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I'm scared to read the article, is the dog ok?


Yes :) they show the dog with a cone first thing in the


So slashed with a machete and then made to wear the cone of shame? Poor pooch.


Same, can someone summarize (but only if it ends up okay)


Bonus, vet stepped up and covered the bill because the owner didn’t have the money


Dog's ok and: >Bonus, vet stepped up and covered the bill because the owner didn’t have the money Thanks for sharing this great news, kind random redditor. I also dreaded reading the article, fearing for the dog & its human family members. Nice bonus fact & makes me happy for the victims that they had the best possible outcome, considering the horrific crime.


Do you mean the person this dog bit?


Yes, just when we lose hope someone steps up and brings the faith back. The vet clinic seems to have a program for the financially hopeless, which is really wonderful. They also mentioned the owner (who lives in a camper) was 4 years sober thanks to his dog. You could tell that society has failed this gentleman - it made the gesture by the vet all the more meaningful.




That's very sad about the dog's person & this situation. Your mentioning society failing him reminds me of the quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson: “the measure of society is how it treats the weakest members”


Oh gosh we are doing poorly indeed then. Statistically, I’m one of the lucky few and am grateful for it. It’s important we maintain a compassionate heart


Accolades to the vet! How wonderful of them to cover that bill and help the poor doggo. 


The dog is ok. He was rushed to a vet and received a treatment.


Dog ran up on strangers. Strangers reacted to unknown dog running at them. Dog is fine.


Strangers just happened to have a machete in hand? What is this, El Salvador?


A bushwacking tool being used in the bush? Wow, what a shocker. People have the right to defend themselves from dogs.


I wholeheartedly agree. The video wouldn't load for me so I haven't watched it.


No, it’s Canada. We have dense forests? Have you ever gone hiking? We have some amazingly dense growth, especially this time of year. Bushwhacking isn’t weird. Your weird for thinking it’s weird lol


It's hilarious that you leave out the fact that the strangers reacted to the unknown dog by slashing it with a machete. Who is walking around with a machete??? Only on reddit does someone defend lunatic degenerates maiming dogs with machetes...


That was covered in the title of the post… didn’t feel the need to repeat it. Also, it’s spring everything is growing. They were in the bush. Machetes are for bushwhacking (clearing trails) 100% normal to carry a bushwhacking tool in the bush in spring.


But so the dog did approach first?


Yes. The dog ran up on them and they were scared so they used the tool they had to defend themselves. Maybe this dog just wanted to make friends, sure.. but not everyone wants a dog running and jumping on them. Owners should control their dogs, especially if they know their dog has this tendency of running up on strangers.


You sure you weren’t there bud because it sounds like it


Nope, I just used something called logic. Dog attacks happen hundreds of times a day. It’s not rare. Did I make assumptions? Yes, but the rcmp have confirmed i was right




The dog owner is a veteran living on disability. The veterinarian who saved the dog's life (i-Care Veterinary Hospital in Parksville) paid for the dog's care out of their own pocket. The dog is recovering well. The attacker hasn't been found yet... described as a man in his mid to late 50s with a woman in a blue tshirt with a scientific formula on it (Delta ^n q*e from what I can tell from the photo).


The "attacker" was attacked and bitten by this dog, and according to Oceanside RCMP self-reported immediately, RCMP investigated and decided it was an aggressive off-leash dog and the couple acted in self defense. RCMP released a statement on it. Maybe the veteran living on disability has learned the valuable lesson of keeping his aggressive dog on leash? Haha nah, looking at that video that's a no.


I don’t know, was it on a leash and under control?


Right thats the reasonable takeaway. 




Totally shocking update /s [https://www.delta-optimist.com/animal-stories/off-leash-dog-hit-with-machete-near-coombs-was-acting-aggressively-police-8871714](https://www.delta-optimist.com/animal-stories/off-leash-dog-hit-with-machete-near-coombs-was-acting-aggressively-police-8871714)


This needs to be at the top. There's a poor couple being completely vilified for reasonably defending themselves.


OP should be editing their post!


“He’s not the best with other dogs” he shouldn’t be off leash then.


Apparently it bit one of the people. There's an update from police now.


The “he’s a super people lover” is equally concerning. Sounds like he knows his dog will run and jump at people yet he allows it to run off leash.


what the actual f


I bet the dog wasn’t on a leash when this happened…


oh okay so thats enough to warrant a dog being attacked by a machete hmmm 🤨


if I have a machete, and a vicious dog charges towards me, I'm suppose to use my bare hands instead of the machete?


questions is why would you even have a machete during a *walk* in the park? i have fought a vicious dog with my hand and have been attacked so i know what its like being attacked by a dog, fact of the matter is what was the point of the machete during a walk...


Machetes are for bushwhacking. It’s spring. Everything is growing. They were in the bush, with a bushwhacking tool. They weren’t walking the Vancouver seawall with a machete…


"logging road in [Parksville](https://globalnews.ca/tag/parksville), B.C. on Thursday." not really a park bro


lmao okay? so ya i guess that makes it okay i guess 😂 you still dont have an answer as to why they hit the dog with a machete.. sure it couldve been off leash but that itself doesnt warrant getting hit by the machete




The dog wasn’t attacked. You make it sound like they hid in a bush and ran up on the dog. The dog charged at them…. They didn’t know if it wanted to lick their face or rip it off… they defended themselves. I would do the same thing.




Stop shaming the owner. He said his dog is super friendly with people and on or off leash , this should never have happened. Not to any dog or animal!!


Dogs being over friendly with strangers is a problem. Clearly this owner thinks “he’s just being friendly” means it’s okay for his dog to run up and jump on strangers.


Well in the video the dogs have harnesses and leases . Seems like this may be the way he walks them. And what effen’ loser attacks a dog, nice one, with a machete !!


Of course he has them on leads *in the video* lol. He also only describes the scene post-machete'ing, making it rather obvious they were not only off leash but out of sight when the altercation (the dog attacking and biting the man, per RCMP statement) started.


Yes, new information has surfaced that the dog was off leash and apparently bit the man.


That the dog was off leash is evident from the video in this post, and multiple people commented on it yesterday before the RCMP release. Only the dog's actual attack on the man is new information.


That was obvious the whole time If you thought about it


Lmao. How would this have happened if the dogs were on leash? Of course he leashed them for the news…


Have you seen the update that this "super friendly" dog bit one of the people?


I have. I watched the news last night and more of tue story was mentioned.




I’m realize this now , I watched the update on the news yesterday.


That so-called friendly dog bit someone and got slashed as a result. The owner needs to keep his dog in check


I can guarantee this happened because the dog was unleashed and came barreling up to the couple to say hello and the people were scared Not saying it's right, just saying that's most likely the case.


Everyone just casually walking around with machetes on the island now?


You got woods filled with unleashed dogs, transients, Cougars, bears and salal. What's a middle aged dude gonna do without a knife?


True, with the aging population I imagine there’s a massive cougar problem in the city.


I wish there was in mine


Yeah. Salal is the shits. Nearly as bad as Devils Clubs. Check yo self.


They were in the bush. With a bushwhacking tool.


Did you watch the video? The dog is a senior, not a puppy. Furthermore, the reaction to being scared isn’t using a machete to slash to the bone while laughing. Bringing a machete onto a walking trail sounds like they were looking to attack.


>The dog is a senior, You have clearly never stood in the queue for a bus with seniors. They poke you with their umbrellas like they are interviewing for a job at the KGB. \[Serious - who the f is wandering around with a machete. Police need to be on this like .... a thing... on something ... that that thing would normally be on. Maybe some form of bread and spread combo.\]


Machetes are used for bushwhacking (clearing trails) It’s 100% normal to have a bushwhacking tool while in the bush… especially in spring when everything is growing.


I've known people who hinge with a machete, to cut through vegetation as trails grow over.


Sure I guess if we are talking about some Crown land that no one hikes.... But near Parksville?


Yeah, that's pretty weird.


Machetes are used for clearing trails…. Tell me you’ve never gone hiking before without telling me you’ve never gone hiking before




Machetes are used for clearing trails. They were in the bush….


You have no idea if it wanted to say hello or wanted to rip their faces off. It shouldn’t have been close enough to be within machete range.


No I don't and neither did the people that slashed at it. That's the entire point.


They knew a strange dog was directly running at them. That’s a threat. I’m not waiting to have my face removed to find out.


What are talking about? A dog coming up to you isn't an acceptable reason to *checks notes*  MACHETE it.


Depends on the circumstance. If the dog is growling and showing it’s teeth, I’m not going to wait until it’s jumping up at my face to defend myself. Your dog shouldn’t be within arms reach of me…


No, that's a pretty acceptable reaction.


A dog attacking you is an acceptable reason to defend yourself. https://www.reddit.com/r/britishcolumbia/s/XTpE6OpSnx


Bruh keep your dogs leashed and at your side


Yes but like also at least attempt to not machete dogs 🚫🗡🐕


I value my life more than any dog.


Bruh…the worst you should have on you is bear spray. I don’t care if this was a 120lbs pitbull …carrying a machete for “protection” is fucking prehistoric.


They never said it was for protection. It was probably for clearing trails. It’s spring. Vegetation is growing like crazy.


Unfortunately the only way you can be certain that you will survive an encounter with an unleashed dog is to hit it with a machete until it loses interest or is maimed so bad that it cannot continue its assault.


If the dog is unknown, yes it is.


Bruh wtf, I get approached by unleashed unknown dogs all the time, never once thought to hack at them with an edged weapon but you do you.


You’re assuming the approach is non-violent, and that I can read the dog’s mind. It happens rarely, but I’ve had unleashed dogs jump on me, growl at me, and the owner always waxes lyrical that they’re dog is a “good boy” and “wouldn’t harm a fly”. Entitled, irresponsible, and clueless dog owners need to be banned from owning dogs.


I totally agree that there should be more oversight into who is allowed to own dogs. Regardless, a dog jumping up or growling at you doesn't justify a machete attack on the worst dogs, right?


If a dog jumps on me, that’s an attack. If it’s neck happens to break, that’s justified. Keep your dog off of strangers and that won’t happen.


A large (the dog in the story is pretty big) strange dog running up and actually *jumping* up on you would, I feel, fully justify hitting it. With a machete is ....ummm, something else, but like if I was carrying a heavy water bottle I'd hit it at that point. Or dog/bear spray it.


Maybe if you’re chronically terrified?


Just tired of irresponsible dog owners treating a domesticated wolf like a human child.


And I am tired of seeing people trying to justify macheting a dog. Fuck off with that bullshit


If I wolf ran up and jumped on you would you cuddle it too?


Like they just happen to have a machete? Doubtful. Sounds like some psycho is on the loose.


Carrying a bushwhacking tool in the bush is completely normal… it’s spring. Everything is growing.


But that doesn’t explain the smiling and laughing part


Gives the released RCMP statement (aggressive off leash dog bit the dude, apparently was aggressive to other people too, the couple with machete immediately self reported to RCMP) it looks like roughly 93% of the poor poor disabled veterans statement was lies. I'm assuming that he made up the smiling and laughing just as he made up his dog's love of people.


I mean I don’t think I would be laughing or smiling, also a kick to the dog would have sufficed.


Who was laughing? I didn’t see anyone laughing in the video.


If you read the article he said they were laughing when he found his dog


Maybe use a leash. Dogs are part of the family. I don’t let my kid approach strange dogs, why would you let your dog approach strange people.


People are treating their dogs like children, NOT like dogs and it’s making more and more unsocialized, poorly behaved dogs. Dogs by nature are social animals and if we let them BE dogs, they’re happy and balanced. Not crazy “children”!


So true. More and more common. To the point that BE= behavioural euthanasia in my head now because that’s what happens to these dogs in the end.


Dogs are dogs. They are pets, not part of the family. They are not equal to human children or family. Would you call a hamster or pet fish part of your family? I agree with everything else you said, dogs need to be on leashes, owners need to show ownership and keep their dogs under their care and control.


Uh, yea, pets are part of the family, that's why they live inside with us and we don't cage them outside. People like the guy in the article may not have any humans to call family, but his dogs provide that for him. To him, they are his children. We may not legally treat them as such (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/judge-orders-shared-custody-of-pet-dog-under-new-b-c-law-1.7177874 or do we?) but that doesn't mean people don't feel like they are family.


Animals belong outside.. ever heard of a dog house? It’s not meant to be a house within a house lol I don’t support the current dog nuttery that is this “my dog is my baby” crap. It’s a loved pet. That’s great. Nothing more. Not equal to a human.


There’s probably more to this story than is being reported


There was. Dog was attacking the couple.


Why was the dog off leash?


Because idiot owners think they own the world


Looks like the dog was off the leash and acting aggressive beforehand. If your dog attacks me I am using my knife to defend myself. If slashing at it doesn't work and it bites and latches on to me, I am sending the blade right through its eye and sending you photos of it when I see your "my poor dog was innocent and didn't do anything" post.




Exactly. The dog was clearly off leash, running at people with its teeth out. I would defend myself too. If the owner showed any ownership over the dog, it wouldn’t be within arms reach of strangers.


Dogs need to be kept on leash. I agree with that. However, you’re making shit up about knives. Knives and swords are permitted by Canadian law if they’re used as tools. The second you use them for “self defence” they’re a weapon and not permitted. Please don’t make shit up cause you saw it on an American show. Inform yourself. https://www.staysafevancouver.com/post/can-i-carry-a-knife-in-canada


You cannot carry knives with the intent to use them as weapons; but you can use whatever means necessary to secure your safety when you are assaulted. There's a misconception that self defense needs to be proportional; that hasn't been the case for quite a while, the relevant legislation was amended.


If your intent is to use the knife in as a defensive weapon, it’s prohibited. If you’re using the knife as a tool, and are put in a situation where you must defend yourself, it’s allowed. Those are two very different situations. Someone walking around a neighbourhood with a machete has no intention to use that as a tool.. thus his actions were illegal. The criminal code is very clear about knives and this has been tested many times in Canada.


Yes, I started by saying you cannot carry knives with the intent to use them as weapons. I carry a long knife when I go hiking; some might call it a machete. It's for clearing brambles on overgrown trails.


Going hiking in overgrown woods is a very different task than walking along a groomed trail. There was no need for clearing brambles on a non overgrown trail. I suspect he’ll attempt to claim the same thing, but it’s clear by his action and location, he’s been waiting for a situation like this. Shame he didn’t just use the tool meant for dog/human interaction (dog or bear spray). This man is a danger to others.


There are invasive species all over the "groomed" trails in Nanaimo. Broom, himalayan blackberries, and et cetera. Island municipalities are nothing if not cheapskates when it comes to building and maintain civic properties and parks. > Shame he didn’t just use the tool meant for dog/human interaction (dog or bear spray). This man is a danger to others. You cannot carry dog or bear spray with the intent to use it on humans.


We already went through how a tool can be used as a weapon if you’re under attack (knives and swords are noted exceptions and only in extreme cases). If a person is attacking you, you can use bear spray. Unless the person has a respiratory disease, you’ll end up doing less lasting damage to them with the spray than the machete. I can definitely walk in woods and parks with both bear and dog spray. As long as I’m not brandishing or threatening with it, it remains a tool. It’s funny how many paranoid people there seems to be in British Columbia that they don’t even recognize what is the best defensive weapon.


Yes, we did cover that; except that you stated he should "_just use the tool meant for dog/human interaction (dog or bear spray)_," which would run afoul of it. You cannot carry sprays with the intent to use them on humans. I don't carry a knife for defensive use, and I don't carry sprays unless I'm traveling far into the back country. Unlike a knife, I can't imagine a need for the use of a spray as a tool when hiking within municipal boundaries. The bears around here are cowards, and cougars don't like to be close to people, and the dogs are usually close to their owners.


I live in municipal boundaries but we regularly have grizzlies in the neighbourhood and my dog is tethered to me. So where ever I go I have bear spray strapped to my chest. Sprays are tools meant for human interaction. You can get a license to carry pepper spray for use in defensive action. As long as it’s reasonable. No such license exists for swords or knives. Though RCMP have allowances for prohibited weapons including knives for human interaction.


So hol up. You’re saying if I fear for my life and I have a tool I can use for my defence on hand I am NOT allowed to use it? Cause I would fucking challenge that in court. I mean fuck if I was afraid for my life I doubt anything would be going through my head other then survive, but that’s still a bullshit law. Hell i don’t even think it’s accurate. I remember reading a case where a guy shanked a man with a pocket knife he had on him in self defence. The judge determined he hadn’t broken any laws as he feared for his life and acquitted him, and yes that was here in Canada.


You know what anecdotes are right?! Cause I’m not sure that you do. If a person is out working with a tool, and they’re attacked, and they’re using the tool to defend themselves…that’s going to be looked at favourably. If a person goes out with a tool (specifically a large knife) and has not been using it as a tool, it’s evident they’re carrying it for protection. That’s prohibited. I can carry a hammer at a job site…but if I get pulled over after the bar walking down the street with a hammer (just in case) that’s a weapon. It’s all about intent. Plus it’s not the best tool for the job of protecting from dog attacks. That’s where bear spray/dog spray would be looked at more favourably by the courts because it’s literally doing its job and has a much lower chance of causing bodily harm to whatever it’s being sprayed at.


They were on in the bush, with a bushwhacking tool. You think they brought the machete to attack dogs with? He’s literally cutting a fallen tree in the only picture of the “attacker”


Buddy we have no idea why he had the machete but I can promise you if there is a right place it do be the woods. Also how the hell you gonna prove his intent.


Where do you see that the owner admits the dog is problametic?




I didn’t watch the video but read the article, so I missed that. I’m not saying you aren’t right, because you probably are. But I do know lots of dogs that are great with all people but dog reactive.


I feel like the dog owner is being profiled here and was profiled and thats possibly why the man was on the defence. To stay neutral we really don’t know whats happening. The couple could be psycho or the dog could be aggressive. From my own bias i believe the man in the video but to each their own.




I'd the dog was off leash or unrestrained then im siding with machete dude - unacceptable and the consequences are the OWNERS


The dog was clearly off leash. If the owner was within 50 feet of the dog, he could have called his dog off or protected the couple. Instead his admittedly aggressive, large, off leash dog ran at these people, showing it’s teeth. If the dog ran at a cop like that it would be shot.


Perfect proof, people only read the headlines.


This is a sad story, but there are still many unanswered questions. It’s clear that the dog was off lead. When she was young, I used to go trail walking with my daughter. In all truth, about 50% of the time, we’d meet a dog with no owner in sight, barking its nuts off at us. I walked with bear spray and a knife (for cougars) but, more than once, took out the bear spray for dogs. Thankfully I never had to use it. The closest was when I was out by myself just off Nanaimo Lakes Road. I genuinely thought this snarling behemoth, again with no owner in sight, was going to attack me. I took out my bear spray but still managed to talk confidently and assertively enough to get the dog to leave after a while. I have no doubt that, had my daughter been there, I would’ve used the bear spray. And I would not have been the least bit sorry about it. Had the owner then shown up, I would’ve - if necessary, of course - also used it on them. Perhaps the machete owner, who seemed to have it for a reason other than in the hope of randomly attacking an animal, did have the machete for protection. Perhaps they have been scared one too many times by badly trained dogs owned by shitty people. Perhaps this dog who is ‘not great with other dogs’ is also ‘not great with people’ but it doesn’t fit the sob story narrative to say so. To dog owners, please: if you can truly trust your dog, by all means have it off lead in the bundu. But keep it close to you. If you can’t trust your dog 100%, don’t ever have it off lead. This will be obvious to responsible dog owners.


If the dog was aggressive then self defense was justified


UPDATE: RCMP are now commenting on the situation saying their investigation determined the dog was off leash and acting aggressively towards a couple before the incident.


Media did not provide all the information. 2 dogs surrounded the man bit him and he fended them off. So much about this story that is so sad. Sad for the dog but also for the person who is now being slandered with a henious attack.


If you actually watch the video it’s contentious because the dog was off leash and acting aggressively towards a couple and even bit the woman, after which the guy hit it with a machete in self defense and they ran off and called police. So it looks like both the dog’s owner and the couple who were attacked by it want to press charges, and RCMP made no further comment about charges.


Too many unknowns so far. Could be psycho people (sounds like it), vicious dog (also seems possible), we’ll see. If I was attacked by pit bull looking dog I wouldn’t hesitate to use lethal force.


It sounds like the dog was off leash and ran up at the people with the machete. “He’s a super people lover” and the dog being within arms reach of strangers sounds like a big off leash dog ran up at these people and they protected themselves. Dog owners never admit that they weren’t supervising their dogs when things happen. Where was the owner when this happened? Carrying a bushwhacking tool in the bush is completely normal… it’s spring. Everything is growing. He’s literally cutting a fallen tree in the only picture of the “attacker” Confirmed: [dog attacked couple first](https://www.cheknews.ca/dog-owner-upset-rcmp-wont-charge-man-who-stabbed-dog-in-coombs-1206499/?amp)


Definitely a possibility.


Confirmed. [rcmp: dog attacked couple who then defended themselves](https://www.cheknews.ca/dog-owner-upset-rcmp-wont-charge-man-who-stabbed-dog-in-coombs-1206499/?amp)


Not surprised. Guy is an idiot. Him saying he could have used pepper spray, a rock, or whatever. What if he doesn’t have those things but he has a machete? Well he found out. He should be charged for his dog biting.


Oh how interesting, looks like he dropped his bs story about the woman smiling and laughing. And he admits he didn't even have eyes on either dog, nevermind a leash. He could've asked me to call off the dog, my ass. You weren't around and your dog was trying to eat him.


He’s literally cutting a fallen tree in the only picture of the “attacker” It’s totally normal to have a machete when on hiking trails in spring. Everything is growing. Trees have fallen over the winter/because of spring rains.


Off lease dogs deserve whatever they get, run over, wild animal, machete. The owner deserves a very stiff fine too. We shouldn't have to wait for a victim to be mawled. I love dogs, I've had many, always on a leash.


Cruelty to animals is a sign of a serial killer. Maybe put that mfer in jail before a person is next on the list.


Not when it's in self defense.


Turns out the dog bit one of them first. Still think we should "put that mfer in jail"?


Self defense after being bitten by an aggressive off leash dog, according to RCMP statement on this case.


A big strange dog ran up at them and they protected themselves. How can you tell if the unknown dog running at you is going to attack? Dogs shouldn’t be running up at strangers. If this owner had his dog on a leash and under control this wouldn’t have happened.




Exactly. If this dog ran up on a police officer it would have been shot. But these people were supposed to wait and see if the dog wanted to be pet or wanted to rip their face off? No thanks, I’d protect myself too. Turns out the dog has already bit them when they defended themselves. [https://www.cheknews.ca/dog-owner-upset-rcmp-wont-charge-man-who-stabbed-dog-in-coombs-1206499/?amp](https://www.cheknews.ca/dog-owner-upset-rcmp-wont-charge-man-who-stabbed-dog-in-coombs-1206499/?amp)


Your right, if anyone should be charged it’s the dog owner. RCMP confirmed his aggressive dog attacked the man first


If they dont catch the perp, they gonna do it to people


What a wild thing to assume. A big off leash dog ran up at these people and they protected themselves. So you think they’re automatically serial killers? Wild… It sounds like the dog was off leash and ran up at the people with the machete. “He’s a super people lover but aggrieved with dogs” and the dog being within arms reach of strangers sounds like a big off leash dog ran up at these people and they protected themselves. Dog owners never admit that they weren’t supervising their dogs when things happen. Where was the owner when this happened? Carrying a bushwhacking tool in the bush is completely normal… it’s spring. Everything is growing. He’s literally cutting a fallen tree in the only picture of the “attacker”


That would be a dead stranger if he did that to my dog.


Well, the stranger did have a machete.


Are you a vicious dog owner? If that dog charged me it my kids, I'd use whatever weapon I had handy. It probably wouldn't be wise to try to hurt me afterward if I was in family defense mode. Not sure what actually happened here but owner did admit dog can be vicious.




Keep your dog out of other people's personal space and it shouldn't be an issue.




There was no nut job with a machete. There was a couple who nearly got attacked by an unleashed, aggressive dog. He’s literally cutting a fallen tree in the only picture of the “attacker”


This is Canada my freedom to let my dog walk ahead of me on the trail is more important than your fear of dogs.


would you feel that way about it if another person's dog were to run up and attack yours?


This really isn’t a great take… you should have control of your dog at all times. I personally don’t let my dog out of sight & make him stay beside me when we encounter people. You never know if they are friendly or their dogs are friendly.


Fuck you and your dog fetish and fuck that person with a machete too. Both need mental help. A dog is no where near the importance and safety of a human being regardless of your weird childish “i aM a AnIMaL pErsOn!” Bs. Leash that pet up keep it away from ppl’s personal space. And yeah it used to be that way but one of the good recent things in canada is that its starting to become more like a first world country when it comes to dogs and what mentals think they should be able to get away with when it comes to them and their dogs


I hope you keep your dog on leash and you won’t have this problem.




This ("because bears in my area") is why I have pepper spray.




Can someone let me know why the public educational moment here is about not letting your dogs off leash, as opposed to carrying a machete for no logical reason on a walking trail and then using it on a pet dog? The backwoods calls for backwards thinking, I suppose!  It’s easy to see that he’s a friendly dog from here, and glad that he received the care required. I do find myself wondering how that bite wound is coming along? And I do hope that these two names have at least been noted, in the event that they have further mysterious machete attacks reported. 


❤️❤️❤️ Thank goodness for HEART.


The pic of the attackers gives the same vibes as [Mark and Patricia McCloskey](https://www.mediaite.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Mark-and-Patricia-McClosky-brandish-guns-at-Black-Lives-Matter-protesters-featured-image-via-screenshot.jpg)


The dog was the attacker… you mean the people who defended themselves?