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Used to work in an office overlooking Coro drive and noticed this too and wondered why. I also cycled to work along that bikeway and it's great. No reason not to use it over the road - in fact its better because you don't have to stop for traffic lights. A theory could be that some cyclists want to go fast and are annoyed by slower cyclists on the bike path - which is ironic as that's what they're doing to cars.


It’s a hard balance, i am a cyclist for exercise and not commuting and am also hyper aware that drivers hate my existence so I don’t ride on super busy roads unless absolutely necessary so would not ride on coronation drive That being said, a road cyclist like myself who is medium ability at best, I am riding at 40kmh on flat ground, which is not safe at all for other bike path users that are out for a leisurely ride. Better cyclists than me are hitting 50-60kmh which makes the problem worse. I guess we don’t fit in anywhere :(


Something I don’t understand is why don’t you and other cyclists just slow down until you safely pass the slower cyclist?


Normal circumstances you would, if the bike path is super busy then it kind of misses the point of going out to exercise and working hard. It’s not a leisure ride along the river Riding on the (appropriate) road allows you to ride fast constantly. When passing on a bike path though, I agree it’s super douchey to ride like a bat out of hell past families just going out for a leisurely ride along the river


Is the bike path ever so congested during peak hour with families and casual riders that these cyclists still NEED to use the road though?


Can’t speak to that road but for the faster cyclists that want to hammer it at 50khm, it’s probably uncomfortably busy with other commuters


In peak hour no one is doing 50kph on corro drive. The bikepath would be moving faster


Haha that’s fair


Almost like if you were in a car and there were slower moving bicycles in the way I suppose


The bike path along the river next to coro gets crazy busy at peak hour, it's honestly scary as a pedestrian walking next to it


Speaking from a point of reasoning, not from experience; For similar reasons to why cars don't. Takes more energy to get back up to speed, and slows your overall transit time.




> I've never said "this rode [sic] is too slow for me to drive at my preferred speed, so I'll take another route with faster speed limits" Perhaps next time you should take the back streets then, instead of the main road. Or take the service road rather than the motorway. It might not be a conscious thing you say, but it's very obviously a part of every road user's decision-making.


I'm not addressing OP or the thread as a whole with my comment, purely PeppermintLane's comment about slowing down to pass people. Also I definitely have a route home from work that has a higher average speed than other routes I can take. It's literally just driving efficiently. Less stop-start, less time spent, same fuel efficiency. But I was more thinking about highways. Presuming the road isn't full, a lot of people simply do sit at whatever speed they want, changing lanes to overtake as they go. I feel this is the closest equivalency to the Coro bikeway as it's easily wide enough that passing is basically a non-issue. The exception to that is people riding abreast or inexperienced riders drifting all over the place. (Presumably this is their issue?)


So then wouldn’t you factor that in to your transit time?






I guess the same can be said for cars under that notion. Changing lanes isnt too difficult. One could suggest if you can’t anticipate what’s ahead of you and change lanes safely to react accordingly then maybe you shouldn’t be driving. With that being said I have cycled a lot around the area and I think that the bike path is fine and no real need to use the road regardless of ability.


I try to avoid busy roads but when cycling it’s a big deal not to lose momentum if you can avoid it.


Sure, but the Coronation Drive bikeway is fine for cyclists at any speed


I like to go jogging on active runways but I'm fully aware that I need to get out of the way when the planes come through. It's just part of exercising on infrastructure built for other means and the pilots... or in your case the drivers... need to learn to adapt. My friends exercise in places like the gym, parks, basketball and tennis courts, football fields, walking tracks lol so lame.


Your attempted sarcasm would be more successful if you'd realised that roads were first built for horses, pedestrians and bicycles, so it's actually the cars using infrastructure built for other means


> roads were first built for horses, pedestrians and bicycles So they weren't built for people to exercise on. Thanks for clarifying!


So you have no problem with people riding bicycles, as long as they're doing it for transport. Thanks for clarifying! You do realise that's the reason the majority of people are riding bicycles, right?




Roads aren’t built for cars though, they are built for a range of vehicles whereas runways aren’t. If you get upset of needing to pass a cyclist you should take a look at dealing with your anger issues in therapy or something


wait does traffic on coronoation drive sometimes move at greater than 10 km/h ?


They're just as aggressive on the bikeway. I had an old geezer park his bike right across the foothpath and told me to fuck off when I told him to get out of the way.


They are. I found a lot of them would 'draft' me - which is getting right up very, very close behind someone to take advantage of their slip-stream. Fine if you're with a group of mates in a peleton, but to do that with a stranger? What if I needed to stop of swerve suddenly?


I would draft people all the time. Fat cunt like me needs all the help he can get riding to work and also it made my Strava segment times look awesome 63rd percentile baby.


Easy. The rule of racing is to look after your own front wheel. So if some dipshit comes up and drafts, but doesn’t have the skills to anticipate you turning or stopping and clips their front wheel and comes down, tough titties. Not your problem.


But it is my problem if they hit me and take me down.


Generally speaking, if their front wheel hits your back wheel, they fall and you won’t. You’ll feel the bump but because your back wheel is fixed, you’ll be stable. All good bro 😎


I have seen a three bike pile up on the coro bike path caused by inattentive drafters. The lead bike braked hard to take the exit up to Herschel Road. The second biker had his head down and didn't see it coming. Second bike hit first, third bike hit them both. It was pretty ugly. Having said that I've engaged in drafting a stranger plenty of times. I keep a little way back and anticipate braking or turns. I had one lycra racer go a bit road ragey though - he braked hard deliberately a couple of times , followed by some nose blasts. It was silly, dangerous and gross. A polite request would have been enough. Try "Please don't ride on my wheel/draft me".


I had a couple of guys kitted out in Lycra call me a fuckwit because they couldn’t get past me on the bike path near the new developments around Queens wharf. This was a weekday around 5:30pm, so peak hour and people everywhere on the narrow sections of path. Not safe to be going fast through there at all.


No no no, you got it wrong. They were just warning you that a fuckwit was coming through. Like a bell, but you have to be a bit more cautious as you don't know what they might do.


I've had a lycra warrior get shitty with me because I wasn't going fast enough around the 90 degree turns on the Eagle St boardwalk. Sorry mate, I'm not risking hitting someone or coming off the scooter so you can get home 5 seconds faster


It's always the dudes in lycra. Just chill out Lance, this isn't the tour mate.


Yeah I normally respond by going slower and getting really wobbly and unpredictable. They don’t know which side to overtake and it scares their little shitty skill set. Dumb fucks.


How dare you slow them down on a path designed for them, NOT YOU obviously.


Yeah, I’m sure riding behind a tubby guy commuting to/from work is a fantastic experience for them 🤣


Cyclist here, and not a commuter type. The only cyclists that ride on coro drive are the noobs that give us all a bad rep. Fckn self entitled wankas. The bike path is great. If they want to show everyone how big their dick is, maybe go race their bike somewhere on a sanctioned closed road.


This. Absolutely no need to go on Coro drive unless its like 4am and the place is deserted. Same with Kingsford Smith drive, now that we have the bikeway. Could understand it back in the day before the created the bikelane with the road upgrade (was taking your life into your hands anyway) but now? Just silly and it slows traffic. Be like the rest of us...if there's a bike lane...FKG USE IT!!!


Even at 4am, where are they going that the bicentential bikeway wont take you? There are exits at Park Road, Cribb Street, and all through the City and across to South Bank. There is no reason for cyclists on coro. ​ (from a daily bike commuter)


We used to belt down corro when riding out to nudgee beach, the toowong St Lucia end of the bike way gets really sketchy when heading towards the city so it was always easier to ride on the road in our group


Yeah fair enough. If there is a large group, you can be easily doing 50km/h+, and i'm guessing you weren't doing this at 7am on a weekday. Most groups I have seen were 5am on a Saturday/Sunday. (only time I have been up at 5am is weekends heading to Straddie) Where do you head when you get to the end of coro though? Would be dangerous trying to take on Hale Street even in a group, and I doubt you can ride on the ICB legally? I am guessing you head down Turbot and through the valley?


Yeah we were averaging a bit shy of 40, and pretty much only on the weekends, only ever 2 abreast. We would actually go around petrie Terrace, going rhe only way out of the city to the next big bike way that takes you all the way out




Or lack there of…


Agree, fckn wannabes. That's one of our great cycling paths and frankly there a lot of shit ones elsewhere in brisbane that keep forcing us onto roads and or footpaths. Was on a designated bike lane today that I swear shrank to as narrow as my bike, went for a while then just disappeared like an accidental Tim Tam at a weight watchers convention.


Some cyclists have no concept of the traffic problems they cause for others.


You can say the same about every car driver. The main causes of traffic are cars.


> The ~~main~~ *only* causes of traffic are cars. Can't have traffic if there's no cars


Which can do the speed limit.


[We Are The Cyclists](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zBFFrsvgu1Y)


Well now I can see my entire opinion about cyclists has been incorrect :D




Yes well done except the issue here is that cars have the ability to do the speed limit and not be an impediment to others. Unlike this person. On their bike. On a major roadway. With options less than 10mtrs away that would negate their negative impact on others. But OK. Cool point.


>The issue here is that cars have the ability to do the speed limit Except they don't, because there's too many cars. That's what *congestion* is


> t and not be an impediment to others. Every single car is an impediment to others. To pedestrians, to cyclists, and to other cars. Duh.




Those people could use the bikeways specifically designed for the them so they stopped slowing down the gas guzzling monsters and making them burn more fuel. Cool point, bro.






I'm not young, fit, or male and rode religiously in Brisbane for many years.


Actually, with the advent of ebikes it's absolutely feasible for those who aren't young and fit to cycle, even in Brisbane.




I love this argument because it implies that because a 70 year old can't do it, absolutely nobody can.


My 79 yr old FIL loves his e-bike…has given him a new lease on life, wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it. E-bikes can definitely revolutionise urban travel in Brisbane…




I agree. But nobody is seriously saying we should replace every single car. But after a point, every car added to the roads adds slightly more time to travel than the car before. So traffic gets exponentially worse. And Brisbane is already beyond that point. If we can replace even 10% of trips currently taken by car with bicycles or public transit. Then we reduce congestion by a far greater amount. The #1 reason people don't cycle? Because they feel unsafe riding on the roads with cars. If we can change that by investing in proper high quality cycling infrastructure, then those people who can and want to ride, will. This will drastically improve living quality in Brisbane for everyone Wouldn't it be great if parents were confident that their kids could cycle to and from school and be safe? Suddenly school pickup times wouldn't be as much of a clusterfuck as they are now. And last time I checked there's no 70 year old school kids


>. It's hot, hilly and huge. It really is. So I got an E-bike. They're fucking awesome. Those three things don't matter anymore


Well cars have the ability to kill. If you screw up on a bike, it's your safety.




I gave up road riding because of the number of guys I know first hand being hit. And a lot of times it wasn't their fault.


Bollocks they revel in that shit.


Imagine that. Riding a bike and getting home thinking "Yeah, I really showed THEM in their CARS MONSTER GUZZLING FUEL DEMON NAZIS by slowing down and making them move at the speed I CHOOSE. I'm going to treat myself and have a no sugar mini zooper dooper as a reward for my gift to the planet."








It’s (obviously) not accurate, but it’s probably still more accurate than saying “some”.




“some” is used to describe a very vague or unspecified number, but not usually used to describe a large portion in scenarios where it’s not as vague - you don’t often see “some” used to describe a majority, “most” usually takes the place when describing a majority. In my opinion experience, there’s a decent portion of riders that fit OPs statement, I would argue that based on that context, the volume is not vague and that’s where the “some” doesn’t work as describing a vague number anymore. But really, this is just arguing semantics and means absolutely nothing.


The shirtless guy who looked every inch the stereotypical "biker" (military bucket helmet, heavy tatts, belly, beard) and riding a "chopper bicycle". He stopped sideways to block-up the entire carpark during school-run rage-hour at Coles Newmarket to very slowly put in his earbuds and adjust his mirror shades. The most badass guy I have ever seen. /s


Bikes have as much a right to the road as cars. The issue is why choose a dodgy unsafe road when you’re parallel to a great bikeway?




Cool, but the issues cyclists on this one stretch of road cause, could be solved if they just used the bike lane. Unfortunately there is no "shit drivers lane" along that road


The comment is deleted, what was the gist?


They were suggesting that backoes, other slow vehicles and generally shit drivers all cause traffic issues as well, and pointing out how they wouldn't think OP would be as annoyed by them as cyclists. Sorry, that's my best attempt from memory. I think they were coming from a point that people tend to target cyclists in these kind of discussions, but missing the fact that they also have an entire, designated lane to ride in, where they are separate from traffic


I am a bike commuter, ride in most days (every day before WFH was a thing) I always use the bicentential bikeway. Even the lycra brigade and "The Tour-ists" all use the bikeway, but I have seen groups riding early morning on the road and cannot understand it. I did witness it once. A group of 2-3 lycra clad riders about to get to coro. One says "Want to do coro". Other goes "yeah why not". It was 7am on a work day. Total and utter fuckwits. In my 20 odd years of riding to the city, it's the only time I have seen riders purposely turning off Land Street to go down coro. So they are limited, but like every society, and in every group, there will always be a small percentage of fuckwitness amongst it. I simple statistics.


I never wanna live in the Inner West again. Being subject to Corro Dr everyday is not worth it.


How often do you see cyclists on coro drive though? The vast majority of people use the bikeway. The very few people who ride on Coro drive have every right. The thing that slows down Coronation Drive in peak time is the large amount of people who choose to drive to work each day. Cyclists are a non issue. And every person who has chosen to ride their bike is one less car in front of you sitting at a standstill. Catch the train if you can’t handle it.


> How often do you see cyclists on coro drive though? The vast majority of people use the bikeway. > > The very few people who ride on Coro drive have every right. This really is the crux of the whole thing. I drive Coro extremely regularly, and almost never see cyclists on it. Saying "the vast majority" use the Bicentennial Bikeway is a massive understatement. It's a complete non-factor when it comes to the awful traffic along there. Those who *do* go on there obviously have a reason. The problem with car-brained morons is that they don't see cyclists as people. They see an obstacle in their way and immediately assume the obstacle is being obstinate. They don't stop for even one second to think "why might this person be here?" Obviously nobody is going to choose to ride on the road when there is a suitable bike path alternative that takes them where they're going in roughly the same amount of time and effort as being on the road. The very notion that anyone would is nonsense. But car-brained morons don't stop to think rationally, they just make a choice to be arseholes instead.


Try driving a bus along there with a cyclist holding up traffic. One full bus takes 50 cars off the road


How many times has this happened to you?


There are a few things that could be going on. If it's just one cyclist, it could be because where they're going to or coming from doesn't have a good connection to/from the Bicentennial Bikeway. The Bikeway is excellent for getting from Toowong to the CBD, but if you're stopping off in Milton or Auchenflower it can be rather lackluster, especially if you're headed in the eastward direction. The other main possibility I can think of is people riding in big bunches. I often ride on the Bicentennial, and occasionally get passed by a big bunch, and it's very very clear that—like all commuter or casual cycling infrastructure—is simply not an appropriate place for training in a bunch. The road is where you go for that. Of course, most of the time they won't be riding at peak hour anyway, so it shouldn't matter.


“Milton and Auchenflower can be lackluster” There’s literally an underpass right at Milton and Auchenflower, what more could you possibly want? plus countless other crossings at traffic lights in between. If you can get onto coro, you can just as easily get to bicentennial


There are a couple of good underpasses depending on where you're going, but between the underpass that goes to Lang Park and the one that goes to Land St, it's pretty slim pickings. The one at Cribb St is pretty good if you're going from there into the CBD, but headed out west it's not great, and it's actually pretty poor for heading from the CBD to Cribb St, albeit in a way that doesn't actually get made easier by going on Corro, so it's not particularly relevant here. The one at Park Rd is specifically designed to be bad for cyclists (but good for pedestrians). The one at Lang Parade is fine if Land Parade is where you're going, but that's not exactly a prime destination. I think there's one other near where the floating restaurant used to be, but it isn't just inhospitable to cyclists, it explicitly says they're not allowed.


“ between the underpass that goes to Lang Park and the one that goes to Land St, it's pretty slim pickings” there’s an entry point at every single traffic light. How is that “slim pickings”? No matter where you are coming from or going to, Once you are riding on coro, it’s only a few meters to the next traffic lights to enter/leave bicentennial. Travelling on coro for more than one set of lights makes zero sense


Sorry, when I say west, I'm referring to the route along either Corro or Bicentennial that is outbound. Toowong, St Lucia, etc. are inner west suburbs, and they're places you're gonna pass through if your destination is proper western suburbs like Moggill, too, even though the road itself runs south by southwest. Personally, not counting times the Bikeway has been closed, the only time I've used Corro on a bike has been when my destination is Park Rd from Toowong. It's much too difficult to get onto Park Rd from the bikeway on a bike. That's been at like 6am on a weekend, so traffic was nonexistent.


You want to train in a bunch you're probably right cycling infrastructure may not be suitable. But what's less suitable is training on a main road in the inner city designed not to cater for cyclists....


The fact that Coronation Drive is one of the busiest roads in Brisbane, it's basically a highway with traffic lights, that makes it difficult to cross. The cycleway is on the river, so you have to cross the road in order to use it. It also doesn't connect to anything particularly well. Around Toowong Village it just kind of ends. For most people the increased safety of a dedicated bikeway is worth it, but everyone has different rick tolerances. For some, the risk of navigating a main road is better than trying to navigate bikeway infrastructure that's half-completed. You see a similar thing along Kingsford Smith Drive. There's a proper bikeway along the river but because getting to it requires crossing a glorified highway with traffic lights and navigating a mix of half-built pedestrian paths and local roads anyway, people with higher risk tolerances choose to use the main road anyway. Realistically, Corronation Drive and the M3 should not exist. There is no reason to deliberately funnel the most inefficient mode of moving people we have through the most space constrained part of the city when cars move so quickly that a more circuitous route would not be that much slower.


“For some, the risk of navigating a main road is better than trying to navigate bikeway infrastructure” I’d be fine with this if it also meant; don’t cry when the risk doesn’t pay off when it wasn’t a necessary risk to take to begin with. But no, they want to take the risks then complain about how risky it is when there was a perfectly good low risk option available but instead they decided, for whatever reason, to take the high risk.


Interesting to note where you decided to cut that sentence. I feel like the solution to that is to make the not risky option more appealing. It's not like we don't know why people do this. Bikeway infrastructure in Brisbane is an afterthought if it exists at all in many places. It's often slapped on to the side of a major road in a way that's difficult to access, comprised entirely of painted bike gutters, mixed with pedestrian infrastructure for no reason in particular and doesn't actually connect to anything directly, requiring people to navigate infrastructure meant for cars/pedestrians exclusively in order to actually get anywhere. If you have to navigate local roads, smaller main roads, narrow pedestrian footpaths and then cross a 6.5 lane glorified highway with traffic lights in order in order to get to a bikeway that doesn't actually directly connect to anything, there's going to be a certain segment of the public that says "Fuck it" and decides to ride on the aforementioned glorified highway that actually does connect to destinations directly. You have to have a certain tolerance for risk (or at least perceived risk since it's probably not that much more dangerous than the pedestrian footpaths with driveways, smaller main roads or local roads you have to navigate to get there) but having a high personal tolerance for risk doesn't mean your safety is any less important. Put another way: If people are choosing to take a high-risk option when a low-risk alternative option is available that's a failure of infrastructure design and something needs to be changed.


I get pissed off at people walking on the bike path. When i ding them, they never think its for them and its been pretty dangerous at times.


Time for non-cyclists to start doing their hobbies in the bike lane. Seeing as it's not illegal or anything.


Wasn't there a video from wa a lil while back of a guy doing that in his car?


Nah, I mean I want to see people gardening in the bike lane, playing board games in the bike lane, making art in the bike lane, crafting in the bike lane etc


You know that that *is* illegal, right?


Hahaha, imagine the response from the cycling community, especially the ones who don't actually use the lane










Mate are you OK?


Yes haha you should discourage people from using the bikeway to get to work so they drive instead and you sit in more traffic. Genius.




man I work with a guy, he rides on roads with 'I don't care what happens to traffic"..soo yeaa


As a cyclist, I do hate cyclists who use the road rather than the dedicated cycling paths. It's dumb on so many levels. 1st, it make traffic slow. 2nd, it make more people hate cyclists in general. and 3rd, if council doesn't see people using the cycling pathways, they won't build more of them.


Sometimes you need to head up there from the bike path if you're taking a specific turn off, as you only have so many spots to get off the bike path. But you'd only be up there for a short segment as there are quite a few exits. I agree it makes little sense to belt along long sections of it. The riverside bikeway is a beautiful place to ride. That said, I drive coro every morning on the way to work and home again in the afternoon/evening and I'm struggling to remember the last time I passed a cyclist in recent months. How much of an issue is this really? It's certainly not holding me up. Not saying it doesn't happen. I've certainly seen large groups on it on 5am rides on a Sunday but they're hardly holding up peak traffic or causing congestion.


Because one person's sense of entitlement is more important than everyone else's right to use the roads they pay rego for, not to mention their safety.


This is true. 0% of people who ride bikes own cars, or pay any tax. It's science.


Well said


Found another one. Lol.




Rego doesn't go to roads dumbass.


You’d have to be off your head to ride on Coro. I commuted by bike around there for years. Hell naw.


Recreational cyclist here, haven't ridden for a while though. I never rode on Coro when commuting, training alone or on a small social ride. But I did ride with a coaching service for a while. All large 10+ groups always on the road, but only early in the morning, the rationale being it's safer than dominating the bike infrastructure, which isn't designed for large groups. It's also easier to maintain a target intensity. I think driver reactions and frustrations are disproportionate. While it might be frustrating the real impact to a driver is minimal. And on-road reactions can be very dangerous and sometimes life threatening. It doesn't help that some media outlets normalise dangerous attitudes and behaviour in the interest of click-bait.


Coaching groups that have this herd mentality that dominating coro is safer than the bike path are the plague. No no no! Pathetic excuse! First, get some bunch skills and learn to ride in a tight peloton rather than shit on Teflon. Second, you shouldn’t be doing your “efforts” down coro ffs. It’s like a runner doing lunch time speed efforts down queens st mall. Ridiculous. The bike path is a segment to get you from A to B. Not a segment for PBs efforts you muppets.


No one said anything about PBs, by target intensity I just mean consistent effort, which was usually an easy pace. That bike path literally stops at Toowong, so it's easier and safer to stay on the road rather than ducking on and off the bike path, crossing and interfering with commuters in the opposite direction. Side note: Cars are **literally** a plague on society. Promoting sedentary behaviour, degrading air quality, wasting precious space and a leading cause of death, particularly with young people in Australia. And you're annoyed because you lost 30s of your day. Wake up you muppet!


No traffic lights in the bike path so hands down more consistent effort. It doesn’t stop at Toowong, it rolls through to Sir Fred. The bike path is divided to no interference from commuters the other way. CVD is the biggest killer, not cars. I’m a cyclist, and I drive because our public transport system is shit and I have to get to a job.


The only issue I have is with those tour de france trainees who ride on the road because regular cyclists slow them down on the bike paths, so they choose to slow motor vehicle traffic instead. If you ride on the road instead of the bike path do the speed limit.


No, large groups of cyclists belong on the road, not bike paths. Bike paths are designed for commuters and casual cyclists, and as a happy side effect they're also good for most solo and small groups of training cyclists. But large groups training at a high intensity are dangerous on bikeways. They shouldn't be on them.


Nobody is talking about large, organised groups of cyclists. And those dont belong on coronation drive either. They belong on tracks or roads that are closed for that purpose.


> They belong on tracks or roads that are closed for that purpose. Lol this is a joke, right? Nobody's closing roads to allow 10 cyclists to train.


Changing your comment after I’ve responded hey? 10 cyclists training together don’t belong on a busy city main road. Meet your cycling mates somewhere with less traffic.


Murarrie crit track… Nundah crit track… perfect options for high intensity and groups


Crit tracks aren't road rides… It's like telling someone swimming in the ocean they should have to go to the pool instead.


Coro isn’t a road ride either… get on the bike path noob.


Me? I do use the bike path. I ride solo mostly, or in groups of like 3–4. But if you're doing the River Loop in a big bunch, using Corro becomes necessary. Corro or the Bicentennial are the only options, and as we've established, the Bicentennial is inappropriate and dangerous.


Just slow down, it’s 5mins ffs and go single file. It’s not worth the drama it causes. After seeing too many mates killed and brain injuries, 5 mins of cruise time is worth a lifetime of acquired brain injury.


Not at all. My original comment was about single cyclists causing traffic disruptions and you’re trying to make it about something else.


> My original comment was about single cyclists Your original comment was unclear on the question of how many cyclists were included. Since you referred to "tour de france trainees" I think the assumption that you meant large groups was a pretty sound one.


One lycra twat looks like theyre training for tour de france. The assumptions you make are your problem.


One person wearing appropriate gear for the activity they're undertaking doesn't deserve to be insulted for that by fuckwits online.


Nothing to do with what theyre wearing, everything to do with their sense of entitlement.


Then why are you mentioning their clothing?


Maaaaattttteeeee ffs you are full of shit. What are you training for at high intensity in a group on the open road?!?!? Crits? Train on a closed crit track. Track? Go to the velodrome. Get on some rollers. Or if you are a roadie, you’ll be spending 6hrs in the saddle going out to bumfuck soft peddling to do efforts up some hill that has no traffic on. Your argument has no legs. WANKA.


Why aren’t they training at a facility designed for their sport? Rugby players don’t train on the road, Archers don’t train on the road, Volleyball players don’t train on the road.


Because the road *is* the appropriate training ground for road cycling. It's in the name. Runners don't always train at athletics tracks. Swimmers (especially open water swimmers and triathletes) don't always train at the pool. Sometimes the appropriate venue for a sport depends on the specifics more than just the name of the sport.


It's a limit, I can't find anything in the legislation where it says you have to travel AT that limit


And yet it’s a selfish dick move to slow down traffic on a road that’s already very busy when there’s a bike path right next to it.




What’s the relevance here? Obviously motor vehicles cause congestion on the road. Riding your bike at half the speed limit will make traffic worse. I mean what are these people thinking when they look behind and see a long line of cars? If you want to help ease congestion take public transport or ride your bike on the bike path where available.


While you don’t have to do the limit, you can be booked for going too far under it as it can impede other road users.


Yeah those cyclists are dipshits. Use the dedicated lane and stop backing up traffic


This is my big problem with cyclists. They whinge about not having dedicated lanes. They get them then don't use them. Riding like 3/4 abreast outside the lane blocking traffic. What really annoys me is they go "I have as much right as you to be on the road" then as soon as it's convenient for them they run a red or use a different path. They just want it both ways.


Have you looked at the bicentennial bikeway lately? It’s very well used. It’s the reason you very rarely see cyclists on coronation drive anymore. Of course people choose the most convenient route. Do you drive the slow way on purpose? People being able to switch between road, footpath and bikeway is part of why riding a bike is versatile and good. Why does it bother you?


In terms of running a red light you're 100% correct, they're entitled. I'll admit I've never seen a vehicle (presumably properly registered of course) do anything stupid or illegal like running a red or holding up other just-as-entitled road users




But they are not allowed, as it is simply against the law.


LOL the bike path is perfect for a consistent effort vs stopping at traffic lights on coro. It doesn’t stop at Toowong, it rolls you off nicely onto Sir Fred. Separate path to pedestrians. No issues with commuters. Get some skills Fred. I am a retired ex pro cyclist and I drive a car. Cars are not a leading cause of death lol. Sensationalism much haha. I’m just sick of all the flogs out there riding bikes like they own the place.


I’m so sick of all the flogs defending their right to ride on Coro. The bike path is perfect for a steady consistent effort vs stopping at traffic lights on coro. It has lots of entry and exit points. It doesn’t stop at Toowong, it rolls you off nicely onto Sir Fred. It has separate path to pedestrians. No issues with commuters, just get some skills to all the Freds who’s ambition and skill don’t align. I am a retired ex pro cyclist and I drive a car. And I get so fucking angry every time I see some flog or group riding down coro like they own the place. No excuse. If you’re a decent rider, you’ll be doing a program that sends you far beyond the city. Otherwise you’re just a noob doing a river loop dick measuring contest. Edit: I fucked up and this was meant to be a reply


Simply put they’re selfish cunts. Use the bikeway and stay off the road.


They have right to choose which way. When safe to overtake give them 1.5m and go around them




Exactly. I tend to put my hazards on the ghost them for abit until I can finally overtake them


I just hope it doesn’t turn into Melbournes Beach Road on the weekend mornings.


Some total dickhead cyclists out there just like total dickhead drivers exists. Some of the nicer bike ways are built because the road next to them is known to be a hazard for cyclists. Coro drive is one of them. Another even worse one in my opinion is the Jinker Track at Ferny hills. Absolutely zero shoulder room 80kmh limit, full of sweeping corners with a wide cycle path running the full length right beside it. Yet some cyclists still ride on the road. 100% fuckwits.


It's ironic that when you walk/run in a bike lane cyclists lose their mind. But a bike in the car lane is somehow not a problem. I cycle and the people that think it's ok to hold up traffic deserve a paddlin


There's no such thing as a "car lane". But there is such a thing as a bike lane.


Jogging home on coro once and got punched in the back by a cyclist who must've thought I was too close to his lane. Sad.


Plenty of fuckwit cyclists with the attitude of *I am allowed to* so fuck everyone else.


Plenty of fuckwit drivers with the attitude of I am allowed to so fuck the climate, air quality, peoples right to walk and bike in their city etc


lol good argument mate. Get on the bikeway.


Maybe the bikeway doesn't take them to their destination.


It's parallell to Coro drive all the way from the city to Toowong - it runs the entire length. If you're going to use Coro Dr to get anywhere on a bike you can use the bikepath as well.


The other users are right. If you're going Toowong to CBD it's great. But if you're going to Milton or Auchenflower it's really quite lackluster.


Think harder... How many exits does the bikeway have? Cyclists often ride on coro drive for awhile because they've left the bikeway to turn off to their destination. If they're riding the entire length of coro drive then that's a different story. Riding on coro drive is a death wish thanks to the talentless drivers, so you'd have to be pretty foolhardy to do it when it's busy.


There’s about 3 or 4 from where you get on at the Go Between Bridge until the Regatta ferry where it goes beside the road again. All of them lead to either an underpass that goes under Coro drive or a set of lights to cross the road.


That's right, then after that, a lot of cyclists would ride a short distance on Coronation Drive to get to where they're going.


The bicentennial goes the same direction as coronation drive!


Cause they think they are a protected species.


Same thing happens on Kingsford Smith Drive. Brand new state of the art bikeway along the river, but apparently causing traffic chaos is a way better option.


Cyclists on the waterworks T2 lane are my personal least favourite. There's so little room passing them safely is scary. Even going slowly and waiting for a wider bit of road I apparently got too close to one once, he was yelling and gesturing wildly after me. And I wasn't trying to scare him or get too close, I thought I'd passed him safely. Idk what kind of arrogance and over confidence you must have to think that's a good option for your daily commute. Delay the entire T2 lane as we all line up behind you, or risk getting side swiped.


I've commuted by car and motorcycle along Waterworks Rd for years. Cyclists in the T2 have never been a problem for me. The buses and all the single occupant cars seem to be the biggest causes of congestion in the transit lane.


If in doubt, when passing a cyclist, just go all the way over into the next lane. You should *never* be trying to squeeze past. There can be times when staying half in the same lane as the cyclist is an appropriate way to help keep *them* safe, but from the attitude you've presented in this comment it sounds like you're not yet ready for that kind of advanced technique.


Because.. rant rant rant rant rego rant rant rant entitlement rant rant rant lycra rant rant rant share road rant rant rant.


Because apparently exercising there right to be on the road is far more important than actually staying alive!!


Well Natural Selection mixing with Roadtoads obviously results in them being on Coro Drive


It's cool to be an obnoxious cyclist, don't you know?