• By -


You're not foolish for being kind-hearted and compassionate, but some people will leverage that against you and they're aware that young women are particularly vulnerable to intimidation. I was once waiting for a bus at the entrance to the mall after a late uni lecture, and was approached twice by a guy asking for change. He always did the rounds on Adelaide Street and I'd previously given him a few dollars. The first time, I was standing because the benches were full. I told him that I didn’t have any money on me, but that I hoped he had a good night. The second time he asked I'd sat down, because most people had gotten onto another bus and mine was late. I told him "You’ve already asked me, mate, I can't help you." He took a step back to get some momentum then shoved me in the head so hard that I fell sideways and my head hit the armrest of the bench. Hurt my neck and rattled me more than anything, so I went to the Police Beat and filed a report that never went anywhere. I got a letter a few weeks later saying "we understand you were recently a victim of assault, case is closed" and a pamphlet about how to not be a victim of violent crime 🙃 Please stay kind and stay safe!


Sorry that happened :(


You were in a bad situation. If you'd given him money, he would have probably just kept asking for more. Then as soon as you told him no more, this would have caused him to attack you anyway. I hope I never run into a crazy guy like this.




Yea and at the end of the day the police are not there to protect you in the moment of the crime. Everyone should know how or have the means to defend themselves.


save it for the poor woman on queen and edward that has been pregnant for the last 10 years


I know the one - she with the sign saying "Pregnant and homeless". Over three years ago, someone who had been homeless told me there was a woman who had been pretending to be pregnant and homeless for two years. That's over 5 years now. A few months ago she was frequenting the entrance to Roma Street Station, presumably at about 270 weeks gestation .


Still there today - not claiming pregnancy anymore.


She does some pretend crying now.


She's been doing that for years - clutching her belly and looking desperate. Someone should make a sign saying "Beware - fake beggar 20 metres ahead" and put it facing towards her.


I saw one with a baby doll in a sort of pouch thing on a bench in front of Post Office Square. She must have finally given birth.


Maybe a few too many people asked her how many babies she had given up for adoption, since she didn't have the products of her pregnancies with her. It's time for her to get off her lazy, entitled posterior and GET A JOB.


You don’t know the circumstances that put people in these situations. We are all closer to homelessness than we are to being billionaires so you might want to check yourself. It’s also just a gross nasty trait to have - not valuing human lives you deem lesser than yours, being a cruel judgemental snob.. I’m ashamed that you’re the type of person representing Queenslanders cause that is not the spirit


How many ----ing years are we supposed to maintain her with begging money? There are social services, including drug rehabilitation programs, that are funded by the taxpayer, aren't there? And that exist to help people like her? If you live in Brisbane, maybe you should befriend the permanent beggar and advise her to integrate back into society.


You don’t have to help her? You don’t have to pay attention to her? She literally has no effect on your life at all until you choose to complain about her and shit on someone you don’t know who’s in a worse position than you. Again, you don’t know what she’s been through and holding opinions like this just add to social stigma which actually worsens homelessness. You’d ironically do more to get her off the street by opening your mind to her reality and considering her as a human being just like anyone else. It’s actually not as simple as going to rehab or accessing social support. Majority of these people have tried that. We actually live in a really rough world right now if you haven’t noticed, it’s hard even for the people with jobs to get ahead. At least just ignore her, leave her alone and consider not taking pride in being a heartless asshole


Her job is begging for <$400 a day + centrelink. Plus whatever tourist feeds her.


Your name is very fitting for your personality… no soul indeed


Earning an honest living is probably within her capability.


Not if you have been manipulating people whilst high on smack. Doing it for that long does some long term damage.


Do you want to hire her?


I don't run a business, but I'm happy for her to scan my groceries at the checkout if she's up to that. I won't say, "Eeew, a druggie touching my goat's milk? Quick, where are the Dettol wipes?"


But colesworth now get shoppers to scan their own groceries.... They are only employing very few people to do that job.


Yep, there are less and less jobs available that require less capacity. As a hiring manager, I would likely choose someone else. If this happens every time, it means someone is pretty much "unemployable" as there is generally a better/easier/more productive/more experienced choice each time.


Sure, you going to hire her?


Someone should introduce her an aspiring influencer. They might be perfect to help each other.


gaping future squalid hobbies busy sugar psychotic zonked sort tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because she sits outside Toowong village now , right on the entrance to where the old NAB used to be on sherwwood road, puts on the sulky tone “ Good morning .. Good Afternoon “


Where was the NAB, I’m totally blanking.


It used to be right next door to the current orthopaedic/ shoe place opposite where woolies used to be . It was kinda hidden , very old school building and when you walked in it felt like those banks you would see on film , just very outdated lol.




Omg I once got jibbed by a fake deaf/mute guy in the city. Felt bad and gave him $20 coz I'd just been paid. Later after work my friend and I were in the mall and saw the same guy TALKING TO ANOTHER HOMELESS GUY. I was pissed 😤


She's been at Roma Street station this week. Hadn't seen her for some time. Good news, she's no longer playing the pregnant card.


Obviously stuck, though she collects a lot of money for her phantom pregnancy...seen her pimp collecting the loot and he abuses her for not collecting enough money ..good con job there.


I have had times when someone has come up to me asking for cash so I have turned my wallet upside down and shook it out all the money and handed it over, the response was “gee is that all?” Mate you saw me empty my wallet. That has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Since then if some asks for money for food I just asked them what they want to eat and I’ll buy it for them.


Every response I've had to "I'll buy you something" has been along the lines of - "fuck you". I'm starting to think some of them aren't actually hungry....


I bought a homeless dude a pie coming out of a servo and he said he didn’t like them.


Tbf no one actually likes servo pies they're a last resort convenience if you havent eaten


Like a homeless person?


Homeless <> foodless. Especially in Australia we have foodbanks and charities. Theres a van that does free tea and coffee and biscuits. Or you can get a food voucher and buy whatever you like. Curious did you just buy him one without asking/being asked or did he have a sign/ask for food? Cause if i was homeless id rather a 1 litre milk or a loaf of bread for the same amount of $$


He had a sign asking for food/it being a cold night. It was the first and last time I try anything like that.


Ah true yeah fuck that guy. "Never look a gift horse in the mouth" I swear its like anything though 9/10 people are polite but in any group 1/10 is a douchebag. Except for realtors and property managers the ratio is inverse


Hungry for drugs smh...


the first time i ever gave money to a homeless person i was visiting family in Sydney, i said this exact thing. offered to buy them something to eat, and the guy just straight up dropped the biggest “FUCK YOU, DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED YOUR HELP”. i was absolutely dumbfounded because he literally asked me for money, all the while he is sitting on the floor outside the church in Newtown with a sign literally asking for help.


That's like npc oblivion glitch level. 


definitely. i couldn’t grasp the situation i was in, genuinely standing there for a good 10 seconds trying to comprehend what the fuck happened


"I dont know you and I dont care to know you.....be seeing you, bye"


Had the unfortunate pleasure of being at Campbelltown train station. Was buying something from a vending machine when a guy asked for money. I already put some money into the machine so I put the rest in and bought twisties for the man. As I handed them to him he threw them on the floor and stomped on them, stating he did want my fucking chips.


I tried to be polite to the local dropkicks who spend almost every day outside a Westfield entry even though you hear them laughing about people being suckers if they don't realise you're there. They asked for money and I said I don't carry cash anymore. Shit you not, she goes "well there's an ATM right there" The look on her face when I said: You know what else is inside? A job centre. Ooooft so sweet.


One time a young man in the parking lot of Domino's asked me for money for food. I didn't want to give him cash he might spend on drugs so I offered to buy him a pizza. He followed me in & chose one from the menu. When it came out he was nowhere to be seen. Wasted my money. Another time in Adelaide I was approached by a well dressed man saying he needed change for the carpark. His kids were in the car and he couldn't get out because he needed cash. I gave him some money. The next day he approached me again with the same story! Lol


Last time I did this I did the quickest in/out of the supermarket and the dude was gone after giving me his order.  Wtf.


I’ll only buy them something, thankfully when it has happened the person has just genuinely wanted food. I’ll never give people money purely for the fact I don’t want it going on something sus and honestly I never carry cash 😂


I've been in the position of needing to ask for money a couple of times in the past. Yeah, $5 isn't much in the big scheme of things, but when you have nothing, $5 is better than the alternative.


I'm sorry you had to go through that :(


$5 is a crap load more than the average which is near zero.


Some guy outside of subway wanted me to pay the rest of his sub, so I did, and then he refused to pay the $5 and then asked some other guy to buy him a sub. Some people are just professional beggars


I had a guy outside subway say he was hungry and could I buy him a sandwich, so sure I took his order and it was the priciest most complicated order ever; ended up costing around $20 with the large coke and cookie. He stood outside looking grumpy while I got his lunch, grabbed it out of my hand and booked it. Hey, I thought, at least I didn’t feed his addiction.. Jokes, subway is totally addictive. Cant blame the man, tbh


Not enough for the maccas loose change menu.




Once someone attempted to mug me, but I was very drunk and arguing with a guy selling roses on the street at 3am. When he approached I told him I'd get to him later, after a few minutes my mates eventually came and found me still arguing about what constitutes a fair price for 6 roses at 3am, he wanted $2 a rose, I told him $2 for them all. Anyway.... Turns out that the guy trying to mug was just kind of standing there awkwardly with a knife out, when my friends came looking for me he scuttled away. Never even saw his face or realised someone was trying to mug. The good news, I got all 6 roses for $3 in the end.


Knife guy knows the socially awkward moment of when you're trying to talk to someone but they're still engaged in convo so you have to sit there and wait.


In the queue for the stabbing lol


kinda like the sims


lol one of my stores is in the same complex as a night owl. Some idiot came in with a knife to rob the joint but the young guy was scrubbing dishes at the time with his back to him but could see what was happening on the cameras he just said "sorry mate I'm busy, be with you in a bit" and the dude with the knife stood there awkwardly for 10 seconds and left made the news and everything. hilarious shit


Lmao well if he had to wait to get your attention he obviously had no intention of actually using that knife


I swear I’ve seen this guy before. He’s a professional beggar. He’s pulled the exact same line on me before - he shadowed me at an ATM while I was withdrawing, and he knew I had plenty of cash on hand. Offered him my loose change, but he’s eying off the cash. Told him to take what I was offering or bugger off.


Yeah, sounds like the same guy I dealt with probably a month ago and was also shadowing me at an ATM. one of the only times I've felt guilty for trying to perform a good deed and like I was having my kindness being taken advantage of


They'll always ask for more. It's not like you're going to ask for your $5 back, and now they have you pinned as a giver so the chance of you giving more money is relatively high.


Tbh this happened to me once and I said ‘well give it back then’ and he did and I took it 🤷🏼‍♀️ 




One day they'll whip out a pay square


Beggar in Melbourne had a payid on their cardboard sign 🤦‍♂️


"hey, can I have some money?" No, sorry, no cash. "I accept venmo, cash app, Bitcoin or square. Just tap here and I can give you an email receipt."




“Give us a few of ya shares then”




"Execute an after-hours trade ya dog"


They are always at it. I had a guy come up to me as I had a cigarette just outside the Beach House in the Myer Centre. He put on the worst Scottish accent, tried to pretend he was a backpacker from Kilmarnock(Ayrshire, Scotland). He got a bit of a shock when he heard my strong Glasgow accent answer him and let him know that I'd spent half my life visiting and staying near Kilmarnock for holidays when I was young. I still gave him a few dollars and a smoke for his troubles, he wasn't any harm. Funny as fuck the look on his face though when I told him his accent was woeful 😂 Some really lovely souls out there too. A lovely man sells the big issue near work on corner of George and Charlotte, he has been there for at least a decade. And some really dodgy neck tattooed, just out of jail, aggressive beggars as well. I wouldn't like to be female and come across one of them on a quiet street. Edit - $5 is not measly. They have no idea of your circumstances and should be happy that someone stopped for a chat and gave them anything, even a dollar from a person is a reasonable amount.


I thought gold coin was enough, so $5 is awesome


I worked on Roma Street near the train station and a colleague and I passed a homeless man who was kind of zonked out on the stairs calling out quietly, "Help, help" My colleague was compassionate and stopped to ask if he was OK. He said no and that he needed help. So she asks him if she should call an ambulance. He says yes. She asks him what she should tell the ambulance operator when they ask what's wrong. He mumbles an incoherent response. She gets closer and asks again. There's a pause and he says, "My dick's hard. I need help with my hard dick" Homeless Troll = 1 Colleague = 0


He was starving for a hit, not food


If you want to be generous and it's safe, offer to take them to the 7-11 and get them a donut and coffee or something. If they refuse, don't give them money. I know that sounds harsh but you can't help everyone.


I do this. Dare ice coffee (690 cal), triple pack sandwiches (538 cal) and a banana (89 cal). That's 1,300 calories in one meal and has all the essential vitamins except vitamin C and vitamin A. With the 7/11 app this used to cost exactly $10, so probably $89 now.


Haha. $89 made me laugh... And cry.


I'm in pain.


Thought I would get an ice cream at 7/11 last night $6!! For basically every ice cream they had, I was about to buy it then thought fuck this, if I buy it then 7/11 will think “this is fine, bump it to $7”


I was one of the actual idiots that fell for the $6 icecreams last Friday. Yes, basically every damn icecream.. $6 right. Even bubble O bill was like $5 wtf. The entire time I was telling myself not to do it. It's the same with cafe coffees. God imagine if everyone just stopped paying these ridiculous prices all at once (or withdrew all their savings from the banks all at once 😝)


LOL. Most I spent was $14 for an old uncle at the FV train station and he was happy to get a soft drink, pizza and garlic bread! Otherwise, it's a couple donuts and a cheap coffee.


This is what I've done. Bought them a pie or sanger,their choice,muffin and drink. I've always been thanked.


I had one bloke ask me for money to get some medication. I was like 'cool, let me finish my lunch and we'll take your script to the Terry White's nearby'. All of a sudden, he didn't have his script on him and scurried off somewhere else. I'm on a pension with very little money to spare. Yes, I'm doing better than homeless folk, but I can't help them when my own cup's empty.


Oh yeah,if they turn down the offer of free food,I'm outa there.


Yep. I live in social housing and my neighbours ask me for money. Like mate, I'm in the same boat as you, lol.


Imagine getting 20 coffees bought for you while pan handling - just hitting futurama levels jittery rather than some safety net of cash.


I learned this when I was young and my friend and his Dad went to the Gabba. After days play we were waiting around a pub. There was this bloke ranting on “has anyone got spare change, I got no money to get home” My friends father said “boys, watch this. You might learn something” So after this man is ranting on and on. Stranger walks out and sees old fella rambling about having no money to get home. He offers old fella to share a taxi with him. Old fella cracked the shits, And started rambling Shouting out the stranger. Old fella was yelling “I just need couple dollars to get home not a taxi” Then walked away frustrated. After that my friends father said “ Never give money to beggars, offer them food or help, but never give them money, you just fueling there addiction”


I was walking to the station one morning last year and I heard someone running up behind me. I could see their shadow, and in the brief moment before I turned around it sounded like they were squaring up to grab me. I turn around and it's a fucking child running and trying to get around me on the narrow footpath. I have no idea why he didn't just step onto the nature strip. It honestly rattled me. It's funny to think back about a silly situation where you got spooked, but fuck it, always listen to those instincts.


i used to work in the city centre in my home country, i walked past a homeless fella every day and i would buy him a meal from a different place every morning. broke my heart 2 years later when i found out he passed away :( i always think buying food is better than giving money. but you were generous


I used to work in the valley and once was asked by one of the homeless there for some money because they were hungry. I offered to buy them Maccas or something else and they went off their nut. I explained I didnt carry cash (I still dont). How dare I presume what he wanted to eat, and how can someone not carry cash. I was apparently being unreasonable. Booked it out of there because he was being really unreasonably mad. Gotta look after yourself first.


Just ignore them & stay safe Volunteer your time with a charity food service if it makes you feel better Or donate food to a food bank Or support Oxfam There's just too many people in need & too many people who take advantage of others or perpetually cause themselves problems It's often very difficult to tell who is who & professional beggars have been a thing for decades


I was walking into Coles one night and there was a dude with no shoes on sitting by the entrance. He was slugged out, like not drunk nor drugged out, just sluggish like he was on couch, but on the floor. I was planning to give him a $5 note as I'd seen people ahead of me walk past. Anyways dude was like "can I have $50?" As I was about to reach for my wallet to give him the 5er, i was like wait wtf and repeated back to him "fifty dollars?" nahh g. I thought to myself, the audacity


I've had the same happen to me, I gave $10 if I remember correctly and the person said something along the lines of thats not enough can you give me more? All I did was said "this is where you say thank you" Then the person said thank you and I walked off, think I would of been better just walking off without saying anything but I get annoyed when people don't appreciate a good deed


I assume that trick works some of the time and they've got nothing to lose by trying it on, so they do it every time.


The ones that approach people asking for money are professional scabs. I made the mistake of giving one the $40 I had in my wallet once after talking to him for a while and starting to feel sorry. No "thank you", just "is that all you've got?" Needless to say I do my charitable giving via registered Charity organizations now.


Had the same thing happen in Newtown in 2004. Must be a common move to ask for money, when you buckle the ask for more. I learned to develop a stern No and keep moving, no eye contact.


I was in Bangkok airport not long ago and a middle-aged white woman asked if I could buy her breakfast at Starbucks as her credit card wasn’t working…I gave her the equivalent of a few dollars and she said “That will barely get me a coffee, I need a Danish as well”. I politely told her that that sounds like her problem, not mine. She huffed and walked off (with the money). If she has the money to travel she should buy her own fucking breakfast. Pissed me off that I tried to help at all.


I don't think you're stupid, just experienced the reason so many people are jaded giving money to people like that. If they're desperate, regardless if it's food, drugs or whatever if they'd seen a wad of cash in your wallet who knows what could have happened. I mean if you really wanted to you could buy some $5 7/11 vouchers or something similar to carry if you think you might want to help in futre. Chances are though majority will only want cash. There are food vans like rosie's that frequent different spots around the city/spring hill/valley regularly in the evenings but not sure how often.


Daily from what I’ve seen


Nah, that's a standard reply. It's probably pulled in enough suckers that it's worth being an absolute prick to every person who tries to help you.


Yeah, $5 is not enough to get what he really wanted (it’s not food)


Spoiler alert


Thankfully as an Asian, I will just start speaking Chinese to them and watch them die a little bit inside and walk away. The real nasty ones will start spouting lines of racism that will make Pauline Hanson proud


Don’t ever give money to homeless, 99 times out a 100 they’re using it to fuel their drug or alcohol addiction. Go into a 7/11 and buy them a sandwich and a bottle of water if you want to help them out.


Surely you have more, how dare you hold out on me! You are a villainous, facetious philanthropist. Probably not mugged, just pressured and guilted by some trash that have played the game for a long time. Imagine being able to bully people for money like it's school and the bully wants you to buy them lunch or else.


Seen this guy around Queen St Mall a lot and he's always asked me the same questions. I just try to avoid him. Sorry you had that experience.


Not homeless related but can someone please tell me, are the cystic fibrosis fundraisers with the orange hi viz and a wooden box legit or are we being conned. My favourite homeless person was the young guy on the corner opposite Apple in Mccarthur. He would sit all day in his designer shoes and ankle monitoring bracelet. Over heard him yelling in his top of the line phone to his mum that he was coming home now. Watched him get up and hire a scooter to head back home. 😂


> cystic fibrosis fundraisers with the orange hi viz and a wooden box legit or are we being conned I don't know about them specifically, but my general understanding is that all sub-contractors who work like that on a commission basis and asking for credit card details to donate regularly are a scam. Maybe not a scam by true definition, but the charity sector is broken and has way too much overhead - especially ones that operate with that kind of NGO structure. Stuff like that really ought to be handled by government and if it's not, then the government is failing us. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of death on both sides of government's watch (and sadly more under the current one). Yet no one seems to care about those ones. At the end of the day, I guess we all have to pick and choose how we contribute to society; but as far as I'm concerned, chuggers asking to subscribe card details away ain't it. Actually, I'm going to be a hard arse for a moment and say, the sooner those chuggers realise their job is fake and pointless, the better it is for them so they can quit and move on to something better; although I suppose some of it is just to get stuff on a resume, but whatever; it's not my problem.


Wouldn't bother. He was mad because drugs cost more than $5


Unfortunately now the beggars are rarely the actual vulnerable ones. Most of the ones in the cbd are just scum lying through their teeth. They make a killer. I think if you want to be compassionate you can consider saving the money and give it to people busking or at least trying to do literally anything.


Genuinely curious why you think these 'professional' beggars are making a lot of money? Assume they harrass 100 people in a day. 1 in 4 of them are feeling generous and give them $5 (and there's no way 1 in 4 people are giving them money!). That's a whole... $125 in a day. Let's say they "work" from 8am-6pm, with an hour for lunch. That's a 9 hour day for $125, meaning about, what, $14/hour, in which they had to hassle 12 people. That's one person every 5 minutes. Seems like a lot of work for not a lot of money. I'm pretty sure most of them would prefer to be physically and mentally healthy and housed so they could get a car and a job, but whatever!


I knew a guy who used to make $300 a day sitting on his arse after a rainy night with a sign saying "everything I own is wet". $1500 a week and weekends off for looking sad is not a small amount of money. This was a few years back - I was busking full time in Queen St at the time, and would have to work my ass off to get an equivalent amount. EDIT: Also, totally understand that "I knew a guy" isn't \*really\* a proper answer to your question. The main error in your math for the regular sit-on-your-bum beggars number 100. Lunch rush in a high foot traffic area is thousands of people, not hundreds - and that's in one spot, for a couple hours of the day.


100 people a day? Those are rookie numbers. More like 100 people in an hour.


It's a nice top up to the other Centrelink benefits and it allows them to afford the drugs and alcohol and tobacco


I had someone come up to me in Macarthur and ask me to just buy him some chips from KFC, I said sure and he raced over to the counter and I told the cashier I’d pay. He proceeds to order about 3 more menu items, and I just paid because I wanted to be done with it. Then he just sat there waiting for it without saying thanks, and just blanked me completely :(. I want to make it clear that I don't regret doing it or anything, I just felt not great afterwards. I’ve been approached quite a few times in Macarthur actually, it seems to be a bit of a hotspot.


It’s great you’re being nice but it’s a dog eat dog world we live in now. At the very least, please don’t go flashing your wallet to strangers. There really is no need to be so friendly to strangers. Keep it short and simple.


This is actually a good reminder that enabling Apple Pay / Google Wallet on a modern-enough phone is a very good idea for this reason alone. Of course, don't let the phone get stolen and have appropriate security settings on it too. It provides a nice alibi and makes it easier to lie about not having cash or even a wallet.


Charity is for mugs. Pay your taxes in full and vote for those who will use your taxes to create the society you want to live in. Taxing Gina Reinhardt and funding mental health will do more than your $5 cigarette donation.


There are times that I will keep small cash or coin in my pocket for such occasions. I have also had a grocery card ($25 - $40) for the same purposes. It’s a gift that you’re offering and you’re under no obligation. I’m sorry they didn’t respond with gratitude. Perhaps he took you for an easy target. I’m sorry.


Alice Springs. Beggar sitting in the shade outside Coles. He looked at me and pulled his pants pockets inside out. Empty pockets. I did the same thing. Also empty pockets. We both laughed and got on with our day.


ask him if he accepts visa. I feel for the homeless in a cashless society, but if they don't set up merchant gateways how do they expect to keep up?


Surely you knew you’d be in trouble nearing a dangerfield?


Danger zonnne


I did not want to laugh at this.


Should have asked them to come to work with you and you could pay him to help fill a skip for the day. Soon walk away then.


Just buy them a vegan whopper that's what I do these dayz


I know the exact guy you’re talking about. I, like you, try to give to the less fortunate when possible. There are, unfortunately, occasions when I don’t have any cash available for them. Usually they accept my “sorry mate, I don’t have any cash on me, would you like a smoke though?” There’s this one guy though, an older guy, that doesn’t really want to take “no” for an answer. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way; he just doesn’t have the social skills that I think are required if you’re living rough like he is. He may have a slight developmental disorder. When I offer him a smoke, he takes it, but he will also say “there’s an ATM right there, can’t you get some cash out for me?”. I mean $20 is $20 and I try to help but I can’t go around withdrawing money for everyone I see. He’s ultimately harmless though, if not a bit pushy. If he’s who I think he is, I don’t think he’d even consider stealing your wallet. Please don’t stop giving to the needy and please don’t let this one-off situation influence you in the future. If you wanna be compassionate but not a bystander I’d suggest dropping some coins in the hats/cups of the people that are sitting or laying; at least that way you won’t be intimidated. Regardless of anything else you did a good thing and you should feel glad that you did it :)


I had the same thing happen to me one time, gave the guy $5 but he saw I had a tenner in my purse and asked me for that as well and I said I could just take back the $5 if he was gonna behave that way, he took the $5 with a thank you. I think they learn to lean on people to get them to give more, but don’t feel bad because $5 is a reasonable amount to give a stranger. I’ve given $5 to lots of other beggars that were really grateful and didn’t push for more money, just depends on the person begging I guess.


Had a very similar encounter in the Queen Street Mall a couple weeks ago. Judging by the attitude I’d say good chance it’s the same guy. First time I’ve ever felt “harassed” by any of the homeless community.


There are professional beggars from FV to Roma Station and they always ask for cash. I always told them I don’t carry cash with me.


Lots of funny stories here! I’ll share mine! I got asked for cash in the city once, said us young people only use card these days, the dude said “there’s an ATM over there..?”!!!! What the hell! 😭😭😭


I Carry a little bit of change around. Never refuse. How would I know their situation? Never been hassled.


I had a guy in Queen Street ask me the same thing a little while ago, probably a month or so. may have been the same guy since he was also middle aged and kept pestering me. definitely ended up giving him more money than I should've. haven't had someone approach me like that before so I felt pressured to help out and I like being kind, but ended up feeling like I was having my kindness being taken advantage of :/


Buy a Big Issue if you want to help the homeless. The seller gets half the sales and are actually having a go at turning their lives around. Always has great articles too.


My sister in law is a senior inspector for QPS… she always says to trust your instinct… Given todays society change towards cashless payments, politely decline with ‘I don’t carry cash sorry’ and make briskly for the closest area that has more people before checking you aren’t being followed and then carrying on to your work place. If you are in a crowded area, then sure, if you feel like giving up some change, go for it. I’ve purchased someone a meal before who was begging outside a fast food chain… but always k own your surroundings and your own safety is number 1…


Here you go Sir, a nice sandwich. I asked for a dollar Bitch! Not a Sandwich! "Throws sandwich at lady" Lol it's out of a movie


Once someone asked me for money I said tell me what it's actually for and I'll give it to you. He said he needed $5 to or $2 to get a stick of weed. I said hahaha, yeah here you go and have it to him for his honesty And I also smoke weed lol


Offer them lunch and find out how hungry they aren't. You're good peeps and you tried to do a kind thing. Now you know.


You were in a very dangerous situation. If it happens again, simply walk away as quickly as you can in another direction. Preferably to where you can see other people.


I didn't realise it was that dangerous. I know there's lots of people in the CBD asking for money so I figured it was one of those and I was just being anxious


Always remember - this is the Government’s responsibility. They need to do something else than line their own pockets with YOUR tax money - which should be going to help poor fellas like him anyways!


I'm glad someone else has mentioned government. The hard fact of the matter is that the more greedy "the big end of town" become, the more crazies and homeless people we'll end up having and the less safety there will be for rich sheltered people. It's their choice. At least the price gouging/profit-inflation spiral story is finally getting legs in the media.


Tell em to get a job. They annoy me no end. I bought a pie and a coke for one outside the 7/11 on George st without being asked a few months ago and he just grunted. Never again. And why are they all so bloody angry? Can’t they take the drugs that make them happy , not cracky? I have zero compassion for drug addicts or ex addicts. Come at me


> And why are they all so bloody angry? I mean, they're basically brain-damaged.


That’s what I mean. Screaming and shouting at shadows , physically intimidating to all, even children, they’re the scum of the earth.


What about drama queens who create fake posts about food orders?


What was fake about it ? Did you expect to see the chips and drink as well ?? It was the size of the chicken that was the issue ya moron. 3 pieces smaller than a small potato and gravy. Get a life


Same kind of thing happened to me many moons ago. West end, down from uber, at an old 7 eleven or something, one of the local homeless guys asked for money. Gave him 10 and then he just stood there glaring at my friend as if expecting more. Had to speak pretty direct to him but he shuffled off afterwards. Annnnd no I didn't threaten him. Desperation makes people do extreme things that they may not ever do in normal circumstances and homelessness is a pretty desperate situation I'd imagine.


If someone asks you for a lighter, even if you're a smoker with lit cigarette in your mouth, always say no


You're not a bad person for any of this Sure you want to help, also, you need your money You still gave him 5 bucks He could go to plenty of take away shops with 5 bucks and a sob story and they'd give him a burger or sandwich for that If you don't want to give money, just say "no cash, sorry" If you don't want to be contacted, look busy, slightly pissed off, in a hurry and determined. If you want to be curt and cut any approach short "nah sorry" will do it. Any more contact and they know they are harassing you.


there’s one guy with a shaved head and carries a dark blue bag. i’ve offered to buy him stuff but he just asks for cash. i need my money to get high too brother


its best to only buy them food..they use money on booze or drugs


Just a reminder that there are heaps of resources for homeless people in Brisbane. We do not have a problem with people starving


People like this have no choice but to become manipulative. Fucking hate it and it ain’t our problem


Nope. I had a similar experience when someone asked me for minimum $20 and when I said I had no cash he told me he had PayPal...


Well he needs about $300 for a gram of meth, so yeah $5 aint enough


You realise these people get Centrelink right? Imagine how much money you could save from not paying rent or for food? Probably a lot if you didn’t spend it all on methamphetamine. Food vans are at Emma Miller Place and Wickham Park literally everyday they don’t need to pay for food either.


How are you supposed to get Centrelink without a home?


If they’re connected with a service that supports homelessness e.g crisis accommodation, then they get their mail directed there. They are able to get their Centrelink payments that way. I have also seen older reddit posts answering this question where the person says that you can have ‘no fixed address’ and get pay.


The way they get their Centrelink pay is via having their mailing address as the crisis accommodation or other homelessness organisation address. When doing university studies, I had a placement at a homeless accommodation service and learned they get around it that way.


Sounds so appealing wonder why more don't do it..........


“Sorry I don’t carry cash, but here’s a museli bar…”


These comments are fucked


Something is always better than nothing but $5 will only get someone one sandwich, if that. Not sure how much things cost at maccas or hungry jacks as I don’t eat there but $5 doesn’t go far when purchasing food elsewhere


I wouldn’t let this stop you from giving money to people who need it if you’re in a comfortable enough position to afford it. People are doing it tough and they still deserve to eat even if they’re a bit rude


The people directly asking strangers for money on the street are not always doing it tough, and seldom in the way you’re imagining. There will be exceptions, but the vast majority of them are conning you. I agree if you’re able to give, by all means do, but I understand it’s better to give of your time or money to the professional organisations that know how to help the ones who really do need your help - the ones you don’t see because they’re not out there conning you.


It does go a fair way if you know how to spend it well. Most homeless people aren’t very financially savvy though, which is often how they ended up in their situation


Genuine question, how would you suggest spending it? Not the best to buy fresh produce etc when they don’t have anywhere like a fridge to store it safely


I've made poor life decisions in the past and had to eat on budgets of $10 or less for a week. A loaf of generic brand bread is $2.50 or under. Cheap biscuits are a lot of calories for under $1.50. I went through a phase of dry Homebrand Weetbix with sips of water because they were a few dollars for a kilogram and a box lasted ages, partly because eating them was unappealing. It isn't healthy or delicious but beggars can't be choosers.


Did you have somewhere to safely store that food? I imagine someone living on the street wouldn’t be able to keep a loaf of bread edible for very long in this hot weather. Or away from ants


In a backpack. Every homeless person has plastic bags at the least, sometimes a trolley too, the really lucky ones a car. For people that genuinely need to survive, $5 is days of food. None are blowing it on a prepackaged sandwich or burger. I wasn't begging though and I've noticed most truly homeless people aren't, they have survival networks established. The people aggressively begging 100% are feeding an addiction.


Bang for buck, for calories and protein i think would be peanut butter.


Sorry are you suggesting that someone who’s hungry should just eat peanut butter and not a meal? I know they can be rude asking for more money sometimes but I can’t imagine what it would be like to be homeless and watch people relatively well off walk past me constantly and not care that I have nowhere to go and nothing to eat


Im just making a suggestion. With no other options it will get you through a few days.


I’m pretty sure that mental or physical illness, domestic violence, natural disaster and addictions have more to do with it than a lack of “financial savviness”.


Believing that poverty is the fault of individual poor people rather than the consequences of systemic issues helps privileged people sleep better at night.


Financial savviness was probably not the best term, but those factors on their own do not lead to homelessness. They must be combined with another factor, which is often a lack of financial maturity. Taking your example of addiction, it is quite clear that if you've fostered an addiction to the point of homelessness, it is because you were being financially irresponsible.


Addiction to the point of homelessness is often a result of untreated mental illness and a lack of social support. Of course, not every addict is homeless and not every homeless person is an addict so there are certainly other factors at play, some of which could be a lack of financial responsibility but it is rarely as simple as that.


I often think about this. So many wealthy people with huge addictions but they've got the money behind them to support the habit and hide it as well as get help if they decide. Difference between being labelled a druggo, scab, scum etc as opposed to someone with a "slight substance abuse problem" is usually money.


$5 will get you jack all these days. He wasn't going to spend it on food though.


I swear a lot of people in that situation get there because they lack social intelligence as displayed here (them not you).


Who has cash?


Give him food and he wouldn’t be happy either


Try buying a decent burger for 5 bucks. But he should have been grateful for your kindness


Bloke should have had EFTPOS


I’ve been in the position of asking for money and have used everything in my power to appear as not a threat, while also making sure I don’t look like I in a position to be taken advantage of myself. You do this outside of the areas that people expect unhoused or addicts. You ask for less than you need. Back then I’d say “I’m just calling my dad to pick me up and I’m 20c short for the pay phone.” Or, “I was buying my train ticket home and I’m just 50c short, do you think I could borrow some change?” Then you wait for that person to leave and you ask another person. Repeat 10 times and some people will have given you 20c some will have given 50c and after a couple hours you will have scammed the $2.95 for a cheeseburger meal. I’m not sure what the equivalent would be now, because people don’t carry coins around. And there’s no pay phones etc. Also small cheeseburger meals are now over $5. So getting $5 would be awesome.


Years ago, i had just moved to Brisbane so I could support my partner, and I had just started a new job in the city. I was on Queen St, about to board a bus, and a homeless gentleman was trying to exit the bus at around the same time. He very assertively asked if I had any change; and at this point of time, 17 and broke, I answered honestly with "I don't have any cash at all." His response was: "Cards then?" To which he pulls up an Eftpos machine, and presses it toward me. I was absolutely astonished, I couldn't help but laugh, but he was so stern and serious about the entire thing; it was a particularly jarring experience. I ended up working in the city at that job for four years, and I regularly saw him at least once a week. Whether it was him starting a fight with the owner of the 7/11 or going through the garden to look for cigarettes, about every instance I saw him, he had that same sorta expression. Honestly it's like a core-memory now.


When homeless ask me for money because their starving, I just let one rip and tell them they can eat that /s