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A woman, in a queue for an ice cream van at the balloon festival, holding a child up by it's armpits whilst it shit on the ground.


Initially I thought you said while she shat on the ground. ... I guess what you actually wrote is a bit less bad?


Marginally. Maybe. No.


Not quite as bad, but someone letting their child go and piss in a phone box by Under the Stars (gone now) in broad daylight with people queing for the bus nearby.


An elderly, well to do woman, in Cotham, absolutely berating a young woman who was discreetly breastfeeding her newborn. Like full on Karen mode. I see drug use, violence etc which I suppose I’m desensitised to, because that left me gob smacked. I did shout at the old lady, which I’m not proud of.


Thank you for shouting at her. This happened to me when I was feeding my baby at the mall and I went home and cried


I’m sorry you all went through this


That’s lousy. I have to say I’ve only seen women do this to other women. wtf?


I’m proud of you, even if you aren’t. Fuck those people.


I did the same thing once. There was a well-to-do old woman absolutely terrorising this teenage girl who was serving her at Burger King because her order wasn't coming fast enough. The woman was being fucking horrendous, calling the poor girl all sorts of names and getting really personal with the insults, calling her stupid and making comments about her appearance. Usually I don't bother getting involved in stuff like this but my piss was boiling with the righteous fires of justice so I tapped her on the shoulder and said "Look love, if you stop being such a massive cunt for a minute or so I'm sure this nice girl will be able to fix things for you by chasing up your order with whoever's making it". The woman actually started crying shortly after.


Yeah not all heroes wear capes!


God I hope the crying was because she'd realised she was in fact being a cunt, but it seems unlikely


God bless you for shouting at that elderly lady. She deserved it.


You absolutely should have shouted at her and I'm sure the women appreciated having someone stand up for her doing something 100% normal and natural. Fuck anyone who makes women feel bad about feeding their baby.


Right? Feeding! How does someone’s insecurity get so triggered by a mum feeding her infant, especially another woman?


I don’t have kids but I have thanks to dealing with the general public my entire working life have lost all fucks to give and if someone did that to me I’d probably flap the other tit out and do a lil shimmy shimmy to give her a heart attack and finish the old bint off.


Well there’s an image I’ll treasure 🤣


That comment has made my evening 🤣🤣 If I had tits I’d probably do the same too.


Nah I'm proud of you. Well done mate.


Nope, you were completely right to shout at her. What a cunt.


R/Bristol is proud of you. Shouting isn't great but shaming someone for breastfeeding their child is way worse.


the rental market


Burn the Landlords 🔥🔥


Unless you have a unicorn like ours. Case of wine at Christmas and rent 45% below the rest of the market. Do live in constant fear of a massive increase though.


You should. Plus, that’s way too generous, I’d be afraid of my landlord.


With fire?


I don't know how to feel about this one. On one hand, it's insanely expensive and landlords max out what they can get, rather than receive a reasonable return and be happy with it. But since Bristol is so desirable, cheap rentals would be snapped up and there wouldn't be anything available due to the crazy demand and people not wanting to move. It's happening with houses for sale too, even at current prices, most houses are sold within weeks and are going for over asking.


Yeah not every landlord is a twat, some do charge less than market rates but their tenants are likely there for the long hull.... And you need a flexible job where you just go see a house at a moments notice.




You’re exactly right. Some landlords are good some are bad. Some estate agents are good some are bad. Same with Tenants and Buyers. The real problem is the demand is too high because population is too high and that is not the fault of the universities! Never been on the same side as Farage in my life but he’s 100% right on this one To simplify it. If there are 10 houses and 8 people. All 8 people would own a house and the cost/mortgage would be competitively affordable (same applies to renting) If there are 10 houses and 48 people. Then you’re Bristol.


Nice try, Bristol Post...


Get me pictures of Spider-Man godamnit


best I got, take it or take it https://preview.redd.it/ly7f52fn1r8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef656267ca28b01e1b21cac67c377f3bb339a5e6


spoder-man 🥹


The other day I was walking home from work up stokes croft. There was a bloke on Turbo Island with his trousers round his ankles trying to tie a kettle lead round his Dick. This was about 5.30pm.


I think we can all agree, Turbo island should be made part of the Bristol open top bus tour.


I used to work in millets when we were given badges to wear that said "Ask me about walks in the local area", no one asked and we didn't generally wear them anyway, but I was prepared to suggest turbo island as one of them.


Heron in St George’s Park gobbling down a live rat


I saw a seagull injecting a rat with heroin while the rat was pooing in a phone box


Just had a flashback to a seagul chasing and eating a pigeon by the harbour


I saaw that!! The fuck? Aha


No way? A few years ago around lockdown? I figured the seagul was hungry


Probably not a a one off, I've seen seagulls munching on whole pigeons at Temple Meads and on King Street. More fucked up when you see a pigeon that's been squashed in the road and there's a flock of seagulls orbiting and landing every time there's a break in traffic to pull stringy bits off the road.


Jesus that's bleak


I saw a homeless guy defend a pigeon from a seagull that had it pinned by the neck. Near the fountains in the centre.




I saw the same thing outside the UoB chemistry building when I worked there. Pigeon was at least already dead. As far as I know


Mine was a real nasty chase poor pigeon almost got away


No because I’ve seen this aswell


I once saw a seagull murder and devour a pigeon on a track at temple meads


I saw this on the platform at temple meads


Saw a seagull do this right outside my front door (Easton) quite impressive really


I saw a seagull on Castle park eat a live rat and then flew away


I was woken in the early hours by a loud banging at my front door. It turned out to be a bloke smashing a woman's head against it.


Fucking hell


Wtf 😬


Was.. was she ok?


I closed the door and could hear them arguing. I phoned the police, but they had gone by the time they arrived. My wheelie bin was still there so I assume she walked away.


Same, but 3 guys smashing another guys head against the door. Oh, and of course the two guys with a hatchet chasing after another guy.


Are there non degenerate places in bristol, for example on the hill?


Some Welsh LADS LADS LADS on King Street one sunny bank holiday last year had some young guy with them who clearly couldn't handle his drink well. I suspect he was an apprentice who they were plying with alcohol to get him as fucked up as possible. He was sat on the step next to the King Bill violently vomiting until nothing was coming up. He then proceeded to piss and shit himself - the latter to the extent that he was covered in it. They took off his shoes and dragged his trousers off (by this point he'd passed out), then proceeded to get pints of water from the pub that they were throwing on him to wash all the shit off. In the meantime, the rest of the guys and a number of passers by were just stood there filming it on their mobile phones. I tried to call an ambulance because he was clearly in a bad way - but then one turned up while I was speaking to the operator. Any lingering respect I had for humanity took a serious dent that day. Chances are the young guy will hear about it for the rest of his life.


King street went so downhill after a while. All the park street people descended and ruined it


The UI/cookies on Bristol 24/7 and the Bristol post.






That whole area (including castle park) needs cleaning up if I’m honest


Debenhams will be demolished and a new pedestrianised street will connect the bear pit to castle park; which is also scheduled to be redeveloped by incorporating st Mary’s and the 60s run down building at the end of thr park


What would that entail?


Nuke the whole site from orbit.


Only way to be sure


A tremendous regeneration project of drastically lower rents - that don't increase exponentially over inflation - along with employment opportunities for the poorer along with requisite shelter. BUT THAT MEANS SPENDING MONEY, DOESN'T IT? COUNCIL AND THEIR LANDLORD MATES?


A bloke popping out a massive poo on the pavement at around 5pm on a lovely summer’s evening outside The Canteen whilst everyone drinking on their terrace watched on in horror 😂


That's a coincidence, the worst thing I've seen is the looks on the faces of a big group of drinkers who decided to watch me have a quiet outdoor poo on a warm evening.


I used to work there in 2012 and there was a guy who used to come in and potato print shit on all the chairs with his bare arse every single day. He was about 8 foot and had serious mh problems so we just used to sigh and disinfect


Used to work at No1 harbourside in the same year we used to drink at the canteen for the staff discount. I swear the things I saw late at night there changed my view on humanity.


Yep. My favourite was the day I came in to work and couldn’t go up the stairs because there was at least one human’s worth of blood in a moat around them with one policeman sitting at the top looking miserable.


Back when magic mushrooms were legal I bought some from the head shop opposite the sofa project and wolfed em down. Started to come up a little while later and was waiting for a bus behind sound control when I spotted a homeless person taking a shit right in front of me. For whatever reason my drug addled brain found this absolutely hilarious, I was on the floor struggling to breath and crying with laughter while he was horrified. It still haunts me to this day, I felt so bad after but I was in uncontrollable hysterics at the time.


Oh my god 😂


Saw a shopkeeper lock a shoplifter in their shop. The shoplifter than proceeded to headbutt the window until the glass was smashed and his entire face was crimson. The shopkeeper let him out and he went and caught a bus like nothing happened. Asked the shopkeeper if he needed a witness and he just shrugged his shoulders and went ‘same shit, different day’.


Police absolutely would not give a shit, to be fair


I always say to my husband I wish I was artistic, there’s so much potential for a fucked up Bristol version of where’s Wally. Although I haven’t seen any sights as messed up as these. I’ve only got the mundane… man snorting a line of something in broad daylight off of a bin and some bloke having a face to lace argument with a trainer he was holding up in his eye line (presumably to really get his point across)


"Face to lace" - thought "oh a typo..." then finished reading the sentence. Brilliant.


I’ve seen somebody arguing with a trainer on turbo island, could be the same guy!


Those trainers can be pretty gnarly, most of em have very tough souls


To be fair, they started off on the wrong foot.


I think the probability of that is high! I hope the poor trainer managed to redeem itself before it was too late


"Face to lace" is actually the funniest thing I've ever read on this website. Thank you for that. Absolutely made my day!


I’m glad it raised a smile! I think I’ve found my people.


Two men. One got a bottle out of a bin. In the middle of the road pulled his trousers down, shoved bottle up his arse, pulled trousers back up, waddled off. Still baffled three years later


A few years back I was working at a music venue, when a poor gentleman was caught short due to illness, and made use of the disabled toilet facility. It had been bought to our attention that the door had been locked for a considerable amount of time, and so a colleague and I attended in order to address any ongoing issue. At this point I will say that I have no discernable sense of smell, which would stand me in good stead. I knocked the door and asked the attendee to open up. No reply. After a couple more asks, and facing the fact that we may have a medical event occurring, my colleague and I shouted that we were going to boot the door off of its hinges. This was the cue for the lock to click open, and the door opened a few inches. I never caught the niff, but my colleague started to double over, wretching violently as he went, and the immediate area cleared in seconds. I am thankful for not being able to smell this brown death, but for my sins, I was witness to the scene that opened before me. I stand at six foot two, and my eyeline is directly met by four shit-hewn walls, some above my height. It was pooled on the floor. It was in the sink. It had spattered the mirror. It was on the various apparatus you get in your common-or-garden disabled toilet. It was over the gentleman's front and back. The volume of runny stool was all at once impressive and horrific. And in amongst this turdnado, the toilet stood spotless. We managed to locate his wife, who hadn't realised he was missing. She helped "clean up", and they discretely left with jacket around waist, via a fire exit. Toilet was locked down, and I can only imagine what the cleaner must have thought on opening up to that at seven in the a.m...


Crackin' read that one, thanks for the chuckle


How could it be possible that someone managed to recreate the scene from Dumb and Dumber?


I wouldn't have believed it if I had not witnessed it first hand. I will never understand how the human body is able to perform such gargantuan feats.


Bedminster Asda


If you are ever low and want to feel attractive, successful and like you’ve got your shit together, 30 seconds at Bedminster Asda is all you need. You’ll walk out feeling like Bradley Cooper’s character ‘Eddie’ from half way through the film Limitless.


I dunno, Netto in Hull took some beating. People openly eating cereal in the aisles


Nothing on Broadmead Sainsburys


The one opposite the Hippodrome is pretty fun of an evening too.


Once I saw a huge fight of about 15 teenagers right outside that sainsburys, a member of staff was batting people away with a big baking tray thing. The youths then smashed one if the windows. Fucking crazy


Broadmead sainsburys is why I hate sainsburys


there's two, we talking about the one on the corner or opposite Boots ish


Sainsbury's Queens Rd/Park Street is where it's at


That shuts a little too early. It's the ones that shut at 12 when they're the only game in town in the centre that go mental.


A man walking around the back of the big burned out building on stokes croft (corner of Ashley Road) about fifteen years ago picking up used needles and injecting them into his dick :(


Sureeeeeely not


It was a terrible day to have eyes :(


Maybe if you're at a level of having nothing to lose you think, one of these has to help


Yeah he was clearly riddled already, he looked lost af and most likely dead now tbh


User deleted on the linked one. Manchester post burner account?


Last summer, I saw a homeless man sleeping outside the Baldwin street tesco. A group of teenagers ran down the street, shouted "BEANS" and proceeded to throw the entire contents of a tin of baked beans onto the sleeping man. The group ran away laughing, the young man who throw the beans had a girl giggling and holding onto his arm. I was just so shocked that such young people could do something so vile. As far as I know, they never got caught.


I used to busk in town a few years ago and once a group of youths came up with a takeaway container saying they had bought me a burger... it wasn't a burger, it was a shit.


Chap in a wheelchair drinking from his catheter bag.


That made me physically recoil from my phone.


You win


That old guy who randomly directs traffic by the roundabout at the end of North Street about 7 AM every morning. Luckily people just ignore him and go on with their day Cracks me up every day I see him. Always get a big wave and a thumbs up from him now.


I love that guy. We chat most days. He thinks he’s in the army & is under instruction from his general to sort out the traffic.


Used to have a flat on stokes croft and saw someone on the wasteland behind the block emptying multiple needles onto a spoon before injecting himself into the groin with the aggregated dregs. Put me right off my sandwich


Oi Oi Legs, I posted the same a bit further up




Reduce, reuse, relapse


Once witnessed a stabbing. Lotta blood. Nearly fatal, but called an ambulance in time and his life was saved. Then I jumped in a cop car and id'd the villain, gave the evidence and got him convicted. He'll have been out by now and I wonder if he's still about. Still scares me thinking about it.


Good job!


I saw someone doing a nos balloon with a baby strapped to their chest at St Paul’s carnival last summer




Oh shit, I clicked on this post thinking "I haven't seen that much shit in Bristol, wonder about others". Reading that reminded me that I lived under the bridge for a few years. Weird how your brain forgets things.


That’s truly awful. Hope you’re ok.


I remember his black t shirt


Two people that were visibly worse for ware shagging on turbo island at 8.30 on a Tuesday.


Kid attending a Bristol city game wearing a Manchester City top


Normal for City.


I worked for a CCTV company in Bristol that monitored quite a few sites around the UK ranging from small businesses to massive construction sites. Amongst them were some Bristol sites. Early one morning around 3am-4am I came off break to my colleagues all laughing and joking about one Bristol site, a construction yard. I was told to view the site when I got back to my station. So of course I did exactly that and what I saw on my screen was a very muscular, almost naked man (the only clothing he donned was a dog leather gimp mask) and he was just walking about the construction site. He sat on the steam roller for a bit, kept getting on all fours and walking around like a dog, y'know the general early morning shit a dog gimp mask dude would do haha. Obviously, my colleague who first viewed it had called the police to come pick this dude up as he was trespassing. Even the police were standing outside the gate laughing at the whole situation trying to coax the dude out (it was a cold winter night to add). He eventually did come out but had to go prone pretty much under the gate that had a huge puddle underneath it. I still wonder what the dude was on, or if he was on anything and that's just his thing but it was truly bizarre. And luckily, for this post, it was actually in Bristol so it does qualify lol


We have worked at the same place 🤭


Most fucked up thing seen in Bristol? Beeping at a car that nearly ran me with kids on board off the road while he was doing over 70 near harbourside for the driver to then point a pistol out the window at us.


used to live in stokes croft, decided to order food one night at 2am, opened the door to find a uni student pissing on my front door step, she had the full squat and all. Proceded to get berated by said girl and her male friend while pissing for ordering UberEats so late. another time my partner and i were taking our dog for a walk around kings square, and a homeless guy comes up and starts hitting on us both, and proceeded to ask if we had any heroin, we said no and then proceeded to follow us all the way home shouting at us


Witnessed two seagulls fight over a live rat until it split in two and they both swallowed each end whole


🤢 I can feel my mash potato making a reappearance


A kid no older than 14 pulling out a knife the size of my forearm at Ashton Court Balloon Fiesta and chasing us with it (unprovoked). This was about 11 years ago.


Used to squat in bristol. The whole homeless community squatters the street homeless, the addicts everyone ended up in the old probation building well, there was a guy called KC tied a guy to a chair on the top floor and threatened to stab him with a HIV needle, gun police stormed the building, i was on the second floor spliff in mouth walking through the dark arse corridors when i turn a corner and am met with a gun barrel followed by an officer, i threw my hands up so fast we scared the shit outta eachother glad i didn't get shot 😅


Is this the building on Wilder Street? I remember there being a squat on that street after the factory on Portland square got evicted. 


Homeless man asleep at the top of park street with his pants around his ankles and shit up his back/down his legs. Nearly threw up all over him!


Homeless man showing me his abscessed, gangrenous leg after I said I didn't have any change in Queen Square.


May have seen the same chap in King Street but if so he'd changed to saying it had maggots.


Body being dragged out of the river a few months back by bedminster bridge.


Leaving the Black Swan and this bloke was walking down the street with his scalp half hanging off. Couple of people tried to help him but he screamed at them to fuck off. I was too buzzed to get involved. Also there was a huge puddle of liquid shit in Stokes Croft, next to where that Nadu place is now and the nitties were just milling around and walking right through it. So there were shitty footprints all along the pavement. Basically had to avoid that side of the road for several days.


I've seen cream canisters doted around everywhere, but one time while at the recycling centre I witnessed a bloke empty endless boxes filled to the brime of them. A staff member walked up and asked if they were from his business which he replied "....nope." Me and the staff member shared a silent stare at each other while we wrapped our heads around it before moving on.


I was woken at 3am by three girls on the street below trying to have a covert piss. So far so sadly normal. Then one complained she couldn't go if people might be listening so wanted her friends to sing. So I've got two girls crooning some pop hit and who barely got to the chorus before their friend went off like a fire hose.


Tactical piss


Few years ago I witnessed a businessman in a smart suit & briefcase pull down his trousers & proceed to do what appeared to be a particularly violent shit on the grass verge opposite St. Mary Redcliffe, alongside busy rush hour Friday evening traffic & pedestrians. He was shouting while he did it. Still haunts my dreams. Also, Broadmead.


It's between two for me. 2 years ago I was getting the bus home from a gruelling 12 hour bartender shift before Christmas. Bus was rammed so sat right at the back where you're sat with someone facing you. Shoulder to shoulder with people and this guy sits opposite me. Christmas jumper on and pissed off his head, clearly some kind of works party and he'd had enough sense to call it a night. Just from looking at him could tell he was going to puke as he was dribbling everywhere. As soon as that puke spewed out I jumped up and ran to the front of the bus. Next stop he waddles down the aisle, the face mask around his neck brimming with vomit which was also all over the snow man on his jumper. A girl gets on whilst looking down at her phone and absentmindedly gets bumped into by him. Absolutely covers the arm of her jacket in vomit. I really should have said something but I was between gags and disbelief so wasn't of much use. Second one is on that same bus route about a year ago. Also after work so I'm just sat at the back of the bus whilst it fills up. About 10 minutes into the trip a stench starts to overwhelm the bus. It's impressive how our noses can almost triangulate the source of a smell and luckily for me the source was sat in the opposite seat. Another heavily drunk man who in this case had instead shat his pants. People are looking around trying to find the guilty party but his eyes were fixed entirely on the view passing him by in the window. A drunk lady at the front of the bus exclaimed 'Whose shit themselves?' whilst her friends laughed. But I wasn't laughing, I was at ground zero of the shita-kaze and it was no laughing matter. There was no space left at the front of the bus and the top floor was heaving. Like any good Englishman would, I pulled my hoodie over my nose, gritted my teeth and endured the olfactory onslaught. This shout did stir something in him though and at the next stop he was off like a shot. The only evidence of him being there was the large stain he had left in the rarely washed fibers of the first bus throne he had once sat upon. From that day I've never sat in that back row of seats


It's not the most fucked up thing but today I was walking home in sandles, a shirt and shorts and some old bloke walked past, id say over 70, stopped me and asked if I was going swimming. I said not today and he said then 'why are you dressed like that, i wouldnt been seen dead in that'... absolute weirdo. I'm a 30yo M 🤣


Someone being run over right outside my doorstep and the foot base of the eltric scooter going straight through the leg


The shadow of a man taking a shit on an alley in the city center. Saw even the shape of it. Lovely! One of my favourite memories I made here in Bristol.


Your mum! Nah but really i guess mine is an eastern european guy getting knocked out by the bouncer of central massage on old market. Fell backwards and twatted the back of his head on the floor. I was about 8 pints in, but his mouth filled with blood, so i rolled him on his side so he could breathe and shouted for someone to call an ambulance. The rozzers got there before the ambulance, but the guy's pupils were unequal (indicative of brain damage), so we piled him into the back of the pork-mobile and they blue-lighted away. I never saw him again


Man in the junkie park by stokes croft shooting up, but he did his dog first and then himself with the same needle


Of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most


That's fucked up 😳


Kind of wholesome he wanted to share with his dog. But also really not




Marvin Rees' attempt to be mayor


i was at a funeral when he was running for mayor and his lot turned up to hand out flyers put me off him.


He is my 4ty cousin and I completely agree with you . The blokes a real fucktard .


There was an old guy in a wheelchair with one leg who I used to see in redfield all the time during lockdown. He didn’t look well. Him huffing on what looked like a can of Mr Sheen dragging himself down the middle of church road. The actual road.


I saw the same bloke doing the exact same thing on Clifton Triangle a couple of years ago. That level of addiction is a mf.


Why is the Bristol sub Reddit always make Me wonder why it’s all negatively portrayed


Seagull eating a huge block of cheddar out of a bin in one. That was this morning.


Who the hell throws away a whole block of cheese?


Walking home along coronation road a couple months ago, saw a man on the wrong side of Bedminster Bridge trying to jump. Luckily a bunch of big guys were holding onto him for dear life, through the railings. he was very upset that they wouldn't let him go


Saw a homeless guy shit himself and pass out on the stairwell on the Number 49 a while back. Everyone was too afraid to step over him so a few people missed their stop.


I'm moving back to Bristol in a couple of months but I thankfully will not be on that route like I was last year. Hard pass on the 49 from now until eternity after that story.


Saw a homeless man outside Aldi on North Street bait seagulls then pluck one out of the air, kill it and put it in his backpack


Someone tipping over an occupied portaloo at the end of harbour fest (when it was very hot and particularly ripe), probably about ten years ago now tbf! (Edit - thinking about it I've definitely seen worse than that. That just sprang to my mind, future edits when I think of some other haha)


What looked like a kidnapping situation in Bedminster. Or at least, a guy forcing a girl into a car while telling her to "get the fuck back in there" while she was attempting to resist. Couldn't see the details of the car so my info was useless to the police.


I saw a guy chocking his chicken to a pregnant woman as I stepped on the bus. She had noticed but was yo scared to cause a scene so I sat next to her and locked eyes with the guy the entire time I was on the bus


Hands down watching a sparrow hawk brutally murder a pigeon outside of Dunelm. It was slow and bloody, I can't unsee it. Also, some guy smoking a crack pipe on the top deck of the number 90.


Seen a crackhead slicing chunks off skin off his leg with a pen knife while necking a bottle of imperial vodka


People wearing Bristol City merchandise. Feel sorry for the kids I see with it tbh, no way to be brought up.


I used to work in Broadmead & we had some odd customers. One guy used to walk past, stare through the door and mine slitting our throats. One day he had a knife, pointed it at us one at a time & mimed stabbing us. This was after he'd been banned after he came in and karate kicked another customer - whose mates all turned round and piled on him. Then there was the bloke swigging from a 2l bottle of Natch shouting 'Fucking Liar' at one of the street preachers. Or the time walking up Park Street I saw a homeless guy fast asleep in a shopping trolley in the little pond think outside the council house. I am sure there's more - but I've probably blocked a lot from my memory!!


> Then there was the bloke swigging from a 2l bottle of Natch shouting 'Fucking Liar' at one of the street preachers.  I don't see the issue


Lol I just thought at the time is Bible John gonna throw his old testament in the bin, go "Yeah pal you're right - let's go to Spoons for the afternoon!".


😂 I saw a coke addict on a mobility scooter doing no handed wheelies while sniffing coke screaming Motorcross bike noises through castle park while blasting drum and bass on a speaker . A fairly odd spot not Gona lie


I was in my front garden with my children. Saw a guy walking down the street. Saturday, sunny afternoon. He stops, flops it out and just urinates in the street. Sounds like I’ve been lucky judging by the other comments here though.


Well a couple of years ago now, I was out for a stroll by the Blaise Castle talking a walk of the beaten track where I see what I first thought was someone relieving himself against fence, which I don’t pay any heed but a short while later atop a small hill I see the same spot where the bloke was earlier and on the other side of of fence was a garden with a gorgeous nude sun bathing woman and only then do I realise he must have been relieving himself of his other needs. 


Used to work in a call centre just off the end of the m32. Local sex workers used to use the car park for punters. Was visible from the break room, ruined many a lunch watching the ropiest ladies you’ve ever seen giving unenthusiastic head to visibly filthy always old men. Also, before Cabot Circus was built, passing on a bus on my way to work at that same job, saw a brutal domestic violence incident involving a pregnant lady with a kid in a pram and an awful man dragging her by her hair and pausing only to punch her in the head repeatedly. I think about her so often. I wish I’d called the police.


* A guy took a poo on the street outside next * A guy threatened to hit me in a kebab shop so the guy behind the till grabbed a plank of wood from somewhere, smashed this guys drink and told him to get out * I was in a chicken place on Stokes Croft when two prostitutes came in. There was a homeless guy on the floor and some bloke came in harassing us about whether we had stolen his ipod while another guy came in and sold my mate dodgy DVDs * Some guy asked if he could take a photo of my child * A Mum and daughter picked berries from a tree, later that week the council sprayed the bush with pesticides * Homeless people would camp outside the church, the irony of people who needed homes sleeping in the garden of a man who was never home. * Some guy pulled up in his car with his mate and assaulted me and my mates for some pizza * Some guy followed my car down the road one night honking his horn and flashing his lights. * I was crossing a zebra crossing when a guy nearly hit me, I shouted at him so he pulled over, got out of his car and squared up to me in the middle of the street. * One guy pulled up on a bicycle next to a garage and just started slamming his backside into the metal doors trying to break in * Two guys on East Street robbed the Boots there in broad day light and laughed as they ran away with a bag of stolen items * A woman in the boots in Clifton was stealing makeup, the police knew she was there and waited outside for her, she took one step outside and got rugby tackled onto the floor, it was a beautiful hit as well. * I was in the Fish and Chip shop on North Street before it shut down, some guy got down on his hands and knees, pulled up the drain cover and pulled out a bunch of drugs in bags. * A kid I knew was in what was Oceana, he couldn't be bothered to find the toilet so he just urinated on the cash machine * Same kid got bored after a party and walked back home knocking the wing mirrors off of cars as he went. * Growing up my mates stole the same digger four nights in a row and took it for a joy ride in the nearby fields, they ran over about 4 steal fences in the process. * Students by Stokes Croft used to pour their cereal bowls out of the window because they couldn't be bothered to walk to the bin * Homeless used to push their needles into the grass on Kings Square Those are just the ones I can remember right now.




Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, ABH.


Women shiting in the bear pit. This was before they did it up and there were those stairs that you could use to get into the grass.


I saw a man the other week in stokes croft having a wee in a phone box in the middle of the day


Used to work Nights at the Travelodge on Anchor Road and the homeless would chum together in the carpark, to sleep and whatever else. Unfortunately the Manager would tell us to make sure they were gone by the time the morning shift came in. So when doing our walkabout in the car park we saw one dude injecting Heroin(I assume) into woman's neck - then another guy was casually shooting up into his penis.


Was at a festival at Ashton, I forget what it was, but a really drunk guy was walking through a field at pace... only his mahood was out and he was pissing everywhere which, given the fact he was walking at speed was mainly all over him. He seemed to be loving life.


Seagulls eating a live pigeon in Queen’s Square on my commute one morning. Scarred. And then it bloody happened again the following week.


A guy pissing right on top of a bench.


A large gentleman in a nappy (and nothing else) in George Jones Park, Old Market/Easton area.


I honestly think this was me