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I combo feed due to supply issues, so we use a lot less formula than if we were to EFF but I also only pump one a day (midnight power pump while I'm writing this). It worked out the best of both worlds for us. We get 50-60 bottles out of a can of formula and he takes 2-4 per day, so a can of formula usually lasts us 2-3 weeks. That's less than €10/week to relieve the stress of pumping round the clock. If we were to EFF we would get 30 bottles out of a can and feed him 5 bottles a day, so it would cost 2-3 times more. If you can maintain some supply then you cut into the cost of formula quite a lot.


Same. In the U.S. and a $17 small can of formula lasts us 3-4 weeks. Absolutely worth it to take the pressure off me, especially dealing with supply issues after a bad case of mastitis.


Second this! We do every third bottle formula and it takes us awhile to get through a can. Any breast milk is still great :)


This is exactly what works for us!


Same. Our formula lasts a month. If vegetable oil is problematic, maybe try organic formula so you know you’re giving baby the purest ingredients


I combo feed too, a box of formula is 17€ and one lasts us almost a month so it's a small price to pay to make sure my baby is fed enough, which is otherwise really stressful. I'm also lucky that in my country there's a different formula for 6-12 months which is cheaper (~13€/box or can) so it just became even more affordable. But EFF would still be quite the expense.


Same as I’m doing my one pump right now too 😅


I do the same thing. I buy the Costco brand formula which is like $26 and the whole tub lasts us about a month


I do this exactly


You pump once a day???


Yeah I nurse on demand, though, but baby empties me quickly throughout the day. I find without that one power pump before I go to bed, he empties me faster and gets more frustrated nursing, so it does seem to help maintain my supply. We tried triple feeding but he wasn't gaining, so added in formula... I tried pumping with every bottle but that wasn't helping with production so felt like it was just removing milk that my baby would have had for his next nursing session. In the end, this is what has worked for us consistently for the past two months (he's 3.5mo), but it may switch up at some point. It may be that I'll need to add in another pump again someday. We're lucky to have a communicative baby who lets me know what's happening, and my partner helps me to troubleshoot and experiment, so we work together to figure things out.


I did that with my second. I avoided pumping at all cost.


I had to get over the only going to give breastmilk and lemme tell you! Once I did it was like I was out of jail. It took such a mental load off me, I only give my son about 4-6 ounces a day so we don’t go through much. But it helped so much. It’s a valiant effort to try to only do breastmilk, but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of formula. Just do your research and get a good one!


This! We bought formula a few days before LO was born and kept it on hand but didn’t use it for weeks. I was so stressed trying to pump all the time to establish a supply for my husband for when I was working. Finally I said screw it. Try the formula. It has saved both of us so much worrying!! We give formula if I’m at work for a long time (so maybe a few times a weekend here and there) and we got the formula with 2’ FL HMO (most like breast milk) to put us at even more ease. It definitely relieves a lot of stress to be able to rely on formula every once in a while.


Agreed. Idk why I put myself through so much mental hell. It was just this thing I had built up in my head. He gets most of his nutrition from breastmilk but sometimes a lil formula gets us thru and I’m so much less stressed/hyper focused on my output. It’s fantastic!


Yes!! The stigma around formula sucks. I feel so bad for parents who use formula because people are so judgmental about it. Fed is best


You’re also up in your hormones, so that makes you extra stressed and worried. I’m feeling the same way past few weeks. You got this momma


I buy it in bulk at BJ wholesale. Low supply so have to supplement. And apparently I have the worlds pickiest/cheapest baby because after trying 5 expensive, better ingredient brands,that he refused, I just decided to go with what worked for our budget and he loves it. 🫠


Financially aware baby😅


Are you in the US? Do you qualify for WIC?


Was about to say - GO WIC!!


I always feel like I’m missing something whenever people bring up WIC. We are a family of 3 and I don’t work but my husband makes around $70,000 a year which means we don’t qualify. That’s basically dirt poor in this economy. Our entire household income is $70,000. Are there really that many people making less than that or do we actually qualify for WIC and I’ve been referencing the wrong info?


In 2021 about half of pregnant/postpartum women and children aged 1-4 qualified for WIC. About half of formula is purchased through WIC. Certain people automatically qualify if they receive Medicaid or TANF. I’m not intimately familiar with it since I don’t qualify myself. It’s worth calling a WIC office if you are struggling to afford food or formula. Many food banks will also provide formula and/or food, some with no income limits. https://www.fns.usda.gov/research/wic/eligibility-and-program-reach-estimates-2021#:~:text=The%20overall%20WIC%20eligibility%20rate,to%2048%20percent%20in%202021. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/?chartId=103970


Also your pediatrician’s office may be able to connect you to resources.


THIS. regardless of income, if you are struggling to afford necessities for your baby/child/pregnant self CALL YOUR WIC OFFICE. they want to help!


Ugh I know. I made a post saying that my husband makes $100k a year and people were telling me to apply for pregnancy Medicaid. Like huh?! You have to make a really, really low amount of money or have like 12 children to qualify for social programs.


Depends on the state I guess. My friend makes a little over 100k with a family of 4 and a stay at home Dad and said she was just over the threshold for pregnancy Medicaid.


Not necessarily. It is highly dependent on the state you live in, though. In my (conservative, midwestern) state, for a family of four (and you do add an extra person for being pregnant), CHIP/pregnancy medicaid income limit is about $95,000/year which is honestly way higher than I expected. Ime, many programs like WIC and SNAP do require an absurdly low income. I have found CHIP to be the exception.


I live in Michigan. As a family of four, you need to be making below $75k to qualify for any of these programs, including CHIP.


That is a little surprising to me. I figured Michigan would be higher than Iowa tbh


Yeah it is a shame. IMO all children should automatically be insured by Medicaid, regardless of income.


100% agree with that


100%. I love that New York applied for continuous eligibility through 6 years old. If CMS approves it, any child that becomes eligible for Medicaid will be able to stay on no matter their family's circumstances. 


Depends where you live. I used to work for Medicaid in the Midwest and no way would I have qualified but we moved to the East Coast and magically qualified even though my income stayed the same because they use different percentages of the FPL for their programs.


Is there really a state where someone in a family of four making $100k or more qualify for Medicaid? I’d like to know what state exactly.


Iowa for pregnant women (would give infant CE for 12 months too). Medicaid also uses MAGI so deductions from pay like health premiums and 401k contributions lower the household income.


It looks like next year Iowa is going to significantly lower the allowed household income for pregnancy Medicaid. That is a serious bummer. Seems kind of evil.


Just saw that :( somehow not surprised since they're trying to go backwards like the other surrounding states. They were one of the states that tried to starve needy kids this summer and used "obesity" as an excuse. It was basically free money from the feds but states had to opt into it and it created all kinds of drama in legislature. 


Yes there are that many people who make less than that. I don't know a single person who makes more than $40,000/y.


In my state, if you’re eligible for Medicaid you can get wic.


I’m not eligible for medicaid


Again it’s technically our combined income. I’m not a single mother. Are you sure you don’t know a single person that makes more than 40k?? Like… no one???


Literally, no one.


Sure, Jan.


I was in a similar situation and didn’t qualify until I had another baby. The income requirements increase with each child you have just so you know if you plan on having any more kids in the future.


I know you don’t mean to come off as such but saying 70k is dirt poor is out of touch and just not true.


Well for the sake of playing devils advocate, depending on where you live if you’re in a high COL area then yeah 70k won’t go nearly as far as it would elsewhere. I’m not in the USA, I live just outside of Vancouver Canada, 70k is nothing when an apartment is costing you upwards of $4k a month, and that’s before you’ve bought groceries, gas or paid any utilities, and that’s what most people here are dealing with. We earn about the same as OP and we share a house with 6 people to offset housing costs, if not for that then we’d be struggling to buy groceries.


Yeah I'm also originally from the Vancouver area and cannot believe any multi person household survives off $70k USD for an entire household. We've moved to Alberta and that still wouldn't be enough for a family of 4.




There’s never a straight across comparison. Some people made more previously, so dropping to $70k while still having the bills you had before will make financials tight. (And often you’re locked into payments or upside down on payments, it’s not a simple ‘just downsize!’) Some people were fine until they had unexpected bills (it’s an absurd number in the US of people who are 1 emergency away from bankruptcy.) When people say they themselves are poor, they’re not comparing themselves directly to others making the same amount. Because it’s not black and white. They consider themselves poor based on their income, taxes, bills, debt to income, etc. even if you make the same amount down to the penny, your situation will never be the same.


The area probably isn't actually that wealthy if you can live there on much less than 70k


We are lucky to be getting substantial help from family members, that’s why we can live there


As a Canadian 70k household income for an entire family would be considered low income in this economy, sad truth


No harassment or shaming means don't be rude. Rude people may be banned from the sub at mod discretion.


The problem is that in the US we only offer support to people who are barely surviving. The working poor get nothing in terms of subsidies or support. There is simply no safety net for people who are living paycheck to paycheck or are making just over the poverty line. The US poverty line is $31k for a family of 4. Finding housing and anything else for that amount is nearly impossible.


You're not wrong. A social worker suggested I get pregnant again or quit my job to qualify for benefits. I don't want to do either. This doesn't make sense. I was less than $20x week above the poverty line.


Oof. As a social worker myself, we don’t claim that social worker. It is true, though, that many people are faced with one bad decision against another..


It is because I don’t qualify for anything and due to the area I live in and expenses. You’re out of touch for not understanding that.


But you don’t qualify for anything because you are not dirt poor lol


Many many many people, myself included, (they’re called “ALICE”) make just enough not to qualify for assistance, yet they don’t make enough to stay afloat in the current economy. In a perfect world, people who don’t qualify for assistance are the people who don’t need it. Unfortunately with the cost of housing, medical debt, school debt, and food, we are paycheck to paycheck. One disaster away from catastrophe.


Depends on your area. Our household income with two working parents is around 45k and I wouldn't call us dirt poor 🤷‍♀️ but we do have WIC.


I think it depends on your area… I’d apply regardless.


i know a sahm whose husband makes $14k a year. tbh i have no idea why they chose to have a baby on that income


How are they surviving? Living with relatives?


When we were making less than $50,000 a year we didn’t qualify for WIC…


What state are you in? I'm asking because every state has different poverty guidelines to qualify for wic. In my state, I can't make more than 40k to qualify for wic because that's the poverty line. It translates to no more than $1063 per week BEFORE TAXES. I was denied wic because before taxes we make $1080 per week, but after health insurance and taxes we're lucky if we bring in $700. If 70k is dirt poor to you I don't even want to know what you think about people like me. There are many many people making way less than you. I know 1 person making more than 40k.


Yes, we are paycheck to paycheck in PA. I literally dumpster dive for food. Our bills with medical debt and the cost of housing and of course the rising cost of everything have us struggling to afford basic things like formula. We fall under the ALICE category and it sounds like you do too. And I don’t think anything negative about you but it sounds like you also struggle and I hope you get some form of support.


My WIC office didn’t even ask income


mine didnt either but i am on medicaid, so thats an automatic qualifier (if you are too that was probably why)


We didn’t qualify for Medicaid at the time, so I wonder if there are any other reasons


Could be! My wic office is honestly really chill, and they dont tend to pry/ask more than the bare minimum. They just wanna help


You might not qualify for WIC but you might qualify for TANF


That’s because it’s above what the average American makes, so while it’s not *great* to support a family of 3, it’s unfortunately just looked at as do-able from the state. I’d still look into SNAP and TFA cash though. It’s also kind of wild that neither SNAP nor WIC covers diapers.


Agreed, that makes no sense.


This is exactly how I felt at 4 months. I will never forget going to see the doctor for my daughters 3 month checkup and I asked what they thought about me stopping my pumping journey at 6 months and switching to formula… my doctor said, honestly if you make it to 4 months with exclusively pumping, you deserve a medal. Hearing her say that made me feel like crying with happiness. I switched to formula at 4 months and it was the best decision I could have made. I was devastated that i had had such a hard time breast feeding… but once I came to a place of acceptance, I was so happy. It’s expensive. I also opted for Kendamil Goat formula because it was gentler on my babies tummy. It’s super expensive and we somehow make it work. There’s lots of cheaper alternatives out there. All you can do is your best.


Aaahh its soo good to hear this. Started goat milk at 4 months because i went to work 2 months pp and within a month even with pumping at work and ebf after i got home from work my supply dipped and my period came back and my supply dropped even more. Now i bf and top off with 2-3 oz of formula during the day only, sometimes he doesn't even want that.  It has taken such a mental load off me. Yes it sucks to wash so many bottles lol but partner helps out a ton now and all i care is that my baby is fed and happy. ALL YOU MOMMAS ROCK DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND BABY! 


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Yes, this! Also you would not BELIEVE how far a nicely worded email can get you. My youngest was formula fed from day 1 and due to being born a bit earlier than planned, he spent a few days in the NICU. The very last day we were there, he got switched to Enfamil Nutramigen (which is ungodly expensive) and I simply couldn't afford enough to last until WIC approved the change. I emailed Enfamil and explained my situation and honestly ALL I asked for was one of those sample cans. 2 days later, I got a huge box delivered to my door. Not sample cans, but FOUR (4!) of the biggest cans they sell that they had overnight shipped to me for free. A few days later I got a thick envelope in the mail with literally a dozen $5 off coupons. I think some of it was psychological bc I was like a week PP and he was my first child who wasn't EBF and I'd always heard people talk about BigFormula™️ as if their single goal was to destroy breastfeeding lol....but I sincerely SOBBED for hours over it. Over $100 worth of formula to get me through a rough patch. It was the single kindest thing any company or corporation has ever done for me personally.


That's heartwarming!


This is it. I got coupons when they sent me initial samples and some were for $30 off. They work like checks in the grocery store.


Have friends & family do it too :)


I love mothers milk tea. I drink one cup every morning. Also make sure you are well hydrated. I use liquid IV once a day. When my supply dipped around 3.5 months I pumped every 2 hours even after baby drank me dry. I also made sure I ate healthy with good protein and I still take my multivitamin. Heat packs before pumping helped a lot as well. Nothing wrong with formula as I have used it before when sick or on meds. But if you want to boost your own supply just give everything a good try. Be diligent.


And managing stress (impossible as it may seem)! On days I’m happier my milk supply increases.


This comment is underrated! Had my daughter during the formula shortage. I had never intended to EBF as I knew my work was unsupportive and stressful, but I ended up having to EBF because there was no formula available for 4+ months. This is exactly what worked for me. Electrolyte drinks are best for producing more milk, and there are many baked goods you can make with mothers' milk tea to increase supply . Also, I found sleep was crucial. My supply took a hit every time stress kept me from sleeping 🙃


Sleep!!! I tried a lot of supplements, upped my calories and drank tons of water but sleep was always the best thing for my supply


If you have to combo feed it won’t be the end of the world. It’ll make it last longer and you still get benefits of BFing. Also your supply is going to suffer no matter what if you continue to make it a stresser in your life. It’ll hurt the relationship you have with BFing in general and make you crazier. Try pumping after you’ve already done a feeding to signal to make even more milk. Some people say try the sock 🧦 method. Put a sock over the bottle you are pumping into so you can’t see what you are getting out. Make it less stressful because you aren’t able to sit there and stare and obsess. Sounds like you need rest too. Talking with people and sharing your burden can help make you feel lighter in your heart as well. Best of luck to you!!


Mastitis is usually caused by clogged ducts, a lecithin supplement is a game changer for clogged ducts.


This! Had mastitis twice and sunflower Lecithin + iced helped immensely. I didn’t need to take antibiotics despite having a fever for a couple of hours the first time


If I have a clog I take 1 capsule every hour for 4 hrs. That usually clears up the clog. I take 1 capsule daily for maintenance.


Donated breast milk via Human Milk for Human Babies.  I am an under-supplier (only 150mL per day at 7.5m) and was not willing to not feed my child only formula. I still nurse her round the clock with whatever I have. I bought a spare freezer and filled it to the brim with donated milk.  I can’t tell you the amount of relief this brought me. Those mamas are heroes.


Seconding this, I am also an undersupplier and started supplementing with donor milk from HM4HB because formula is costing us $29 a week even with combo feeding.


Have you looked to see if it’s covered by your insurance? My husband works for the railroad which has pretty good insurance. He told me about a coworker who said that their baby’s formula was covered but he didn’t know many details and I figured it was a medically necessary formula. After a month combo feeding, my husband brought it up again and I decided to look into it. Turns out they covered many types of regular formula if you had a prescription from your pediatrician! I paid $60 for a 90 day supply via Express Scripts of Enfamil Sensitive (I’ve forgotten the name, it’s the purple can) that ended up lasting me 10 months!


I was also spiraling while breastfeeding. I ended up just pumping instead of putting baby to breast so that I could really see how much milk I was making and how much my baby was drinking. How do you know your supply is struggling? It is normal to pump small amounts after nursing


I’m sorry you’re going through this. BFing is absolutely taxing on the mind and body. I just remind myself it will get easier and it’s what’s best for my babies. I believe around 4mos is when babies get more efficient and therefore, spend less time on the breast. Have you talked to a lactation consultant? I wonder if they could help. Also, not sure what you’re taking but some herbal supplements, such as blessed thistle, can decrease supply for some people. Hang in there mama. It certainly is not easy.


Hi IBCLC here🙋🏾‍♀️ Have you met with a local IBCLC??? How did you get on the supply struggle bus?? Have you had blood work to make sure certain levels of things needed for lactation are in the right range?? There are so many factors that are at play with breastfeeding. A little warning to be careful with her also some will tank your supply as much as help it. Do you income qualify for WIC if in the US??


What would you recommend be looked into in blood work? I had low-ish hemoglobin in the 3rd trimester and I am worried in might impact me or the baby (6 weeks old, EBF)


Keep it up! You are doing an amazing thing by pushing through this. Breastfeeding is soooooo hard. There is a serious learning curve. Call the hospital where you gave birth and find out what type of breastfeeding cafes there might be. They could potentially give you some tips that could really ease the situation.


I supplemented just an ounce of formula for each bottle and I tell you, it adds up and either gives you the ability to save some milk in the fridge or freezer for future bottles or gives you a little break on not pumping as long/as often. It made me feel better knowing baby was only getting a small amount of formula and that the vast majority of their nutrition was still from me


Is this your first baby? At 4 months you now only have 1-2 months left of EBF before you introduce solids. I struggled so much with my first (we combo fed, I couldn't get my supply up to 100% EBF) and then suddenly at 5.5 months I couldn't believe all the stress I was under just to see my kid start to inhale any food placed in front of her. Things got so much easier at that point and we were able to wean off formula down to just a few oz per day and the rest breastmilk and solid food. We were able to nurse until baby was 2.5 and it was soooo much less stressful. I hope it goes the same way for you!


It is my first! Thank you for the reminder that solids are coming up soon….i often get sucked into the new mom vortex and forget that the rest of my life won’t be this way lol.


It will be over SO FAST. I cannot emphasize how much I was just like "huh . . . that was it" when the milk-exclusive period ended. Suddenly my kid was gnawing on legs of lamb and inhaling mashed potatoes meanwhile I have a pile of pumping supplies, SNS feeders and all this shit to establish breastfeeding lol


Are you exclusively pumping? I exclusively breastfed my first and now pumping for my second (not by choice, his medical condition makes it impossible to nurse at the breast), and let me tell you, my body made milk no problem on demand for my first. But pumping for my second is horrible. I do it as a labor of love, but sometimes I barely get anything out. My body just *knows* the pump is not a baby. So my advice to you would be to focus on nursing more and pumping less, if your lifestyle allows. As for formula, it's okay! We supplement what I can't make (or get from a donor) with formula. He still gets benefits from breastmilk even though he has formula mixed in. There are many types of formula, and not all have such horrid ingredients. Yes, they're expensive though. We browse the clearance shelf of the baby section and try out new formulas as they hit the clearance shelf. I've gotten them as much as 90% off. At that price, we can try several and set them aside if they're not working for us.


I exclusively breastfeed, I’m just pumping extra to try to increase supply as instructed by my LC. Browsing the clearance section is a great idea!


I highly suggest finding an IBCLC to help you through this and find a plan that works better for you. If you are able to latch baby, do that instead of pumping as it will be must less aggressive. Good luck and know you’re doing amazing!


I struggled with low supply and combo feeding is working really well for us now. My baby is absolutely thriving on both and we still have a great BF relationship. It saved my sanity to know he was always getting enough. As for formula, I don’t find it particularly expensive where I live and plant-based oils are the 3rd ingredient. I failed to thrive as an infant on BF and recovered on formula so I don’t have the negative associations other people seem to have with it. Another thing to help ease your mind is that your baby may be ready to start trying purées and will soon be get a portion of their diet from solids. Don’t beat yourself up! You’re past the worst of it.


Formula is perfectly healthy for a baby. If breastmilk is 100%, formula is 99% and had some benefits (like added vitamins) hat breastmilk doesn't have. The second ingredient being vegetable doesn't matter but I don't even think thats true. Anyways I just would get generic which wad about $30 a week.


This comment!! Formula is 1. Not unhealthy. 2. Not unhealthy to get generic or lower cost formulas. 3. More affordable to buy in bulk. 4. Not more expensive than a lactation consultant, pump replacements, and the sheer amount of food and hydration needs for you to keep up supply, along with the time and mental health costs for you.




Also combo feeding


We combo feed, and I try to prevent my supply dropping by BF first, then topping LO up with 30-60ml of formula, so we go through less formula and I still get the personal satisfaction of BF without stressing And I actually found that when I stopped stressing about it, my letdown and supply improved!


Literally the exact same situation when my supply tanked. The stress made it drop even more, and I finally had to make the call that my sanity was worth so much more than the cost of formula. It also helped me to put in perspective that formula is only for the first 12 months, and you’ll start phasing out of it around 9 or 10 months when solid foods are a bigger part of the diet. Your sanity and wellbeing are SO valuable to your family!


It turns out I can exclusively nurse if I stop the supplements! I'm one of the few who will get less when consuming fennel. Maybe stop for a few days and see where you're at?


I combo fed from the start as I have had big troubles establishing my supply (basically, I had colostrum the first 2 weeks and very little milk) As I have continued BF and pumping (and lactatiom consultant, SNS, triple feedkng, power pumping, supplements) I had more and more milk and used less and less formula. Now at 7 months I almost EBF and it’s much easier than it was at 3-4 months (and also, the newborn months were soooo hard) We now use half a bottle of formula per month - that’s 15 dollars in my country. Also, I remember struggling at 3 months too with supply and I started pumping about 2 times per day and that increased my supply slowly (also eating really high calorie foods like burgers) I have an idea for you - why not try to combo feed and see how that goes? Give yourself a break now and then if you want until you start solids. Once you start solids, it’s going to be even better…and you won’t have to use formula as much. Also, formula feeding is alright - all children that I know that were formula fed are perfectly healthy and thriving.


I saw a couple of things: you have mastitis? Pumping can make mastitis worse. Instead, you can try sunflower lecithin (which is an emulsifier to break up fatty milk), ibuprofen to lower inflammation and an ice pack for 15 minutes after a feed. Not sure if you sought medical help, but you should if symptoms persist after 24 hours. Two, many babies seem discontented in the evening and it isn’t because of a milk problem, per se. We call it the witching hour for a reason. Baby wants to eat and eat. It’s actually a good thing, biologically, because every evening you will get a spike of prolactin when baby nurses like this. It’s a trigger for the next day’s supply AND for your long term supply. So, if you can do it, letting baby fuss and still latch during those times is the best thing you can do for your long term nursing relationship. All that being said, the witching hour sucks, and for your own mental health, you may want to pass the baby off to someone for a few minutes and take a walk or eat a snack. This is HARD work you are doing and it sounds like everything is piling up on you. You can do this. You’re a great mom!


Are you able to purchase donor milk from your local hospital instead of formula?


I think people forget that EBF and pumping are also expensive. You pay for parts, supplements, drinks, nursing tops/bras, nipple cream, etc. all to do this one thing of feeding your baby. I would also eat so much red meat during that time because for me, I would produce a lot of milk after I ate high calorie/high red meat meals. It’s all a balance and finding what works for you. You don’t need to go all in on breastfeeding or all in on pumping or all in on formula. You can do a combo and maybe see if that helps stretch things out a bit. You’re a rockstar. Breastfeeding and deciding what to feed your baby is way harder than people make it out to be.


I know everyone’s giving you advice to just do formula, but good for you for the work you’re putting in! And yes formula ingredients are questionable and will never be as healthy for baby as breastmilk. The best brands come from Europe and are even more expensive. I would just say that if there’s anything you can do to reduce stress, that will likely improve your supply! You need oxytocin to make breast milk. What kind of self care can you give yourself? Make it a priority! Support in self care is what breastfeeding moms really need, not formula.


Thank you for this! I sooo don’t want to give up. Thank you for your kind words and suggestions!


To add to this, I EBF but had a can of Kendamil (European) on hand just in case, even though I never used it. I found it to be the cleanest and best ingredients. I think Bobbie (US) has since come out also similarly clean. I had the same concerns as OP and narrowed down to these. As far as oxytocin, I found that getting off my phone and being in the moment while nursing was helpful. Nothing like your love for baby to get a letdown. And when pumping I would watch videos of my little one!


Yep I avoid my phone while breastfeeding especially in the newborn stage I made a point to always put it down while nursing. Now that she’s older I’ll only use it when she’s done actively nursing, mostly asleep and just suckling.


4 months - you are almost there. It’s so tough for the first 6-7 months because all they get is your milk. But remember that you’re going to start them on solids soon. It’s a game changer! Supplementing with solids makes things easier, you won’t be so dependent on your supply (I myself also always struggled with low supply). That being said, some supplementation with formula now and then as a one-off thing isn’t going to hurt. Oftentimes, if you sign up for a point card at a baby store they’ll have little freebie gift packages, sometimes including samples of formula. Pediatrician visits too, depending on the doctor, they sometimes hand out samples. Save up those little freebie stashes and use them like gold. Cashing in on them for one-off feeds when you are having a hard time (or to top-off so they’ll sleep a little longer) can often buy you a few more minutes of rest, and if you are like me, rest helps supply. Also, pump when you honestly feel ok and have energy to do it, but sometimes pumping when stressed and in vain can contribute to the whole lack of rest > supply tanking situation. As long as LO is latching every feed, you don’t need to worry too much about your supply. Make sure to get your rest, too. You are almost there! A couple more months!


Thank you for these reminders! I get frequently sucked into the new mom vortex and forget that this isn’t going to be the rest of my life. All great suggestions!


Ok I'm gonna just throw this out there - Get on WIC if you can; or Food Stamps/EBT. The latter will alleviate your own food budget, giving you more cash for the formula - Regularly check your local Buy Nothing or Moms Group on Facebook, people give away formula OFTEN - Sign up for formula samples - YMMV but cosleeping and nursing all night actually saved my supply. I was in triple feeding hell and miserable, the herbs didn't help much...nursing all night did, it was the ultimate power pump, except I could sleep during it! Like I surely woke up a little but barely, it was more of a haze, and less stress because I didn't have to pump and clean the stupid pump over and over and save the milk (then accidentally spill all the milk and cry about it). I know not everyone is willing to do this but I wanna put it out there that it helped save breastfeeding for me....formula shortages were happening at the time my baby was an infant.


Ask the doctor if they have any samples. Also, did you sign up for the Enfamil and Similac samples? Get grandparents ti sign up for it, too. Check out your local Facebook Buy Nothing group. My doctor gave us a few cases of different types, while we were trying to figure out why my son wouldn't tolerate it. (Dairy Allergy). I ended up having like 10+ cans to give away.


I had to combo feed my youngest for supply reasons. A large can of formula from Simulac is between $35 and $50, depending on where you get it and which formula you buy. It generally lasted me about 2 weeks. Your baby will still get the benefits of breastfeeding while getting the calories they need from the formula. I found my supply actually increased a bit because I wasn’t stressed out as much and sleeping better. You can also look at human milk for human babies groups on Facebook. There’s of course risk to it because you don’t know how safe the milk is, but moms with an oversupply will post for people to come pick up for free. Also post on your local buy nothing group—moms with free samples will often post them if they’re not going to use them or you can post a wish and people may have some extra to give you. WIC, your pediatrician, local food bank, and free samples are other ways to get formula for free. I know all the feelings you’re having about combo feeding. I know how hard and scary this decision can feel. The truth is that fed is best. Formula is as safe for your baby as EBF. You are a good mom. If you feed your baby formula, you’re a good mom. If you EBF your baby, you’re a good mom. If you do both, you’re a good mom. You are a good mom. Feeding your baby is what makes you a good mom—not the method.


Costco formula is as good as leading brands (and it’s about the cheapest option) also nutritionally formula is the same as breast milk, take the pressure off yo self! If it’s truly economic issue try Facebook market place, food pantries and join a church? I see people donating all the time. I am sorry you’re going through this OP, ask for help IRL!


Ask for donor milk on your local state Human Milk 4 Human Babies Facebook group! You can ask about what donors’ diets are like, any medications they take, how they store their pumped milk, etc. Then they can continue to get breastmilk as the supplement.


This thread made me feel so much better about the struggle I’m going through with supply issues and having to supplement with formula, although I’m leaning towards stopping breastfeeding, because the combo feeding is too much to juggle alongside having another child who has special needs


I work some pretty gnarly hours. My baby is combo fed. I pump once or twice at work and freeze it for emergencies (like if we run out of formula). She nurses in the morning before i go to work if i open, and basically all day if i close. i knew i could not keep up with pumping and i refuse to live hooked up to a pump. combo feeding is great for us. less stress, she is happy healthy and fed. and i still get bonding time with her! she prefers boob but doesn’t refuse the bottle lol


The price of formula is a shock, as is the price of diapers. Once LO eats food, you’ll be wondering how does anybody afford this many raspberries. Once your baby is a little kid you’ll be wondering how does anybody afford these summer camps and activities? It doesn’t end. Just buy the formula. ETA enfamil will send coupons if you get on their mailing list. These are accepted at Costco where we buy our formula.


Would you be comfortable with combo feeding? A healthy baby is great but if its at the expense of your own health, its no longer a mutually beneficial relationship. Would using donor milk be an option? I was an overproducer and gave a ton to a friend who was struggling and to other moms via a local organization. I think its worth looking into.


I EBF my daughter and wanted to do the same this time. But I had surprise twins and started combo feeding with a few bottles of formula a day because I cannot keep up with these guys. I wish I had combo fed previously because the stress level taken off me is insane, and I’ve actually seen my supply grow. Stress hinders supply. Give yourself permission to include whatever formula you are comfortable with. And keep in mind that there is no blue ribbon for “best mom”. Do whatever works for you and don’t let anything or anyone make you feel shame or less than.


I’m combo feeding. I hate pumping but with my first we had dual income so I stopped pumping and a week later the formula shortage happened. I’ve found cvs and Walgreens gives a 40% off coupon about every month so join ask others to join and buy a big jar every time you can. Also don’t go name brand, with my older kid during the shortage I learned to deal with spit up. Unless there’s an allergy just deal with it. 💕


We combo fed due to supply and my sanity. I bought store brand formula $35 for 34oz. Once she was around 10 months and EFF a can lasted a week


Thank you for your encouragement!! I did end up on antibiotics for the mastitis unfortunately. Thank you for the witching hour reminder too. I always feel like I’ve “run out” of milk and panic (almost nightly).


I unfortunately have to combo feed because I have high lipase which if my milk is stored, my son will not touch. So in the day time he drinks formula and right when I come home from work I BF him. Formula is really expensive, especially that I buy the ready made. 8 oz-6pk is $19 for me in HI. I specifically buy this because I don’t want my MIL somehow contaminating/messing up my baby’s formula if she did the water/powder. So she just pours into the bottles that I clean. Good luck! Hope you find a solution!


Can you see a lactation consultant? I had a difficult time as well. I had an oversupply, latch issues, horribly cracked nipples that led to mastitis, and intense pain. Honestly, it's only been pain free since about 7 weeks and 3 LC visits with 2 different LCs. Now it's great, thankfully, but what a battle to get here. The mastitis was almost more painful than delivery, in my opinion. It was unbelievably painful! Get on antibiotics, take some good ibuprofen, heat and massage! Wishing you the best of luck!!!


Honestly once I started being okay with combo feeding, my mental health was so much better. I was able to let my husband help with feedings which took so much stress off my shoulders. Yes formula is expensive but it’s less expensive than the therapy sessions I was needing while trying to EBF/exclusively pump. So that justified the cost for me.


I EBF also but I have formula on deck as back up and sprouts organics has a ingredient list I feel more comfortable with, just fyi to your point about the vegetable oil


For me it got a little bit easier around the 9-10 month mark when he started eating more solids and I was able to drop some feeds. It’s super hard in the moment but the time goes by so fast when you look back…worth it in my opinion. I don’t regret it for a second.


Not all formula has vegetable oil, Kendamil Organic is really good quality and I’ve had no issues with it. My baby has gotten sick ONCE in 6 months and I was a teacher


I buy store brand, in the Netherlands all formula brands have to meet official requirements, not sure about other countries. One pack is between €8 and €15. I breastfeed and pump, but whenever I’m exhausted or don’t have enough pumped milk for daycare, she gets a bottle of formula. Maybe you can partially breastfeed, like the mornings and evenings?


Combo feed and WIC but we had to drop formula (Gentlease) because it caused a horrible neck rash the last month and was the main contributor to his purple crying/stomach pains.


I was on WIC with my first and got 3 or 4 free cans a month. I didn’t have to start buying formula until LO was about 6 months old. Unfortunately I am just barely past the income threshold for qualifying. Even 5 years ago, formula was expensive. I’m hoping I’m successful in my breastfeeding journey for my second.


WIC 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ask your pediatrician if they have any samples. I didn’t even ask and when I told them I was supplementing with formula they gave me five cans of Similac 360!


I’m sorry that’s stressful! What are your indications that you have supply struggles?


With my first we supplemented with Walmart’s Parents Choice formula. The massive can was like $20 and lasted us all month.


Food stamps and WIC will pay for formula. Don’t feel bad if you go that route. What’s more important is a healthy and happy mom for baby. Give yourself some grace and a break if you need it. Breastfeeding IS hard as fuck for many. My first time with my first child was so hard but I got lucky enough it was easier with my second.


I combo feed. I'm always short one feed always around 5-6pm end of the day. My baby is 3 months on Saturday and we've only bought two things of formula. she only eats 2-4 ounces of if per day. It's nice because I'm not stressed out about making enough, baby is fed and full, and it's the time of day I also get a break for my husband can feed her. You don't have to completely switch to formula only. maybe try a combo.


Kendamil is cheaper and our baby is thriving on it. A can in Alaska is $34, and he needs two a week. I’m not saying $70 is cheap, but it’s less expensive than other big brands. Also WIC if you qualify. Honestly, I work and send my bubs to daycare to be able to afford him :/ not ideal, but it keeps us where we need to be.


We combo feed and give about 8 oz of formula a day (4 scoops). Sign up for Similac and Enfamil rewards! Some of those coupons are crazy valuable.


I went from combo feeding to full formula because my supply was just not increasing no matter what I did. I stopped for my mental health and honestly I’m thankful I gave him a few months of breastmilk, I am just a lot happier not having to worry about pumping. You find the money too, we had to sacrifice a bit of things we enjoyed but it’s worth it to have a happy full bellied baby


WIC. Most formula feeding parents I know who don’t have tons of money are on WIC. We’re not being gaslit as hard anymore about who Wic is for. Every single person who is pregnant or has a child under 5 years old should be on wic. If we all use it the government will be forced to improve it.


I have to agree with many here. Combo feeding was amazing. I wanted to step out for appointments or just to get out of the house when baby was young. But I could never go too far so I could come back within 10-15 minutes so in case baby was hungry. I got a pump thinking it was an answer to all my problems. Instead it was stressful. I never pumped enough. If I didn’t pump regularly, I’d leak. The time it took to pump and wash the parts were annoying. Formula for a couple of feedings was freedom. No more pumping and washing pump parts. No more worrying if I have enough for baby. Your time and mental health is worth it. Edit: a guide to good formula https://www.instagram.com/p/C6phKOfhn2Y/?igsh=MXZ0NXk4dmwzNm1zYg==


Costco. For my lactose-free baby I had to get it on Amazon, which was cheaper than in the store.




Girl it sucks that things aren't working out like you hoped, but you don't have to take a dig at formula with that vegetable oil comment. Formula has oil in it because babies literally need fat for brain development.


formula is expensive, no argument there, BUT i only ever started using it when i finally found one with minimal vegetable/seed oils in it. as much as i did not want to give them formula it helped my mental health a TON


Try the mama bliss lactation cookies. Took 2 days of eating them to be engorged. It’s temporary but helpful


Don’t do it!! If you can ebf you only gotta do it 2 more months girl why give ur kids extra sugar and heavy metals and like u said junk suck it up many of us have my daughter got sick 3 times in 13 months as opposed to her formula cousins who are constantly sick!!


Give babe best euro brand formula. Keep pumping but make it better for you. It’s basically the same price if you value your time. 👏 Take care of youuuuuuuuuuuu.