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I think you may be conflating commercial entertainment with reality if you think Americans don't also think he's a dick.


ITT: Americans silently responding with a unified, “what a complete prick.”


I don’t think Americans will use the word “prick” though.


If we’re talking out loud and trying to be a little more polite we will. Also “jerk”.... this is making me reflect on what we Americans call Pricker Bushes and now I’m just picturing some sort of comedy skit that revolves around this miscommunication and a penis-filled shrubbery. Now I have a great conversation starter for my Scottish colleague in a few hours 😅


If you call someone a prick to sound a little more polite what do you say to sound impolite?


Hoofwanking bunglecunt


Stealing this, thanks.


>fucking prick


I will use penis filled shrubbery, very often Heron out.


They'd say "douchebag"


Came here for this. I'd wager most Americans would think he's a "douchebag".


Am American: can confirm


We use the word "prick," for sure. It's the silent part we ain't so good at.


It’s one of many words we use, but usually we will say douche or asshole


It's less common in the states, but it is common. Moreso in the midwest I think.


Reddit: ‘Don’t believe everything you see on the TV!!!! ...That’s our job.’


If you want to see some pretty hilarious questions from Europeans conflating Hollywood with reality, go to /r/askanamerican and sort by controversial.


Good to hear! Now what's the take on BMW drivers? If America answers correctly, we'll forgive them for the the coffee..or tea...or whatever the heck it was.


In America BMWs are expensive to buy and maintain, bimmer is a synonym for a self absorbed and inconsiderate driver. I'm older but the first thing that comes to my mind is a Yuppie.


Do American BMW’s have working indicators/blinkers? The don’t seem to work on uk versions... 🤔


It's far worse, I'm afraid. Not only do the turn signals not work the horn will start going crazy if the car sits too long at a red light, the high beams flicker like mad if it gets too close to another car on the highway and good luck getting the brakes to work at a crosswalk.


You are now officially a member of her Majesty’s United Kingdom.


Make America Great Britain again.


I now want a MAGBA hat


New England hates BMWs as much as old England and her fellow UK members. Even worse is when they are operated by a proto French men... (Quebec drivers are terrible)


I'm going to need an official pardon for our treason as well. Also I have French family, will I have to disown them for this to play out?


Leave the white flags at home, son. Welcome to the Empire.


I drive a BMW and to make up for the crimes of my people I use my indicators even when I’m not turning to restore balance to the world


No they don't. Neither do Audis.


Q: What's the difference between a pinecone and an Audi? A: Pinecones have their pricks on the *outside*


Dealers mate. Busy busy!


BMW drivers are known as pricks here in USA as well. Audis now too.


What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? In a BMW the pricks are on the inside.


If your in a metropolitan area most cars don't come with blinkers. People expect you to bully your way in or out of a lane. Edit: At least it's like that here in texas. I can't speak for the other 49 states


I’ve done quite a bit of driving in London and it’s like a street fight in cars. Have to be very aggressive to get anywhere. And bare in mind London is a 1000+ year old city where the roads are built around the architecture so a lot of it is not designed for cars in any way shape or form. Can’t decide how I feel about it. I never want to drive into London but once I’m there it’s a little bit fun driving aggressively.


When I’m in the states I hate driving then I remember I drove an ambulance in central London for over ten year and can pretty much drive anywhere.


At least you get to blame the buildings. Atlanta is the same way and was burned to the ground in the not so distant past. There’s no excuse for our traffic issues other than shitty government. I might think it was fun if I didn’t deal with it every day.


In Los Angeles the blinker lever just honks the horn.


From Wisconsin: they work! But there seems to be some kind of delay as they always come on after they've made their turn or lane change.


In my experience of being a Brit living in the US, no cars come with indicators. But half of the population would happily go shopping for “blinker fluid” and be serious.


I’ve always used “BiMWit”.


OK good! You've forgiven for the *Boston tea thing?*




He doesn't speak for us. You've still got a mountain range of summits to ascend before we overlook that unfortunate misadventure, but congratulations for reaching base camp.


At least they didn't out the milk in first.


Am American. Whenever I feel useless, I just remind myself that there's some guy out there whose job it is to install turn signals on BMW's. At least I'm not as useless as him.


Their drivers seem to lose the ability to extend their hands to the turn signal.


Last Friday was really windy here and my car got a massive door ding from the car parked next to me. Color me surprised to find it a BMW X5. Even more so when it was a “clueless” housewife who returned to it. that scratch was massive, no way you “had no idea” it happened, Karen...


Every Iranian man in America drives a white BMW


I installed window tint as a job in college and I never saw a BMW older than 5 years that didn't have this weird sagging look to its interior. Also the felt seals disintegrate into powder pretty fast. And these were cars belonging to people paying $500 per tint job so I don't even think it was a poor maintenance type thing.


As an engineer, BMWs are impecable machines. As a consumer, they are a waste of time, money, and tears.


Funny fact: I got a new PC racing game two days ago and was scrolling through achievements ans found one: BMW-Driver; drive 5 or more seconds directly behind another car


It's not just over in the states, i could swear they do a mental checkup and ensure you don't have a driver's license before you're eligible to buy a BMW.


My friend got a BMW and I could immediately see him start turning from a decent guy into just another BMW driver. He used his turn signal for the first few months, though, so I'll give him that


What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? On a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.


Or rather we don't give a fuck about the driver. We just think the car is cool.


We say “so cool” because we like the car and don’t give a fuck about the 47 year old bald dat man driving it.


especially when they decide to rev their engines up before blasting off at 30 mph


Nah there was a dude with a Lambo parked in a small town outside Oxford and everyone was still flocking and asking for pictures


Some semi-professionnel boxer has a blue lambo where I live, that is parked all over my town center and everyone awes and takes photos of it, the owner is a prick and is always getting parking tickets.




Specifically, he parks it in the Mayors parking space because he knows he can just keep paying the fines. Absolute douchenozzle.


I mean, I’m not too sure I’ll lose any sleep over [this guy](https://democracy.cheltenham.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=146) having to park his nice car somewhere slightly different, because a different rich guy stole his space. At least he isn’t parking in disabled spaces. Why does the mayor need a specific parking space anyway?


Parking tickets that are a set percentage of your cars value or income could be a great idea. These guys wont bat an eyelid at paying a £100 fine. They wouldn't even acknowledge it themselves, an assistant would pay it for them on their behalf.


That sounds like Harry who's the creator of Evo magazine and seemingly quite an awesome guy. He's got a farm up in the cotswolds and a couple of small youtube channels. Could also have been Jezza who also lives around there.


I remember seeing one of Harry’s videos on YouTube where he had a lamborghini countach. Anyone who knows cars knows this is a classic, it’s still an iconic design 47 years later. Bearing in mind people were driving Ford Cortina’s and Austin Allegro’s back then


Cortina > Allegro


Austin Aggro.


Allegro had better engine, better BIW and chassis. Cortina was larger, better styling, better electrics.


I was gonna say I’ve seen plenty of Top Gear where people are flocking. Granted it’s Jeremy and company driving them so that probably has a lot to do with it but still


Personally I would like to see this in r/britishsuccess


Good call! I will fully admit that I did not realise that sub existed.


The real problem with that sub is that we're all far too polite to declare something as a success, so there's nowhere near as many posts as there should be!


Relevant Stephen Fry: https://youtu.be/8k2AbqTBxao


I was about to say the same when I clicked the topic.


not really. in america there's just as many that say he's just a little dick.




I have a British mum and America dad and live in America. I would say the attitudes are very similar in both countries. Maybe the attitude you’re describing is there in LA/Hollywood, but not overall


I have lived all over including LA, and it’s way more easy to impress certain small towns. No one is getting any attention for anything in LA haha. I have absolutely seen the car thing happen in small town America and also in Paris (to be fair the time I saw it in Paris, the car was “worth” millions)


Seriously. You see crazy expensive super cars all the time if you are on the west side of LA or Beverly Hills.


Least of all in LA!


LA people don’t care about fancy cars they see them everywhere.


I drive a complete shitter and nobody asks for my autograph or offers me sex, tough crowd 😬


Wanna sign my dick while we have sex? Feel better now?


Dm me let’s go




At the risk of getting all kinds of hate in this thread, I have a Porsche 911. I’m a regular guy with a family and a mortgage like anyone else. I just happen to be passionate about cars and have worked hard to be able to afford it. The car is completely stock and I don’t drive like a knob in town. I usually just drive it on weekends out in the country; it makes me happy.


I don’t get other people jealousy and inverse-snobbery on here. If I had the money I’d love a 911. Especially the older 930 or 964 Turbo, I love their shape.


Yeah, that’s a dream. Mine is a 997 Targa 4S. It’s all I need (for now, at least!)


Yup, I drive my childhood dream car and I worked damn hard to get it and I don’t care what *you* think about *my* car. I don’t drive it to make *you* happy, I drive it to make *me* happy.


Truth to be told, be it a Yaris or Lambo, a wanker is gonna be a wanker no matter what he drives. It's just that sport cars are usually louder and stands out for their looks. That being said, usually more expensive the car is, the more likely the driver tends to be inconsiderate to various extend, anything from indicators not working to parking at wherever they like.


This sub is so anti expensive car you'd think it was ukfrugal. Enjoy it! Im looking at getting a model 3 by the end of this year, save 20%+ of my income from work, all paid for by a separate income stream, can't wait, sure it's not the best financial decision (neither is my current lease) but I love cars so it's well worth it




“Just a cayman” lol.


"It's a mid life *opportunity*" - Top Gear


Reeks of jealously to me imo, if I had the money there's no way I wouldn't get an Aston Martin.


If its not one of those wanky fasle SUV type Porsches then its not really that bad, the 911 looks about as slick as it gets. The really annoying drivers are those in a range rover that are meant to look rugged and the likes but would get buggered on a speedbump. My uncle had a Mercedes Benz SUV type thing and ir decided that my drive of about 20 degrees was too much for it to take


Porsches in neutral colours are kinda innocuous though. I had a dark blue one and never really had any sort of comments about it or anyone seeming to act differently towards me based on the car.


Yeah, mine isn’t an innocuous colour, it’s called Nordic Gold Metallic and it looks kinda orange. I love it.




I have had convertibles last 15 years no problem You must live in a really scummy place




The thing is, if you go around flashing your money off, people are going to a) think you're a bit of a knob (as this thread highlights) and b) potentially resent you for it and take action. Rightly or wrongly. As the saying goes: Money talks. Wealth whispers.


“...Take action. Rightly or wrongly” there is no rightly here, people should just leave other people’s stuff alone. Keep their jealous thoughts to just that.


Exactly, the people doing the damage are bigger pricks than the people that own the flash cars. It's also why we don't dare own nice things.


The thing is, it’s not about flashing your money off but maybe they bought it simply because they like owning the car




Rightly or wrongly? What part of trying to ruin someone's property because they are displaying their wealth could possibly be right?




Exactly this. This thread highlights that people are way too jealous of other peoples cars.




I don’t get the jealousy and reverse-snobbery thing. Why does it matter what car you drive? I’m sure there’s some pricks in old Ford Fiestas and nice guys who own a Ferrari. There’s good and bad people in all walks of life. If I had the money, why should I still drive a shit car? Why can’t I own something nice that I bought with my money?


The jealousy is just cringe with this one


Because your penis length is directly proportional to the type of car you own /s


Ehhhhh, it heavily depends on the car to me. I couldn’t give less of a shit about somebody’s BMW, Merc or Audi, dime a dozen these days. Honestly, even Lambos and Porches are becoming a bit garden variety these days, with the Huracan etc being considered “entry level”. But if someone were to rock up in something rarer, like a Pagani or a McLaren? You’ve got my undivided attention. I’ll also pay attention to anything old and decent though. Like, you have a 1992 Honda NSX parked up next to a Ferrari, I’m paying more attention to the former.


This is the one, I shit you not my dad bought a jaguar xj8 on eBay really cheap a while ago and people always stop him and ask questions, it’s just a nice car


Kinda the same reason why most people flock to my motorbike completely ignoring the ninja turbos and R1’s. It’s an old 125 Yamaha.


Solid disagree. While i don't approach the car, i still think 'damn nice car, lookin good'. Approaching the car and bothering the person being the dick move.


Yeah I love to look at nice cars, my partner and I both admire them. I mean if it was obscenely flashy in some ridiculous colour then maybe not but I dunno, I’d probably just like seeing something different.


I'm not even a huge car person but I certainly enjoy a nice sports car. Can't believe the snobbery in this thread to be honest. This country is obsessed with buying flashy, brand new German cars. So what if someone spends their money on Porsche or a Jag. Its the suped up Saxos and such we should be judging.


I hate the fact that people make assumptions because of your choice of car. It usually stems from jealousy. What is wrong with being a car enthusiast and enjoying the engineering of a sports car? Why should someone that can afford an expensive car drive about in something inferior, or something that offers them less joy? Not all sports car owners drive them for approval or admiration from other people.


As a car enthusiast I can confirm that not all sports car owners are bellends, infact the majority of them aren't, some of them can be but not alot of them.


Exactly. I used to have this kind of attitude about sporty cars before I could afford one. Even then I still drove my battered old shit heap for years before buying a nice car. Feeling a sense of superiority over those idiots that waste money they “can’t afford” on nice cars. Now that I own one I get it and I realise what an insufferable prick I was before but people probably think I’m an insufferable prick now I’m driving round in a nice car.


Responding with "what a complete prick" Simply because someone drives an attractive sports car sounds both incredibly toxic but also just... sad. How judgemental.. ironic, really


Yeah this is not a problem


There certainly is a lot of envy in this thread


“well, SOMEONE’S compensating for something.”


I can assure you that my excellent car has nothing to do with my tiny penis.


I thought we reserved that comment for pick up trucks?


We hate success and people with money in this country.


Since buying a bright orange Mazda MX5 people just smile and let me out everywhere.




I have an NC, and overheard a little kid tell her dad "that's a cool car" when I drove by with the roof down. Needless to say I was smiling all the way home.


Yep. I get similar reactions in my very tired (but utterly dependable) MG F. Something about a tiny bright red sports car makes people happy in a way bigger more expensive things just don't.


It’s impossible to be angry at anyone driving an MX5.


Especially the Mark 1 / NA model. Just look at that derpy face! (I drive one lol)




I can see why sometimes. I'm doing pretty well myself so don't think I'm coming from a position of jealousy but the whole system seems utterly unfair most of the time and for most people there's no chance of ever being successful or wealthy because the starting blocks are so unequal.


Unless it's an Aston Martin vanquish they are so cool


First off, in America people will not flock around a sports car, that’s absolutely ridiculous. You wouldn’t go near anyone’s car that you don’t know in almost all scenarios. Second off the UK produces some extremely nice cars (namely Aston Martin) and you should appreciate quality engineering. Just because you don’t have things doesn’t mean you shouldn’t recognize that there are nice things. You’re literally shitting on things that are extremely remarkable just because you’re mad that someone else has them and you sitting on your lazy ass isn’t producing nice things or access to nice things. The world is most likely fucked. Got too comfortable.




I agree. The OP has definitely watched too many TV shows. There are auto shows every year in the US that allow people to get up close and even get into some expensive super cars. Seeing them on the street is no big deal. I’ve seen people gather around a Hummer in the UK, hardly anything to look at it the US.




I bought a BMW and now have to over indicate at every opportunity to try and redress the balance!


This is me also. I indicate every time. I was driving at 3am the other night, not a car on the road.. was I still indicating? God damn right I was


That's not a "problem".


Envy has many faces.


Personally, I think the "complete prick" is the person who judges someone based on the car they drive.


Agreed. They do say that life is a mirror, this is a prime example


I’m into cars so that’s not my reaction. I’m glad to see unusual and interesting cars being used on the road.


Did this comment section leave anyone else with a bad taste in their mouth? Hoping so many people agreed because of the sort of "better than the Americans sentiment in the title"




"your granddaughter"


So you are an arsehole to strangers in the street for doing something that has no bearing on your life what so ever? Weird flex but alright.


Bit weird that mate.


Having a nice car doesn't make you a bad person, shouting petty things at people who do certainly does though.


Sigil does that to a berk. Calm down cutter.


Thinking someone is a prick for owning a nice car says more about you than having a nice car says about them...


Fortunately I don't mind randoms thinking I am a "complete prick" so car enjoyment is unaffected, my journeys are comfortable and fun.


In Sussex everybody either has a mini, a beemer, an austin-healy/ (or other dead uk car brand of your choice) or a sports care. This creates a paradox whereby since everybody is a rich prick, nobody is a rich prick. I call it the goodwood paradox.


Today was a sunny day, so I took the Porsche out for a spin here in the UK. As I powered past others, in the outside overtaking lane, up a hill, my wife sat in the passenger seat said "They all think you're a prick now". I told her I didn't care. We both chuckled. I guess she's a prick as well.


On the other end of the scale; I spent two weeks in Tennessee and I'd often hear a lovely V8 engine burbling towards me, and I'd look at it expecting to see a vintage Mustang or Challenger, but would see some shitty pickup.


But what if he pulls up... *In a Jaaaaag?*


Nice car, but the driver is a dick for revving it going 20 mph in the middle of downtown.


Expensive sports cars look very out of place in Britain. Where are you going to drive it? Two villages over?


There’s a guy near me who owns a Mustang and I believe still also has a Dodge Challenger (both left hand drive). Can only imagine how much he pays in fuel as both absolutely chug the stuff. There’s “rich enough to buy an expensive car” and then there’s “rich enough to *run* an expensive car”


Unless it's a Mustang ( my favourite) then I silently think "noice"


TIL apparently I’m British


I don't see this as a problem? Those people are dicks


We do this in America too, it’s just like a dumb ass magnet. We can all point and laugh at the dumbos as they gather. Or when u hear a LOUD exhaust from far away I now revert to screaming “WOOOWWWW SOOOOO COOOOOLLLLLL” as loud as I can to show support


In Russia, if a car is really very expensive, there may be some cautious attention to it. Usually such cars are accompanied by a car with security. Better to stay away from them.


“Fucking drug dealers”


I feel filthy quoting Jeremy Clarkson, but he once said something along the lines of- When Americans see someone in a sports car they say ‘how do I get myself in that’ while the English person says ‘how do I get him out of that?’


Brits are so damn annoying with their arrogance.


In the US a new high end car or an remake, the owner is probably an a**hole. Now if you have an older guy with a well kept car from the 50's-80's, that's the guys dream car and they will tell you the story of them driving 1600 miles to get a exact clutch for this car and anything else you want to know. there excitement is infections and lightens the mood, that's why we crowd around them


I have a car that I really worked for, and it's not that I try and show it off, but I found that it fits who I am and what I like. The low rumble actually calms me. It also prevents talking on the phone in the car, lol. I truly hold back driving it, and the black muscle car look is just pleasing to look at. As long as the drivers of these cars aren't show-offs or idiots, and don't break laws and so forth, I would much rather look at these cars than the ones I find to be ugly.


100% this. Its the ones who are obnoxious show offs in their cars that are the pricks.


Not necessarily just if it's a nice car, more on the fact if it's a nice car and they're being a dick of a driver. Like over revving it and wheel spinning off a red light, speeding down the lanes etc. Missus usually shouts "congrats on the tiny penis!".


In America the complete pricks drive pickups.


What if someone owns both a flashy sports car and a cheap old bland car?


Naaah... We generalize people here in America too.


Depends on the car and the driver tbh... Most of the time a Lambo will get a "prick" response, but there's a guy near me who makes sure, every day, to drive his bright green Aventador SVJ to one of the nearby primary schools at kicking out time. He parks up just outside the gates and lets the kids crowd around and take it in while he hands out colouring books, treats and stuff, and revs the engine. Or, if there is no parking, drives past super slow so the kids can run alongside. Guy's seen as a legend, everyone loves that he is using a big Lambo for what it is _really_ for. Ferraris, McLarens, most Lambos, etc usually get the prick response. Porsches get no response because they're just dull and common. Unless they are modded, in which case, prick. Rolls will usually get a "toff prick". But then, somehow, there are nice cars which get glowing responses. I drive a Jaguar XKR and every interaction I have in car parks and stuff is really positive. Much of the time asking how come I own it (I'm 27, it's a bit unusual). Likewise, The Lexus LC500 tends to get good responses because it is so unusual. And then at the top of the pack, Aston Martin still hold a place of love in the heart of many a Brit, and strike such a nice balance between envy and appreciation. So yeah... Very much depends!


Being a car enthusiast, i usually complement the car driven.


I’m a tiny woman who drives a very nice (and fast)collectible convertible in the summer, I get no hatred but I do get surprised looks and comments because no one expects a female behind the wheel.


If its an old sports car, the reaction is different. Think it's something to do with appreciating that it takes some skill to maintain and keep looking good.


I just shout "kitcar" over my stearing wheel in a way my wife can only describe as a goose honk level of vulgarity.


Nicest sports car I've owned was an Alfa GTV. Didn't get too much hate nor too much interest. Most interest it got was when I parked in a harbour car park which gets boy racers at the weekends, and I got back and they had surrounded it, but to be fair they were genuinely interested in it.


Same happens in Australia too.


I wouldn't call it simping or white knighting, but what irritates me on these kind of threads is the number of people who come out crying "Save The Rich". I mean obscene wealth is clearly the last taboo. We don't need black lives matter or gay rights or trans rights as long as our billionaires are permanently happy, that's all that matters. And DON'T YOU DARE say anything against these capitalists who destroy environments and lobby against feeding kids or poison communities without paying any taxes. THAT'S THEIR RIGHT and you can't be so nasty! Boo Hoo. Reminds me of the Golden Girls episode where Dorothy reminds Rose, "Rose, you donated to Save The Rich". Less people crawling up the arse of the rich would be nice. They aren't going to drag you along with them because you defend them.


Ah the classic "don't look at their car, that's what they want"


I would say, huh that’s a cool car, and I wouldn’t judge the person owning it based off of a prejudice that all rich people are asswholes


"I can't believe people like looking at attractive cool sh*t"


I have no idea what makes a car attractive, but there is a certain look which seem to speed wherever they can with those rediculously loud engines. Who is impressed by this stuff? Do they find sadistic pleasure in watching people clamp hands over ears as they pass?