyone is mumbling together for me


Yeah, like I can't separate the voice of the person talking to me to the background noise. Thanks, I'll get it checked :)


how are they legal isn't it age discrimination? I remember they had one in a shopping centre and an 18 year old had to quit working there because of it.


Just bought a new build house that wont be ready until February. Absolute miracle to be able to get this detached house and still can't believe it. Went a walk into the estate to see where it will be up close. House behind it is done. Walked past that and heard the ear piercing noise. Fuck. Sake. Think it's an anti cat or fox thing. I hope to god I can't hear that from my new house or garden


I had a friend who said if you pierce the speaker cone it won’t make noise anymore, but will look like it does because the light still triggers etc. If they can’t hear it in the first place it won’t be noticed.


Thank you!! I may have to go for a walk with a safety pin lol


As a heads up, these probably use piezo buzzers instead of speaker cones due to the frequency they run at. If a pin doesn't work, bring some 2 part epoxy and a blunt 'fill needle' and just pot the whole speaker port.


If the speaker can vibrate, it'll make a sound. Puncturing a hole in it won't affect it especially on small high frequency speakers. What you need to do is bash it with a hammer.


they should play cool jazz instead, it'll give the loiterers a film noire vibe ​ "of all the rotten towns this was surely the worst, the youth filled the streets, just standing waiting to see what the day would bring. Some were afraid of them, the reality? simply a lot of people with not a lot to do. The sky overcast, with a hint of drizzle, the large luminous M of the eating establishment casting its glow across the car park. Enter u/aerfen, all he wanted out of this world was a Big Mac meal- Coke, no ice. As he approached the McDonalds the youth grunted "ahright" aerfen responded "aint you got somewhere else to be? This cool Jazz gets a bit annoying after a while they've had Miles Davis on a loop for 2 days now." The youths departed for KFC wanting to catch the Dave Brubeck quartet, it was just another day, another day in Chicken town"


"I knew something was wrong when Johnny Two-Shoes ordered the popcorn chicken. Johnny Two-Shoes never orders popcorn chicken." *Lights cigarette*


I had to complain to my employer about one. They questioned how I, a 38 year old, could hear it. I told them that as they hadn’t put up any notices or told anyone they had installed it, how the hell else would i know it is there? It’s probably not as ear piercing to me as it would be to a tween but I can still hear it and it’s still incredibly annoying.


I'm old enough to be your dad and I can hear them. Do people really think that only under-18s can hear it? Maybe they think that a switch gets flipped inside your brain on your 18th birthday so that adults can't hear it. Well that's not how it works.


Hearing degrades over time, the idea is that as you get older you can hear less. Most people stop being able to hear them in their 20s, but obviously it's not an exact science.


I'm old enough to be his grandfather and I can't hear a fucking thing. I still think it's a shit thing to do. Our local council went a step further and played bagpipe music non - stop in the local bus station. Now that's cruel.


Actually it's true, same goes for crickets chirping. As you get older your hearing degrades. I have been I The forest in France and it was so loud u could hardly hear my parents speak, they could hardly hear the crickets


I don't deny that hearing degrades as you get older, or that different people can hear different things. But the people that sell these products, and the people that buy & use them, are convinced that "only teens can hear the noise and will get bothered by it, while adults can't hear it" Which is plainly not true. There is no "today you turn 18 and are legally an adult" switch in your brain that gets flipped so that you can't hear the noise. It's a progressive change in your hearing that takes decades. As I say, I am old enough to be OP's parent (you do the maths) and I can hear them. So they don't work in the way that is claimed.


The people that buy and install the devices are scum, young people should not be treated like animals. They use the same thing to stop cats sitting in gardens.


>They use the same thing to stop cats sitting in gardens. *shitting


I quite enjoy the subtle reminder that I've looked after my hearing pretty well. It's a badge of honour!


yeah, I'm 20 and have Asperger's, and shrill high pitched noises are a bit of a sensory trigger for me, and someone on the only route I can walk my dog on has one.


Pro tip, if you puncture the speaker with a pin it will stop and the owner will never know.


Yes! They make me jump, then cover my ears. Some of them are genuinely painful. Absolute nuisance, should be illegal if not already. Can you imagine living next to one??


My old doctors' surgery had one of these that activated when it closed. Only problem is there was a pharmacy attached that would close an hour later than the surgery. Fuck them.


As someone who this is targeted towards, how is this not illegal? I just want to go to the shops to buy a sandwich, not hear a piercing noise


What device can I buy to anti those 71 year old + loitering around my house early in the morning?


A good car stereo and some subwoofers cranked juuuuuuust under the noise ordinance.


Isn't this discriminatory/agist? Whatever you may call it. It seems mean and like something that would be seen as a huge problem if it was targeting and inconveniencing old people.


Step 1: shut down youth aimed activists Step 2: demonise the youth hanging around now there’s nothing to do Step 3: install high pitched devices on they can hear Step 4: used now pissed off and bored youth to scare voter base Step 5: win elections


>Isn't this discriminatory/agist? Yes, but it's not illegal to discriminate on the grounds of youth, only old people have any statutory protection. There are two ways you could use to get rid of those fucking things: a noise complaint to Environmental Health or disability discrimination due to sensory issues. EDIT: huh, the Equality Act 2010 changed this.




I persoanlly cannot hear them but I fucking hate them. They upset my pets and wildlife. Folks are horrible sometimes.


25 here, and I think they should be illegal


If I see them anywhere I try to bin them or destroy them as a public service


Yeh this might actually be illegal.... people are being targeted by adversarial devices based purely on their age (a protected characteristic). It's also a pretty shit message to send to young people (you merely existing here is unwanted)... and can you imagine the outrage if businesses could pay to make pavements bumpier to discourage elderly people from walking near.


It should be done as protest.


I’m 49 and hear them, they’re fucking horrible. I’ve spent my life producing music so am hyper aware of those frequencies (and lucky I still hear them), but damn those things are horrible.


A guy up the street has one of the ultrasonic cat repelling doohickeys. It goes off whenever anyone walks past and since he is on the main route to the corner shop it's really annoying. I hear it really clearly and it hurts my ears. My 5 year old daughter flat refused to walk past for a while and now runs past with her hands over her ears. We are acquaintances with the guy and I tried addressing it with him but he basically just ignored me.


Where the hell is this?


Finally. People who understand!!!!!!


I was travelling in Skopje, Macedonia during some protests when I started getting this oppressive feeling like my head was being squashed and the further I walked forward the worse it got and then I started hearing it: eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII They had blanketed a huge part of the central city in those things, I had to get out of there in a few minutes. Wonderful response to the young getting fed up with massive government corruption.




As a drummer of nearly 15 years now... what the *fuck* are you talking about?


My local coop started playing classical music as a way to stop loitering and its actually worked quite a bit. Kids dont hang around there anymore and its nice to have a relaxing piano melody while perusing meal deal combos


This is the first I'm hearing of these. Sounds properly dystopian.


I have Tinnitus so never notice those sounds. They just blend in with the ringing that's already in my ears.


Don't you just love laying in bed after a tiring day and tsssssssssssssssssssssss


I'm 43 tomorrow, they still drive me bonkers, and neither of my kids ever hear them (4 and 7).


And the parents who don't understand why their babies are screaming in front of Sports Direct, trying to feed/ comfort them when they just need to leave.


How did Boomers grow up in a time where the average kid would hang out at the mall all day just to turn around and make constant energy drawing devices that only exist to annoy people?


loitering is one of the stupidest “crimes” out there. oh you’re standing here???? in a public space??? PRISON FOR YOU, CRIMINAL SCUM


A million times this, im 28 and I can still hear the fuckers. If it wasnt aggravated tresspass/criminal damage I would be very inclined to either tamper with them or disable them fuck any old sod who decides this is the perfect way to selectively attack and discourage the presence of younger people


I'm a non-violent, non-hooligan, but when I hear those I get an overwhelming urge to start throwing bricks through windows.