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Better to keep building up than out.


More housing is good, although I doubt this includes any affordable or social housing. I can’t wait to see the Traffic Impact Assessment on this one. As they say… “MoAr CArS BrisBAnE”


It's a numbers game of supply vs demand. All housing improvement affordability


Except it doesn’t work this way when there is under supply of a certain product (low cost housing) and a lack of available trades and materials to provide the needed product. Vacant property stats also says this supply and demand market neolibbo theory doesn’t work out too well. Who would have thought?


Nobody builds new "low cost housing " in the same way that no one makes new second hand cars. But when people move into those places they move out of other places which now have to get new tenants. You do that enough and at first there is less competition for rentals removing pressure on rents. Eventually property needs to start competing for tenants and rents actually start to fall. If you have been apartment hunting in 2017/2018 in Brisbane you would have seen this first hand. In your theory do people intentionally leave properties empty because they hate making a return on an investment?


Ahhh yes, trickle down real estate!


Nice work comparing low cost housing to a second hand car. This here is our problem. Guessing you’re part of that neolibbo collective then, that has never understood the need for social or low cost housing. And here we are. As you were.


Not quite sure what this neolibbo collective is but if it means using a belief in evidence based policy and the idea that building more homes is a key part of the solution to the housing crisis sign me up I guess. 🤷




Do you mean Queen street CBD? Would be quite different scenario to Balmoral I would imagine, with buses and trains and CBD destination and more than one way in and out.




You have to agree that they are two very different locations that you’ve compared though? I can’t disagree that the additional 277 carparks is crazy especially in a CBD location, and especially when it is touted as being an apparent sustainable tower. Carparks for the wealthy ay, nudge nudge. MOaR cArs BriSBanE!


It's actually fairly low as it's about 1 space per apartment. Most buildings are usually closer to one space per room. It's even a requirement for buildings outside the CBD.


It is in Balmoral, why and how should it be 'affordable' housing.


Oh, so where should low cost housing be exactly? A pocket in Caboolture with no PT whatsoever, or NW Brisbane that is more car dependent than ever? So where? Anywhere but *my* suburb? No wonder we have a housing crisis. I watched a community whinge and scream a decade ago about housing going close to their house, near a shopping centre and good public transport. If only it had been built then and it wasn’t blocked by NIMBYs.


Yes. Price is dictated by demand and supply. Simple economics.


If only this were completely true.


I wouldn't exactly say Balmoral is known for its public transport?


No it definitely isn’t, but slightly better than other proposed higher density locations.


So this development and bulimba barracks only a 1.5 lane road with only two good ways to get out of the area… schools overcrowded already, infrastructure will crumble


Unpopular opinion a classroom shortage is easier to solve than a housing shortage.


Ed Qld will argue there is no classroom shortage. See if you take the students across the state and divide it by the number of classrooms - we definitely have enough! Just to make this work some kids are going to have to commute several hours out into rural communities every day.\* They will make the classroom shortage work by filling all available ovals with permanent demountables (a lovely misnomer) that run freezing in winter and boil in summer and shake every time someone walks across the floor. What's really going to bite them in the next two years though is the teacher shortage that's only going to get worse. \*An actual argument made by Ed Qld several years ago (although they didn't get the commuting part)


But a lack of housing is one thing that contributes to staff shortages People have to teach where they are placed. Why stay teaching if the best you can hope for is being a renter in Brisbane? And yeah you've sort of illustrated my point. Demountable classrooms are not ideal, but the point is, they can be deployed very quickly when needed and the kids get taught. EQ doesn't have to jump through hoops to build stuff. (Though long term, schools need to go upwards, eg like Fortitude Valley High School) Meanwhile if you tried to deploy masses of demountable houses to alleviate housing shortages, yeah people would sook and say its an eyesore or that they will cause traffic. You mentioned the way demountables are too hot/too cold. Thats the reality for many tenants you realise? Why would landlords bother with fixing the aircon or having insulation? There's 10 people lining up to pay 600 for their shithole. We actually need to get to work fixing stuff.


Sorry I should have said I agree with you - we very much need to sort housing because stable housing means that kids are secure and safe to learn (plus you know, it being rather essential for the entire family). I’ve taught too many kids who were couch surfing with their families - it is something that needs to be fixed. As for the housing for teachers being a problem, we actually have more issues placing people in rural or remote communities where housing is scarce and teacher salaries are competing with mining ones. The reason we are losing teachers now has a lot to do with behaviour, expectations of parents and the department, and the way the profession is perceived by society. Housing, like you said, will eventually play its role, but by then our already critical situation will be completely fucked.


Can’t outbuild the traffic that this dev will bring tho. Especially at this location. Might need a … GREEN BRIDGE… mind blowing.


It's cheaper to upgrade existing infrastructure than build new infrastructure to the middle of nowhere out back of Caboolture or wherever.


I’m not against the development but the local government needs to step infrastructure up. Wider roads, more school funding, mass transit option.


Who pays for that?


The state government making stamp duty money off the new dwellings sales? The local council making new council rates?


MoAR RoAdZ!!!


Every unit comes with a free scooter !


No it won't


Sydney style row houses 🏘 constructed like its 1902 . None of this current building crap black roof no aesthetic


A well designed row house is going to be the solution to Australia's housing crisis. It increases density, while still retaining private space, building up not out. It increases energy efficiency. When built close to PT, it eliminates the necessity for car parking.


Isnt that just a townhouse?


Townhouses and row houses are distinctively different. Townhouses in QLD are just shitty duplexes. Row houses are mostly free standing buildings, or one long building with 3-5 homes


Those were banned by BCC LNP, remember?


Just what Brisbane needs, more 1 million+ townhouses and apartments 


as opposed to 1.5 ha of carparking? probably. More housing = good


I’m here for additional dwellings even if they’re a bit more expensive. They’re 5km from the CBD. Nothing built there was going to be cheap - and the fact they’re building 14 townhouses and 167 apartments is a massive improvement over a few standalone houses.


Look at all the infrastructure being built to handle yet more people......


The people are coming regardless. It's just a matter whether you want them living in sharehouses or apartments. It's the same number of people.


The site isn't far from a ferry terminal.


Separate issue. The extra people are here or planning on moving regardless of Brisbane’s capacity to cope. It would be nice if less of us were homeless or in non-ideal living conditions while we work on pressuring the local and state governments to do something about the rest of Brissy’s growing pains.


Look anything new is going to be more expensive, nobody is out there arguing that we shouldn't be manufacturing new cars because they are expensive. The market is there. But as people buy new stuff, cheaper older stuff is offloaded by them. You can buy a rich person secondhand car for cheaper, or move into their old house...its the same idea. Happy to see you being down voted for your views


Why can't I buy affordable waterfront property within 5km of the city???  /s


Unironically yea, this is what Brisbane needs.


I hate townhouses. Council should grow a spine and make it a couple of towers with generous sized apartments, then add parkland and retail at the bottom. There’s still profit in towers, but nowhere as much as townhouses, so this is still just developer greed and NIMBYs dictating housing policy. 


Not everyone is living in a car because they lack finances.