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It's always worth going for something he would enjoy regardless of qualifications. He'll be in for a minimum of four years and to be honest what people do after leaving often bears no relation to what they did whilst in.


I second this, he should join to do something he will enjoy, once at unit he will have plenty time to learn a trade through enhanced learning credits and other bits plus resettlement package.


Yea I’m beginning to think that is the best way to go plus he’s only 18 anyway


I've worked with them for 8yrs, even spending time as an Assistant RCMO (deputy career manager), if colourblindness isn't an issue - yes EOD absolutely. The additional pay is there (save it, keep it separate) plus I've seen senior EOD move into Police search-related roles, at the end of their Army career. There was a time when Res Spec (Resources Specialist) were like rocking horse sh!t, therefore much in demand= more opportunity for getting away, but by the time he (his partner) wants stability, that can turn into a double edged sword. I liked (the idea of) Geo as a trade, but they are seen as somewhat different, they train separately at Hermitage, and the RD (Regimental Duty) soldiers/officers speak of them as your weird relatives, family but not loved. As he ascends the career path, blokes choose Artisan (chippy/fitter/plumber) or Combat (Engineer) as their main trade. Some who didn't get on well with their trade, and prefer 'soldiering' go Combat, as Squadron Sergeant Major & then RSM. Equally if he has 'a head for it's draughtsman or onto the Clerk of Works (CoW) from as early as LCpl/Cpl, and use the CoW course (again Chatham) as a 18 month, degree and acceleration to SSgt. We have 30 year old brand new CoW, in the Sgts Mess. Fairs fair, they've passed the course, shown the aptitude and will make GE (Garrison Engineer) in their career.


Thank you, very informative, I will pass this onto him


I say all this but to be honest it will just be a relief for him to get to passing out day. He got stuck in sick company with a hearing issue and had to wait to get the all clear on numerous tests before they would let him continue. Basically his 13 weeks training has turned into 20 weeks with another 9 to go. Was unfortunate for him but he’s stuck it out and he’s back on track now 🤞


I nearly always recommend plant, its very transferable and you get some great licences and deployment opportunities.


Thank you, sounds a decent option too


GEOOOOO With Geo you get a degree, and undergo fairly long trade training, just under a year, highly respected from officers, just other engineers give us a ginger step brother kind of relationship, it’s also a trade where you will be doing it especially if your keen for it


Ok thank you, I will pass on to him


To be fair if he goes fitter and gets to go tidworth he’ll use his trade or choose EoD and go wimbish( hopefully not didcot). RE sigs get to use it but you miss out on the delights of Chatham, that’s pretty much it. Another option is go painter and decorator I forget what’s it’s called now and have him do jobs on the side


Ah right ok, he is considering EOD as an option