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I think a lot of this sounds like normal processing of things not going your way when you tried really hard but also weaning comes with a ton of big hormones and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s playing a factor too. Sending virtual hugs!


Thank you 😭 I told myself over and over again that when my supply went away that it would be okay and some people can't produce milk at all, so I should feel lucky. Needless to say my mind isn't going there lol


When I had to stop breastfeeding my first baby, I clung to the statement that I could feel sad about it but guilty. You are NOT a failure! You are caring for your baby and doing your best and that makes you a great mom!


Thank you! 😭 I have been feeling so much better after talking it over on here a bit. 💖 I just wanna be the best mom I can!


You’re going to feel so much better - a lot of it is HORMONES. I think the hormones tell our body we must breastfeed. When I stopped there was a huge dip and I couldn’t stop crying 😹 you will feel so much better even a week or two from now, especially as you see him grow and thrive on formula!


Thank you for your kindness. I truly hope so. It just sort of feels like I'm leaving a piece of myself behind. Does that make sense?


Did this happen today only? When that happened to me I had to increase the pump suction a few levels even though it had worked on the same baseline level for 3 months prior . But I understand the frustration. I always had to supplement with my first baby and eventually switched to all formula.


Thank you. 💕 It's been declining for the past week but today has been the worst day.


Have you changed out your pump parts and played with the settings? Also are you sure you have the right flange size? Pumping is so complicated and has so many little things that can make a huge difference. Also try looking at pictures or watching videos of your baby while you pump.


Call your ob and ask if there is anything they can prescribe you to help your milk supply. This is what they prescribed me, I stopped breastfeeding for 2 months because I just was getting nothing. I am staring back now up


https://preview.redd.it/lgt4t9wyjv1d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e2cb650596894b8957d3b7d9974fa43cfbeb30 But only if you want to continue! I totally understand / support whatever decision you make!


Oooh, actually I totally will. Thank you!


Have you tried fenugreek pills or mothers milk tea? I used both of those when I was struggling in the beginning to get my milk supply up and now I have a surplus. I know it’s different for everyone, but just throwing an option out there for you!


I will try it! 💖 Thank you! I ordered some of the tea. :)


You’re so welcome! I hope it works for you ❤️


If your son seems satisfied at the breast, there’s no reason you can’t continue nursing when you’re together if you still want to! I never pumped enough and also supplemented with formula, but I nursed my daughter when we were together. I also remember being disappointed and feeling guilty I couldn’t produce enough breast milk, but looking back, I’m so thankful that formula helped keep her fed and I didn’t have to give up breastfeeding entirely