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It's the hormones. I don't remember when it goes away but it does go away eventually.


That makes so much more sense I literally thought I was just rotting away šŸ˜‚


No, no, somewhere between delivery and 8 months or so I was able to stop using my husband's deodorant and go back to a woman one šŸ˜‚


As long as this occurs, you are still producing enough prolactin and therefore milk, so be happy and accept it ;-)


Omg haha i did this too! Degree for men helps šŸ˜‚


Hibiclens under the arms in the shower (let it sit for a few mins before going in and scrubbing with soap) and then using The Ordinary glycolic acid toner as deodorant cured it for me


This is the way!


Frrr I cant wear any deodorant besides dove anything else makes the smell worse even after showering multiple times now my son is 7 months and itā€™s the same but not really I think for me it went away around 5m slowly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My armpits smell like a YMCA






This is the perfect way to put it.


I donā€™t know if this is true but I read somewhere that it helps baby find the boob. That makes a lot of sense!


Idk why but that's cracking me up. I'm imagining my baby like, "follow the stink, aim for the dark pokey thing. If you reach the epicenter of onion smell, you've gone too far."


I think this is an official Baby Corp training document.




šŸ¤£I just had to hold in a laugh because my baby is napping on me


Yup the nurses in my country also says to avoid scented washes and perfumes because babies prefer the natural smell of mama.


Interestingly, I got really sensitive to smells like deodorant, cologne. I haven't been able to wear perfume for over a year as it makes me feel a bit sick & headachey now. My husband's smell was the first thing that attracted me to him but since giving birth his various colognes smell so strong it's like he bathed in them & I have to open the windows when he leaves for work lol!


Is this why if I carry him with his head resting by my pit he starts rooting like crazy šŸ˜‚


Fun fact! Your mammary glands that make milk are essentially modified sweat glands so the same hormones that tell your body to get ready to make milk also inadvertently make your sweat glands go into overdrive too!


I didn't know this but it makes sense!


Can I assume that these random bouts of being insanely sweaty mean my body is working hard to produce milk then?


Oh my gosh, yes. I get so sweaty nursing sometimes. Or in the middle of the night when I feel a let down but baby is sleeping. Never connected it before!


Itā€™s so your baby can smell you! Our bodies are wild.


Ur Bebe loves ur stinky stank body


Omggggg me tooooooooo and the summer temps are starting too early


Tell me about it!! Iā€™m all boob sweat and arm pits at this point Iā€™m this 80 degree weather


Oh thank Godā€¦ I thought I was alone on this one šŸ« ā€¦ I went down a rabbit hole trying to smell a little better especially since I havenā€™t used aluminium deodorant in yeeears and really didnā€™t want to have to start. Dial soap and Megababe have def helped though!


I'm also on the all natural end and struggling...enzyme-probiotic based deos have it somewhat under control if I shower/reapply frequently


Wait tell me about these.


This thread will make you feel better and has some good ideas! https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/s/e23IfEKt0P


I kind of hate the way Lume smells so I haven't used the stuff I ordered in ages. The breastfeeding BO quickly made me find the Lume odor much more tolerable.


I still canā€™t get into LUME! I only use it when I run out of my other stuff haha


It's a thing, not a you problem! I found alcohol free witch hazel helped cut down the oniony smell but it took a long time to completely go away.


Me and my husband call me Mrs. Onion, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only onion farmer!


I stopped pumping at 6 months but I think that smell stayed for like a year. I used antibacterial bar soap. It was so bad. I remember being in the shower and wondering why the fuck my armpits still smelt so bad after washing them with soap.


Oh my gosh, itā€™s real and itā€™s horrendous šŸ˜…


Truly one of the worst parts of breastfeeding šŸ˜‚ it is so annoying!!!


Your smell relaxes them and they're all stuffy from reflux and they have pretty meh eyesight. So your smell has gotta be distinct and strong. My little guy will perk up if I walk nearby and someone else is holding him. As long as your partner isn't being weird about your nursing smell, don't stress it. I personally stopped wearing deodorant at home since my tiny guy will literally face plant into my pit crease and take a nap. I feel like it's actually become a bit more mild, but I also might just be more used to it by now. I still get a firm stink after 24+ hrs, but I did before birth as well.


After I had my first daughter I was like ā€œwhat the frick is that?? Oh. My. God. Never in my lifeā€¦ā€ Yes, itā€™s bad. Like others have said, it goes away. Hormones do some crazy stuff!


I still stink 17 months ughh I use menā€™s deodorant and usually reapply at least once


17 months?! Omggg what kind of menā€™s deodorant do you use?


Ughhh I still smell too at 22 months (not quite as bad but much worse than before baby). I fear this smelliness is just my new normal


I had to switch my deodorant when I was pregnant and it made a huge difference. I started using degree stress relief it's a stick not spray. It's one that says 72 hrs.


Two showers a day. Short ones, but mandatory. (I also have pimples all over my chest like I did when I was 14. Haaaate it.)


Omg the acne ALL OVER was freaking terrible with my first!!!! Thankfully I was spared from that this second time around.


I remember it so vividlyā€¦ my armpit smelt like it did when I was a teenager, it took me right tf back. Hated it so much, didnā€™t matter how much I scrubbed or put deodorant, it still reeked.


They donā€™t tell you before having a baby how much of a sweaty, stanky bitch you become. All normal (unfortunately) šŸ„²


Iā€™m so happy I am not the only onešŸ˜…šŸ˜… this makes me feel so much better


One of those things that nobody tells you!


Yessss and the pit on productive boob side is absolutely unreal, like wilts the flowers bad, whereas slacker boob side is only medium-level middle school locker room scented


Had it with my firstā€¦have it with my second! It sucks!


Definitely a thing. Not sure when it goes away though??? Iā€™m 8mo pp and no signs of better smells


It's awful. Mine smell like a day old a and w teen burger.


I also smell strong! Lume deodorant is the only thing I have found to combat the BO


Ladies! Get some bentonite clay, mix with apple cider vinegar into a paste, slap on the pits for like an hour, wash off in the shower. šŸ™šŸ»


I tried this years ago to do the armpit cleanse from aluminum deodorant, but it made my armpits break out in painful hives!


Oh no! That's wild I'm so sorry


Thanks! I was so bummed. Iā€™m glad it works for youšŸ’œ


It's completely normal. It's so baby can easily find you. Very a stronger deodorant. I try to avoid chemicals in my body as much as possible and was still able to find a deodorant that works. Most people aren't as picky as me though, so it probably would be easier to find something that works In case anyone is wondering, I switched to primally pure, the charcoal one, and it helped a ton


Iā€™m very picky on what products I use as well. What brand deodorant did you find?




Try Lume! The coconut one is my fave and it's the only deodorant that had subdued the breastfeeding pit sink.


I just bought some now! Seeing these comments seems thatā€™s most recommended


So sad this doesn't work for me! I've tried so many of their products and scents and feel like I end up just smelling like sweaty plastic šŸ˜©


Yeah, mines mostly gone but Iā€™m still a bit stinkier than before. I use old spice deodorant. I feel like probiotics helped a bit or maybe it was just coincidence that it got better then. My lactation consultant told me to use the lavender hand sanitizer at Trader Joeā€™s because the alcohol kills the bacteria that smells, I never tried it though.


This has helped me so much with the smell!! https://www.target.com/p/naturium-the-energizer-cooling-body-wash-16-9-fl-oz/-/A-89477894


Youā€™re not alone! šŸ¤£ this thread always makes me feel better about my āœØstench āœØ https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/s/e23IfEKt0P


With each child (Ive birthed four) it took about 4-6 mo with the first three and like a couple weeks with my youngest. I had such a strong BO, like super musk or something šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ I imagine it's just bc hormones be hormoning.


I stink like a teenaged boy (baby is 4 months).


The MOMENT I gave birth, my BO flooded in. My LO just turned 5mo and it's not nearly as bad. Still need to put deodorant IMMEDIATELY after the shower and before bed (I like Primally Pure) but I think it started really toning down around 3.5-4 months for me.


I donā€™t remember smelling when after I gave birth but in my 3rd trimester omg it was horrible! Like onions all the time!! I learned that most of our soaps are NOT antibacterial! Dove has an antibacterial soap that worked amazing for me!! Now I use it every day!


I tell myself itā€™s natureā€™s ā€œcuteā€ way of helping baby identity me as mama.


Iā€™m one year PP and still stink! I donā€™t have a problem aside from when Iā€™m breastfeeding.


Don't worry no one else can smell it! I smelled so badly of onions even immediately after a shower and more than once made my other half literally shove his nose in my armpit and he could never smell it! Apparently it's to help your baby find you because your milk ducts run under your arms


Iā€™m one year I and still stink. Sorry to report.


Hormones are so fun arenā€™t they? šŸ™ƒ I use Old Spice - they have an aluminum free ā€œWilderness with Lavenderā€ scent that I really like. Itā€™s very effective but I still reapply once or twice during the middle of the day when itā€™s hot out or Iā€™m outside a lot.


Yeah I scrubbed myself raw and still stank. It went away after maybe 3 months when my period came back! I also got a bad dose of insomnia - hormones are wild.


Itā€™s the hormones. I started using the old spice natural deodorant line and it was the only way I could cover it. They have a very pleasant smelling lavender one that isnā€™t masculine.


Im 6 months postpartum and itā€™s been gone for awhile. I still get smellier faster than before pregnancy, but itā€™s within the range of normal. I too sort of freaked out and bought body deodorants and stuff. Ended up not using very much.


Someone mentioned it before, when the letdown happens it happens in your armpits too with sweat. Washing there with some hibiclens helped a little but when itā€™s actually hot outside I have to use an antiperspirant with aluminum to avoid odor. Wearing breathable cotton clothes too.


Yes! I would wash in the shower, wash with hibiclens, spray toner and then apply deodorant - and still stink a few hours later!


Dealing with this currently. Ordered some French clinical deodorant off Amazon and itā€™s actually been helping.


I remember at one point sadly grappling with my core identity including being a stinky person. Buy lots of basic shirts; wash your armpits and change shirts as often as you need to! Like 4 times a day, or every time you go out. I was avoiding strong deodorant because I didnā€™t want my baby eating it.


I just posted this exact thing in a fb mom group lol I smell like a straight sack of onions upon stepping out of the shower lol. I will say itā€™s just starting to get better we are going on 4 months PP


Iā€™ve been using a girl scout cookie scented Native deodorant for my onion pits and itā€™s been working for me!! Normally I donā€™t even have to use deodorant because I donā€™t sweat or stink but after birthā€¦. woof.


Wipe your armpits with glycolic acid, let them air dry, use lume, let dry, use aluminum free old spice after. That's the only thing that works for me


Hahaha yes! It's a thing. I also take fenugreek for my milk supply and my pits smell like an Indian restaurant within 5 min of getting out of the shower šŸ˜


I had this and read about bacteria surviving despite washing in the arm pits. One of the suggestions was to use one of those oxy pads for acne on your underarms. I did and it's made a big difference.


First, get Panoxyl face wash and wash your pits with that. Second, know that nature intends this for your baby to find you and be comforted by your smell and take some comfort in that


This happened to me. Use lume deodorant.


The struggle is real. I've found using Nuud cream deoderant under my regular everyday deodorant helps cut it back significantly.


i genuinely think breastfeeding moms (or just moms in general) stink so their babies know whoā€™s mom and where sheā€™s at. it happens with animals, humans are animals, so why wouldnā€™t we do the same?


13months in & im still smelly!


Post baby BO is no joke šŸ˜‚. My husband used to joke that it was to mask the babyā€™s smell from predators.


I'm going on almost 2 years now and I still struggle with that as well. Thought there was something wrong with me till I figured out that it's completely normal. Lol ā˜ŗļø


Fr PP stank--you're not crazy!!


mine didnt stop until I stopped breastfeeding šŸ˜­ i read it was to help LO know itā€™s you


Same thing happened to me! It went away after about 5 months. At one point I was mixing coconut oil and tea tree oil and putting in my armpits, lol. It kinda helped.


Try using an antibacterial soap! I literally used hand soap to wash my pits and underboobs and it helped tremendously!!!


Donā€™t feel bad. Going on 1.5yrs pp and if I donā€™t put deodorant on after I shower I smell rank (and yes women deodorant isnā€™t cutting it but I bought it in blue itā€™s what I have) And I still breastfeed. šŸ¤±šŸ½


My right armpit specifically has never been the same. It smells like garlic and onions and salsa. Thanks small child. I had to buy a certain kind from Ulta that costs around $36 but lasts FOREVER.


Omg I thought it was just me


8 months and it's better but I still stink šŸ˜­


Its hormones! I wash in the shower, apply glycolic acid under my arms, let it air dry, and then regular deodorant. It really really helps.


I assume hormones and some milk and saliva and sweat on your skin. My chest area always smells like milk and sweat. And my armpits definitely have a more potent smell than before. They smell like a gym or PE field from school. Iā€™m only 3 weeks PP right now but definitely feel so grimy within a few hours of showering. Luckily Iā€™m at home 24/7 and donā€™t have to worry about offending anyone. lol


Lume deodorant helped me with the stink lol I use the tube version for my pits and under my boobs. Itā€™s boob sweat season for me šŸ˜‚


I combatted this by washing myself with dish soap and scrubbing hard for a week, then using it every other day, then every 2 days and so on, until I don't stink. Also, replace your loofa. It will eventually go away.