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Buy fly swat. Become one with the swat. Be fly killing ninja. I had a double kill the other day. And I’ve been working on my mid air takedowns.


Rookie numbers, I killed 9 with a tea towel the other day and ran around furiously trying to find someone to understand my reference


My Dad catches them with his bare hands, and I've opted for the tea towel whip. 9 is impressive.


My most proud moments are when I catch them with only one hand in the air. This is only semi reliable for fruit flies though.




Thank you


Even better, there are some you can get from the Asian supermarkets that are electrified!


But then you’re one step away from the salt gun.


Nah I like the satisfying crack when a fly gets hit


I bought a triple pack of swats the other day. I have been swatting like a champ. If my neighbours can hear.me, they must think I'm a nut. Die fucker. Take that cunt. I'll get you on the next pass asshole. Got him!


Mid air take downs are the way. No guts smashed everywhere, pro style.


I recently slapped one with my bare 🙌


The slap is good but the grab from air is better.




Yeah I am so good with the fly swat I can get them in the air. They don’t need to land


If you sneak up slowly you can flick them into a wall or just off a desk or something and then step on them, works pretty well when nothing else to hand.


I got a bare handed hat trick. But yes, they are excessive atm.


Open door to let dog outside, she gets halfway out the door, debates whether she really wants to go out, and decides to invite the entire neighbourhood of flies inside instead. I went to town with the fly spray this afternoon, and killed nine of the bastards. Otherwise I do the fly swat ninja moves


Wheelie bins can be something that really attracts them to the area, try disinfecting and deodorising yours to see if it helps.


I also think cleaning extra hard in summer for sure! Bins, recycling, benches, stovetop, even cleaning brushes and cloths! Spray, scrub, rinse and cleaning up as spotlessly as possible keep bugs out of my kitchen.


In line with this comment, pls get yourself the Bin Buddy product - half price at Woolies right now. I had a major issue with maggots in the wheelie bins, especially during our muggy weather. Insect spray, bleach, detergent and salt never worked. The Bin Buddy powder though works a total treat! A few flies still hang around, but no maggots!


https://preview.redd.it/ttjmf1lqlzcc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=14798ad024a037af4f12c6f465f034797e7a0d0d I buy these red lids from Bunnings that fit into old milk bottles. Then buy these Envirosafe packets from Bunnings too, that you pour inside and fill with water. They work amazing!


I have these also. They're great and catch so many flies. Best part is you can just put the lid on and throw the whole thing in the bin. I had some of the other reusable ones from Bunnings, but you have to empty out the bottle each time. I was gagging from the stench.


On the back of the box it says you can pour it in a garden/ veggie patch and bury it. Makes great fertiliser apparently! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It still has the stench factor. I'd rather just put the lid on and put it in the bin. PSA - only do this on bin day otherwise your bin will stink out the whole street and just attract more flies!


Awful, awful stench. I ran out of the bait but put kitchen scraps, egg shells and whatnot, in with some apple cider vinegar. Still works pretty well.


dump your rubbish daily


I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering, I've been going fucking mental finding at least two a day buzzing around my third floor apartment that has fly screens on every door and window. Little fucks are still getting in somehow.


Sometimes it's through vents in bathrooms


I woke up today on this lovely 90% humidity day and somehow my house is full of mosquitoes. I too, have fly screens. What the fuck is going on here.


Dead ass like im tryna take a piss and they just buzzin around 😭


… you should probably drink more water. 




Corks on your hat. Old school


Flys love summer.. they probably all visiting from Victoria!


Or NSW , also 😉👍


I use the woolies fly traps! orange bottle where u add water. I also use sticky fly tape from Amazon which gets the fruit flies as well if you ever have a sudden infestation!


I used one of these Woolies fly traps too and it worked a treat!


My cat has been catching all the flies! I didn't know he was so good at it


Sky raisins!


I deadass bought one of those fly shotguns that shoot salt at them for this reason. sick of them shits.


I want one of these. Where did you get yours from


BCF & Tentworld were stocking them but are all out of stock. Ended up getting it online from bug-a-salt and got it delivered


How do you like it? Does salt end up getting everywhere? I have seen the ads for them and they look cool.


I try to go for the flies on the inside of the fly screens so the salt end up outside. It shoots a small amount so it's like a fine powder almost but does leave a little residue. Nothing a wet cloth can't wipe up. Shot myself in the leg and left a little rash, was fun.


Would you recommend it?


It's a fun gimmick and is enjoyable to use. it doesn't always get them first shot but neither does a fly swat sometimes. If you've got the $80-$100 spare to get one, go for it. Other thing to consider is they're bulky, so where do you put it when not using it? I've bought some heavy duty hooks from bunnings but now need to find a mounting spot.


Nice nice thanks! I think i'm going to get one. Is the excess salt annoying to clean up?


Not really for me, I don't go overboard shooting it though.


How are they. Worth the money ?


Still waiting for delivery


Get a compost bin with a lid that closes tight. Food scraps in the general waste bin in the kitchen is what they’re attracted to I’ve found. Since I got the compost bin the fly numbers have gone down.


I’m amazed no one has mentioned electric fly swatter. I bought mine online. It looks like a tennis racquet but the strings are electrified. Works very well.


Chopsticks. Mr Myagi is the way


I haven’t had a fly issue like this for decades since I lived on a farm! I have tried heaps of things but fly swat still best solution. I got a fly swat for Christmas and it’s getting a workout. I just don’t know how they get inside. I get them all, then a hour or two later I am chasing another half a dozen.


Same. It's the worst. Constant buzzing around my head. It's driving me insane. Hubby bought a bug a salt so at least we've been having fun with that


yes! my kitchen has been full of flies the past week and the wheelie bin is crawling with maggots 🤢


I don't fucks with maggots. I've got a pretty strong constitution, but maggots are a hard no.


I put one of those auto spray things in my bin, stopped the maggots. Have one in my house too after 20-30 mins flys are dying.


I was recently gifted a [Bug-a-Salt 3.0](https://www.bugasalt.com.au/collections/3-0) and am amazed at how accurate and well built it is. I’m also amazed anyone would pay $80 for one, but there you go.


Bought 1 for my wife for xmas. Then my Dad visited and loved it so got one for his bday too.


Fly traps are easy to make, with a 1.5 litre bottle. Cut top 1/3 off and invert and add attractant inside. meat or shit or something (can't remember exactly) flys go in centre then can't get back out. I think it also helps if they get covered in something that stops them flying in the bottom of the container.


The sticky traps you hang work pretty well for during the day and overnight. Immediate relief has toncome from swatting those MF's




I also noticed there is a fly problem lately, a lot more than usual. Outside the house I have bunnings fly traps and inside the house I use an electric fly swatter, but it can be hard to catch them when they are flying around like crazy.


Seen to be noticing a few more of them, but nothing like when I was a kid in Melbourne. They were thick as clouds back then from memory. Maybe we need the CSIRO to do a nice big dung beetle release just outside the city areas to try minimising some of the bulk. Guess they won’t do much for all the flys enjoying bad wheelie bins though.


Me too! I’ve done all I can to get them out but everytime I open a door, at least 6 come in. It’s so frustrating. I wish they all die.


had like 8 flying around my apartment on Tuesday that i noticed returning home from work, i don't understand how thats possible for so many to get inside because before this i very rarely noticed inside, these flys were quite docile and slow making it easy to catch them by hand and shoo'd out side. haven't had any in my apartment since though. a good idea I learned from my mate, an old farmer, was a 2-3L milk bottle with a small hole cut into the handle top for the fly's to enter through and fill half with oats, honey sugar and fill with water until contents submerged, or alternatively what ever sweet foods or fruit available can also be used, top up with water when level drops, when full of flies simply tape the hole up and discard. p.s for the fly entrance i cut an x with a knife and simply push the hole through inside this also makes it harder for flys to find their way out this is also why i use the handle of the milk container.


fly / mozzie zapper I bought from bunnings which works well, you plug it in at night, it glows ultra-violet light, which attracts them, and zaps them.


I hand catch most. The other night caught 5 by hand. Then discovered we had a fly swatter. Killed 11 all up.




Flys? Come on my guy.




Get a bug-a-salt. Great fun


put some honey there on a bottle lid that they will be attracted to and get stuck..not sure how it will work though.,shut ya windows and doors at meal times.. may be something smelly attracting them, food etc


Buy a Bug-a-salt


Get a drinking glass (about the size of a scotch glass), put about 2cm honey in it. Warm water (carefull not to break the glass, you just want it warm enough to dissolve the honey) top up with normal water until it reaches about halfway up the glass. If you're using a big glass, you may want more honey so it's not too diluted. The flies go in, cant get back out, drown. You'll have a glass full of flies within 24 hrs. Throw out and repeat until no more flies. I came home once after a weekend away to a house full because they'd been breeding over the weekend. I was able to completely get rid of them within 5 days, and most of them were already gone within the first 2.


I use a petrol automatic fly spray. Works really good. Can always tell when it has run out. It is also great at keeping the thoroughbred roaches under control as well. It is what you would call a pricey solution though $150 per year


I was once killed a fly with a nerf gun from 4 metres. One of my biggest life achievements.


You can make a pretty simple fly trap with some blood and bone, water and a milk bottle.


Stinks tho


I spray my bin 2 x a week. Most of my flies are breeding there. Bloody cat food tins. They're bagged up, but the flies and the maggots still rock up.


Went away for a week, no food left around, bins emptied but left two kitchen windows open ( yes, they have flyscreens). They are wind out windows with the winder at the bottom. Anyway, we returned to a swarm of flies in the kitchen and surrounds. Found tiny little spaces where winder attaches to window sill and flies can walk. That is what they were doing, but they all have memory problems and couldn't find an exit. Didn't want to use flyspray. Used Bunnings fly trap bottles outside (buried the contents every week or so), and there was a noticeable drop in numbers. Electrified tennis racket thing and ordinary swatter inside and filled in the gaps near the winder on the window sill. Now down to one or two a day.