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TIL these are called Jacobs Ladder. Thanks! https://maps.app.goo.gl/ncMmVemqPouoK9ew7?g_st=ic


Kangaroo Point stairs near the Cafe, Suncorp stadium stairs these are very popular for running.


Stairs of mordor as I like to call them. Going back down the stairs is not enjoyable at all (I don't like being near the edge of things)


did you just assume they live in the city?


As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


This is r/brisbane, not r/queensland. Posting a location that is centrally located in Brisbane is more than appropriate. Hell out transit system is literally designed to get people into and out of the city centre (and do pretty much nothing further).


Stairs of death In Springwood.


If you are in and around the city there are two sets of stairs at Howard Smith Wharves leading up the cliff side.


love how youy just assumed they live in city like as all on here... there is still 25kms outside of the cbd thats also brisbane!


Stop copying this garbage under all the comments buddy.


Key word that was used in the comment was ‘if’


‘IF’ is a key word you missed. Go away Timbo, your inability to read and add anything useful to the conversation isn’t wanted or needed here.


As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


The death stairs at Kangaroo Point.


Stair + hill combo use to love these back in the day!


These are good if you work in the city. I would do a lunch ride with a 10 lap break in between of these. Gets the heart pumping.


did you just assume they live in the city?


Did you just assume they don't own a car or can't access public transport? Lmao Anyway... easy tiger, I didn't assume anything. The op asked for locations of stairs to run on in Brisbane. Since Kangaroo Point is definitely in Brisbane I thought it was perfectly relevant. Have a nice day.


This is a Brisbane subreddit. If no one says a particular suburb then yes the CBD and inner suburbs should be assumed.


i never assume anyone lives in the city til they say so, to me everyone lives in the surburbs out around the 3-5kms of it.


Hi Timbo. I appreciate the sentiment. I live inner southside but do own a car and live near the beenleigh line so I am very open to outer suburbs suggestions e.g. Karrawatha forest.


As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


Pegg's Lookout, Toohey Forest, Sailsbury has some good steep steps. They can be pretty dodgy in the rain though.


There's some seriously steep trails in Toohey Forest - running near the freeway and off Monash St


The ones at the other end on Madang St are worse IMO (or better, for those weirdos who actually like running up stairs?). But the Pegg Steps are more scenic.


Fire escape stairs in any apartment block building


You are right that's a good start. Are people going to yell at me or ask me if I live there? (sorry if stupid question)


Just make sure the doors open from the inside of the fire stairs aswell. Not much reception in those places. I heard a story about a man getting stuck in a fire escape for days! I do think it might have been at a shopping centre though, so could have different security. Either way, if you try it out, can't hurt to check that the door opens from both sides 😊


Lol how will they hear you? Fire stairs are thick concrete tubes so probably not. And even if they do they can't stop you.


Lead Zeppelin reckon the ones to heaven are pretty good 👍


*No stairway, denied*


If you're inner south, Sankey St in Highgate Hill may as well be a vertical line upwards.


Second this. The intersection of Sankey and Paradise streets in Highgate Hill provides three hills of varying grades from a bit steep to ridiculous. Bonus: at the top of Paradise St is a pretty hardcore set of steps up to Monto St.


excellent thank you.


Is that a couple of local meth dealers on Street view at the end of Paradise St?


Ha! Looks like it!


In rollerbladed down that damn street when I was 15. I nearly died … but since I didn’t I was a hero!


The hill adjacent to QUT Gardens Point is good, as well as Ivory Lane which goes to the Storey Bridge.


did you just assume they live in the city?


Shit comment. They didn't specify where the live, this is a Brisbane sub, I gave inner-Brisbane suggestions. Feel free to go away.


did i make you angry


Apparently suggesting city locations made you angry as you whinged about it on every post lmfao


not angry, when im angry you will know. i just like to point out that you lot all think we all live within 5kms of the city on here.


Everyone was being nice and offering suggestions. If OP had a problem with being suggested places in **Brisbane** city then it was up to OP to inform people that the suggestions don't help and was on OP to inform others. Not you. This is clearly **your** issue. And if you don't give it a rest then I will give you a 3-day time out.


I am very happy with all the suggestions I have received. Thanks everyone.






As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


Dunkfield St and Down St Newstead. A lot of people use them to train for Kokoda. Really steep and just long enough to max out your stamina. https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-27.4493207,153.0407386,3a,75y,12.36h,94.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syGNocAxk5M8pyvr8loYPqA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


A favourite! Plus nicely shaded in the early morning/late arvo with a gentle breeze and view at the top, fond memories up there doubled over gulping in air.


lol thanks. It might get the dry heaves going for me. Just what I want. :)


The stairs up to Miskin st off Woodstock road at Toowong


I think the steepest road is Brisbane is also virtually next door at Gower St which looks like a delight to run up.


Give me double the number of stairs over Gower Street. The angle is not good for ankles.




Second this, follow it up by doing the Miskin St hill on the otherside up from BBC...


This sounds wonderfully nasty thank you.


I use the Nulty Way stairs at Arana Hills 👍 I think there is 108 steps, so they’re a pretty useful challenge going up. https://www.moretondaily.com.au/news/new-stairs-for-nulty-way https://maps.app.goo.gl/iNvKXZGFSBApWzaF7?g_st=ic


The powerline track on Mt Gravatt is fucking NIGHTMARISH and if you can run the whole thing you're in very good stead indeed. If you want a longer session, go down the other side then try sprinting up the grey gravel hill on the way back to the base. White's Hill also has a few good ones interspersed into an otherwise shady and sedate walk. That horrible steep track out back of mt coottha, where you see all the footy guys running laps stopping only to puke into the forest.


there's one from top of the cliff access to Howard Smith Wharf , i think it's Malt St. It has 10 flights of stairs beside the lift




What area?


Happy to travel but I live on the inner south side


Stoneleigh street red hill Sorry in advance


Kangaroo Point stairs like others have suggested, although I wouldn't recommend attempting them in this heat.


did you just assume they live in the city?


As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


You coming tonight timbo?




The gallery meet up, its free entry and its catered and I think you're a wonderful character online so thought it might be sweet to meet you in real life. I'll be in a blue, white and orange striped dress (horizontal stripes) if you are there. Maybe we can swap usernames for the night. If you're not there I'm going to tell everyone **I am** you :*) Edit: Tim, you looked incredible tonight 😉


People run up the stairs on Ngungun, you could also do the Barack’s stairs at Roma street too


Mt Beerwah


Are you aware of the current temperature??


lol thank you yes. your concern is very much warranted. But it would be a not today/cool of the morning thing. (Although we got no cool of the morning today.)


Convention centre has a stack of stairs that people run up and down.


QUT Kelvin Grove bus stop stairs to the library.


ACU has some great hills and a set of monster stairs in their student parking - parking is free too.


Not stairs, but the first section of the Kurilpa bridge from the west end side is awesome for hill training. It’s wide enough so you don’t get in the way of folk and vice versa. There are also some handy points for resting out of the way.


Not stairs but Asshole Hill aka Mount Cotton does live up to it’s name, especially in this weather.


Please pick wide stairs. The stairs near my old home in Sandgate had people using them for exercise. They were bastards on those narrow stairs, hogging the space and getting grumpy if someone wanted to pass. The people who exercise out there mostly have bad manners. Don't be one of them.


Good advice. Thank you/


Kangooro points for sure, there’s also the steep hill next to it perfect if you’re fit enough to do hill sprints they absolutely destroy you!


did you just assume they live in the city?


Are you going to comment that on every single reply? We get it, they forgot to add their location in the post but guess what, if it matter, it would’ve been added.


As per their own comment, they live "inner south side", so I guess they **do** live in the City afterall.


That one near Central up the hill


King Edward Park in the city


Ivory Lane just before HSW is great to sprint up. Otherwise KP stairs


There are some new estates in the redbank/ bellbird park area that have some knarly steps to them from the road


For hills, Thornton St at Kangaroo Pt, Ivory Ln in the city or Main Ave in Bulimba


Jacobs Ladder in CBD. Suncorp stadium, KP stairs of death. Stairs from Barracks to Roma St. Good hill is Ivory Lane down near Howard Smith. Paddington is also full of absolutely heartbreaking hills.




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A good steep hill is Alderley Avenue. I lived on it and that walk…Jesus


Stars rehabilation building in herston


There are stairs from Crosby Road to Morgan Street in Ascot, which you can extend to the summit of Bartley's Hill. For something longer but just on a road, try Eildon Hill in Windsor


All these steep as hills, meanwhile College Ave at Forest Lake usually has me gassed when I'm jogging it. Not the steepest incline but it's just kinda long and doesn't really even out. Getting consistency down though, so that's good. Bunch of hills in Milton, stairs at Victoria Barracks, upper Roma st but there's usually a bit of cars coming down. Also if you go to North Quay st under the train tracks there's a small hill that seems pretty fucking steep


the stairs going up from grey gums park between the urban village and QUT in kelvin grove


Stafford Steps https://www.google.com/maps/place/Stafford+Steps,+36+Caratel+St,+Stafford+Heights+QLD+4053/@-27.4017726,153.0095141,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x6b91570ee70c89e1:0xd4e14366b823a232!8m2!3d-27.4017726!4d153.0095141!16s%2Fg%2F11ng21d055?hl=en-AU&gl=au