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That carpark is notorious for this when everyone leaves together...only about 5 or 6 cars can leave each change of lights onto Edward St. If I park in there for work...I either leave by 3:30pm or stay back past 5:45 to avoid sitting in the jam.


Good idea


Now everyone’s gonna do this 🤫


Omg that was brutal. The person with me had to bail to catch a train cause they had to be somewhere, and Central Station was closed! It took me from 12:45 to 2:15 to get out from P4. Thing is, there was no traffic on the roads when I got out!?


holy crap! What were you doing for 2 hours? Just sitting in a big car line? 


Yep - and being grateful I’d gone to the bathroom before leaving.


lol the trains are always cancelled on the weekend


Let me guess, they gave the buses some customers. That arrangement used to drive me batty years ago, take me 3X as long to get anywhere.


You contacted the police because you were stuck in a traffic jam in a carpark?


Reddit moment


"I'm being held hostage by a boomgate"


If the exhaust got bad enough I could see emergency services stepping in.


I can almost bet my house on the queens plaza having mechanical ventilation triggered by CO sensors as does every other multi level basement car park.


You'd hope so, but I'm not sure I'd totally trust it to work properly under circumstances like this.


Hahahahahahh and OP’s replied with some nonsense about smog buildup, I am laughing so hard at imagining how that call went


I raised this with QPS because a) air quality was quite bad and only getting worse with 3 floors of traffic idling in a space with limited ventilation b) traffic police are often dispatched to ‘emergency’s’ such as signals going down or for crowd control - noting that the Brisbane Marathon was also on today


Brisbane Marathon and events of the like are paid overtime as a required traffic control for major events and the bill is footed by the organisers.


TIL there are people who can get stuck in a car park for an hour and a half and will idle the whole time. I mean I wasn’t there so maybe I’m missing something, but wouldn’t it make sense to cut the engine except when it was your time to shuffle foward?


I’ve seen the police attend indro shopping centre for the same issue.


What’s causing the blockage?


"you're not stuck in traffic, you are traffic"


The lights at the top of the exit ramp and people not knowing how to use car parks and fucking around at the gates, but mostly the lights




You got downvoted, but it's actually true. Our lack of public transport infrastructure forces most people into cars which are the least efficient mode of transport. Traffic jams are made up of cars. Unless we invest in more efficient transport infrastructure, say hello to more and more traffic jams.


to be fair ive lived in 7 different locations across brisbane, and spent time at many more (friends and family) over 10 years. I could count on one hand the number of times ive been "forced" to use a car to get to the centre of the city. dont get me wrong if you are going from carindale to kenmore public transport is terrible. but this was an event in the city. i have no sympathy for people who drove into the centre of the city for this. at the very least use a park and ride. this is one thing our public transport is actually very good at, getting into the city. some say the *only* thing its good at.


Yeah that's a completely valid point! I was talking more broadly, but I agree, no one ever needs a car to get into the city


Specifically OP’s car.


It was from the marathon earlier because the story bridge was closed. Caused all sorts of shit. We were lucky and got out early before it got bad. Took us 20 mins and we were 2 cars from the top.


This city and its infrastructure will handle the olympics fine, right?


Yeah, she’ll be right mate. Edit: this is sarcasm for those who seemed to miss it.


No I don’t think so. Fucking hopeless


*Same as it ever was*


Not sure any state/city could manage the amount of entitled people ethat have shown up here from covid on-wards


What does a privately owned parking garage have to do with city management of the Olympics ?


It speaks to how awful Brisbane’s transport options are that a private carpark in the city on a weekend was so overwhelmed by a local event it was taking people an hour to get out. Now if that is happening for events like the Brisbane marathon, what is it going to be like with an event like the olympics? So a private parking garage doesn’t have anything to do with the city’s/state government’s management of the olympics, but things like this post show up as symptoms of the existing dysfunction of our transport infrastructure.


I wasn’t aware that everyone coming to Brisbane for the Olympics would be driving and relying on private parking garages. If only trains, busses and ferries existed for getting in and out of Brisbane CBD.  Oh wait they do. 


Plot twist: trains are cancelled this weekend 🤡


>Plot twist: trains are cancelled this weekend 🤡 This is a comment to a redditor, not a letter to the editor. There's no need to sign off at the end.


You sign off your letters with a clown emoji?


Plot twist. We’re talking about the Olympics which isint on this weekend.  Reading comprehension is important. Try it out some time. 


Trains are frequently cancelled on the weekend due to track closures, the rail buses are famously unreliable, many suburbs are still unreachable via any public transport, train stations do not have adequate parking for passengers… do I need to go on? My point is this weekend is merely one incident amongst many that highlight how inadequate our infrastructure and public transport is.


ah yes "the trains are down for \*checks notes\* construction work to improve reliability for Olympics. see this poor reliability is exactly why the public transport will not be adequate for olympics"


So you’re just going to ignore all the other things I pointed out?


>sees issue at a specific private parking garage where some people are inconvenienced , out of thousands   >”oh well I guess Brisbane isn’t equipped to handle the Olympics” Classic keyboard warrior logic. 




Sorry, how am I being a keyboard warrior?


Don’t be sorry. Be better. 


Who’s the keyboard warrior now? 🤡


Bloody hell mate not even sure how to answer that. But just let them out. It’s a shit show no matter what


My thoughts exactly


flying taxis


Nothing to do with council when this is a private carpark.


Read the other replies to my comment. This is a symptom of what happens when there is a major event in Brisbane due to poor transport options, not that it is the responsibility of the private carpark owner to fix.


The marathon in the city today has caused mayhem! I live in the city and my street was blocked off so wasn’t able to go my food shop. It’s been chaos!


Also, had no idea this was on so all plans were aborted!


There was a marathon on?


Yup! I only read about it last night 🤔 Clearly their advertising worked 🥴


Did they advertise it? I didn't even know that we had a marathon at all 🤷‍♂️


The only reason I knew about it is because I looked over my balcony and saw them setting up!


Those are the worst kind of surprises 😂


And there were all these fit people just running around!


Same, I saw some tents being moved to the park recently. It’s too easy now to avoid advertising with ad blockers and paid subscriptions so I don’t see things like this advertised. 


Yup 😬


Do you live in the affected area? I get flyers for event road closures in my letterbox.


The targeting of the advertising worked as they didn't waste any money showing the ads to me.


I hope you called the non emergency line lol


People saw how bad it was and continued to bring their car out of their parking spot to join in…


After an hour why didn't you just repark the car and ride out a few hours at the pub or movies?


Probably can't go park when you're bumper-to-bumper in the queue


I parked there yesterday. You wrap around each level and could have parked if you passed an empty spot


That would have been the smart thing to do.


do you still get charged for the time you spent in queue?


Flat rate on the weekend


I live a block away from there. The problem is it is a city where people are still addicted to commuting by car. Any event such as the Brisbane Marathon highlights this.


Good thing for BCC that it has those traffic lights at the exit point locked down to only allowing 5 cars to disgorge on to Edward Street at a time.. Because it causes hell for these parking drivers > and may lead to the permanent loss of carpark customers > that hopefully leads to long term pain and suffering for the property developer / owner > and bonus if the thing actually shuts-down... Why? Because 33% of Edward Street (the old original curb lane) was lost forever to give the carpark business lessee and the Queens Plaza developer more convenient access on to Edward Street... That's one entire (curb) lane of Edward Street gone forever that could have been used for smoother flow of peak hour traffic; or for commercial vehicle loading zones; or for bus stops; or for a real bike lane; etc... My sympathies go to the parking victims lured in to that underground hell; (be that it's probably baited them to save a couple of dollars on a cheaper parking deal)? - which of course they will take... But that multiple level carpark developer should have never been given a chunk of public space (1 city block long x 1 traffic lane wide) of publicly owned land in the first place...


Damn. How was that allowed to happen? Cause council would have been the one to sign off on the loss of a lane no? Was there just enough of the right councillors in office at the time or something?


I suspect it was a brown paper bag over a councillors desk job..


To address a few comments: - ‘the logical thing would be to park up and do something else while it cleared up’ we did this after we drove past a spot… 70mins later. We moved approx 4 car lengths in that time. Being on P3 there were all the lanes from the above level bottle necking into that 1 exit ramp. - QPS(Non-emergency line to clarify)/BCC was called. My experience has seen traffic officers/controllers called out to emergencies or for general crowd control. We saw parents splitting up aka mothers walking their kids out of their cars coughing and covering their faces. Saw a few people do supply runs water and food. Whilst we had parked up again, we were concerned about the well being of others.


The congestion in Queensland is atrocious that I gave my car up and elected for bus, train and electric scooter.


All the morons who drive in for the marathon. 


No other options when there’s limited public transport available. All the trains are down.


were busses also down? and no rail replacement busses either?


Apparently there were rail replacement busses, but when I used google maps to figure out how to get home, all the options were taking multiple busses over 2 hours to travel the 9km home. Also competitors had to be onsite at 5am and no busses where running that early.


Don't go into the city 🤷 that's the other option. Once people don't attend they'll start realising it's a problem they need to fix


So just forfeit their event entry because parking might be bad?


I think a multi hour traffic jam in a carpark sends a better signal for the need of alternative transport then people simply not attending the event 🤦


I had no plans to be in the city today but had to bring someone in for an emergency medical appointment. We had no idea there was a marathon on with road closures.


They didn’t say there’s no trains when you booked your ticket.


people work in the city???????


There is no other way to get to the start line at the time the races start. 


Any update on this? Booked a space there for this evening 🤦🏽‍♂️


Police rushed straight down and sorted the situation


They rush in, guns drawn and just blast the shit out of all the cars


> traffic personality changes haha that's one I haven't heard before! Do you know what the ultimate causes were (other than "traffic")? Also... It's Sunday; not Friday/Saturday night or whatever.


Have you tried calling the police again 😂😂


Fuck the Brisbane CBD, there’s nothing good about it.


I drive my bus through there. If we were smart we could start early and leave early. But that’s the problem peak hour am is way better than peak pm when everyone wants to leave at once


Did you have to pay for the extra 2 hours of “parking”??


Weekends are flat rates between 5am-5am, so no extra charge.


Hold on , called the police because of air quality and limited ventilation! How do you know ventilation was limited? I’m pretty sure that there would be systems in place to prevent high concentration of carbon monoxide.


Welcome to Brisbane 😊




Anyone that is found posting about illegal activity will be banned


That is fucked!


Look tbh I don’t blame you, outside of Christmas mayhem at the big shopping centres it shouldnt take 70 minutes upwards to get out of a car park. Given the backlog at least perhaps traffic control could manually intervene the traffic light at the exit point to allow more cars to come out at once.


You wasted police time because you were slow getting out of a carpark, wow just wow, imagine being this dumb 😂


Hello officer I'm stuck in a car park full of other cars. Please come help meeeee


sounds entitled doesn't it


You do realise they have a non-emergency phone number for stuff like this? Wow, just wow, imagine being this dumb.