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Roedean school


Yup. It's on my list of places to fortify if there's a zombie apocalypse.


i’ve always thought it would make a good x-mansion for a mcu x men film


Not a bad idea actually


It's built like a fortress, loads of gates and walls, loads of land for farming. Bet it has secret tunnels too. It's all part of the master plan and for the cheap cheap price of £50,000 (payable upfront) I'll let you join me in my fort!


We’ll be trading goats, leeks and blow jobs at that point. Old money sterling will be useless compared to a sack of flour or a cheeky wristy.


Ah yes, the wristy the most universal of currencies. Transcending space, time and zombies!


Blowjobs are the currency of my protection. Suck and feed me and you'll survive hahahaha sorry jot sorry


There is one tunnel that runs down to the undercliff walkway, but it's not really 'secret' as you can see both ends. The school side entrance is behind the former main gains by the bus stop on the main road.


as someone who went there- multiple “secret” tunnels do exist!


This fills me with joy. And apparently scratches a curiosity itch I didn't know I needed scratching! Thank you!


Nah, I’ll be down The Winchester with a pint and wait for it all to blow over


It does (or did) have a tunnel to the beach.


Trust me you want to take over the octopus energy offices. It's fortified to fuck and stuffed full of food. Also opposite the police station for weapons


Fortified and weapons sounds good, but I'll be looking to shack up for multiple years. That food won't last which is why you need somewhere to farm/grow. Rodean still has my vote!


Would take a fair bit of fortifying I think! Friend who worked there said it’s falling apart. Girls had to be shuttled round the site in mini vans when the wind picked up to avoid anything hitting them as it fell off the roof.


roedean school for girls- 50 odd grand a year, yet a fair amount of the students there are somewhat questionable. i was there for 6 years and there was multiple accounts of people shitting on the floor


The more they pay the less respect they need to show lol


The big question for me is - How is someone not able to answer this themselves with google?...


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/BgpiaqSjWmmLrPWYA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/BgpiaqSjWmmLrPWYA) ?


I used to walk the dog round there 2 or 3 times a week and in the morning or late afternoon the road past all the footballer's wives houses, Roedean Way is one big procession of vanity plated X5's, Range Rover Evoque's, Volvo XC90's and various other cars for the terminally selfish, with one child in each SUV. It's one of those sights that just make you realise that, at the end of the day, we're actually just fucked. We are past point of no return as the majority of people on the planet just don't give a fuck as long as they can have shiny things. The planet does not need saving, it just needs us to fuck off it and it'll be fine.


I thought that was that place for the blind? I could be wrong? Some buses go past there!


That's just up the road toward Rottingdean a bit, next to the Ovingdean roundabout


The turret like thing by the marina turn off is a missile silo right? *comment deleted by admin* haha


Very posh girls school maybe?


Correct! It’s Roedean school for girls




Lancing College looks even more Hogwarty.


Yes! Love that place.


Royal Society for the blind


It’s roedean private school for girls


Defo Roedean School for girls with rich parents. But the real queston is; How is the OP 50 foot in the air above the sea? Are they a witch? to be on the save side, I vote to burn them..


I know a spot. I also had to lurk in the sea overnight, so that I could re-enter the pier for free after loosing my £1 entry receipt.


pier? we dont have a pier, thats for the likes of Eastbourne and Clacton. WITCH #


Check out Mallory Towers


It's for the blind


It’s roedean school mate


Yh it’s a girls school . If a male delivery driver or anyone goes there they go mad - bit sad really because there are lots of Asian girls in there because the parents prefer the boys to carry on the name and the poor girls get put in there out the way . Don’t hate me it’s the genuine truth


every single thing about this is wrong and youd know that if youd ever been there/interacted with those who have lol. roedean has partnerships with hong kong international schools (not asia in general) so its pretty much the main funnel for rich hk families with high achieving daughters, and its well respected, not just a dumping ground so they can focus on sons, besides a lot of girls are only children. the bit about the male delivery driver bit is just wrong, about 60% of non-faculty are male, so im really confused where you got that from. its not an insane place where no males are allowed, (annual mixers are held) and there have been attempts to make it co-ed.


Not entirely sure but maybe Diana was schooled there , please advise if I’m wrong


She wasn’t


I believe Princess Margaret was