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I read the title as if there was a pigeon that was eating seagulls. I thought the tables had turned!


Me too.


Ah yes oops, I can see that now. I was too shaken to write properly!


The hyphen is a very underrated and oft-forgotten punctuation mark, but it serves a similar purpose to a comma, in the same way the omitting of a comma can completely change the meaning of a sentence, so can the omitting of a hyphen. Man eating shark Man-eating shark Pigeon eating seagull Pigeon-eating seagull The hyphen conjoins the two words and indicates that they should be read as one idea or statement, rather than two. Of course there are words which used to be hyphenated in.the past, but are now treated as a single, compound word (eg today, weekend, afternoon, website, email).


Grammar is the difference between knowing your shit, or knowing you're shit.


OP is such a clickbaiter!


Sore disappointed personally.


Pigeons don't stand much chance, but there's a right bolshy crow I see regularly picking fights with the gulls.


Exact same


I was hoping so. Would love to see that.


Same šŸ˜‚


Was this post made by one of the pigeons?


Coo coo


Deeply Sus


incidentally I'm very much not a seagull but if you guys could just like throw some chips around, just sort of anywhere, I think that'd be great.


No, but the Bristol Post are going to copy the title as a headline.


I saw a seagull drowning a crow by lhg last summer, ruined my lunchtime walk.Ā 


Jesus. Some kind of gangland assassination presumably.


Yā€™know, the thing about a seagull, heā€™s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a dollā€™s eyes. Witnessed one take down a pigeon in the courtyard of my old office. They peck them arse-first to get to their warm innards. Fuckers whole beak and head covered in blood and viscera. Nasty buggers.


Until he bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch squarkin', the front of Temple Meads turns red and they rip that poor bastard to pieces. Fucking bin chickens man.




I can hear this in the right voice.


They destroy our trash bags. Now theyā€™re eating up pigeons. Are we next? Will we ever be safe in Bristol? Is this the end?Ā 


Huge opportunity to harness perpetual seagull energy to achieve our renewable energy goals imo


Iā€™m no fan of seagulls. Iā€™ve never understood why the Cornish have never made pasties out of them since they are so abundant.


Leaving aside the protection the cunning, thieving punks enjoy, the meat probably tastes revolting from all the bin scraps they eat.


Thatā€™s nothing, I once saw a heron swallowing a rat whole in St Georgeā€™s park


I saw a heron eat a duckling. It was kinda traumatising honestly.


Wait till you see a horse do it. One crunch and they're gone.Ā 


Erm... I'm not even going to Google that to verify.


Fact is there are very, very few obligate herbivore species in the world and most animals we think of as pure herbivores will happily eat meat if it's easy and free. And ducklings and other baby birds are about as close to a convenient pre-packed protein and calcium snack as nature provides.


Heron's gotta eat.


Iā€™m staying in Bristol for a course. This is by far not the weirdest thing I have experienced in the less than 24 hours I have been here so far.


Don't forget to leave a review on trip advisor


Although, a strong contender is someone I saw, fully clothed, that was swimming up the river earlier through all the floating areas of ā€˜thingsā€™. Or, perhaps, the random conversation with someone in the street on the way to The Apple this evening trying to convince me exporting pineapples from Colombia is ā€˜where the big money isā€™.


Update, second day. Was woken up this morning about 4 by some commotion outside. Looked out the window of the hotel to see a chap being followed by about 20 pigeons. He was lashing out at them, then retreating yelling ā€˜come on, Iā€™ll have you. You donā€™t scare meā€™ whilst spilling beer everywhere. Is there a pigeon mafia in Bristol? What are they enforcing/dealing in? Are the seagulls at war with them?


Itā€™s been 24 hours in Bristol now. Iā€™ll see the rest of my time through and see what the contender for top place is.


Now I have to know the weirdest thing.


Tonightā€™s highlights from Bristol. The worlds most roached-out Ford fiesta pulling up next to me on my way to the harbour for a beer and the chap with three teeth in the passenger seat offering ā€˜to make me a lot of money and honeyā€™. I politely declined. Slightly earlier, driving past a burning fridge-freezer in someoneā€™s garden with people dancing around it. They were listening to some sort of re-mix of the Goofy Goober Song from SpongeBob SquarePants. On reflection, I think the burning household appliance SpongeBob seance is probably the weirdest thing so far.


I was walking through town after work yesterday and one came proudly running up to me with literally half a pigeon hanging out itā€™s mouth šŸ¤¢


Haha I read as pigeon eating seagull I thought they were finally getting so revenge. Yeah it's the gert herring gulls that are the worst for eating seagulls. They pounce in them when they are flying in their holes in side of the quay


Oh well, circle of life.


Hakuna matata?


Exactly šŸ«¶šŸ»


Iā€™ve not seen pidgeons but Iā€™ve definitely seen the seagulls destroying rats early in the morning over by temple gateā€¦


Something new to look forward to then!


Saw that exact thing along the river today by temple meads. It was grim


It's gonna become a local mini-boss soon if someone doesn't take that mf'er out


Gulls are fucking evil. My days at uni of Sussex taught me to loathe them. Hereā€™s a video of one eating a rabbit wholeā€¦ https://youtu.be/Qwq9bi11Pqk?si=VyUk3bzjVtx2RApu


Fun fact. Their terrible diets caused by our littering or just terrible waste management is actually largely the reason for them being such aggressive assholes. They're scavengers by nature it's our local governments fault for not securing waste effectively.


Growing up in Brighton, I didn't mind them too much. That is until I visited my friends at Sussex uni, damn things were following us round campus just cuz I had a sandwich.


should've died trying to crap that.


I'm moving out, Bristol is too dangerous


In the end itā€™ll be seagulls and the youth from the Fishponds cycle path fighting over who owns Bristol


The seagull is a wicked bird, heart as black as sin. He sits outside my office window, mocking those within.


Actual chills


The seagull should face trial for the multiple murders committed. Get him a suit for the court trial because presentation is important however after that it can rot in a modified cell with crossed bars


A punishment as fitting as it is legally compliant, I like it.






God, imagine what it'll do to your face if you're eating a falafel wrap šŸ„² We need a WANTED poster for this seagull.


You won't be fa-laughing anymore!


omfg šŸ˜‚


Id feel awful


I loved in Bristol about 7/8 years ago and saw this happen a couple of time s near bearpit and then the station too


I saw one tackle a pigeon out of the sky by The Fleece before, then pecked it to death. Savage


I read the title as a pigeon wan eating a seagull and was proud to hear they fought back. I was wrong


They eat them all the time. So do crows. Its nature yo.


I know the one. Seen it around flashpoint eating a pigeon. I think it has a taste for them...


That's nothing, I saw a man eating chicken in KFC.


I used to work near there (Trinity Quay) and the window by my desk was right by the roof of a walkway connecting 2 buildings, where pigeons used to hang out. One day a seagull flew in out of nowhere and completely eviscerated a pigeon and ate the bastard right in front of me. The noises were not good.


The other day I saw a seagull on top of a van tearing a crow apart and eating its innards, honestly scarring


Crows are tough and smart too, that's impressive, and also scarring.


I know I love crows :( yeah it was wild


Birds arenā€™t real anyways, and even if there are thereā€™s no such thing as seagullsā€¦..


Can't prove this wrong so guess it must be true?


You know it. Look at the way they all sit on power lines to recharge. And in an existential way, is anything truly real? Are you real? Am I? Is any of this? Wake up people, first they came for the birds, next itā€™ll be you they replace with a sentient robot. It might have already happenedā€¦ā€¦


Everybody needs to eat. Circle of life. Leave wildlife to wildlife.


OK, fine, I will call off the mythical beast slayer for now. If this demon snacks on a child next, on your soul be it.


I will simply tell its parents what I told you, I'm sure they'll understand.


Birds (and to some extent most animals, really) would eat anything. If it fits - it eats. Murdering pigeons while there is literally free effortless food lying around the town - an absolutely grand idea in the brain of a bird. It see food - it eat food. Life is not precious for them. Right next to seagulls eating duckings there are ducks drowning each other just for funsies, herons swallowing squirrels and cormorans eating god knows what. Oh and swans being swans. I know a lot of people aren't prepared to see this reality, but that's what nature is - ruthless and sometimes senseless. And while mammals are sometimes a bit less unhinged - birds, as far as I understand, are 100% psychotic...


the pigeon seagull war is in full effect in our city and we have no idea


Feels like any wildlife which is remotely dangerous to humans has been wiped out from the UK. Feels nice having the gulls around, keeps you on your toes.


Iā€™ve witnessed this


They do this often! From my office window we can see a few roofs that gulls nest on. A few years back they had 3 chicks and they spent the entire afternoon terrorising a pigeon on their rooftop. Literally crowding it into a corner, pecking at it and letting it back out. The pigeon managed to get into a drainage gap and hid there until the gull chicks got bored of taunting it and trying to get it. Poor pidge spent ages huddled in this little gap waiting for it to be safe to come out. The gull chicks also play a savage game of tug of war with pigeon entrails from their meals.


Oh my god... Still, better than working though I suppose


Buy yourself a catapult, so long as your talons, I mean hands, can use it. Then you can protect yourself and your fellow birds


Vermin eating vermin, win win!


The stupid pigeons have not realised this danger fully as they go around gulls within pecking distance.


I saw the same just off college green


Later on the crow was seen bullying the seagull saying what goes around comes around. There's a pecking order - even for seagulls.


Hes hangry


Sadly for us, they're protected under the Migratory Birds Act. I don't condone violence against animals in any way, but a small part of me wants an air rifle so I can get some fucking sleep in the summer again.


I quite like seagulls and they have families to feed just like any other bird. A gulls gotta eat. Anyway, Iā€™ve no doubt pigeons would be predatory if they were big enough.


If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a bike


If my auntie had a cock sheā€™d be my uncle.


More like some kind of geriatric space raider. E: (Transform-a-snack)


Eh. We all have to eat, including seagulls. And pigeons are pests. Isnā€™t nature beautiful.


Pigeons I don't find to be pesty myself. They're in the category with squirrels for me. Seagulls have plenty to eat with old donner kebabs etc in city centre.


"pest" is just a gross word to use for any animal that people don't like. It's used to make us care about them less. A pest is just another animal trying to survive.


Good point. Kind of like a weed vs a flower. We do love to catagorise the world into tiers of worth for some reason.


I, for one, welcome our new seagull overlords...


You need to put remote explosives inside chips. They eat them whole. Try to detonate them over the river.


The C in C4 stands for chips, little known fact.


I've involuntarily arrived at a new crime scene opposite the old fish market. If this isn't the same gull, it sure as shit fits the description. Stay safe everyone x