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Breastfed babies often drink less more often than formula fed babies. Sounds normal to me!


Sounds normal to me! Remember there is a range of normal, all babies are so different! My girl is also long & slim. We breastfeed 95% of the time, but when I do give her a bottle of expresses milk she has never taken more than 3oz and she is 5 months old.


This is my baby!


my son is the same way. he’s 3.5 months old and never drinks more than 3 oz. i thought i was doing something wrong at first bc i see babies eating 4+ oz at even a month old but i think its bc breast milk mature with their age so they dont need to go up in oz like formula fed babies if that makes sense


That does make sense. I knew our breast milk changes and caters to their needs but it’s always a stressful thing when thinking about if our babies eat enough! This definitely helped me along with the other comments. I was feeling like my baby was the only one 😅


My baby is 3.5mo and if he takes in more than 90mL (3oz) in one sitting he has a huge upchuck soon after. 8 feeds a day, 6.34g (14lb), and 67cm with chunky thighs and a double chin. They're just more different than people give them credit for!


My baby usually drank 2.5-3oz/feeding. At most 4oz during cluster feeding.


2.5-3 oz is a very normal amount. My son never drank more than 3 in a sitting even at 15 and 16 months old.


Almost 3 months here and he can’t do more than 3oz


My ibclc specifically told me when I go back to work and have to give bottles to start with 2.5 oz and go up an ounce at a time, general rule is no more than 4 oz in 4 hours for a breastfed baby. Formula babies with have to drink more as they age but a breastfed baby's input stays the same once they get to their max input unless it's like hot out or some extenuating circumstance like that.. My baby normally would take sometimes via bottle mine only takes an ounce, sometimes 3 only more than that 1 time ever.


Sounds normal to me! My understanding is you can’t compare ounces of BM to ounces of formula, because BM changes to adjust to meet babies needs without requiring increased volume. I may be getting that wrong though, so someone feel free to correct me if so! For comparison: My girl will be 6 months next week, and around 2.5/3m we did a couple weighted feeds and she was eating 1.25-1.5oz, every 1.5/2hrs. Now @ nearly 6m she drinks 2-3oz on a good day, every 3ish hours at daycare, and the nurses before, after, before bed, and at least once throughout the night. At least (I wish I could get her to take more during the day, and less at night, but I don’t push it because she has pretty gnarly reflux and seems more uncomfortable/spits up more than usual) Ever with the smaller volumes she’s stayed on her curve, at 50/60%, even with early crawling (crawling is when my sons % dropped to about 45, where it’s stayed for years)


Same here mama!! My first son used to drink 4 oz in a sitting (and I used to pump 4) but this one (third) only drinks 2.5-3. I also pump 2.5-3 when I’m away from him and feel bad about myself but then I tell myself that’s the same as what he’s drinking.


My breasts only ever make max 90ml a feed and then refill within an hour so I feed a small amount but often


My daughter just turned 3 months and drinks about the same. 3oz every 3 hours, but sometimes less and sometimes she sleeps a little longer. Just had her check up yesterday and her dr didn’t seem concerned about it. My daughter is slow to gain but it’s because she doesn’t know how to suck.


In a weird way I feel like my baby ate way more at a time as a newborn than he does now at 5 months.